Use of Waste Marble Powder and Aggregates in Paver Blocks: Abstract

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Use of waste Marble powder And Aggregates in Paver blocks

Name of students -_Aakanksha kokate ,Sakshi demse , Gaurav jethle ,Mohit karda ,Prajwal Erande.
HOD –Mr.P.G. Chavan, Guide- Sagar shinde -8
, Department of Civil engineering, Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic, Nashik.
Head of Department, Department of Civil engineering, Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic, Nashik
Lecturer, Department of Civil engineering, Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic, Nashik.

Abstract- Sustainability in concrete production can be achieved by We are casting the blocks to check the compressive
innovations in substitutes of materials used. Under of a marble waste strength of concrete.
powder is not very usual though it has no behavioral problem and  In this project our main objective is to study the
there has been little research work done on the waste. Marble waste is influence of partial replacement of cement with marble
a solid waste material generated from the marble processing and can powder , and to compare it with the compressive
be used either as a filler material in cement fine aggregates while strength of ordinary M20 concrete. We are also trying
preparing concrete. It has presents the feasibility of the substitution of to find the percentage of marble powder replaced in
marble waste for cement to achieve economy and environment concrete that makes the strength of concrete maximum.
saving. The compressive strength of concrete can be increased with  Now–a-days marble powder has become a pollutant. So
addition of waste marble powder up to 10% replace by weigh of partially replacing cement with marble powder, we are
cement. Earlier research also indicate that the effects of blending proposing a method that can be of great use in reducing
marble waste on the properties of cement such as consistency, setting pollution to a great extent.
times, insoluble residue, and soundness remain within the acceptable
The history of pozzolanic material goes back to Roman’s
ranges of different standards.
time. The Portland pozzolana cement (PPC) is manufactured by the
intergrading of OPC clinker with 10-25% of pozzolanic material (as
per latest amendment, it is 15-35%). Pozzolanic material is
The present day world is witnessing the construction of very
essentially a silicious or aluminous material which while in itself
challenging and difficult civil engineering structures. Quite often,
prossessing no cementitious properties. Which will, in finally divided
concrete being the most important and widely used material is called
from and in presence of water, react with calcium hydroxide,
upon to possess very high strength and sufficient workability
liberated in the hydration process, at ordinary temperature, to form
properties. Efforts are being made in the field of concrete technology
compound possessing cementitiousproperties. The pozzolanic
to develop such concretes with special characteristics.
materials generally used for manufacturer of PPC are calcined clay
The advancement of concrete technology can reduce the
(IS 1489 part II of 1991) or fly ash (IS 1489 part I of 1991).
consumption of natural resources and energy sources and lessen the
Portland pozzolana cement produces less heat of hydration and
burden of pollutants on environment. Presently large amount of
offers greater resistance to the attack of aggressive waters than
marble dust are generated in natural stone processing plants with an
ordinary Portland cement .moreover, it reduces the leaching of
important impact on environment and humans.
calcium hydroxide when used in hydraulic structure. It is particularly
useful in marine and hydraulic structure/ construction and mass
I. METHODOLOGY concrete constructions. Portland pozzolana cement can generally be
Working procedure
used where Ordinary Portland cement is usable.
 We are using waste marble powder which partially replaces
Advantages of PPC
cement in step of 10%, 20%, 30%,40% in concrete..This
 In PPC, costly clinker is replaced by cheaper pozzolanic
partial replacement of cement with waste marble powder
material – Hence economical.
improves the properties of concrete in various ways.
 Soluble calcium hydroxide is converted into insoluble
cementitious products resulting in improvement of Fineness Test
permeability. Hence it offers, around durability in hydraulic Weight of cement taken (A) = 100 gm.
structures and marine construction. Weight of cement retained on 90 micron I.S. Sieve (B) = 5 gm.
 PPC consumes calcium hydroxide and does not produce Fineness = (B/A) × 100
calcium hydroxide as that of OPC. = (500/100) × 100
= 5%
I.S. Requirement for fineness:
PPC os finer than OPC and also due to pozalanic action; it improves
Fineness should be less than 10 %.
the pores size distribution and also reduce the microcracks at the the Result :
Fineness of cement = 5 %
transition zone.
Since fineness value is less than 10%
Status of PPC in India Hence It can be used in our project work.

3.2 TOTAL NUMBERS OF BLOCKS TO BE CASTED ARE Crushing test (for 10mm size)
Number of blocks to be cased Weigh of Aggregate (A) = 3.770Kg
Weigh of Aggregate passing through 2.36 mm IS Siever (B) = 0.920
Percentag To be To be Kg
e of tested teste To be Total
marble for 7 d tested blocks to
powder Days For 14 for 28 be
Crushing Value = (B/A) × 100
days days tested
= (0.920/3.77) × 100
0% 3 3 3 9 = 24.40%
10% 3 3 3 9 I.S. requirement:
20% 3 3 3 9 Crushing Value should be less than 30%.

30% 3 3 3 9
40% 3 3 3 9
Crushing value of Aggregate = 24.40%.
Total 15 15 15 45
Since, crushing value of aggregate is less than 30% hence, it is ok.

Compressive strength test of cement Aggregate impact value

Area of standard mould = 200 × 160 mm2 Data:
Cement by sand proportion = 1:3 Weight of Aggregate (A) = 0.668Kg
Quantity of cement = 1.5kg. Weight of aggregate passing through 2.36mm IS Siever (B) = 0.050
Quantity of sand = 4.5 kg Kg
Quantity % of water = (p/4 + 3)
Here P = standard consistency of cement in % = 34% Calculation:
Percentage of water = 34/4+3= 11.5% Impact Value = (B/A) × 100
Quantity of water required = (11.5 × 6000)/100 = 690gm. = (0.050/0.668) × 100
=690 ml = 7.49%

I.S. Requirement:
Impact Value should be less than 30%.
Impact Value of Aggregate = 7.49%.
Since, Impact value of aggregate is less than 30%
hence, it is ok.

Compressive strength of concrete is tested on cube at different

percentage of marble powder content in concrete. The strength of 1) DR. Anurag Mishra, Mr. Rajesh Gupta. “Utilization of
concrete has been tested on cube at 7 days curing and 28 days. 7 days
test has been conducted to check the gain in initial strength of marble slurry in construction materials”.Workshop on gainful
contrete. 28 days test gives the data of final strength of concrete at 28 utilization of marble slurry and other Stone Waste.
days curing. Compression testing machine is used for testing the
compressive strength test on concrete. At the time of testing the cube 2) Akbulut H, Giirer C (2007). Use of aggregate produced
is taken out of water and dried and then tested keeping the smooth from marble quary waste in asphalt pavements. Build Environ.,
faces in upper and lower part.
42(5); 1921-1930
3) Alyanac K.E. Ince R (2009. A preliminary concrete mix

CONCLUSIONS design for SSC with marble powder. Const. Build Mat., 23(3): 1201-
4) Ali EErgun 92011), “Effects of the usage of diatomic
 Partial replacement of cement with marble powder up and waste marble powder as partial replacement of cement on the
to 10%. mechanical properties of concrete”, Construction and building
 At 7days the compressive strength is 17.38 N/mm . Material, 25(2), pp 806812
5) Manjupawar“ Significance of partial replacement of
 At 14 days the compressive strength 20.33 N/mm2
cement with marble powder.” VOL-III, Issue-I,August-2014.
 At 28 days the compressive strength 23.55 N/mm2 .
 Highest maximum compressive strength is achieved
at 10% replacement marble powder with cement.

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