LE MAG 2022 Colas Group Techniques, Research & Development Magazine
LE MAG 2022 Colas Group Techniques, Research & Development Magazine
LE MAG 2022 Colas Group Techniques, Research & Development Magazine
and spaces
LE MAG 2022
In their own words
04 06 08
Feature Core Center Partnerships Stéphanie Minnebois: Techniques, Research & Development Director, Cédric Leroux: Director of the Core Center
Colas Group
RE It’s been several weeks since I was appointed, so I would like to “From CST to Core Center”
P take this opportunity to give you my initial thoughts on the series Dear readers, dear colleagues,
of meetings I launched. The release of the magazine, prepared over
24 30
several months by our Techniques, Research and Development (TR&D)
LE MAG — 2022
32 34
the following responsibilities: to ensure
This collaborative improvement process will soon give rise to a whole greater transparency in our various areas of
new project aimed at structuring our technical services. Our R&D expertise in the field; and to build an R&D
36 TS
roadmap, which was reviewed at the end of 2021 in light of the Group’s roadmap, with your help, in order to help
strategic priorities, will also be revised in terms of methodology and bolster our activities, achieve our various
Science events QSE objectives, reduce our carbon footprint and
Our main directives will remain in line with Colas’ ambition to position foster solutions that will help us as we move
itself as world leader in innovative and responsible mobility solutions. forward. Everyone here at the Core Center
Our plans and operations will reflect the company’s values, as well as is excited to write this new chapter by your
its commitments regarding the ACT project. They will also incorporate side, whilst creating new connections that
Colas’ drive to further its international vision, to create seamless will enable Colas to go ever-further.
connections between the global and local levels and to improve our In this issue, you’ll also find a full report on
rapport with the different regions and activities on the ground. our ADAPT project, aimed at developing
Beyond my deep-felt belief in networking, fluidity and transversal solutions to generate cool islands in large
approaches, I would like to emphasize another conviction of mine: urban areas, as well as information on several
the need for business partner positioning. By being fully dedicated technical development initiatives.
to the Group’s internal stakeholders and to its customers, our TR&D Wishing you all a pleasant read.
On the move infrastructure’s high level of efficiency is guaranteed to boost Colas’
Once it is finalized, I look forward to presenting our future roadmap
to you, and to us implementing it as a collective, with all of the
enthusiasm that I have witnessed during our meetings together.
2 3
by Thierry DELCROIX
The third pillar of the Colas carbon and biodiversity roadmap is: the
-30 %
development and promotion of low-carbon techniques and solutions.
All initiatives motivated by this driver help lower our Scope 3 carbon
footprint. Here are some examples – either underway since 2021, or still
to carbon neutrality
to come.
30 % reduction of direct greenhouse
gas emissions (scopes 1 & 2)
Calculating and reducing the carbon footprint of our products
and techniques
The climate crisis is knocking at our door. The alarming facts in the recent IPCC report reinforce our
determination to take action and play our part in collective efforts to curb the impacts of climate
In France, the Group’s product catalogue is being updated to
showcase environment-friendly solutions that we can promote to our
clients. Scheduled for end 2022, the new catalogue will detail effective
gains in CO2 emissions compared to traditional solutions.
-30 %
30% reduction of indirect emissions
A specialist consultancy firm has helped us change how we design in upstream activities (scope 3a)
new products, with environmental concerns now built into the initial
design stage plus every phase of the life cycle.
AR6 is the 6th Assessment Report produced WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD?
Reducing the carbon footprint of the concretes and hydraulic
by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate All scenarios envisaged in AR6 see global warming increasing by binders we produce and/or use scopes 1 et 2 : business activities
Change (IPCC)*. Published in August 2021, 2050. To curb the rise, it is necessary to reduce greenhouse gasses
it confirms the alarming state of the climate First test sites for stabilized sand featuring a binder with a better
significantly, quickly and durably. company
around the world: environmental footprint than traditional options. vehicles
If we achieve carbon neutrality, global warming should cease (AR6 services
• Humans have an indisputable influence on Inventing a “concrete calculator” that enables each production plant
LE MAG — 2022
expresses greater certainty about this than the previous report) and consumption
climate change. to work out its own greenhouse gas profile and identify areas for of electricity,
air quality improve.
improvement. steam, heating
• All regions of the world are impacted, with Our future climate therefore depends on the decisions we take now. and cooling
irreversible consequences already impacting Training modules on cements, concretes, hydraulic binders and lower-
Every ton of CO2 we emit heats the planet. carbon alternatives.
oceans, ice caps and sea level.
Every individual can take action. And businesses, too, obviously have scope 3a : upstream activities
• Climate change is currently on a scale that
a major role to play. Colas continues the rapid deployment of its low- Reducing the carbon footprint of the mixes we produce or use
has not been experienced for hundreds or business product
carbon and biodiversity strategies, with clearly stated goals in line with travel and service
even thousands of years, and is expected to Within the One Colas Plant and Pillar 2 initiatives, we invented a procurement
the Paris Agreement:
trigger more extreme weather events. “mix calculator” that enables each mix plant to work out its own
30% reduction of direct greenhouse gas emissions (scopes 1 & 2) greenhouse gas profile and identify areas for improvement. transportation
30% reduction of indirect emissions in our upstream activities (scope 3a) The Core Center is developing binders for extremely low-carbon mixes
by 2030. to replace bitumen: Vegecol and Vegeroad range. waste
provide detailed assessments of the Certainly the most important phase of Pillar 3. To reduce the carbon
state of scientific, technical and socio- footprint of the infrastructures we construct and/or maintain, we must
85 %
economic knowledge about climate get our clients to accept our low-carbon techniques and products.
change, its causes, potential impacts That’s in the hands of sales teams, technical departments, design
and coping strategies. offices and operators, whose skills in the field of low-carbon solutions
It does not produce new research, must be enhanced.
but assesses the knowledge base Percentage of Colas’ carbon
by critically assessing the content of In France, a suite of training courses for design offices is already emissions generated by freight,
scientific publications. available on our eco-oriented SEVE software. Training modules are waste, the procurement of
You’ll find a summary of the IPCC’s AR6 currently being designed to train sales teams and operators for the construction products and
on page 34 (fun climate fresco activity) international deployment of SEVE• materials, etc..
4 5
by Isabelle COUILLET and Cédric LEROUX by Catherine LEGROU
values that are respect, sharing and
determination. France), Cerema & DIT, Poste Immo, Michelin, BNP Paribas &
CGI, Bouygues Immobilier & ARP Astrance, Edward Bouygues
In order to accompany this change,
& Fabrice Bonnifet, Bouygues SA, Colas Projects Operations
the Campus for Science and
Department, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, France’s Minister for
Techniques (CST) is changing its
The new strategic challenges that the Group is facing (CSR1, adapting to climate change, the digital name to Core Center (COlas REsearch
Transport, new recruits to the Colas Communication Department,
transformation, sustainable mobility, etc.), and particularly those highlighted in the Carbon and Hélène Geronimi Sub-Prefect for Rambouillet, Colas SA
International HR team, French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC),
Biodiversity strategy at the end of 2020, have led Colas to rethink its R&D strategy. Let us look Colas Rail, Destia, Colas Projects, Colas Ltd, Marie Gautier-
back on this deep transformation. Melleray, France’s Interministerial Delegate for Road Safety
(accompanied by F. Gardès).
We also hosted our regular Colas Universities. They enabled
Gathering 14 different fields, the and enhance their skill sets in certain fields, whilst
approximately 280 colleagues to deepen their knowledge of
Core Center wants to channel its simultaneously freeing up resources for R&D activities
the Group and, more specifically, learn more about the various
financial and other resources into at the Core Center. This process began at the start of
professions practiced within the Core Center’s fields of expertise.
R&D activities that reflect the 2021 and continues in 2022. The Core Center obviously fields.
LE MAG — 2022
strategic challenges facing the continues to provide technical support in certain very Tours of our Center really took off again in 2022. By end July,
Group and its subsidiaries. specific technical fields, as well as in areas that demand approximately 230 people had visited the Core Center (plus 160
resources that the group’s subsidiaries are not expected for Colas University sessions):
to procure. Link City, Colas Ltd, L’Express, Point P, Bouygues SA, Amazon,
2021 was a pivotal year for the All procedures for steering CST projects Bouygues Bâtiment International, Bouygues SA audit team, Colas
R&D ROADMAP - now called Core Center - were International Recruitment, Oil Malal Chile, EODD design office,
Core Center. New foundations
were laid for the construction and An R&D strategy reflecting the challenges facing the also revamped in order to foster the TV78, Colas Legal Department, Colas Digital Solutions, IDFN
organization of a portfolio of R&D Group was drawn up and presented to the Management development of products and technologies Regional Legal Department, Colas SA Finance Department•
activities to be carried out for the Board. It was validated on September 9, 2021. The existing that satisfy market demand within the
Group over coming years. project portfolio was reviewed and reshaped to match timeframe defined at the project launch.
the strategy. It will be updated and enriched with projects Stakeholder departments (technical,
COMPETENCY TRANSFER that match short- and medium-term market challenges business, marketing, environment, legal,
for the Group, as well as more prospective topics that development, sales) will be on the project
The first step was to identify team from project launch through to market
could gain in importance in coming years. Work on the
the tests and test equipment launch.
2022-2025 Roadmap began in autumn 2021 and ended in visitors in 2021
that needed to be transferred to
the first half of 2022. THE GROUP IS COUNTING ON R&D
subsidiaries’ labs, to enable them
to become more autonomous
A stronger accent on R&D activities will
help employees at the Core Center to
realize just how important a role they play
TRL/BRL scale: project management process within the Group. They will also develop average visits per year
new technical and project management
skills. The nature of the R&D projects will 1200
TRL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
also lead the Core Center to recruit new
In-house External Controlled Capitalization Mature
Idea Framework Concept Feasibility experimental experimental
dissemination salution skill sets, and thus enrich the Group’s 960
sites sites
number of visitors
technical network.
CORE Center 720
The Core Center’s plans for a make-over are
technical review
Design ambitious. They will ensure that the financial
Ideation Development Deployment COVID
Stakeholder review assessment and other resources allotted to it are on 480
Go/No go par with the strategic challenges facing
the Group, contribute efficiently to the 240
1 2 3 4 1. Company development of Core Center activities, and
Market launch Social consolidate Colas’s technical leadership on
BRL Opportunity Market test preparation Sales monitoring 0
Responsibility all of its markets• 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
6 7
by Stéphane JOLLET and Sophie DECREUSE
Gravel Seal,
Colibri: transatlantic
Latest news! cooperation
Thanks to the efforts of project teams and users on pilot sites, Colas’ system
for managing lab info is making regular progress around the world. Special
thanks go to the graduates working on their final thesis in the four French
regions for the wonderful work they have carried out. Canada, the United States, French Guiana and the Core Center worked
hand-in-hand to develop an anionic bitumen emulsion for a gravel seal
job site in French Guiana.
Gravel seal is little known in France, but a regular coating choice in
TWO MAJOR UPDATES SINCE JUNE 2021 Canada. It offers many advantages - both technical and environmental.
LE MAG — 2022
• Canada: specific settings added to comply 2023. is advantageous on several counts, such
with North American standards and local as reducing the susceptibility to heat of
Colibri continues to evolve in line with user An emulsion is said to have high
market requirements; user and manager the residual binder from the emulsion. This
training courses; deployment to pilot floatability when its residual bitumen
property improves the durability of the
labs. Tests can be designed thanks to the boasts the properties of a gel, resulting
huge efforts of Arash Ghahremani and a from the reaction between the
dedicated integrator. emulsifying agent and the bitumen.
Gravel Seal JOB SITES
TUTORIALS AT YOUR FINGER TIPS applied in 2020 Ribal TP has completed several gravel seal
A new version of Colibri will be designed jobs (6km in 2020, then 10km and 6km in
as of this summer, in light of feedback There is now a Colibri channel! In time, all of 2021). The coating was placed on an un-
bound lateritic base. The high-float emulsion
requesting improvements before deployment. the videos (tutorials, presentations, procedures,
etc.) will be uploaded to complement the was developed at the Core Center, thanks to
The new version reflects approximately 80 tutorials that are available on Colibri. Meanwhile, rich exchanges between the Campus, Colas EFFICIENT TEAM WORK!
requests submitted by France and Canada. the User Manual has also been updated to Canada, Colas US and Ribal TP.
They have been gathered into spec.s and Knowledge transfer was fundamental to this
correspond to the latest version (4.3) released Frédéric Gardès, Chairman and CEO of the project, and very useful for all involved. As
validated. last November (available in Colibri). Colas Group, had the opportunity to visit a a result, new opportunities are opening up
Gravel Seal gravel seal job site during a trip to French for the Group, thanks to the use of high-float
applied in 2021 Guyana. emulsions for road pavements•
8 9
by Julien ROUX by Thuriane DE LAJUDIE
by the Ministry. A precise technical protocol as a control sample, and 400m of Rugocol
on the software’s functions were held for GLOBE for 6 years now. ABOUT IT
is applied to provide an objective assessment Grip.
technical staff from French regions and also 2021 was marked
Thanks to all of this hard work, a couple of of the selected innovative solutions and their Both sections will be monitored over 3 years
new countries (Belgium, Switzerland, Indian by a host of
clicks will reveal an overall picture of the advantages. by Colas’s technical department in the West
Ocean area). Trainers (Julien Roux and Julien actions that
equipment pool and the situation of each added further Projects range from pavements to dynamic of France, and CEREMA, who will be paying
Laure) and users discussed difficulties and
item (in use, in storage, etc.) A snapshot of scope to the equipment via processes and job site particular attention to the evolution of grip
identified solutions.
available equipment in each part of the world software. organization. and the accident rates on the 2 sections•
A Yammer community specifically dedicated will enhance our agility: eventually, we will Thanks to the
to Optimu was created in order to encourage users who got In 2020, Colas was among the selected
be able to launch each new job site faster,
the different regions to have a more in involved. Without projects with Rugocol Grip, our thin to very We’ll be back in 3 years with news of
by sourcing available equipment from the
depth conversation regarding this software. you, these thin surfacing protocol offering high and validation for Rugocol Grip!
4 corners of the country - or the planet! It
It provides a platform for discussion and advances would lasting grip.
will also reduce unnecessary spending on
interaction, where questions can be put to not have been
the purchase of new pieces of equipment. This course has a granular matrix with
the entire community. It is also the place The metrology snapshot will inform future differential wear integrating natural or
to go for downloadable documents (User investment strategies, too, and pinpoint other aggregate with very high polishing
Manual, links, indicators). Evolutions and resistance.
zones that need to be reinforced to cater for
initiatives pertaining to the software are local needs. It boasts outstanding grip qualities that
announced on it in real time, and fresh
Specific e-mail alerts have been set up in the are suitable for sectors prone to accidents
documents are regularly uploaded including,
final quarter of 2021: users are e-mailed lists (damp, winding roads; braking areas; etc.).
for example, a tutorial video.
that address their needs. For example, a list training sessions It also satisfies local government safety and
of pieces of equipment “awaiting a decision environmental requirements.
INTENSE OPTIMU ROLL-OUT after calibration” following a non-compliance The Dordogne Regional Council and
Meanwhile, Sébastien Denaës was working during calibration/verification. List in hand, CEREMA (center for studying and analyzing
with new territories (Canada, USA, an impact analysis can quickly be carried hazards, the environment, mobility
out in order to minimize the risk of a quality community
Hungary) to prepare them for the arrival and spatial planning) attended several
of the software: a specific server was set shortfall when the job site is signed off by the preparatory meetings with Colas’s technical
up, featuring a bespoke version of the client• network. Together, they identified two
software (English-language version, country hazardous road sections for assessing
standards); many meetings were held Rugocol Grip.
with coordinators to identify needs; and The Colas agency in Saint-Astier took charge
support was provided for the repatriation of the two demonstration sites in September
of existing bases. Great progress was made 2021: one on the RD6089 in Saint-Léon-sur-
in homogenizing practices in the different l’Isle and the other on the RD710 in Lacropte.
10 11
by Carole GUEIT by Julien MORINEAU and Pascal GUIHO
It is widely recognized that certain bitumens IN THE LAB Colquick is the best-performing storable mix
have an unpleasant smell, due to their The Core Center’s Chemistry Division used headspace gas from Colas on the market for small-scale
chemical composition. There are different chromatography and mass spectrometry to compare the volatile repairs, such as potholes. It is sold in 25-kilo
LE MAG — 2022
ways of tackling this problem in a binder molecules emitted by pure bitumen, and by the same bitumen once buckets.
or mix plant – either by addressing the one or more of a series of additives had been added. Colquick contains no volatile flux
production equipment or adding odor The additives could then be ranked according to their ability to curb and therefore has the advantageous
control agents to the bitumen itself. In the the emission of the most odorous molecules in bitumen, and according characteristic of not generating volatile
latter case, however, in order to protect to the innocuousness of their own emission. organic compounds (VOCs).
the health of staff and local residents, it is
Once laid, the mix needs to be sprayed with
important to check that the additive does
INDUSTRIAL SCALE water before compaction. The water triggers
not release toxic molecules that would go
Colas France West and South-East regions ran tests on the different a chemical reaction that hardens the mix
unnoticed, because odorless.
additives at an industrial scale. Several mix plants, and the warehouse within a matter of hours and makes Colquick
Using an bitumen that the oil company has so effective.
already treated (such as Shell Freshair®) in Blaye, were equipped with a special pump that can incorporate
a few hundred ‰ of additive into the bitumen during the transfer Colquick’s mechanical performance is better
was a first step in this direction. However,
procedure in the safest possible way. than that of its competitors, and worthy of a
keen to be able to diversify our bitumen
Feedback was collected, including testimonials from on-site staff, hot mix, making it one of the best products
supply sources, we decided to deepen our
applications teams, and local residents. Some have access to a on the market.
knowledge about the additives themselves.
dedicated app for logging complaints. This solution is particularly suitable for
Feedback from the Colas Group around
repairs bearing substantial traffic, where
the world - namely from the US, Canada,
classic storable mixes do not have sufficient
Thailand and Australia - provided a list PARTNERING FOR A GLOBAL ANALYSIS hold.
of additives that have already been
Aligning the conclusions of both studies (lab and industrial) will lead Colquick is made in France by Colas
used. Further additives with the right
to a solution that is both efficient and protective of health and safety. France North-East region. The production
characteristics were also sought out in order
By helping to ensure that our pavements are more appealing, the fruit unit moved into new premises in October
to run a comparative study on the broadest
of this partnership will therefore be of benefit, on a broader scale, to 2020, having outgrown the previous plant’s
possible scale.
our in-house and external partners• production capacity in light of growing
An in-depth research phase consisting
in analyzing the literature and discussing
with suppliers (chemical composition, flash The new premises cover 600m² and
point, mechanism, etc.) narrowed the field. accommodate the manufacturing equipment,
Several additives were selected for further the raw materials and the entire production
investigation on two concomitant fronts: in Members of the working group: process.
the lab and on an industrial scale. Continental Bitumen: Emmanuel Cornet, Jérémy Courtois, Philippe Heurtel A bucket of Colquick used to have a 6-month
West France: Jean-Yves Villaine shelf life, but this is being extended to 1 year
South-East France: Philippe Bouvard, Frédéric Rilliot to give our clients more leeway•
Core Center: Ludivine Fanouillet, Carole Gueit
12 13
by Thierry DELCROIX by Eftychia GRANA
Since it was first used in 2003 on the aptly named Route du Futur BASt is a highway research institute. It was THE FLOWELL SOLUTION TESTED AT BAST
(road of the future) in Ploufragan, this binder has benefitted from created by the German government in 1951 Seeing and being seen are major
substantial further research. Its main ingredients are a pine-tree resin and its vocation is to improve the safety, prerequisites for road safety.
that is produced in France, and a plant-based oil made from GMO- environment-friendliness, efficacy and
free oilseed produced in Europe. Vegecol is still produced at the Colas Road markings can be considered an
performance of technical solutions for roads.
plant in Vitrolles.(Bouches-du-Rhône). essential element of visual guidance for road
It carries out tests on behalf of the German users.
After several experimental job sites around the world between 2017 Transport & Digital Infrastructures Ministry,
and 2020, we entered a phase of progressive deployment in 2021. Road markings are made from various
ensuring that road markings, among other
materials combined with a range of drop- April 2021:
Vegecol is a low-carbon alternative to traditional attractive surfaces things, comply with safety and durability
LE MAG — 2022
© BASt
properties of the materials.
2021 › 2022: Controlled roll-out of Vegecol
School yard in Colomiers (Haute-Garonne) Laboratory test on a Flowell slab Wear & tear test turntable
14 15
INTRINSIC MATERIALS This physical score sheds light on an urban
CHARACTERIZATION: A KEY STEP material’s capacity to absorb or reflect
Pierre MARÉCHAL and Arnaud SANZEL
Surface materials used on the ground and energy received, and its surface temperature.
A low-albedo material absorbs more energy.
Cool islands
on buildings in urban environments have
the capacity to absorb and store heat, Its surface temperature will be higher. On the
which contributes to the formation of other hand, a high-albedo material absorbs
UHIs. The radiative and heating properties less energy. However it contributes to the
of the materials can significantly increase multi-reflection of the sun. This characteristic
and spaces
temperature levels in towns and cities. Bare is notably linked to the color of the material –
ground and plant-covered surfaces, to be but not exclusively, as some materials reflect
found more readily in the countryside, do not rays outside the visible spectrum.
demonstrate the same behavior. The average albedo of planet earth is 0.28
(0.34 for the continents, 0.26 for the oceans).
To help towns and cities adapt to climate change, Colas is developing solutions that contribute to Downtown albedos vary immensely: 0.05 for
the creation of cool islands and spaces in urban environments. They improve the thermal comfort ALBEDO
new asphalt mixes; 0.20 for old asphalt mixes
of users on a local scale whilst also generating other advantages. This article outlines various ways Albedo, or solar reflectivity, is the main containing either pale aggregate or some red
characteristic that determines how any
of analyzing individual sites to tailor bespoke solutions. material will behave with heat. Albedo is the
aggregates, and concrete. An albedo in the
region of 0.5 can be achieved with pavement
relationship between solar energy received mixes containing only elements that are pale
and reflected energy. Albedo is expressed on in color (binders, aggregate).
a scale of 0 to 1, where 1 represents a surface
URBAN HEAT ISLANDS AND HEAT WAVES So within one and the same town we see
that reflects 100% of the energy, and 0 a
The term Urban Heat Island (UHI) refers to a built-up space where the variations in temperature readings from one
surface that absorbs 100% of the sun’s rays
temperature is higher than in neighboring rural areas. The extra heat is spot to another, due to the specific urban
with no reflection.
due to the differences in radiative, thermal and water values between characteristics of each zone. For example:
whether or not the streets are in line with A surface with an albedo below 0.03 (or 3%)
a dense urban area and the surrounding countryside. Several factors
dominant winds, and the distance between is perceived as being black. A surface with
come into play, such as:
buildings. Narrow streets with tall buildings, an albedo above 0.8 (or 80%) is perceived
• the shape of the urban complex, which can prevent air from as white. A perfectly white surface, or a
called “canyon streets”, trap the sun’s rays
LE MAG — 2022
circulating between buildings and also trap heat from the sun’s rays; perfect mirror, reflects 100% of the light and
more, which bumps up the temperature
• construction and pavement materials, which tend to absorb heat compared to other, more open, urban spaces. therefore has an albedo of 1. At the other end
during the day and release some of that stored heat at night; of the scale, a totally transparent surface or a
UHIs are only to be found in towns and
perfectly black surface has an albedo of 0.
• a lack of plants and water surfaces, which would boost evaporation cities and they are largely dependent on
and evapotranspiration for a cooling effect; weather conditions. The UHI phenomenon
• anthropic heat emissions (air con, vehicles with heat engines, etc.) is accentuated during heat waves, when
differences in temperature between towns
and rural zones can reach up to ten or so
degrees, notably at night. Climate change
amplifies the frequency and intensity of such
extreme weather events.
see next
solution for each site. Colas embraces
light of obstacles in the environment such as walls and reflective elements, or areas of shade).
an interdisciplinary approach to these
This piece of equipment can not only assess dry mineral surfaces, but also surfaces that have been
analyses, calling upon experts from a sprayed with water, as well as reflecting pools and plant-studded surfaces. The Core Center’s
host of different fields. albedometer
16 17
The principle of inertia is one of the main reasons why Urban Heat contribute to maintaining a relatively high
characterizing the hydrological performance (run-off and infiltration)
Islands form, because construction materials have higher thermal ambient temperature at night. Fine rain simulated on Raincol
of permeable surfaces and materials in entire permeable structures
inertia than the natural ground. At the other end of the scale, a sandy Core Center run-off bench
(see insert opposite).
material (stabilized sand, exposed-aggregate The prototype developed by Colas is
Eventually, we also aim to determine the evaporation levels of
concrete) is pale in color and will therefore used in the lab to measure run-off and
our surfaces and solutions relative to their porosity, as well as the
reflect more of the sun’s rays during the day. infiltration on small samples of mix, for
evapotranspiration of our plant-bearing solutions. The goal is to be
Furthermore, because its structure contains a given slope and spray-rate.
able to offer new urban cooling solutions.
lots of air, it has low energy-storage capacity,
which is an additional advantage for the The prototype aims to determine
Heat cycle: storage in the ground and release. a “superficial run-off coefficient”
Comparing urban and rural settings. reflecting the relationship between
The combined effect of all of the the volume of water presented to the
characteristics of the structures and the surface of the material, and the volume
materials they are made of (albedo and Evolution of hydrological conditions in relation to soil seal
of water that runs off said material.
thermal inertia) thus explains their impact
on the microclimate… and the higher For a given slope under given rain
temperatures in towns and cities. conditions, the coefficient offers a
good indication of the material’s
The Core Center has started to compile capacity to curb the direct formation
a reference library of the radiative of run-off on its surface, and thus its
characteristics (albedo) and thermal capacity to allow the water to trickle
properties (thermal conductivity and thermal down into the underlying structure.
mass) of Colas surfaces and materials
(dense-grade, permeable, draining mixes that In an operational context, such a
are dark or light in color, concrete, organo- coefficient can offer valuable guidance
mineral surfaces, etc.) – when choosing a surface for a spatial
planning project, for example, or
designing a rainwater management
system in a permeable parking lot.
The purpose of the prototype
developed by Colas is to characterize
see next
the hydrological performance of
surface courses and complete
permeable structures in the comfort of
the lab.
18 19
based on these readings plus other (has the user just left a room with air con, complex and how land is used: available GIS and BIM are major levers for speeding up
parameters linked to the users, such as or a poorly insulated building?), details from free sources - such as France’s microclimate modeling.
metabolism and clothing. of the user’s mood and also their level of National Institute of Geographic and
acceptance of the perceived comfort. Forest Information (IGN) for buildings, for
example, and the “open data” portals of CIM for urban cooling solutions
local administrations. This is GIS data in
Thermal comfort shapefile or CityGML(1) format.
• Data from the construction project:
contained in a file in IFC (Industry
Foundation Classes)(2) format.
• Weather data pertaining to the site in
question (temperature, wind, etc.): this
data can come from the databases of
weather organizations or specialist
websites. Simulations can be based on
weather conditions that are representative
of the selected zone, or models that take
into account how the weather will evolve
several years into the future. Specialist
microclimate modeling software also
features weather data.
• Data about the location of vegetation: very
little such data is available.
• Data pertaining to the thermal and
radiative properties of the materials.
see next
(1) CityGML: an IT format for representing, storing and exchanging 3D models of towns and landscapes based on XML. It defines the major
topographical features of a town according to their geometrical, topological and semantic properties and appearance.
(2) IFC is a universal program of cooperation in the sphere of building design, construction and use. It is based on open work processes and
20 21
Thermal comfort measuring station of the Core Center
Anemometer •
Thermo-hygrometer •
Cool islands and spaces Black globe thermometer •
Pyranometer •
22 23
by Sébastien QUIGNIOT and Aurélie LORSERIE
Data Science:
analyses without having first of all put in
place a strategy for the subject in question,
means that the statistics gleaned are only of
limited use, if any! This new process will, in
a new specialization
the long-run, consolidate study management,
as all parameters linked to data processing
and data mining will be integrated. Here’s
some feedback from Aurélie LORSERIE on a
concrete example of a transversal approach.
The recently appointed Metrology Methods & Data Science (M2DS) department is diversifying by Aurélie, can you give us some background How do you feel now about your first
creating a Data Analyst position. The remit of the new branch is to develop a “statistics” strategy about your study, and why you decided to “statistical experience”? And did the
focus on the statistics. results live up to your expectations?
in order to rise to the challenges inherent in data.
It was a complex study on the subject of It was no walk in the park! I’m not at all at
polymer-modified bitumen. The goal was ease with statistical studies and data mining;
to gain a better understanding of how our it took a while for me to grasp the different
Data plays a key role in this digital era: test METHODOLOGY VALIDATION Sébastien binders behave, and hopefully observe notions and how they play out. But thanks to
results, instrument/sensor readings, statistical QUIGNIOT
This procedure checks the effectiveness of a methodology, by assessing formula-related tendencies. the many conversations we had, I started to
feedback from industry, etc. Wherever the
LE MAG — 2022
the precision and accuracy of a test. By getting to know more about bitumen/ learn the vocabulary and better understand
information comes from, it is presented in
Characterizing the methodology adopted for the elementary polymer pairings, we’ll be able to get back to what can be achieved.
multi-dimensional tables and spreadsheets.
analysis of bitumens or minerals. our clients more quickly when they request Statistical analysis made it possible to define
The main task of a Data Analyst is to process
formulae. That was the key driver behind the linear correlations between binder formula and
and analyze the data. Once the information
study. performance. We created groups of formulae,
it contains has been summarized it can be DATA ANALYSIS / MACHINE LEARNING
To get there, we needed a large number of classifying them in light of their average
interpreted, enabling project managers and
These terms refer to a series of techniques for the exploratory analysis Aurélie characteristics from the usual tests, carried performance scores in the different tests.
decision-makers to make the best choices.
of regressions and classifications (analyses that may, or may not, LORSERIE out on different formulae. We selected five We were also able to highlight some
There are two fundamentals in data analysis:
be supervised). Qualitative/quantitative data is processed, and the pure bitumens and four polymers, giving a correlations between tests. For example,
the quality of the data and the methodology.
information summarized in an optimally exhaustive analysis. total of thirty-six formulae, both with and there is a strong correlation between the
Quality data can be mined with a vast panel of without cross-links. The characteristics of elastic recovery of a fresh binder and the
Descriptive and comparative analysis of data generated by 2
tools, some of which are described below with each binder had to be identified in thirty-six results obtained for moduli.
measuring devices.
examples of usage directly linked to our labs. tests. That was a huge job. We organized One of the main conclusions seems to be
and shared the work with Hincol labs in that the nature of the bitumen has a greater
This catalogue of techniques is built into the process for managing the India and Tipco labs in Bangkok: production
COMPARATIVE TESTING impact than the nature of the polymer or the
development of new products and technologies. The latest component, at the Core Center, ageing at Hincol, and
Comparative testing consists in taking a series bitumen-polymer couple.
data analysis, takes the form of a statistics strategy as illustrated in the characterization at Tipco.
of readings in order: to assess the precision block diagram below. But other avenues remain to be explored!
of a measuring method; or appraise the skill Xavier Guyot (Tipco) eventually sent us a
data matrix containing no fewer than 1,584 Keen to carry out further studies?
of a laboratory through round robin testing;
or establish a reference value for a standard entries that we then had to analyze. Absolutely! But this time, learning from our
reference material. I realized that the task was monumental data and our experience, the first step would
and there was a risk we’d miss some pieces be an experiment design phase. We could
Assessing the accuracy of particle grading
of information if we carried out a “classic” then program the most pertinent tests and
carried out by image analysis.
analysis. That’s when I thought to myself get an even greater return on everyone’s
that you could help me get the most out of efforts.
EXPERIMENT DESIGN Study, Statistics strategy Tests, experiments the situation, by carrying out a statistical
project, idea Data structure I’m really pleased to have carried out the
Experiment design is the way in which Pre-validation of model analysis. study. The results are the fruit of true
Assessment of certitudes
experiments are structured. The aim is to collaboration between the ORE Center and
ensure that a maximum amount of information our colleagues in India and Thailand. A huge
can be harvested from as few tests as possible. “thank you” to them!
24 25
by Benoît BOU- VERET by Arnaud PLASSAIS and Arnaud SANZEL
AN ENHANCED GROUND-PENETRATING RADAR The “maturity” approach assesses a may be heterogeneous, finite element modeling permits the geometric
With its 21 antennae, the 3D radar probes the structure across a width concrete’s mechanical resistance on a job discretization of the structure under study. It is therefore easy to
of 1.5 meters in one pass, whereas a conventional GPR measures along site based on temperature readings plus determine, for any calculus instant, the temperature of the “finite
LE MAG — 2022
a line. experiment results mapped onto a graph elements” of which the piece is composed.
to illustrate the evolution of mechanical Determining power generated, tied in with the conditions at the limits
Its antennae work on the principle of “stepped frequency”, which
behaviors. The notion of “equivalent time” is of the model, can therefore reveal the temperature of the structure
allows for deep probing without sacrificing resolution. 3D visualization
used to correlate the degree of advancement during hydration for a given formula and application conditions, and
on 3 orthogonal planes (see illustration) makes it easy to identify
in real conditions with the degree of whether or not the ISA temperature threshold was reached.
classic items (interfaces, utilities) and may enable us to go further,
advancement in the lab by integrating the
such as detecting delamination or assessing the density of a mix. In short, the finite element calculus and integrating the exothermal
Readings being taken by the Colas France West team formula’s thermal history.
Inspections using the 3D radar coupled with a deflectometer were phenomenon of hydration enables us to:
The principles of this method can be applied
carried out in 2021, thanks to efforts from Colas France teams. • know at any instant in time the precise temperature range of a
to determine maximum temperature, and
More are planned for 2022, notably in coordination with New complex concrete structure after pouring;
thus help prevent ISA.
Technologies. • take into account weather conditions surrounding the structure (sun’s
Usually, the evolution of the temperature of
rays, wind, nocturnal radiation);
a concrete structure is calculated using finite
All inspection requests, and all site proposals, are more than welcome!• element models of transient heat transfer. • anticipate different job site scenarios easily and relatively
Such calculations solve the heat equation in inexpensively (concrete formula, nature of the binder, type of
3D and reveal the range of temperatures in formwork, pouring temperature, phasing, etc.).•
the structure at different moments in time.
Similarly, convective and radiative exchanges
Readings by the Colas France Île-de-France
are naturally taken care of by the “ABAQUS” An Internal Sulfate Attack (ISA) is the formation over time of
Normandy team
calculus code used systematically at the expansive materials (ettringite) that are likely to cause damage to
Core Center. a concrete structure.
A Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a An ISA is mainly caused by the concrete reaching high temperatures
interface However, modeling the kinetics of concrete
device fitted with radar antennae that when young (over 65°C).
hydration - a reaction that is both exothermic
can probe a structure or subsurface in a It mainly affects large-scale constructions and prefabricated
and thermally activated - requires the
presence non-destructive manner. elements that have been steam cured.
of technical
development of a user code that has to be
A GPR is used in archaeology and in the
sleeves grafted onto the calculus solver. The kinetics
military, for example, to detect changes
of concrete hydration are determined
in material - the presence of cavities,
according to the concepts used to measure
foundations, bone or metal. Where roads
maturity: for each iteration of calculus,
are concerned, a GPR is used mainly
maturity is calculated as a function of the
to detect interfaces between courses,
temperature history of each finite element
underground cables and pipes, or the
from when the concrete was poured and its
waterproofing course of an engineering Temperature range in an acropod during
present temperature.
structure. concrete hydration: the core reaches 64°C
For bulky pieces, although temperature fields after several hours.
26 27
© Philippe Hauza
by Sophie DECREUSE by Myriam DESROCHES
of roads
worthless. Today, when pyrites are present underground they
can create quite a few problems. But how do we detect and
eliminate them?
Cubic pyrit
Pyrite is a mineral with the formula FeS2. Sulfur emissions in smoke released during lay-down operations Green chemistry consists in applying
It is found in magmatic, metamorphic and Studies carried out by the Core Center demonstrate that close to 1% the principles of sustainable develop-
sedimentary rock… in short, practically pyrite (expressed in SO3) in aggregates can be enough to exceed the
everywhere! ment to the world of chemistry.
SO2 emission thresholds set in mix plants. This is due to the oxidation
of the pyrite at high temperatures.
A QUICK CHEMISTRY LESSON It is defined in twelve principles1 including
Pyrites react with water and oxygen to form Structural problems in concrete pollution prevention, designing safer
iron oxide and hydrogen sulfide that can then Two types of structural problem can occur in concrete: products, improving energy efficiency,
become sulfuric acid. reducing the use of organic solvents, and
• pyrite present in the aggregate used to make concrete;
consuming less raw materials, notably of
• pyrite present in earthworks materials situated beneath the
LE MAG — 2022
FeS₂ + 15/4 0₂ + 5/2 H₂0 fossil origin. These principles have been
pyrite oxygen water concrete (concrete slabs on soil, foundations, etc.)
applied to road construction for many
▷ FeOOH + 2 H₂S0₄ These problems have been identified in Quebec in particular. years, but they are a hotter topic today than
thite sulfuric acid Sulfates released during pyrite oxidation react with the hydrates in ever, with climate pressure mounting. The
hardened cement paste. Hence the formation of secondary ettringite principles of green chemistry tie in perfectly
PROBLEMS CAUSED BY PYRITE OXIDATION and expansion. with the Colas Group’s low-carbon goals.
Agro-sourced Vegecol and Ekoflux are
Acid drainage in quarries and HOW CAN WE IDENTIFY PYRITES? already classics in the Colas product
embankments portfolio, and a host of other plans are afoot
Method Advantage Drawback
This problem occurs in magmatic and to develop materials that are safer and more
metamorphic rock that is very rich in pyrite Measure total sulfur Standardized method Just a few grams of material sustainable.
content, or sulfide are used to characterize an
as soon as the rock is unearthed and enters Work on emulsifiers made from shrimp
content in aggregate entire site
into contact with water and air. The reaction shells2, which are not toxic for the
triggers the formation of sulfuric acid, a fall Monitor the pH of Good description of Pertains to just a few kilos. environment, has, for example, led to a first
in the pH of surface water, and the release aggregate immersed pyrite reactivity Takes 2 weeks for first
cold mix produced in the lab.
of other chemical elements into the water in acidified water reaction.
Thanks to the innovative process of
– such as heavy metals and sulfates. As a SEM and/or XRD Clearly identifies the Cannot be performed hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL), by-products
result, water collected in the area may need on samples pyrites in-house. Often used if a from the agro-food industry can be used
to be treated. The same phenomenon can pathology is observed. Tiny
to obtain a visco-elastic binder that comes
occur in embankments created with pyrite- samples.
rich materials. “Chemical” method Useful for monitoring Method neither standar-
entirely from the biomass3. “Zero-carbon” Road chemistry
bitumen, meanwhile, is set to replace classic
(oxygenated water
then thiocyanate)
a site over time.
Quantifies pyrite
dized nor published (UNPG
survey). In some cases, the
bitumen, shifting from a binder with a carbon that respects
Ugly smears on asphalt or concrete footprint of +200kg CO2/t to a binder with a
The deterioration of pyrites in concrete or
reactivity. Tests carried
out on several kilos.
pyrite does not react once in
the materials.
footprint equal to 0kg CO2/t. mankind and the
asphalt leads to ugly streaks on the surface,
due to the formation of iron oxides. The
Green chemistry is therefore opening up
new vistas and pushing Colas to innovate
environment »
marring of a structure’s appearance in this The representativeness of the sample being analyzed remains a
by seeking out new raw materials and new
way often gives rise to client complaints, major problem for most of the above methods (a few grams analyzed
processes for more responsible roads•
which are rarely covered by insurance because to characterize an entire site). Risks can be reduced (although not
only aesthetic and not detrimental to the completely canceled) by properly mapping out the presence of pyrites
(in fractures and faults, dispersed throughout the site, only in certain (1) P.T. Anastas, J.C. Warner, 12 Principles of Green Chemistry, in Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice, Oxford University Press: New York, p.30, 1998.
purpose of the structure. (2) Chapelle et al., Biosourced oligomer from chitosan and use thereof as a cationic or non-ionic emulsifier of aqueous emulsion of bituminous or
rocks, etc.)
non-bituminous binders, 2019, EP3760648 (A1)
It is essential not to count on the complete absence of pyrite, but (3) Durand et al., Préparation de matériaux viscoélastiques obtenus à partir de liquéfaction de résidus de biomasse végétale, 2020, patent request
rather on tests that quantify sulfur• N°20 07610
28 29
by Arnaud LEROY
wonder? The answer is: so that we and the start-up Vertuo. CATALOGUE AT A GLANCE COLAS SOLUTIONS
can understand the mechanisms WEBSITE
The new user- A detailed presentation of
that govern the kinetics of ageing.
friendly catalogue specialty products focusing (Re)discover the range
The aim is eventually to be able is segmented on usage, infrastructure and of Colas road products
to curb ageing by optimizing our into type of low-carbon profile: exactly in a few clicks.
Eurobitume & Eurasphalt 2021
formulae. The notion of life span
is one of the major levers to be 4 June 16-18, 2021
usage and type
of infrastructure,
what you need for presenting
specialty products and
actioned in the fight to reduce Jean-Philippe Gillet with a low-carbon learning more about them..
greenhouse gas emissions, along with the environmental section, too.
cost of producing a product. A solution that emits less GHG Colas attended the 7th E&E Congress.
The Core Center published 10 articles COLCLAIR
but is less durable is pointless. LA COULEUR AU SERVICE
This project was chosen to feature on the PARC conference that you can also find in Coltec. Here are
program (Petersen Asphalt Research Conference). Being 2 examples:
showcased at this annual international event for experts in An innovative joint approach to the properties of
bitumen and binders really put the topic on the map!
Colclair enrobé,
The necessary ground work continues with the support of NOUVEAU CATALOGUE
the AIF (Asphalt Institute Foundation), which is partially Variations in the viscosity of bitumen emulsions can
funding the project. occasionally be noted at emulsion production plants Voie rapide urbaine,
pinpoint the characteristics of bitumen that can lead to
Watch a re-run
viscosity variations in emulsions. Tendencies have been PRODUCT FACTSHEETS
of the new
Le Moniteur Innovation Day (MID) observed, relating the composition of the bitumen to
catalogue Product factsheets are less
July 6, 2021 certain characteristics of the emulsions. However, no single presentation. technical and more visual, to be
Abboud Hajjar bitumen parameter can explain variations in emulsion used for external communication.
Colas participated in the Design & Construction program
#2 at the event, contributing to a round table discussing What are the best rheological criteria for
today’s best practices in materials, energy and eco-design. characterizing polymer-modified bitumens? EXPERT FILES
This provided an opportunity to: These confidential datasheets
The classification standards for polymer-modified are exclusively reserved for
• explain the value of the analytical approach developed bitumens are currently under review by CEN/TC336/WG1. VIDEOS the technical network. They
by Colas to deal with the problem of Urban Heat Islands This provides an opportunity to take a step towards the All you need to know in explain the success of our
(UHIs); classification of binders as a function of their performance. one minute! A simple, specialty products (formulae,
• present the various urban cooling levers that can be A panel of different SBS-modified industrial bitumens has informative and fun lay down operations, follow-
actioned, tailoring spatial planning solutions to each been studied in order to identify which rheological tests introduction to a product. up procedures, etc.)
situation. are most pertinent in terms of performance.•
30 31
by Thierry DELCROIX
the answer?
Isabelle MORETTI, PhD in geoscience, member of the French
• Liquid form if heated to 60°C for maritime
Academy of Technologies, energy specialist, former Scientific
and aeronautical applications, but this
Director of Engie, now retired. She is currently associate researcher
requires energy.
and head of the natural hydrogen research group at Pau University.
Chair of the European Gas Research Group in Brussels since 2017.
Hydrogen is not only harnessed as a molecule for refining fuels and producing Olivier JOUBERT, materials chemistry professor and chair of the MANY APPLICATIONS
Energy Storage and Electrochemical Conversion group (ST2E) at
ammoniac and fertilizers. It is also an energy vector, hailed with hope, promises Hydrogen is a hot topic! Slightly over 3 years
the Jean Rouxel Institute of Materials (CNRS-IMN). Chair of the ago, the European Commission realized that
and a good dose of imagination. Can it really be THE miracle solution in the fight French network for research on hydrogen as an energy source hydrogen has a strategic role to play if Europe
against global warming? (FRH2), federating all French academic research groups in the is to reach its renewable energy percentage
fields of hydrogen production and storage (and also fuel cells and goals (32% of the energy mix by 2030).
electrolyzers) with about 270 permanent researchers.
Applications in industry and construction
Valérie BOUILLON-DELPORTE, graduate of ESSEC and KEDGE, are governed by standards and restrictive
technology marketing specialist, head of the hydrogen ecosystem regulations. The use of hydrogen could
at Michelin. 1st VP at France Hydrogène for mobility issues, aiming help decarbonize the extremely pollutant
to accelerate and fund research projects that will make hydrogen a steel industry, for example, and foster the
reality as soon as possible. production of “green” steel.
Hydrogen is the most prevalent element in the solar system. It is invisible As hydrogen can neutralize CO2, it will
— 2022
and odorless. All hydrocarbons and water contain hydrogen. potentially be possible to produce “low-
carbon cements” in the future.
HOW IS HYDROGEN PRODUCED ON AN INDUSTRIAL SCALE? Biogas can also be boosted with hydrogen.
Steam reforming of natural gas is the technology currently used to Forthcoming directives for a 55% decrease
produce 95% of the world’s hydrogen. in CO2 emissions in the car industry, for
example, are motivating industrialists and
has many • yellow if the energy is nuclear. fortunate to have industrialists and cutting-
edge research labs that will be able to export
their technological know-how in the field of
applications DIFFERENT STORAGE METHODS hydrogen.
Using hydrogen requires storing energy that is not immediately
and is a flexible needed and that can be retrieved in various forms. Hydrogen can
currently be stored in the following forms:
A leadership role in hydrogen is all the more
strategic as Europe does not have it in
energy vector. » • Compressed gas in cylinders: 200 bar in a lab, or 700 bar in a
hydrogen car. This is a safe technology, but it comes with two
After a century of coal and a century of
fossil fuel, are we about to enter a century of
disadvantages: the technology requires a lot of energy and the gas
is voluminous (1kg of hydrogen requires a 10-kg gas tank).
To be continued•
32 33
by Johnny CLATOT by Stéphane JOLLET
A better understanding
of climate change Safety Day 2021
for a better response health first and foremost
We look back on two days of workshops on the topic of climate change, held alongside the As Safety Week 2022 comes to a close, we look back at the Core Center's Safety Day, held in
Environmental Department. October 2021, focusing on the topic of health.
It can often be difficult to broach such a CONCLUSION The half-day session began with a reminder A third activity focused on ergonomics,
complicated subject as climate change. Our workshops ended with a reminder of of the Group's safety rules (life-saving rules) which also have a huge impact on health: Safety day
In order to give as clear a picture as possible the 6 pillars of the Group’s Low-Carbon & and a quiz to make sure the information the ergonomics of a work station or the 2022
of the current state of knowledge on the Biodiversity strategy. Colas aims to reduce was understood. Adhering to the rules is lab, driving a vehicle, or working from at Core Center
subject, environment officers Charlotte its CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030 (scopes fundamental to reaching our zero-accident home. October 14,
Labrousse, Stéphane Jollet and I decided to 1, 2 and 3a), which tied in perfectly with the goal. This was a great opportunity for us all to get 2022.
organize a “climate fresco”. Subject:
LE MAG — 2022
fresco created earlier in the activity. Jean-Yves Bignon, Colas Risk & Insurance together in an instructive yet social context.
Director, went on to give a report on road A lot was learnt about the key subject of our business
All 4 sessions that we organized were a huge
safety in 2021. The statistics have improved health and then the event closed with a and traffic.
CLIMATE FRESK success. Working together proved to be
a very positive experience for the players, over recent years; now that trend needs to be delicious buffet.
“Climate Fresk” is a game based on the main
despite addressing such a sensitive subject. consolidated. A huge thank you to all the safety officers at
results of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change) report. It heightens awareness The fact of laying all of the cards out on a The subject of migraines was broached the Core Center for organizing the activities.•
about the ins and outs of climate change. table gives a global vision of the issue at in a video. Although this is the third most
hand. prevalent illness in the world, people
“Climate Fresk” comprises a set of 42 playing
The activity also shed light and generally know little about it.
cards. A piece of information taken from the sessions
IPCC report is printed on each card. understanding on the Low-Carbon & organized
Then there were three activities:
Biodiversity strategy that the Colas Group A game specially created for our Safety
The goal of a workshop is for all of the
is implementing within the “Act and Day called Every Minute Counts. It tied in
participants to take stock of the information
100 %
Commit Together” CSR plan, including the with the video broadcast during Safety
on the cards. The latter are arranged on the
role of the Core Center in contributing to Week on the subject of cardiovascular
table in a way that explains the mechanisms
the development of low-carbon technical disease. It was collaborative, fun and
of climate change. participant target
solutions. enlightening. A huge success.
The players discuss the various facts and for the Core Center
To allow still more colleagues to participate The company Santé Partners organized
compose a fresco. Thanks to collective
in this activity, further workshops will be an activity on the subject of sleep, as
intelligence and the educational value
organized very soon. Our goal is to make sleep is closely related to health.
of the cards, links between the cards are
everyone at the Core Center a fresco creator•
established. The systemic nature and the
complexity of climate change really stand out.
34 35
by Judy HUE
Research & Development
Officer in the Materials
Émilie Combes has always been passionate
about materials. When she was studying
With remote working, social distancing,
and no more coffee breaks, the COVID-19 It’s so gratifying to know
at university specializing in Physical pandemic has changed life at work beyond
Measurements, a professional in that field
was invited to make a presentation. That
recognition, and added a whole new
dimension to joining a company! Eftychia
that the products we
was when Émilie discovered Colas: it was
an engineer from the Campus for Science
Grana joined Colas after the first lock-down,
in May 2020. But she has settled in at the
develop at the Core Center
& Techniques who came to share her
experience with the students.
Campus for Science & Techniques thanks to
her very positive attitude. “I was very warmly
help improve our daily life
Émilie can still remember that visit, by an
engineer who is now a colleague! “I joined
welcomed,” she explains. “I really like the
atmosphere at the Core Center - half way and curb our impact on the
Colas immediately after leaving university,
in 2007. And I’ve worked here ever since,”
between a business and a university - so I
can alternate between research and concrete environment. »
she remembers. In almost fifteen years, applications.”
Émilie has worked in 2 departments: initially With a degree in Materials Engineering, an
in the Mix Department, before joining the MSc in Chemistry and Materials Technology,
Materials and Hydraulic Binders Department and a thesis on the chemistry of polymers,
LE MAG — 2022
in 2015. “Our department develops and fine Eftychia is quite the specialist! As an R&D
tunes new products for roads and buildings, Engineer in the Chemicals Division, she puts
in particular concretes, mortars, soils and her expertise into practice. “My job is to
hydraulic binders. The fields of application design new products in the lab, characterize
are many and varied. It’s extremely them, and present the results. If all goes
stimulating.” well, I then go out to the job sites to see the
On top of mix design, Émilie also closely product in action.”
monitors product evolutions: with time Eftychia works on all sorts of solutions
and as needs change, products have developed by Colas, including pavements,
to be improved. “I have been fortunate paints and marking products, plus Wattway
enough to work on developing a host of
and Flowell to name but these.
products, including three flagship products: Eftychia was born in Greece and readily
OPTIGRAVE, COLPAV and THERMECO.” admits to always having been drawn to
Émilie is involved from the lab all the way to all things French. She started learning the
final applications. She regularly goes out to language from the age of 12, and then
job sites, accompanying local teams as they fulfilled her dream by moving to Bordeaux in
deploy innovations. “Being out in the field 2012.
gives me a solid grasp of how product lay-
down unfolds. I can also proffer instructions
A natural optimist, Eftychia believes that Eftychia GRANA
there is a solution to every problem. The Research & Development
for trouble-free operations. After all, the answer lies in communication and sharing Engineer in the Chemicals
job sites are the very reason for all the
Being out in the field gives work I do!” For Émilie, such cooperation is
priceless. She doesn’t like routine; she enjoys
information with colleagues. “I fully support
the Group’s ambition to reduce CO2
I can also proffer instructions considers that “you can’t drive a project on
your own”, this is a way of sharing her know-
how and providing technical assistance on
for trouble-free operations. » products she knows inside out•
36 37
on your medal!
38 39
LE MAG 2022 Colas Group Techniques, Research & Development magazine
4 rue Jean-Mermoz 78772 Magny-les-Hameaux cedex, France – Email : [email protected] – www.colas.com
Managing Editor: Cédric Leroux. Editor-in-Chief: Thierry Delcroix. Editorial Committee: Thierry Delcroix, Arnaud Leroy, Cédric
Leroux, Isabelle Couillet, Sophie Decreuse, Niculai Droniuc, Frédéric Bau, Michel Robert, Issam Hasnaoui, Aline Claustre.
Writers: Wael Al-Shamma, Philippe Barrière, Benoit Bouveret, Marina Chalamet, Johnny Clatot, Isabelle Couillet, Thuriane
De Lajudie, Sophie Decreuse, Thierry Delcroix, Myriam Desroches, Laurence Durivault-Reymond, Frédéric François, Pascal
Guiho, Eftychia Grana, Carole Gueit, Abboud Hajjar, Judy Hue, Stéphane Jollet, Tony Kucharek, Catherine Legrou, Cédric
Leroux, Arnaud Leroy, Aurélie Lorserie, Pierre Maréchal, Julien Morineau, Arnaud Plassais, Sébastien Quigniot, Benjamin
Roujolle, Julien Roux, Arnaud Sanzel. Aknowledgements: Julie Bouckaert Bigot, Philippe Bouvard, Emmanuel Cornet, Jérémy
Courtois, Philippe Heurtel, Frédéric Rilliot, Jean-Yves Villaine. Photos credits: Colas, François Bouriaud, Joachim Bertrand,
Bast, Xavier Seyler, Étienne Mahé. Graphic design: effet-immediat.com et W&Cie.