2015 Winter Model Answer Paper

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Diploma in Engineering: Winter – 2015 Examinations

Subject Code : 17640 (MET) Model Answers Page No : 1 of 16

Important Instructions to examiners:

1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model
answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess
the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills).
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure.
The figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any
equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values
may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer
based on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent
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1 (a) Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

1 (a) i) List various miscellaneous equipment at control post. State use of each.

1 (a) i) Ans: ½ mark for

Miscellaneous equipment at control post or switching substations & functions: each name
1. Lightening arrestor: protection against voltage surges max. 2
2. Auxiliary transformer: provides 230 V, 50 Hz, supply to operate battery marks,
charger, remote control equipment, signally and lighting. ½ mark for
3. PT: provides continuous indication regarding the condition of supply. each
4. Battery: for operation of remote control equipment and interrupter. functions
5. Battery charging equipment: charge batteries at the control post. max. 2 marks

1 a) ii) State use of any four relays for the protection of traction transformer.

1 a) ii) Ans:
Relays for the protection of traction transformers:
 Inverse time over current relay as back up protection on primary (HV side) –
over current protection of transformer and other equipment. 1 mark each
 over current relay on LV side – over current protection of transformer any four = 4
 Overload thermal relay – protection against sustained overloads on marks
 Earth fault relay – earth fault protection of transformer.
 Buchholz relay – protection from incipient earth or inter winding faults inside
the transformer

1 a) iii) State the meaning of various terms of OHE labeled in fig no 1. Give their normal

1 a) iii) Ans:
½ m for each
a → Mid span height of contact wire – 5.5 m
meaning & ½
b → Span length -- 72 m m for each
c → Encumbrance -- 1.4 m
d → Dropper spacing -- 9 m
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1 a) iv) Give purpose and location of following signals,

1) Warner: 2) Co-acting: 3) Shunt: 4) Detonating:

1 a) iv) Ans:
1) Warner signal - When in 'on' position, it indicates that the signal ahead is at
danger and driver must be prepared to stop at next signal. When in ‘off’ position it
indicates that the signal ahead is in proceed position and driver can take the train
speed. It is the first signal for train entering the station. ½ m each for
2) Co-acting signals- Where due to obstruction such as over bridge, arm or light of
Max 2
main signal does not remain in the view of driver, during whole time co-acting
½ m each for
signals are provided. They are fixed below the main signal.
3) Shunt signal - For controlling the shunting operations in the station yards shunt Max 2
signals are used. They are mounted about 0.5m above ground or fixed on same post
as departure signal.
4) Detonating signals- Are used in foggy weather to indicate the locality of a signal
to the driver of approaching train. These are placed on the rails and explode when
engine passes over them.

1 b) Attempt any ONE of the following: 6

1 b) i) For a traction transformer circuit breaker state:

1) Rated current and rupturing capacity
2) Any two tests it should be capable of withstanding
3) Overall tripping time and relay time.

1 b) i) Ans:
1) Rated current --- 750 A and
1 mark
Rupturing capacity --- 500 MVA
1 mark
2) Any two tests it should be capable of withstanding ---
1 m each test
Breaking test , Reclosing test , Endurance test ( any two )
1 mark
3) Overall tripping time --- 0.14 sec and
1 mark
Relay time --- 0.04 sec
(Any other standard values written by candidate should be considered)

1 b) ii) Draw symbols of any six signaling boards of OHE, write meaning of each.

1 b) ii) Ans:
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--- neutral section 500 m ahead

½ m for each
symbol =
2) --- neutral section 250 m ahead
max 3 mark

½ m for each
meaning =
max 3 mark
3) --- Switch OFF power before neutral section

4) --- Switch ON power after neutral section

5) --- Take UP Pantograph after neutral section

6) ---- Take DOWN Pantograph before neutral section

2 Attempt any FOUR of the following 16

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2 a) Draw neat sketch of traction substation. Label various components of it.

2 a) Ans: Layout of Traction Substation.

Labeled 4
partially 3 to
2 marks,

Unlabeled 1

2 b) Draw a neat labeled diagram of Automatic Weight Tensioning and Temperature

Compensation and give any two advantages of the same.

2 b) Ans: figure of automatic weight tensioning

Labeled fig.-
2 mark
1 mark

Advantages of automatic weight tensioning and temperature compensation:

 Sparkless current collection at higher speeds.
 OHE becomes more dynamically stable under all atmospheric conditions.
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 Reduction in wear of both contact wire and pantograph collecting strips. Advantages-
 Creep of conductors with passage of time is automatically taken up by the 1 mark each
tensioning device. –max 2 mark
 Only one critical velocity of propogation of waves in contact wire which is
greater than that of unregulated OHE.
 Because of fixed tension, fluctuations in the height are minimized.

2 c) Write any four points that state how a traction transformer is different from ordinary

2 c) Ans:
1) Specially designed to withstand severe operating conditions. 1 mark each
2) Are required to have high short time peak capacity. any four = 4
3) Class A insulation , specially reinforced to withstand frequent short circuits. marks
4) Can take overloads as- 50 % for 15 min , 100 % for 5 min , 120 % for instant
5) Inpulse withstand voltage nearly 5 times higher
6) To limit effect of SC impedance not less than 8.5 % for 10 MVA and 10 %
for 12.5 MVA.

2 d) List any four advantages of multi aspect colour light signals.

2 d) Ans:
1) Economical
2) Simplicity of indication to drivers 1 m for each
3) Better ability to deal with traffic of varying speed = max 4
4) Simpler and easier in operation marks
5) Control on large signals at heavily worked stations
6) Provide increased line capacity

2 e) State the function of a contactor in a power circuit of locomotive. List different types
of it and state one application of each.

2 e) Ans:
Contactor in power circuit of locomotive is used to connect relevant sections for 1 m for
operation. Connecting or disconnecting the power circuit at different conditions of function
operation and at different locations.

They are classified by their methods of closing the movable contact – ½ m for each
1) electromagnetic 2) electro -pneumatic 3) cam & roller operated type = max 1
Application :
1) Electromagnetic – used in the circuits carrying low currents such as taken by
auxiliary motors. ½ m for each
2) Electro pneumatic – used to control heavy power currents. application=
3) Cam & roller operated – used for group switching. max 1 ½ m

2 (f) Give purpose and location of

i) Uninsulated overlap.
ii) Insulated overlap.
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iii) Neutral section.

iv) Section insulator.

2 (f) Ans:
i) Insulated overlap: To isolate for operation and maintenance of OHE if
two lengths of OHE belong to two elementary sections.
Located at feeding posts, sub sectioning posts and booster sections. ½ mark
ii) Un-insulated overlap: To rectify faults in one contact wire of two purpose of
running in parallel wires without affecting power to OHE. each
Located at two adjacent sub-elementary sections.
iii) Neutral section: Passing of pantograph under insulated overlap will and
cause short circuit between two phases, damaging OHE & pantograph. To
avoid this bridging a neutral section is inserted between them. ½ mark
Located between two substations. location of
iv) Section insulator: Section insulators are provided to insulate OHE of one each
elementary section from the OHE of another adjacent elementary section.
Located at cross over from one track to other, from main line to siding.

3 Attempt any four of following. 16

3 a) Write any four important points related to the construction of feeding post.

3 a) Ans:
Important points related to construction of feeding post: 1 mark each
1) Each feeder has two conductors one insulated for 25 kV (connected to bus- any four = 4
bar) and other for 3 kV (connected to track for return current). marks
2) Located as near as possible to substation with maximum distance being 2 km.
3) Feeders connected to two sets of bus-bars which are used to maintain supply
to OHE in case of failure of one of them or when under maintenance.
4) The 25 kV CB are controlled from remote control center of railway.
5) The interrupters which are remotely controlled are supposed to operate only
under normal current as they are not provided with protection for the same.

3 b) Draw a neat sketch of stitched catenary. State the speed limit for
i) 10 m Y ii ) 20 m Y of this type

3 b) Ans:
i)10 m Y : 140 – 160 kmph Speed limit –
ii)20 m Y : beyond 160 kmph 1 mark each

Figure –
2 mark
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3 c) Draw schematic connections and state related output voltages in case of step by step
on load tap changing using center tap reactor.

3 c) Ans:
Only schematic of tap changing using center tapped reactor:

2 marks for
2 marks for

3 d) With the help of neat sketch of a double battery parallel block system, write sequence
of operations for-
i) One battery charging ii ) Both batteries charging

3 d) Ans:

2 marks for
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i) One battery charging --

Train in motion -- Lights ON -- 1 mark each
Generator connected to battery 1 through B1 for operation
Now battery 1 is charging of each case
ii) Both batteries charging
Train in motion -- Lights and other loads are OFF
L1, L2 open -- B1, B2 closed
Now both batteries are charging in parallel

3 e) For a pantograph write any two-

i)Types ii ) Advantages iii ) Methods of raising iv ) Materials of collector strip

3 e) Ans:
i) Types –
½ mark each
a) Diamond Type Pantograph b) Faiveley Type Pantograph
ii) Advantages –
½ mark each
a)Reversible operation is possible b)current collection capacity is high
iii) Methods of raising-
½ mark each
a) Air raised b) Spring raised
iv) Materials of collector strip-
½ mark each
copper, copper steel combination, silicon manganese steel ,aluminum
steel, bronze, Metallized carbon or carbon ( any two )

3 f) Compare AC & DC track circuits on-

i) Length of circuit
ii) Application
iii) Effect of stray currents.
iv) Maintenance

3 f) Ans:
i) Length of circuit - a) AC track circuit is having long length upto 3 to 5 km
b) DC track circuit is having short length
ii)Application -a) AC track circuit is used where electricity is available and
track current is carried by both the rails
b)DC track circuit is used for non- electrified lines 1 mark each
iii)Effect of stray currents -a) Stray currents has no effect on AC track circuit point
b) Stray current causes voltage drop in the un insulated rail .This limits
the length of the circuit
iv) Maintenance - a) AC track circuit has easier and cheaper maintenance
b) DC track circuit has complicated maintenance

4 Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

4 a) List any four characteristics of efficient maintenance.

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4 a) Ans:
Characteristics of Efficient Maintenance:
1) Planning of schedule.
2) Investigation of failures.
3) Repair facilities such as adequate staff, shed, plant and machinery. 1 mark each
4) Staff training facility such as training school, instruction manuals etc. any four = 4
5) Proper inventory/optimum stocks of regular and emergency maintenance spares. marks
6) Good design and drawing office for the preparation of detailed working
drawings and specifications for maintenance spares.
7) Inspection of stores purchased according to working drawings and

4 b) Write a step by step procedure of obtaining constant output using three brush

4 b) Ans:
Step by step procedure of obtaining constant o/p using three brush generator
1) The field is excited from one main brush X and third brush Z fixed at 90°
electrical with normal axis of brushes X and Y
2) As the load on the generator increases the armature reaction flux Øa 1 mark each
increases .This is cross magnetising flux (crosses the main flux Øm) point
3) Main flux Øm is is distorted .The resultant flux Ør at brushes 'ZX' reduces
The effect is that the e.m.f. generated across them reduces .The effect is the reduction
in field excitation .
4) This further reduces the emf generated across the main brushes XY
The result is in controlling increased load and keeping o/p as far as possible as

4 c) State the necessity of feeding and sectioning arrangement in traction SS. Draw its
sketch also.

4 c) Ans:
Need of feeding arrangement:
Feed the supply properly to the traction arrangement of over head lines &
transformers (132 kV/25 kV) of each phase which in turn feed the up and down lines 1 mark
as shown in the figure.

Figure 2
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Need of sectioning arrangements:

Power to the consecutive substations is fed from different phases in rotation as 1 mark
shown in figure to balance the energy load on the three phases. Avoid phase shifts.
Zones fed by adjacent substations are acting as a separate independent unit.
Neutral section is provided in between two adjacent substations.

4 d) Draw a neat labeled sketch of faiveley type pantograph.

4 d) Ans:
Faiveley type pantograph:

Labeled 4
partially 3 to
2 marks,

Unlabeled 1

4 e) State any four reasons of failure of under frame generation equipment.

4 e) Ans:
Reasons for failure of under frame generation equipment:
1) Generator belts falling off or becoming loose.
2) Poor quality of generator brushes, sticking in brush boxes and commutator 1 mark each
getting dirty. any four = 4
3) Generator fuses blowing off. marks
4) Generator solder running out.
5) Defective cells.
6) Propeller shaft becoming loose.
7) Axle pulley becoming loose.

4 f) Draw a neat sketch of power circuit of three phase locomotive.

4 f) Ans:
Power circuit of three phase electric locomotive:
4 Marks fully
Or Any other
2-3 Marks
equivalent partial label,
1 mark
Circuit unlabeled.

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5 Attempt any four of the following 16

5 a) State any four limitations of arno converter.

5 a) Ans:
Limitations of Arno converter:
1. Unbalanced current in the 3-phase of stator winding
2. Undue heat produced in the winding.
3. Voltage fluctuation and voltage unbalance. Output voltage obtained from 1 mark each
Arno converter fluctuates from 290 V to 460 V. any four = 4
4. When output voltage of Arno converter raises to 460 V, because of excessive marks
magnetizing current, p.f. is poor
5. Stator winding carries single phase motoring current and 3 generating
6. Motoring phases carry both motoring and generating currents, resultant
current is small where as generating phase carries only generating current, its
magnitude is higher than motoring phases.
7. Negative sequence torque has pronounced effect on starting torque.
8. Problem in starting

5 b) List any four strengths of LIM propelled railway traction.

5 b) Ans:
Strengths of LIM propelled railway traction:
1) Pull produced for propelling the system is independent of adhesion between the
wheels of motorized coach and rail.
2) No driving wheels and hence no associated adhesion problem. This feature 1 mark each
permits negotiation of steeper gradients. any four = 4
3) Two wheels fixed to an axle can rotate independent of each other and hence marks
curve negotiating property improves.
4) System does not require gears therefore reduction in the associated noise level
and cost of maintenance.
5) Floor height above the rail level is substantially reduced. This results in
reduction in the height of bridges, diameter of tunnels along the route.
6) Avoidance of rotation of parts leads to low mechanical losses.
Useful for high speed levitation trains due to absence of gears and adhesion.

5 c) Draw a neat sketch of earth fault protection of auxiliary circuit of electric loco. State
the function of relay and isolating resistance.

5 c) Ans:
Earth fault protection for auxiliaries in Loco:
Function of relay: 1 mark
The earth fault occurring anywhere in the auxiliary circuit gets monitored by the
relay which acts to trip the main CB.
Function of isolating resistance: 1 mark
Since earth fault is not dangerous, the locomotive can be worked temporarily by
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isolating the relay which connects the star point to earth through a high resistance so
that the relay operation is avoided.

Figure 2

5 d) State the function of following auxiliaries used in electric locomotive,

i) Batteries ii ) Compressor iii ) Blower iv ) Exhauster

5 d) Ans:
1) Batteries – supply to run baby compressor which supplies air for initial raising
of pantograph and closing of air blast circuit breaker.
2) Compressor – supply air for operation, control and application of brakes. 1 mark each
3) Blowers – cooling purpose as transformer blower, reactor blower, SCR blower,
traction motor blower etc.
4) Exhausters – for vacuum brakes.

5 e) Write any four advantages of VF signalling over DC signalling.

5 e) Ans: Advantages of VF signaling over DC signaling:

1) Large number of circuits can be easily derived over a single pair of wires
(single pair can control 18 stations). 1 mark each
2) Signal attenuation can be compensated by use of repeater stations. any four = 4
3) No interference and cross talk over adjacent conductors. marks
4) Can be used over long distances.
5) Can be used where large number of equipment can be controlled.
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5 f) Draw a neat sketch of moving primary fixed secondary double sided LIM. Write one
advantage and one disadvantage of it.

5 f) Ans:
Moving primary fixed secondary, double side LIM

Fig 2 marks

i) No Need of backing of iron along the track as laminated core is used in
each primary. Any one = 1
ii) Uniform air gap maintained. mark
iii) Higher thrust/force.
iv) Better magnetic circuit performance.
v) Better power factor.
i) Problem of maintaining uniform clearance between secondary Al plate
and two primaries all along the track, particularly at points and crossing.
Any one = 1
ii) Costly due to Al plate all along the track.
iii) Overall dimensions and weight higher
iv) Increases the risk of accidents result from change in gap due to sudden
production of lateral forces on the moving vehicle.

6 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

6 a) i) State the following,

1) Position of head light 2) Supply voltage for flasher light
3) Colours used for marker light 4) Frequencies for engine horn.

6 a) i) Ans:
1) Position of head light:
Head light is located at center near roof level.
2) Supply voltage for flasher light:
Nominal 110 V. dc, range 70 V to 140 V.
3) Colours used for marker light: 1 mark each
Normally the marker lamps are white in front and the rear marker lights are
red, when the loco is travelling alone, red marker indicates parking light
4) Frequencies for engine horn:
For HT horn – 660 Hz
For LT horn – 330 Hz
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6 a) ii) State the nature of protection provided for following types of faults;
1) Over voltage 2) Under voltage 3) High air pressure in air circuit 4) Low air
pressure in air crcuit

6 a) ii) Ans:
1) Over voltage: Controlled through tap changing, only an alarm needs to be
provided for attention of crew.
2) Under voltage: voltage below 17.5 kV is not desirable. A no volt relay is
provided which trips the CB and calls for resetting of power and auxiliary 1 mark each
circuits. = 4 marks
3) High air pressure in air circuit: Safety valve / PRV (pressure release valve)
is fitted in the compressed air circuit to protect against high pressure.
4) Low air pressure in air crcuit: Relay senses low pressure in air circuit and
trips the relevant CB.

6 a) iii) State one application each for technically feasible LEM propelled transport system
based on suspension used (any four).

6 a) iii) Ans:
1) Steel wheel on steel rail --- surface transportation 1 mark each
2) Rubber wheel on road --- surface transportation
3) Flat surface on water --- crossing rivers
4) Levitation --- wheel less travel along pre-defined routs

6 a) iv) Give meaning of the term defect. State effects of it. Also give classification of it and
methods to eliminate them.

6 a) iv) Ans:
Defect - Failure in a genral sense can be regarded as a defect 1 mark

Effects of Defect -Defect results in the reduction of speed or load capacity

of the locomotive or which detables the locomotive altogether for some 1 mark
length of time

Classification of defects-
1) defective design material or workmanship by the manufacturer 1 mark
2) inadequate maintenance due to negligence on the part of maintenance staff
3) lacuna in maintenance schedules which may necessiate change in the periodicity
of inspection

Methods of Elimination-
Above defect (1) can be eliminated by appropriate action taken by manufacturer 1 mark
Defects(2) and (3) can be minimised by restoring to the ideal maintenance practice

6 b) Attempt any ONE of the following 6

6 b) i) State the function of following components related to mimic diagram.

1) PL 2) OPL 3) CHL 4) GCK 5) LTK 6) ARK
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6 b) i) Ans :
1) PL-Milky white lamp called pilot lamp is provided which lights up when
alarm is received from any section in that panel
2) OPL-Green lamp called operation in progress lamp lights up whenever
impulse train is being transmitted from or received by the remote control
3) CHL-Red lamp called channel failure lamp lights up when either send or
receive channel fails or underground P and T cable develops a fault
4) GCK- General check key is provided for each controlled post to verify the 1 mark each
exact position of all the apparatus at the controlled post
5) LTK- Lamp test key is provided to carry out a test to ensure that all the
indication lamps on each mimic panel are in good condition
6) ARK -Alarm reset key is provided to enable the traction power controller to
acknowledge and cancel any alarm tele signals arriving at the control centre

6 b) ii) Give broad classification of maintenance with meaning of each type. State the factors
on which ideal maintenance of electric rolling stock is judged. Give any two means
to improve any one factor of these.

6 b) ii) Ans:
1) Running repairs – carried out when the equipment has actually failed.
2) Trouble shooting – involves rectification of the defects by making temporary 2 mark
repair so that equipment is made get going on. (any two)
3) Preventive maintenance - advance actions have to be taken to ward off the
future failure.

Factors on which ideal maintenance jugged :

1) Reliability of locomotive 2 mark
2) Availability of locomotive (any two)
3) Overall cost of loco maintenance

Means to improve reliability

Proper inspection, proper method of trouble shooting & repairs , proper technical
investigation , suitable repair facilities 2 mark
OR (any two)
Means to improve availability
Inspection schedule , co-ordination between maintenance and operating staff , co-
ordination of work at shed , availability of standby and quality spares

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