Pitching Rubic
Pitching Rubic
Pitching Rubic
Criteria Greatly Exceeds Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Below Expectations Does Not Meet
Expectations (Good) (Satisfactory) (Fair) Expectations
(Excellent) 4 points 3 points 2 points (Poor)
5 points 1 point
Knowledge of Able to demonstrate the full Able to demonstrate the Able to demonstrate some of the Did not meet the important Was not able to discuss the project
Subject Matter details of the project major details of the details of the project detailed part of the project properly
Communication Continuous delivery of The delivery of the The delivery of the thought is Unclear convey of the Did not able to deliver the thought of
Skills/Clarity the thought, clear & thought and idea of enough to understand the basics of message the project to the audience
understable the project is above the project
Poise/Confidence No archback, loud and Confident stage posture Minor body uncomfortable Too much movement of arms Clear body nervousness
confident voice gesture and body
Method of The creativity of the Creative and clear way of Enough for audience to Too much designs and Unclear and unorganized
Presentation presentation is simple presenting understand the presentation unclear patterns presentation
and clear
Appropriate outfit and no The level of outfit The level of outfit The qualifications of the outfit Inappropriate outfit, too much
interruptions during professionalism is above professionalism is average and does not meet the appropriate revealing of skin and no manners
panel’s judgement of the average being defensive that leads to manners in presentating the towards the panels
Professional project interruption during panel’s project
Appearance and judgement
Evidence of Clear flow of The flow and delivery of Gradual changes to the flow of Too much reading at the Unclear and too much reader no
Preparation deliverance of the the project is above deliverance of the project paper/writings explanation
project average
Orderly Audience should be The audience able to The audience ask average The audience did not able to The audience along with the panel did
Sequence able to catch up and get follow the order of the questions because they catch up and follow the not able to understand the order of
the order of the project project with less experience mislead of the order of the sequence of the sequence of the project, as well as
confusion order project brought many confusion.
Total Points:___________________ Comments regarding positive aspects of the presentation; what was done well.
Comments regarding negative patterns/things that need improvement, including suggestions for improvement where applicable.