Pathfinder Kingmaker - DM Screen - Kingdom Management

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452100, Diego Drumond <[email protected]>, Sep 2, 2022

KINGDOM ADVANCEMENT Skill Key Ability Untrained Activities Trained Activities During a Kingdom turn, the party has the option to perform Level Scouting Standard DC AC High Save Low Save Attack Max Tactics Each army in the battle makes a Scouting check to ARMY CONDITIONS
Agriculture Stability Establish Farmland — a wide range of downtime activities. The specific activities 1 +7 15 16 +10 +4 +9 1 determine its initiative. On the first round of a war As armies perform activities or engage in warfare, they army recovers from the lost condition, the GM decides
Level Control DC Kingdom features
Harvest Crops vary by Kingdom turn phase, as summarized below. 2 +8 16 18 +11 +5 +11 1 encounter, armies are usually near (see page 577).
1 14 Charter, government, heartland, initial proficiencies, favored land, settlement construction (village) can become affected by conditions. When an army what the army’s new location is (typically this is at an
Upkeep Phase Step 1: Assign Leadership Roles 3 +9 18 19 +12 +6 +12 1 (Armies that have the Ambush tactic may be able to
2 15 Kingdom feat
New Leadership (page 520)
becomes affected by a condition, its effects last until approximate midpoint between the army’s starting
3 16 Settlement construction (town), skill increase Arts Culture Craft Luxuries Create a Masterpiece 4 +11 19 21 +14 +8 +14 2 begin a war encounter engaged [see page 575]; armies
Commerce Phase Step 1: Collect Taxes the condition’s stated duration ends or the condition point and its intended destination).
4 18 Expansion expert, fine living, Kingdom feat Rest and Relax* Repair Reputation (Corruption)* 5 +12 20 22 +15 +9 +15 2 that have the Opening Salvo tactic may be able to
Collect Taxes (page 530) is removed. As with character conditions, some army Mired: The army’s movement is severely impaired.
5 20 Ability boosts, ruin resistance, skill increase Quell Unrest* 6 +14 22 24 +17 +11 +17 2 begin a war encounter distant [see page 576].)
Commerce Phase Step 2: Approve Expenses conditions override others (Core Rulebook 618). It may be bogged down in mud, snow, underbrush,
6 22 Kingdom feat
Boating Economy Establish Trade Agreement* — Improve Lifestyle (page 527)
7 +15 23 25 +18 +12 +18 2 Step 2: Play a Round Some army conditions have a numerical condition rubble, or similar terrain, encumbered by carrying
7 23 Skill increase 8 +16 24 27 +19 +13 +20 3 Each army takes three war actions on its turn, chosen
Go Fishing Tap Treasury (page 528) value. This value conveys the severity of a condition, and heavy burdens, or any other reason. Mired always has
8 24 Experienced leadership +2, Kingdom feat, ruin resistance 9 +18 26 28 +21 +15 +21 3 from Basic War Actions or from any other war actions
Rest and Relax* Commerce Phase Step 3: Tap Commodities such conditions often give a bonus or penalty equal to a value. A mired army takes a circumstance penalty to
9 26 Expansion expert(Claim Hex 3 times/turn), settlement construction (city), skill increase Trade Commodities (page 525) 10 +19 27 30 +22 +16 +23 3 the army may have access to.
11 +21 28 31 +24 +18 +24 3 their value. These values can often be reduced by taking all maneuvers equal to its mired value. If an army ever
10 27 Ability boosts, Kingdom feat, life of luxury Defense Stability Fortify Hex — Commerce Phase Step 4: Manage Trade Agreements Step 3: Check for Routs
12 +22 30 33 +25 +19 +26 4 the Recover Army activity or simply by waiting, as becomes mired 4, it becomes pinned.
11 28 Ruin resistance, skill increase Provide Care Manage Trade Agreements (page 529) At the end of the round, after every army has acted,
12 30 Civic planning, Kingdom feat Activity Phase Step 1: Leadership Activities 13 +23 31 34 +26 +20 +27 4 described in the condition itself. If a condition value is Distant: An army that has the distant condition has
there’s a chance that armies might rout. An army whose
13 31 Skill increase Engineering Stability Build Roads Irrigation Capital Investment (page 529) 14 +25 32 36 +28 +22 +29 4 ever reduced to 0, the condition ends. managed to retreat a fair range away from enemy armies,
HP is at or below its Rout Threshold must attempt a
14 32 Kingdom feat, ruin resistance Clear Hex* Repair Reputation (Decay)* Celebrate Holiday (page 524) 15 +26 34 37 +29 +23 +30 4 Morale check; the DC is equal to the highest Morale Concealed: A concealed army is tougher to target, and is potentially poised to make an escape from the field
15 34 Ability boosts, settlement construction (metropolis), skill increase Demolish Clandestine Business (page 526) 16 +28 35 39 +30 +25 +32 5 DC among the remaining enemy armies. On a critical and gains a +2 circumstance bonus to its Maneuver of battle. Armies can attempt a ranged Strike against
16 35 Experienced leadership +3, Kingdom feat Establish Settlement* Craft Luxuries (page 522) 17 +29 36 40 +32 +26 +33 5 success, that army no longer has to check for routs at checks. Attacks against it take a –2 circumstance penalty. distant armies, but they take a –5 penalty to that Strike.
17 36 Ruin resistance, skill increase Establish Work Site Create a Masterpiece (page 522) 18 +30 38 42 +33 +27 +35 5 this step for the remainder of the encounter (but it can This condition lasts as long as the event granting the Outflanked: The army has enemies coming at it from
18 38 Kingdom feat Creative Solution (page 527) 19 +32 39 43 +35 +29 +36 5 still become routed from other effects). On a failure, concealment persists. many directions and must split its forces to deal with
Exploration Economy Abandon Hex* — Establish Trade Agreement (page 519) 20 +33 40 45 +36 +30 +38 6 the army increases the value of its shaken condition
19 39 Skill increase Defeated: When an army has zero Hit Points, it threats on every side. The army takes a –2 circumstance
Claim Hex* Focused Attention (page 520) by 1. On a critical failure, the army becomes routed.
20 40 Ability boosts, envy of the world, Kingdom feat, ruin resistance becomes defeated. A defeated army cannot take war penalty to its AC.
Clear Hex* Hire Adventurers (page 524) ARMY ACTIVITIES Step 4: Begin the Next Round actions. A defeated army can be restored to 1 Hit Point Pinned: The army and cannot move freely. It has the
Hire Adventurers Infiltration (page 526)
d% roll Event KINGDOM MILESTONE XP AWARDS NEGOTIATION DCS Pledge of Fealty (page 520)
Skill Key Attribute Untrained Activities Trained Activities After checking for routs, the round is over and the next with the Recover Army activity (although the basic DC is outflanked condition and cannot use any maneuver war
Certain Leadership activities (Establish Trade — — Disband Army — one begins. increased by 5 for this check). Any effect that restores a actions. A pinned army cannot be deployed.
1–3 Archaeological Find XP Award Milestone Folklore Culture Celebrate Holiday — Prognostication (page 527)
Arts Culture Recover Shaken Army Recover Weary Army (expert)
4–5 Assassination Attempt 40 Claim your first Landmark (page 536) Agreement, Pledge of Fealty, Request Foreign Quell Unrest* Provide Care (page 523)
Boating Economy Deploy Army —
Step 5: End the Encounter defeated army to at least 1 Hit Point removes the defeated Routed: The army retreats, whether due to magical
6–7 Bandit Activity 40 Claim your first Refuge (page 536) Aid, Send Diplomatic Envoy) allow a kingdom to Purchase Commodities (page 529) Once all armies on a side are routed or destroyed, condition. A defeated army can only be moved one hex compulsion or simply broken morale. On its turn, a routed
Defense Stability Garrison Army —
8–10 Boomtown 40 Establish your first village (page 511) attempt checks to negotiate with other groups. Industry Economy Establish Settlement* Relocate Capital Quell Unrest (page 521) the encounter ends; see Victory or Defeat (below) to at a time with the Deploy Army activity. A defeated army army must use the Retreat war action. While routed, the
Recover Damaged Army —
11–14 Building Demand 40 Reach kingdom Size 10 (page 533) The following list provides DCs for these checks Trade Commodities Recruit Army (page 569) determine the final results of the encounter. can be Disbanded normally. It cannot be used for any army takes a –2 circumstance penalty to Morale checks.
Relocate Capital (page 525) Recover Weary Army —
15–17 Crop Failure 60 Establish diplomatic relations for the first time for groups the PCs are likely to encounter. Feel other Army activity as long as it remains defeated. This condition ends automatically once a war encounter
Repair Reputation (page 521) Engineering Stability Garrison Army —
18–19 Cult Activity 60 Expand a village into your first town free to adjust them up or down to represent Intrigue Loyalty Infiltration Clandestine Business
Request Foreign Aid (page 528) Outfit Army — FORTIFICATION STATISTICS If a defeated army takes damage, it must succeed at a is resolved, but the routed army increases
20–22 Diplomatic Overture 60 All eight leadership roles are assigned New Leadership* Pledge of Fealty*
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the actions of the PCs: an adjustment of +2 or

Rest and Relax (page 521) Recover Mired or Pinned Army — Fortification Type AC HP Max. Armies DC 16 flat check or be destroyed. If all armies on a side its shaken value by 1 in this case. If
23–25 Discovery 60 Reach kingdom Size 25 Quell Unrest* Repair Reputation (Strife)*
–2 is a good place to start if the PCs have been Send Diplomatic Envoy (page 528) Exploration Economy Deploy Army — Castle 30 8 6 are defeated, those armies are destroyed. all armies on one side of a battle
26–27 Drug Den 80 Establish your first trade agreement
particularly friendly or antagonistic to a group. Supernatural Solution (page 526) Recover Lost Army — Keep 25 5 4 Destroyed: The army has been completely devastated, are routed simultaneously, the
28 Economic Surge 80 Expand a town into your first city Magic Culture Quell Unrest* Establish Trade Agreement* (master)
Should the PCs seek relations with a group not Activity Phase Step 2: Region Activities Folklore Culture — Recover Damaged Army (expert) Tower 20 2 1 and it cannot be restored—it can only be replaced by a battle ends and the other army is
29–31 Expansion Demand 80 Reach kingdom Size 50 Supernatural Solution Prognostication
listed here, such as a new Freehold, use these Abandon Hex (page 518) Intrigue Loyalty Offensive Gambit — Trench 15 1 1 new army. Any gear the army had is ruined. victorious.
32–34 Festive Invitation 80 Spend 100 RP during a Kingdom turn
DCs as examples to generate DCs of your own. Build Roads (page 523) Magic Culture Outfit Army Deploy Army (master) Wall, stone 20 3 2 Efficient: The army has performed an Army activity Shaken: The army’s morale has
35–37 Feud 120 Expand a city into your first metropolis Politics Loyalty Establish Settlement* — Claim Hex (page 518) — Recover Mired or Pinned Army Wall, wooden 15 2 2
38–39 Food Shortage 120 Reach kingdom Size 100 Candlemere Lizardfolk: DC 22 with such speed that it can be used to attempt a second begun to falter, be it fear in the face
Improve Lifestyle Clear Hex (page 518) (expert)
40–42 Food Surplus Fort Drelev: DC 30 Army activity immediately, but doing so causes it to lose of a powerful enemy, a supernatural
New Leadership* Establish Farmland (page 522) Politics Loyalty Garrison Army Recover Defeated Army (master)
43–44 Good Weather Greengripe: DC 24
Quell Unrest* Establish Settlement (page 519)
RECOVERING ARMY CONDITIONS the efficient condition. The second Army activity suffers effect such as a dragon’s frightful
Scholarship Culture Train Army —
45–46 Inquisition PROFICIENCY BONUS M’botuu: DC 32
Establish Work Site (page 524) Statecraft Loyalty Recruit Army —
Condition Skill Check to Recover a –5 penalty to its check, and the result of this second presence, or simply the result of ill
47–49 Justice Prevails Proficiency Rank Proficiency Bonus Nomen Centaurs: DC 26 Scholarship Culture Creative Solution — Go Fishing (page 522) Damaged Defense or Folklore (expert) Army activity check cannot grant the efficient condition. fortune in the tide of battle. Shaken
Trade Economy Outfit Army —
50–51 Land Rush Untrained +0 Pitax: DC 28 Establish Settlement* Fortify Hex (page 523) Defeated Politics (master) or Warfare (expert) If the army doesn’t attempt a second Army activity, it always has a numerical value. The
Warfare Loyalty Offensive Gambit Recover Defeated Army (expert)
52–54 Local Disaster Trained kingdom’s level + 2 Rostland: DC 15 Rest and Relax* Gather Livestock (page 530) Lost Exploration or Wilderness (expert) instead loses the efficient condition and reduces the army’s Morale checks take a circumstance
Outfit Army Recover Shaken Army (expert)
55–57 Monster Activity Expert kingdom’s level + 4 Sootscale Kobolds: DC 20 Harvest Crops (page 522) Mired or Pinned Engineering or Magic (expert) value of one condition of its choice by 1. penalty equal to its shaken value, and
Recruit Army —
58 Natural Disaster Master kingdom’s level + 6 Tiger Lords: DC 36 Statecraft Loyalty New Leadership* Pledge of Fealty* Irrigation (page 524) Shaken Arts or Warfare (expert) Engaged: An army that is in close combat with one or whenever the army takes damage, it must
Train Army —
59–61 Nature’s Blessing Legendary kingdom’s level + 8 Tap Treasury Request Foreign Aid Activity Phase Step 3: Civic Activities Weary Arts (expert) or Defense
Tok-Nikrat: DC 18 Wilderness Stability — Recover Lost Army (expert) more enemy armies becomes engaged. An army must be succeed at a DC 11 flat check or its shaken
62–64 New Subjects Send Diplomatic Envoy Build Structure (page 518)
Varnhold: DC 12 engaged in order to attempt melee Strikes. If an army is value increases by 1. An army that becomes
65–67 Noblesse Oblige Trade Economy Capital Investment Collect Taxes Demolish (page 523)
68–70 Outstanding Success KINGDOM SIZE Activity Phase Step 4: Army Activities
DETERMINING VICTORY DETERMINING LOSS engaged and attempts a maneuver war action that would shaken 4 is automatically routed. An army reduces
Establish Trade Agreement* Repair Reputation (Crime)* The PCs won the battle! Roll a basic Warfare check to determine the repercussions The PCs lost the battle! Roll a basic Defense check to try to minimize cause it to disengage, it provokes reactions from any the value of this condition by 1 each Kingdom turn
71–72 Pilgrimage Size Type of Nation Resource Die Control DC Modifier Commodity Storage Manage Trade Agreements See Appendix 3: Warfare
73–74 Plague for the kingdom. damage and to determine repercussions. enemy armies they were engaged with. that passes during which it does not attempt an
1–9 Territory 1d4 +0 4 Purchase Commodities BUILDING ON ROUGH TERRAIN Critical Success The damage suffered in the battle was relatively minor. Critical Success Many soldiers survived the lost battle. All defeated Fortified: The army is in a defensive position as the Army activity or engage in a war encounter.
75–78 Political Calm 10–24 Province 1d6 +1 8 Rest and Relax* Certain Region activities (Clear Hex, Fortify Hex, Build Roads, Restore 1 HP to every damaged army, and at the start of your next Kingdom armies are restored to 1 HP, and one damaged army of your choice result of a Garrison Army activity. While fortified, Weary: The army is exhausted. Weary
79–81 Public Scandal 25–49 State 1d8 +2 12 Establish Work Site, Irrigation) require the PCs to spend an
82 Remarkable Treasure 50–99 Country 1d10 +3 16 Warfare Loyalty New Leadership* Pledge of Fealty* turn, gain one bonus Fame or Infamy point and reduce Unrest by 1. heals 1 HP. enemy armies cannot engage the army and the army always has a numerical value. A weary army
amount of RP determined by the most inhospitable terrain
83 Sacrifices 100+ Dominion 1d12 +4 20 Quell Unrest* Success The damage wasn’t as bad as it seemed. Restore 1 HP to every Success One damaged army of your choice escaped the brunt of the cannot engage enemy armies. A fortified army gains a takes a circumstance penalty equal to its weary
feature contained within the hex. Use the highest RP cost
84–85 Sensational Crime damaged army. loss—that army heals 1 HP. Gain 1 Unrest. +4 item bonus to its AC and to Morale checks made to value to its AC, to its Maneuver checks, and
given for the hex’s terrain types in the list below (so if the
86–90 Squatters SETTLEMENT TYPES Wilderness Stability Abandon Hex* — hex contains swamps and forests, use the cost for swamps).
Failure The battle was hard fought, but your armies bore the results of the Failure The battle was a loss. Gain 1 Unrest. rally. A fortified army that uses a maneuver war action to its Army activity checks; it takes double
91–92 Undead Uprising Settlement Size Population Level Consumption Max. Item Bonus Influence Claim Hex* clash as well as could be expected. Critical Failure The loss has crushed your armies’ spirits. Each army that immediately loses its fortified condition. this circumstance penalty to Deploy Army
Mountains: 12 RP
93–95 Unexpected Find Village (1st) 1 block 400 or less 1 1 +1 0 Gather Livestock Critical Failure Although you won the battle, it took its toll on some of your participated in the battle increases its shaken or weary condition (the Lost: When an army’s attempt to deploy to a new checks. An army reduces the value of this
Swamps: 8 RP
96–97 Vandals Town (3rd) 4 blocks 401–2,000 2–4 2 +1 1 hex Rest and Relax* armies. Any army that was damaged in the battle increases its shaken or party chooses which) by 2. Gain 1d4 Unrest. location fails, it can become lost. A lost army can take condition by 1 each Kingdom turn that passes during
Forests: 4 RP
98–99 Visiting Celebrity City (9th) 9 blocks 2,001–25,000 5–9 4 +2 2 hexes Any Skill Varies Focused Attention* — weary condition value (the party chooses which) by 1. no Army activity other than Recover, and that only which it does not attempt an Army activity or engage
Hills: 2 RP
100 Wealthy Immigrant Metropolis (15th) 10+ blocks 25,001+ 10+ 6 +3 3 hexes *This is a general skill activity; descriptions for these appear on pages 517–521.
Plains: 1 RP in an attempt to remove the lost condition. When an in a war encounter.
21971880, Diego Drumond <[email protected]>, Sep 2, 2022 21971880
©2022 Paizo Inc.

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