Summery Report - Blended Cement Green Durable Sustainable - Final - Compressed

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Blended Cement - Green, Durable & Sustainable 2022 1

2 Blended Cement - Green, Durable & Sustainable 2022

Amongst the eight core industries of India, cement resource, energy and emission intensive, with mineral
industry plays a vital role in the growth and economic additives improve the sustainability of the material.
development of our country because of its strong linkage Most importantly, as explained in this document, the
to other sectors such as infrastructure, construction, performance of cements can be improved through
housing, transportation, coal, power, etc. The installed this replacement, making blended cements the most
capacity of cement industry in India is 537 million tonnes attractive means to achieve sustainable infrastructure
with cement production of around 334.37 million tonnes development.
in 2019-20, which comprises 144 integrated large
cement plants, 107 grinding units, 62 mini cement plants The availability of fly-ash (from thermal power plants),
and 5 clinkerisation units. Cement is considered to be blast furnace slag (from steel plants), use of advanced
responsible for about 7% of global anthropogenic CO2 technology in the manufacturing of cement and
emissions. Despite having the highest potential to reduce simultaneous increase in market demand has increased
these emissions in an economically and technically the production of blended cement in the recent years. In
feasible manner, the blending of mineral additions with India, the production of OPC is continuously declining,
cement is still significantly below its potential. This with simultaneous increase in production of blended
document addresses some of the misapprehensions cements like PPC, PSC, and Composite Cement based
about the use of blended cements that affect its on granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash. Other
acceptance and presents a comparison of these cements cement formulations such as Portland limestone cement
with Ordinary Portland Cement. and limestone calcined clay cement are also at different
stages of development in India. At present, blended
Blended cements are formulated by blending of cements have greater share (73%) in comparison to
portland clinker with other finely ground materials such Ordinary Portland Cement (27%) of the total cement
as pozzolana and granulated blast furnace slag. The production. Blended cements provide the means to
partial replacement of clinker, which is not only the more reduce the clinker factor even further in the near future,
expensive component of cement, but also the most without a compromise on economy and safety.
Blended Cement - Green, Durable & Sustainable 2022 3

The fly ash - slag based composite cement is a fly ash and slag allowing easier working on the site and
relatively newly standardized type of cement and lesser wastage of the cement. The lower amount and rate
its specifications have only been formulated by the of the heat of hydration for blended cement also makes
them suitable for use in mass concrete structures such as
Bureau of Indian Standards in 2015. Its commercial
dams and spillways.
production has already started in the country. The
composite cement (conforming to IS: 16415-2015) can
In general, concrete made with cement blended with
be produced either by inter-grinding of portland cement Supplementary Cementing Materials (SCMs), or where
clinker (conforming to IS: 16353-2015), granulated slag ordinary portland cement is partly replaced with SCMs,
(conforming to IS: 12089-1987) and fly ash (conforming is more durable than concrete made with ordinary
to IS: 3812 (I) 2013) with the addition of natural/chemical portland cement at the same water-to-binder ratio. The
gypsum or by an intimate and uniform blending of main reason is the formation of denser microstructure
ordinary portland cement (conforming to IS: 269-2015), both due to improved particle packing initially and more
finely ground granulated slag and fly ash with the Calcium Silicate Hydrates (CSH or CASH) formed from
addition of ground gypsum. The composite cements are the conversion of calcium hydroxide (CH) due to what is
manufactured using 35-65% portland cement clinker/ known as the pozzolanic reaction. Improvements in the
Interfacial Transition Zone (ITZ), which is usually regarded
ordinary portland cement along with 15-35% fly ash and
as a major feature governing the permeability of
20-50% granulated blast furnace slag together as the
concrete, are seen to improve the durability and strength
blending component.
of concrete. The fine particles of the SCMs and the
formation of the C-S-H gel from the pozzolanic reaction
In this document, the advantages of different blended
play an important role in the improvement of the ITZ.
cements over OPC are discussed based on hydration,
microstructure and permeability, rheology and
Most research shows an improvement in the rheological
workability, strength development, shrinkage (chemical,
properties of fresh concrete with the incorporation
autogenous, drying etc.) and cracks, leaching, alkali
of SCMs. Since the workability of a freshly prepared
aggregate reactivity, sulphate attack, reinforcement
concrete mix depends upon several factors such as the
corrosion, long-term durability of construction and
cement type, its fineness, a direct comparison of the ease
usage in preparation of high strength concrete.
with which various cements can be worked is difficult to
compare. Even though some blended cements, due to
The risk of thermal cracking is reduced in blended
their higher fineness can have a higher water demand
cements, compared to OPC due to the lower rate of
than OPC, the presence of fine particles reduces the
heat evolution and the total amount of heat liberated
tendency to segregate and improves the flow of the
during hydration. The temperature has a considerable
concrete. The rounded particles of fly ash, even after
effect on the total amount of heat evolution for a
distortion from grinding in the blended cements, offer
particular cement. The dormant period, the period
a ball-bearing effect, improving flow. High-performance
during which the concrete can be safely transported,
concrete mixes, such as self-compacting concretes, are
placed, finished, etc., is prolonged in blended cements
difficult to produce without the use of SCMs.
due to the presence of the mineral additives such as
Strength gain in blended cement is lower at early ages
4 Blended Cement - Green, Durable & Sustainable 2022

but higher at later ages. With sufficient curing, the

large potential of strength of concretes produced using
Chloride Induced Corrosion:
blended cements can be tapped.
Concrete made with blended cements has very low
chloride ion permeability or diffusivity as compared to
The shrinkage strains are comparable at early ages of
OPC concrete, although it has a low chloride threshold
the drying period for concrete made out of all types of
cement blends. However, in the case of binary blends, value. The initiation period of concrete made with SCM
use of PPC and PSC reduces the drying shrinkage of will be higher in comparison to OPC concrete. The
concrete in comparison to concrete made with OPC. propagation period of concrete structure made with
Furthermore, in the case of ternary blends, shrinkage SCM significantly increases due to a lower corrosion
reduces with the higher replacement level of fly ash and rate in comparison to concrete made with OPC. This
slag in comparison to concrete made with OPC. This increases the service life of structures and reduces
reduces the risk of cracking and improves the durability repair and maintenance costs.
of structures.

The consumption of calcium hydroxide and the

production of calcium silicate hydrate in the pozzolanic Carbonation Induced Corrosion:
reaction refine the pore structure of cement matrix, thus
enhancing the resistance of the cement-based materials
Due to the lower CO2 emitted during the production
against the transport of species from and into the
process, blended cements also have a lower capacity
to reabsorb CO2. For this reason, concretes made with
The use of SCMs/mineral admixture/blended cements in blended and composite cementitious material show
concrete significantly helps in mitigating the expansion a lower resistance against carbonation as compared
due to alkali silica reaction (ASR), due to the reduction to OPC. The carbonation depth of concrete made
in the availability of alkalis in the pore solution and the with blended cement is found higher in comparison
refinement of the pore structure. Not only does this to OPC at the same exposure period. As a result, the
reduce maintenance costs of infrastructure such as dams corrosion initiation period of concrete made with
and bridges, but also allows the consumption of local blended cements is likely to get reduced. Experience
aggregates that may contain deleterious materials. The with fly ash based cements has shown that the long-
reduced expansion in SCM-blended systems reduces the
term performance of blended cements is satisfactory
risk of expansion and cracking.
as long as good construction practices are followed.
While carbonation depths are increased in blended
This pozzolanic reaction also has the following beneficial
impacts on sulphate attack: cement concretes, the resultant impact on corrosion
a) The consumption of portlandite reduces the formation propagation is still a subject of much research.
of gypsum, reducing the expansion and scaling of
concrete Performance of concrete or mortar is governed by
mechanical and durability parameters. Both properties
b) The replacement of part of the cement by a of concrete depend upon microstructural, chemical and
pozzolanic material dilutes the C3A content and physical characteristics. The chemical characteristics
hence all the aluminate bearing phases will of concrete such as pH, reserve alkalinity and
accordingly be reduced; hydration products and physical characteristics such
as permeability, shrinkage, etc. govern the concrete
c) The formation of secondary C–S–H also
durability. Long term durability of concrete structure
results in the densification of the hardened
is directly related with the resistance of concrete
cement paste since it is deposited in the pores
thereby making blended cements impermeable against aggressive agencies like sulphate, chloride,
and, therefore, the sulphate ions cannot easily carbonation, the heat of hydration, Alkali Silica Reaction
penetrate through the concrete matrix, as in (ASR), leaching etc. The effect of blended cement
the case of plain Portland cements. on mechanical and durability parameters have been
tabulated on the next page.
Severe deterioration is however observed in all cements
in the case of the rare exposure to high concentrations
of magnesium sulphate, due to the reaction with
portlandite to form gypsum and brucite (magnesium
hydroxide). In the absence of portlandite, the C-S-H
phases are attacked. This can lead to a disintegration of
the hardened cement paste.
Blended Cement - Green, Durable & Sustainable 2022 5

Table: Performance of Blended cement concrete as compared to OPC concrete

S. No. Parameter Performance of Cement


1 Heat of Hydration High Lesser Lesser Lower

2 Permeability High Lesser Lesser Lesser

3 Long term Strength Normal Higher Higher Higher

4 Shrinkage High Lesser Lesser Lesser

5 Alkali Aggregate Reaction Less Resistance Higher Resistance Higher Resistance Higher Resistance

6 Sulphate attack Less Resistance Higher Resistance Significantly Higher

Higher Resistance

7.a Chloride Induced Corrosion Less Resistance Higher Resistance Higher Resistance Higher Resistance

7.b Carbonation Induced Corrosion ** High Resistance Lower, but acceptable with good construction practices

*In case of PPC, workability is enhanced when fly ash is mixed separately with OPC. But in case of intergrinding fly ash, water demand increases.

**The conclusion is drawn on the basis of the carbonation depth of concrete made with and without blended cements. However, the effect of CO2 ingress
on corrosion rate still requires comprehensive study in the propagation phase.

From the analysis of results of the above parameters, development, apprehension of low resistance towards
the performance of Blended Cement was observed carbonation induced corrosion of steel and lack of data
better than OPC concretes excluding resistance against on other critical properties of prestressed concrete
carbonation. So, concretes made with PPC, PSC and CC like creep, shrinkage and fatigue. However, based on
have a longer service life as compared to OPC concrete extensive research done at several R&D institutes of the
in aggressive environment. country, Bureau of Indian Standard permitted the use of
PPC in prestressed concrete by revising IS: 1343 in 2012.
Commercially available PSC in India has 50-60 % slag
content whereas commercially available PPC in India The use of PPC and PSC is permitted by national and
has 30-35 % fly ash content. They are used for general international Standards / Specifications including most
purpose construction for a grade of concrete up to government bodies. The use of Portland Pozzolana
M50. For higher grade of concrete, customized PPC and Cement conforming to requirements of IS: 1489 is
PSC should be used with a lower % of fly ash and slag already permitted by Ministry of Railways, Railway Board,
respectively. These blended cements thereafter may be Government of India, in substructures of bridges. As per
used with the appropriate proportion of silica fume for “Guidelines for the Use of High-Performance Concrete
the production of high strength concrete. Bridges” issued by the Ministry of Railways, Railway
Board, Government of India, fly ash conforming to grade
Indian standards and codes of practices recommend I of IS: 3812-2003 can be used where proportion should
PPC and PSC in Plain, Reinforced and Prestressed not be less than 20 percent and nor should exceed 35
Concrete construction and there are no constraints percent by mass of cement. IRC: 112-2011 specifications
in their usage. Various circulars and specifications are “Unified code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges
given by CPWD, IRC, BIS and Ministry of railways. In the provision for the use of blended cement” also permits
year 2009, the CPWD permitted the use of PPC vide the use of PPC in prestressed concrete structures.
their circular No. CDO/SE (RR)/Fly Ash (Main)/102 dated Internationally, PPC is permitted for use in prestressed
09 April 2009 for concrete grade of M25 and above in concrete structures by Prestressed Concrete Institute
RCC. Similarly, the use of PPC for prestressed concrete (PCI) Manual, AASTHO specification, ASTM C-935 etc.
was earlier not recommended in different standards
/ specifications due to apprehension of late strength
6 Blended Cement - Green, Durable & Sustainable 2022

ENVIRONMENTAL In India, there are only three blended cements approved by BIS,
namely, PPC, PSC and Composite Cement. The other blended
cements namely Portland Composite Cement based on both
ADVANTAGES fly ash and limestone (PCC), Portland Limestone Cement (PLC),
Portland Dolomitic Limestone Cement (PDC), Limestone Calcined

OF BLENDED Clay Cement (LC3) and multicomponent blended cements are

at different stages of development in India. However, this report

focuses on the performance of OPC, PPC and PSC mainly and upto
some extent on composite cement for which the Indian standard is

The use of blended cements is widely internationally accepted and

standardized. The European code 197-1-2011 gives specification
of 27 distinct common cement products and their constituents.
OPC PPC The code provides the proportions in which the constituents are
31% Fly Ash, 64% Clinker, 5% Gypsum
95% Clinker to be combined to produce these distinct products in a range of
5% Gypsum PSC six strength classes. The 27 common cements are grouped into
57% Slag, 38% Clinker, 5% Gypsum
five main cement types namely CEM-I, CEM-II, CEM-III, CEM-IV and
CC CEM-V. Except for CEM-I which covers OPC rest for all the other
25% Granulated Slag, 45% Clinker
25 % Fly Ash, 5% Gypsum cement groups i.e. CEM-II, CEM-III, CEM-IV and CEM-V consist
of only blended cement. The blended cement covered in these
cement groups CEM-II, CEM-III, CEM- IV and CEM-V are Portland
slag cement, Portland fly ash cement, Portland silica fume cement,
Portland limestone cement, composite cement, Portland burnt
shale cement, blast furnace cement, pozzolanic cement. The latest
European code 197-5-2021 also allows the production of cements
740 511 304 348 with much lower clinker contents with various SCMs including fly
ash, slag, calcined clay, limestone, etc.

The Canadian standard, A3001-13-2017, comprises 26 types of

REDUCED ENERGY standardized cements. Out of which 20 are blended cements,
CONSUMPTION which include Portland limestone cement, Portland slag cement,
pozzolana cement and ternary/quaternary blended cements. The
Thermal energy in Kcal/Tonne standard allows the use of upto 50% fly ash (both siliceous and
calcareous) in pozzolana cement and up to 60% fly ash in ternary/
OPC PPC PSC CC quaternary blended cements.

724 495 305 343 In comparison to the Indian standards, the European code covers
a greater number of blended cements and it is also noted that
cement group CEM-IV-B, Pozzolana cements, allows 36-55% of
Electrical energy in Kwh/Tonne natural pozzolana and fly ash along with clinker and CEM-V-B,
composite cements, allows the 31-49% of natural pozzolana
OPC PPC PSC CC and calcareous fly ash along with slag and clinker in it. On the
other hand, in the Indian standards, both the Portland pozzolana
87 64 59 57 cement and composite cement allow not more than 35% of fly ash
usage. Also, there is a high need for the commercialization of new
blended cements after getting due approval from BIS.

INCREASED PRODUCTION CAPACITY It can be seen in this report that blended cements demonstrate
superior performance when compared to OPC. Not only do the
blended cements offer a more sustainable solution for the CO2
intensive industry, they also reduce the risk of cracking, allow
REDUCED LIMESTONE easier construction, increase long-term strength and prolong
REQUIREMENT FOR PRODUCTION the durability of structures in a wide range of environments from
OF BLENDED CEMENT dams in the mountains to bridges on the open seas. Blended
cements are a better replacement for Ordinary Portland Cement. In
addition, both PPC and PSC are ideally suitable for mass concrete
works, constructions in aggressive conditions such as marine,
coastal and sub-coastal environments and chemically aggressive
conditions. Even under normal conditions, they impart long term
strength and improved durability. Considering the environmental
and sustainability benefits of blended cements, state and central
governments can incentivize these cements over OPC.
Blended Cement - Green, Durable & Sustainable 2022 7

91Springboard, Godrej & Boyce, Gate no. 2, Plant 6,


LBS Marg, Vikhroli (West), Mumbai – 400079, India.

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