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TYPE  Original

September 2022
DOI 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.954330

The influence of academic

OPEN ACCESS pressure on adolescents’
problem behavior: Chain
Daniela Husarova,
University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik,

mediating effects of self-control,
parent–child conflict, and
Guoying Deng,
Shanghai General Hospital,
Mohsen Khosravi,
University of Medical Sciences,
subjective well-being
Kai Gao
Mao-min Jiang 1, Kai Gao 2*, Zheng-yu Wu 1† and Pei-pei Guo 2†
[email protected]
 School of Public Affairs, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, 2 School of Management, Shanghai

These authors have contributed equally University of Engineering Sciences, Shanghai, China
to this work

This article was submitted to
As a negative social issue, teenagers’ problem behavior not only affects
Health Psychology, individuals’ physical and mental health and social function development but is
a section of the journal also not conducive to social harmony and stability. This study mainly discusses
Frontiers in Psychology
the influence of academic pressure on adolescents’ problem behavior, and the
RECEIVED 27 May 2022
ACCEPTED 02 August 2022
potential relationship between these and academic pressure, examining issues
PUBLISHED 21 September 2022 such as self-control, parent–child conflict, and subjective well-being. The data
CITATION were collected from the fifth wave of the China Family Panel Studies (2017–
Jiang M-m, Gao K, Wu Z-y and Guo P-p 2018). The data of 2,465 teenagers aged 10–15 were analyzed by LISREL8.8
(2022) The influence of academic pressure
on adolescents’ problem behavior: Chain
software. The results show that academic pressure positively affects adolescents’
mediating effects of self-control, parent– deviant behavior. The mediation model finds that parent–child conflict and self-
child conflict, and subjective well-being. control play a direct mediating role between academic pressure and adolescents’
Front. Psychol. 13:954330.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.954330 behavioral problems. Parent–child conflict, self-control, and subjective well-
being have important chain mediation effects between academic pressure and
© 2022 Jiang, Gao, Wu and Guo. This is an adolescents’ problem behavior. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of such
open-access article distributed under the problems, it is necessary to further strengthen individuals’ ability to maintain
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY). The use, distribution or self-control, promote or cultivate adolescents’ character strengths, create a
reproduction in other forums is permitted, harmonious family atmosphere, reduce the probability of parent–child conflict,
provided the original author(s) and the
and increase the subjective well-being of teenagers.
copyright owner(s) are credited and that
the original publication in this journal is
cited, in accordance with accepted KEYWORDS
academic practice. No use, distribution or
reproduction is permitted which does not teenagers, academic pressure, problem behavior, self-control, parent–child conflict,
comply with these terms. subjective well-being, chain mediation

Adolescents’ problem behavior refers to behavior that deviates from the normal
standard of society expected while adolescents are growing up (Markova and Nikitskaya,
2014). As a negative social behavior, it is usually used to measure adolescents’ physical and
mental health and social function development (Kenneth et  al., 2003). The specific

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manifestations of adolescents’ problem behavior include an on the physical and mental development of teenagers (Kerri et al.,
inappropriate learning attitude, poor interpersonal relationships, 2009). It has been found that parents’ psychological aggression and
and bad living habits (Kremer et  al., 2016). Relevant research corporal punishment can easily lead to more deviant behaviors,
shows that adolescents’ problem behavior is persistent, which can such as aggression, violation of discipline, and anxiety. Parent–
significantly affect adult drinking, violence, and even committing child conflict has a long-term and persistent negative impact on
crimes (Pol et al., 2012; Evans et al., 2020). This not only affects adolescents’ behavioral problems (Bradford et  al., 2007). Some
adolescents’ behavioral health, but also is not conducive to the studies have found that parent–child conflict has a moderating
harmonious and stable development of society. It has been found effect on academic pressure and adolescent behavioral deviation
that adolescents’ problem behavior is mainly influenced by (Kuang, 2011). In addition, a number of studies have also found
individuals, families, schools, and society, and the disharmonious that academic pressure may affect adolescents’ problem behavior
parent–child relationship, school violence, and social order are all through parent–child conflict. Academic pressure includes the
important factors that lead to it (Reaves et al., 2018). This study pressure placed on adolescents by parents. When academic
seeks to verify the formation mechanism and path of influence of performance fails to satisfy parents, it will affect family relations,
adolescent problem behaviors from the four levels of individual, resulting in parent–child conflict, which may lead to an increase in
family, school, and society, starting from the external environment adolescents’ problem behavior (Huan et al., 2008). The way parent–
and internal performance, through to structural equation child conflict affects the relationship between academic pressure
modeling, in order to find ways reduce adolescent problem and adolescents’ problem behavior needs further verification.
behavior and promote the development of positive social functions. Self-control is one of the most important factors that affect an
Given the background of China’s nine-year compulsory individual’s internal development. According to changes in the
education system, teenagers are not able to live without learning external environment, a person can adjust their thoughts,
during their long growth stage. Academic pressure may have an emotions, and behaviors in time to achieve established goals
important impact on teenagers’ physical and mental health, family (Casey and Caudle, 2013). Relevant research proves that teenagers
relations, and happiness, which has been confirmed by many with high self-control have greater happiness, excellent academic
studies (Sun et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2016). Academic pressure performance, good interpersonal relationships, less mental illness
refers to the tension, discomfort, and other emotions caused by and problem behavior, and, at the same time, they can better
the pressure from school, family, and society in the learning regulate negative personal emotions (Pokhrel et al., 2017). A study
process (Luo et al., 2020). Studies have shown that teachers and found that academic pressure can regulate adolescents’ problem
parents have higher learning expectations of teenagers with good behavior through individual self-control. Strong self-control
academic performance, resulting in greater academic pressure. ability can also relieve academic pressure and reduce negative
When academic performance does not match expectations, this emotions (Xu et  al., 2018). In addition, the parent–child
can create negative emotions, which will lead to deviant behaviors relationship can also influence adolescents’ self-control and then
(Ma et  al., 2018; Çelik, 2019). Teenagers with poor academic their problem behavior. For example, self-control theory points
performance are vulnerable to peer pressure in the campus out that a negative parent–child relationship will reduce the
environment, and they are prone to feelings of inferiority, anxiety, development of adolescents’ self-control ability. However, the lack
and fear in their studies. At the same time, their academic failures of self-control ability can easily lead to individual bad behavior
also make them vulnerable to peer investigation and rejection. (Bunch et al., 2017). A general theory of crime also shows that
This leads to rebellious psychological issues, showing problem parent–child conflict is an important factor restricting the
behavior such as hyperactivity and aggression, and even crimes development of adolescents’ self-control ability, and adolescents
(McEvoy and Welker, 2000). Therefore, it is particularly important with low self-control ability are at high risk of violating discipline
to study the path of influence of academic pressure on adolescents’ or committing crimes (Hirschi and Gottfffredson, 1993).
problem behavior. Therefore, the direct and indirect effects of academic pressure,
Parent–child relationships, teacher–student relationships, and parent–child relationship, and self-control on adolescents’
peer relationships are the most important social relationships of problem behavior still need to be further explored.
teenagers. They play an important role in the development of their Subjective well-being is an indicator of an individual’s life state
social functions (Buist, 2004). The parent–child relationship is a ascertained by examining certain standards, mainly emotional
type of interpersonal relationship that unites a natural relationship state and life satisfaction (Diener and Fujita, 1995). Subjective
and a social relationship. It is bound by blood relationship and has well-being, as a psychological characteristic of teenagers, can
the particularity of stability, permanence, intimacy, and an effectively measure their social adaptation state, and it is also an
appropriate relationship. It has an extremely important influence important index to evaluate their psychological adaptability
(Eryılmaz, 2011). Studies have found that subjective well-being
can not only effectively predict adolescents’ mental health, but also
Abbreviations: AP, Academic pressure; SC, Self-control; PCC, Parent–child predict their tendency to display problem behavior (Rask et al.,
conflict; SWB, Subjective well-being; PB, Problem behavior; CFA, Confirmatory 2002). Teenagers with low subjective well-being often show
factor analysis; SD, Standard deviation; SEM, Structural equation modeling. anxiety, loneliness, depression, etc. They often deal with social

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relations with a negative attitude, and their social adaptation is behavior; (H3) parent–child conflict and subjective well-being
low, which is more likely to lead to problem behavior (Arslan and have chain mediation between academic pressure and adolescents’
Renshaw, 2017). Subjective well-being can also affect teenagers’ problem behavior; (H4) self-control has a potential mediating
problem behavior through academic pressure, the parent–child effect in the relationship between academic pressure and
relationship, and self-control. The greater the academic pressure, adolescents’ problem behavior; (H5) self-control and subjective
the worse the parent–child relationship, and the lower the self- well-being have chain mediation between academic pressure and
control ability; children’s subjective well-being is often low, thus adolescents’ problem behavior; (H6) parent–child conflict, self-
increasing the risk of problem behavior (Qutaiba et  al., 2012; control, and subjective well-being have complex chain mediation
Bücker et  al., 2018). Therefore, it is particularly important to between academic pressure and adolescents’ problem behavior;
explore the influence mechanism of subjective well-being on and (H7) subjective well-being plays an intermediary role in
adolescents’ problem behavior. academic pressure and adolescents’ problem behavior.
What is the relationship between group academic pressure
and the behavioral problems of teenagers? Do self-control,
parent–child conflict, and subjective well-being have mediating Materials and methods
effects between academic pressure and adolescents’ problem
behavior? Based on the existing theoretical basis and literature, the Participants
research hypotheses are shown in Figure  1: (H1) academic
pressure is positively correlated with adolescents’ problem The data were collected from the China Family Panel Studies
behavior; (H2) parent–child conflict has a mediating effect on the (CFPS) in 2018. This is a nationwide, large-scale, multi-
relationship between academic pressure and adolescents’ problem disciplinary social follow-up survey project, focusing on the

Hypothesized model of the research framework.

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economic activities, educational achievements, family relations asking the participants, “Do you  think you  are happy?” Their
and family dynamics, health, and other topics of Chinese responses included 11 grades (0–10). The higher the score, the
residents. A baseline survey was officially carried out in 25 higher the happiness index.
provinces, cities, and autonomous regions in China in which
14,960 households and 42,590 individuals were interviewed. The Problem behavior
permanent tracking objects of the CFPS survey are visited every 2 In the CFPS 2018 Personal Questionnaire, information was
years. First, a total of 37,354 people participated in the fifth wave collected about adolescent respondents aged 10 to 15 for the first
survey. According to the characteristics of the research subjects, time, including internalizing and externalizing problem behavior.
34,747 people were selected. Then, 142 non-school and blank In 2018, the CFPS adopted a more concise version (Myers et al.,
questionnaires were excluded. The final sample comprised 2,465 1994) from the Early Childhood Liberal Study in the United States,
people. The CFPS project has been approved by Peking University which contains 14 questions, including eight internalized
Biomedical Ethics Committee (IRB00001052-14010). All the questions and six externalized questions. Internalized questions
participants signed an informed consent form. related to the following: angry, exam, loneliness, sadness,
performance, worry about homework, playmates, and shame;
externalization included: quarreling, paying attention, being
Measures distracted, finishing homework, being talkative, and fighting. Each
entry was rated from 1 to 5, where 1 = totally non-conforming,
Academic pressure 2 = non-conforming, 3 = fair, 4 = relatively consistent, and
Academic pressure was mainly measured by the degree of 5 = completely consistent. The higher the score, the greater the
stress experienced by the participants during their own studies. probability of adolescent deviant behavior.
This was measured by asking the following question: “How much
do you think your academic pressure is?” The answer was based
on five grades (no pressure to great pressure, with a score of 1–5). Data analysis
The higher the score, the greater the academic pressure
on teenagers. In this study, SPSS22 was used to analyze the correlation
between variables and the frequency, mean, and standard
Parent–child conflict deviation of each index. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was
This indicator was measured by asking the respondents how obtained by factor analysis to evaluate the internal consistency of
many times they had quarreled with their parents in the last the scale. LISREL8.80 software was used to construct the chain
month. The answers were defined as five grades (1 = 0 times, structure equation, and the intermediary effect was verified. The
2 = 1–2 times; 3 = 3–4 times, 4 = 5–6 times, 5 = 7 times and above). moderating variables were parent–child conflict, self-control, and
subjective happiness, and the independent variable was academic
Self-control pressure. The dependent variable was problem behavior (Figure 1).
The CFPS has investigated the self-control ability of teenagers To explore the fitting effect of the structural equation model, the
aged 10 to 15 since 2012. This scale mainly consists of 12 items, values of the comparative fitting index (CFI), non-normalized
which are used to evaluate the self-control state of daily behavior. fitting index (NNFI), incremental fitting index (IFI), and modified
It includes the following 12 statements: (1) I  am  always well goodness-of-fit index (AGFI) were limited to be higher than 0.90
prepared, (2) I pay attention to details, (3) I like to be organized, (Bentler, 1990; Hu and Bentler, 1999). The approximate root mean
(4) I will do things according to my own schedule, (5) I am very error (RMSEA) value was <0.05 (Steiger, 1990; Browne and
careful in my study, (6) I always put things at random, (7) I always Cudeck, 1992). The critical value (CN) of Hoelter was greater than
mess things up, (8) I always forget to restore things, (9) I do things 200 (Bollen, 1986).
carefully and thoroughly, (10) I do my homework first and then
play, (11) I’ll start my homework assignment right after, and (12)
I’ll clean up when things get messy. Questions six (I always put Results
things at random), seven (I always mess things up), and eight (I
always forget to restore things) are reverse questions. Their Descriptive data
answers were scored in reverse before the analysis in this study.
Each item was rated from 1 to 5, where 1 = strongly disagree, Table 1 shows the main demographic characteristics of the
2 = disagree, 3 = neither agree nor disagree, 4 = agree, and 5 = quite teenagers investigated, in which the average age is 12.40 (SD = 1.66)
agree. The higher the score, the stronger the self-control ability. years old. There is little difference between the number of boys and
girls in the survey. Those who have never quarreled with their
Subjective well-being parents in the past month account for 73.24% of the total number,
Subjective well-being was mainly measured by asking whether and only 3.76% of teenagers have quarreled with their parents five
participants thought they were happy or not. It was measured by times or more in the past month. The average score of adolescents’

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academic pressure is 2.89 (SD = 1.14), the average score of self- 0.56–0.092), all p < 0.01, and the model was some intermediaries
control is 42.28 (SD = 6.76), the average score of subjective well- (Table 4). In addition, academic pressure, parent–child conflict,
being is 8.15 (SD = 2.09), and the average score of problem and adolescent deviation have significant positive effects, while
behavior is 31.83 (SD = 8.16). self-control and subjective well-being have significant negative
effects on adolescent deviation. Academic pressure is negatively
correlated with self-control, positively correlated with parent–
Mediation analyses child conflict, and has no direct impact on subjective well-being.
Self-control, parent–child relationship, and subjective well-being
LISREL 8.8 software was used to perform confirmative factor play a significant chain-mediated role in academic pressure and
analysis of the measurement indicators. The analysis results are adolescent deviant behavior.
shown in the following table. The RMSEA values of self-control Table  5 shows the path of influence between academic
and behavioral deviation are all less than 0.08, the values of NNFI, pressure and adolescents’ problem behavior. The study found that
CFI, IFI, and AGFI are all greater than 0.9, the Cronbach’s alpha academic pressure has a significant influence on adolescents’
values are all greater than 0.7, and the reliability and validity of the problem behavior, with a total effect of 0.19 (p < 0.001) and a
scale are within the acceptable range (Table 2). direct effect of 0.14 (p < 0.001). Hypothesis 1 is supported by the
According to the value of t (t < 1.96), in order to obtain the data. Academic pressure has a positive impact on parent–child
final model (Figure 2), the insignificant path was eliminated by conflict (β = 0.09, p < 0.001), and parent–child conflict also has a
using the structural equation model. The model has a good fitting direct impact on adolescents’ problem behavior (β = 0.10,
degree, RMSEA = 0.043, NNFI = 0.90, CFI = 0.93, IFI = 0.93, p < 0.01). It has a significant negative effect on subjective well-
AGFI = 0.98, CN = 470.35 (Table 3). The results show that the total being (β = −0.07, p < 0.001), and subjective well-being can directly
effect was 0.082 (95% CI 0.64–0.102), the total indirect effect was affect adolescents’ problem behavior (β = −0.11, p < 0.001).
0.008 (95% CI 0.03–0.014), the direct effect was 0.074 (95% CI Therefore, academic pressure can positively affect adolescents’
problem behavior through parent–child conflict, and it can also
TABLE 1  Descriptive statistics variables of the sample (n = 2,465). affect adolescents’ problem behavioral through parent–child
conflict and subjective well-being. Hypotheses 2, 3, and 7 are
Variable n# % Mean SD supported to some extent. In addition, academic pressure
Control variable negatively affects self-control (β = −0.09, p < 0.001), while self-
Age [10–15] 12.40 1.66 control directly affects adolescents’ parent–child conflict,
Sex subjective well-being, and problem behavior, with direct effects
Male 1,305 52.94 of −0.18, 0.37, and −0.32, respectively (p < 0.001). Therefore,
Female 1,160 47.06 academic pressure can affect adolescents’ problem behavior
Independent variables through self-control. The deviant behavior of teenagers can
Academic pressure [1–5] 2.89 1.14 be influenced through self-control and parent–child conflict, but
Mediating variables also through self-control, parent–child conflict, and subjective
Parent–child conflict well-being. Therefore, hypotheses 4, 5, and 6 are supported to
Number of quarrels with parents some extent.
never 1,697 73.24
1–2 times 415 17.91
3–4 times 118 5.09 Discussion
5–6 times 44 1.90
≥7 times 43 1.86 From the four levels of individual, family, school, and society,
Self-control [12–60] 42.28 6.76 this study took the external environment and internal performance
Subjective well-being [1–10] 8.15 2.09 as the starting point to explore the formation mechanism and path
Dependent variable of influence of adolescent problem behavior, so as to improve the
Problem behavior [6–30] 31.83 8.16 references for reducing such behavior and promoting the
development of positive social functions. Using a structural
Note: Total number < n = 2,465 due to missing data.
[], The range of a single item. equation model, this study verified the path of influence of

TABLE 2  Scale reliability and validity tests.

Variables RMSEA NNFI CFI IFI AGFI CN Cronbach’s alpha

Self-control 0.063 0.93 0.95 0.95 0.97 330.83 0.874
Problem behavior 0.069 0.90 0.93 0.93 0.96 271.42 0.854

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Structural equation modeling results. Note: AP, academic pressure (the influence of academic pressure on adolescent problem behavior); SC,
self-control; PCC, parent–child conflict; SWB, subjective well-being; PB, problem behavior; **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.

TABLE 3  Measures of goodness-of-fit for academic pressure and problem behavior model of the adolescents.

Model Chi-square df RMSEA NNFI CFI IFI AGFI CN

Initial model 1688.49 418 0.043 0.90 0.93 0.93 0.98 469.39
Delete AGE → PCC 1690.77 419 0.043 0.90 0.93 0.93 0.98 469.79
Delete AP → SWB 1692.92 420 0.043 0.90 0.93 0.93 0.98 470.79
Delete AGE → PB 1693.77 421 0.043 0.90 0.93 0.93 0.98 471.03
Delete GEN → PCC 1694.02 422 0.043 0.90 0.93 0.93 0.98 471.99
Delete GEN → SWB 1707.41 423 0.043 0.90 0.93 0.93 0.98 469.32
Delete AGE → SWB # 1707.41 424 0.043 0.90 0.93 0.93 0.98 470.35

IA, internet addiction; PB, problem behavior; GEN, gender; SC, self-control; DP18, depression in 2017–2018.#Goodness-of-fit of the final model.

academic pressure on adolescent problem behavior. It has shown Academic pressure is an important factor
that academic pressure positively influenced adolescents’ problem affecting adolescent problem behavior
behavior. The mediation model found that parent–child conflict
and self-control play a direct mediating role between academic The study proved that academic pressure has a significant
pressure and adolescents’ problem behavior. In addition, this influence on adolescents’ problem behavior. That is, the greater the
study also found that parent–child conflict, self-control, and academic pressure, the higher the risk of adolescents’ problem
subjective well-being have important chain mediating effects behavior. At present, China’s education model is still exam-oriented
between academic pressure and adolescents’ problem behavior. education (Hu and West, 2015). Teenagers are constantly facing

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TABLE 4  Analysis and comparison of specific direct and indirect effects.

Point estimate Product of coefficients BOOTSTRAP1000 TIMES 95% CI

Bias corrected Percentile

Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. p-Value Lower Upper Lower Upper

Total effect 0.082 0.010 8.207 *** 0.063 0.099 0.064 0.102
Total indirect effect 0.008 0.003 2.986 ** 0.003 0.015 0.003 0.014
Direct effect 0.074 0.009 7.906 *** 0.057 0.093 0.056 0.092

TABLE 5  Direct and indirect effects of academic pressure and very important. Parent–child conflict, as a negative event, can
problem behavior in adolescents. directly affect adolescents’ emotional behavior and increase the risk
of problem behavior (Bradford et al., 2007). Academic pressure
Variables Problem behavior
mainly comes from school, family, and peers, while adolescents’
Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect dependence on family makes them bear more pressure from family.
Independent variables Increasing numbers of parent–child conflicts are rooted in children’s
Academic pressure 0.14 0.05 0.19 academic performance. Such conflicts will also increase adolescents’
Mediation variables psychological trauma and increase the risk of problem behavior
Parent–child conflict 0.10 0.01 0.11 (Rex et al., 1986). Adolescents are a special group whose physical
Self-control -0.32 −0.06 −0.38 and mental development is not sufficiently sound. A good family
Subjective well-being −0.11 - −0.11 environment is particularly important for the formation of their
values. Therefore, parents should aim for the healthy growth of their
children, attach importance to family relationships, reduce parent–
various examinations in order to enter better schools. In this process, child conflicts, and create a harmonious family ambience.
they bear pressure from all sides, including learning tasks, learning
expectations, and interpersonal relationships. Excessive academic
pressure is bound to lead to emotional changes in teenagers, which Self-control can effectively alleviate
will easily lead to mental illness such as depression in the long run adolescent problem behaviors
(Anyan and Hjemdal, 2016). Problem behavior is generally the
excessive behavior undertaken by teenagers after they bear great The study also proved that self-control can directly affect the
psychological pressure. Serious problem behavior includes acts such problem behavior of adolescents and, as a mediating factor, it can
as suicide and murder (DiCataldo and Everett, 2007), which are not alleviate the effect of academic pressure on their problem behavior.
only detrimental to the physical and mental health and social One study found that the stronger the self-control ability, the higher
function development of teenagers, but also brings indelible harm an individual’s ability to manage stress and regulate emotions, and
to families, schools, and even society. It is particularly important to the lower the probability of negative behavior to a certain extent
alleviate the academic pressure on teenagers. To facilitate this, China (Glenn and Cunningham, 2000; Finning et al., 2017). At the same
has adopted a “double reduction” policy. However, at the early stage time, self-control also has a moderating effect, including reducing
of the policy’s implementation, there are still many problems. For external environmental factors such as family conflict and poor
example, test scores are still an important factor for students to go academic performance (Perrone et al., 2004). Having good self-
to higher schools, and the service quality of teachers is inconsistent control can improve adolescents’ academic performance, reduce
(Li, 2021). Therefore, it is necessary to continuously strengthen the negative emotions, and resolve academic pressure, thereby reducing
reform of the education system, take the coordinated development the probability of occurrences of problem behavior (Yu, 2010).
of teenagers’ morality, intelligence, physique, and beauty as Therefore, it is necessary to focus on improving the self-control and
guidance, and improve their psychological resilience. stress-management ability of young people, channeling negative
emotions, and providing better potential conditions for the
development of young people’s mental health and social function.
Parent–child conflict increases the risk
of problem behavior in adolescents
Improving adolescent subjective
The results of the study found that parent–child conflict was an well-being can effectively prevent
important factor affecting adolescent problem behavior. There was problem behavior
a mediating effect in the association between academic pressure and
problem behavior. Family is the primary environment for individual According to the textual content analysis, we  found that
growth, and the influence of family environment on adolescents is subjective well-being can effectively alleviate adolescent problem

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behavior. Subjective well-being, as an important indicator to Second, since the information was gathered from the participants
measure the psychological characteristics of adolescents, is in the study, self-report/recall bias may have existed. However, it
affected by factors such as interpersonal relationships, social is not easy to achieve continued participation among cohorts of
support, and social trust. Our study also confirms this view adolescents in a cohort study, and the sample size should not
(Renshaw, 2016). The area of adolescents’ activity is mainly be ignored. As a result, our findings with regard to acceptable
between school and home. Family relationships, teacher–student goodness-of-fit indices deserve to be given more attention.
relationships, and classmate relationships constitute adolescents’
interpersonal networks. Negative interpersonal networks will
reduce life satisfaction and subjective well-being, and eventually Conclusion
lead to problem behavior (Bücker et al., 2018). This study also
partially confirmed this conclusion. Therefore, by strengthening The problem behavior of teenagers should be  given
social support and combining family and school, the subjective continuous attention. Academic pressure has a direct positive
well-being of adolescents can be jointly improved to reduce the impact on adolescents’ problem behavior, and parent–child
occurrence of bad behavior. conflict and self-control have a direct mediating effect between
academic pressure and adolescents’ problem behavior. In
addition, parent–child conflict, self-control, and subjective well-
The complex chain mediating effect of being have important chain mediation effects between academic
parent–child conflict, self-control, and pressure and adolescents’ problem behavior. The results of this
subjective well-being study emphasize that it is necessary to start from the four levels
of individual, family, school and society, and combine the
Finally, it is worth mentioning that the results of that parent– external environment and internal performance to strengthen the
child conflict, self-control, and subjective well-being play significant psychological characteristics of adolescents and reduce problem
chain mediating roles between academic pressure and adolescents’ behavior. For example, schools can offer psychological courses,
problem behavior, mainly following three paths. First, academic strengthen the psychological education of teenagers, and promote
pressure increases the risk of parent–child conflict, thus reducing or cultivate their character strengths. Parents should pay attention
subjective happiness, and then increases the risk of adolescents’ to controlling their emotions when they interact with their
problem behavior. Second, academic pressure can reduce self- children, reduce the frequency of parent–child conflicts, and
control, thereby reducing the subjective well-being of individuals create a harmonious and happy family relationship. Teenagers
and increasing the probability of adolescents’ problem behavior. should also strengthen their cultivation of self-control and reduce
Third, academic pressure leads to the decline of self-control ability, problem behavior. In addition, these measures can increase social
increases the probability of parent–child conflict, and reduces the support and enhance the subjective well-being of adolescents.
subjective well-being of teenagers, leading to problem behavior.
Self-control and parent–child conflict affect subjective well-being to
a certain extent, thereby affecting adolescents’ problem behaviors. Data availability statement
Therefore, there is a need to focus on how to improve the subjective
well-being of teenagers. For example, schools can offer psychological The original contributions presented in the study are included
courses, strengthen the psychological education of teenagers, and in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries can be
promote or cultivate their character strengths. At the same time, directed to the corresponding author.
mental education could be integrated into daily teaching, actively
guiding the healthy development of young people’s minds and
shaping their strong personality traits. In addition, the family Ethics statement
relationship is an important part of teenagers’ happiness, so parents
should pay more attention to this while educating their children. The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
When parents have a good relationship with their children, they approved. This study was approved by the Ethical Review
should control their emotions, reduce the frequency of parent–child Committee of Peking University Biomedical (IRB00001052-
conflicts, and create a harmonious and happy family relationship. 14010), and all participants signed informed consent. Written
informed consent to participate in this study was provided by the
participants’ legal guardian/next of kin.
Some limitations to this study warrant consideration. First, Author contributions
academic pressure, self-control, parent–child conflict, subjective
well-being, and problem behavior are cross-sectional in the study M-mJ and KG designed the study, analyzed results, drafted,
and can be further validated using longitudinal data in the future. revised the manuscript, and acquisition of funding. M-mJ and

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Z-yW drafted and revised the manuscript. KG and P-pG Center and the China Family Panel Studies team for providing
analyzed results, and revised the manuscript. All authors the data.
contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.

Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
This work was supported by the National Natural Science absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
Foundation of China (grant numbers 72074187). The be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
sponsors of the project had no role in the study design, data
collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and writing
the manuscript. Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
Acknowledgments authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
The authors thank all the participants, assistants, and reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
researchers for their contribution to this study. In particular, claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
they thank Peking University, China, Social Science Research endorsed by the publisher.

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