The Defect Liability Period in This Case Shall Be One Year After

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The Bank Guarantee (BG) issued by the issuing Bank on behalf of

contractor in favour of “Central Coalfields Limited” shall be in paper
form as well as issued under “Structured Financial Messaging System

The details of beneficiary for issue of Bank Guarantee (BG) under SFMS
platform is furnished below:

Name Central Coalfields

Area HQ
Name of
Bank A/C no. of 10106155123
beneficiary and
Customer ID/CIF 80288731402
no of beneficiary
Department E&M
Beneficiary’s State Bank of India
Beneficiary’s Branch and SME Branch,
Bank, Branch Address Doranda, Ranchi -
and Address 834002
SFMS Code/ SBIN0009620
In case of Foreign SBININBB387
BG Swift Code

3.2 The Guarantee amount shall be payable to the Employer without any condition

3.3 Performance Security shall be converted into Performance Guarantee on successful

completion of work in accordance with contract and upon satisfactory trial operations.

1. Performance security submitted in the form of BG shall be valid for 90 days beyond
defect liability period. The Defect Liability period in this case shall be one year
after satisfactory trial operations.

3.4 The Performance Guarantee shall cover additionally the following guarantees to the

(a) The successful bidder guarantees the successful and satisfactory operation of
the equipment furnished and erected under the contract, as per the
specifications and documents,
(b) The successful bidder further guarantees that the equipment provided and
installed by him shall be free from all defects in design, material and
workmanship and shall upon written notice from the employer fully remedy
free of expenses to the Employer such defects as developed under the normal
use of the said equipment within the period of defect liability.

3.5 The Contract Performance Guarantee is intended to secure the performance of the
entire Contract. However it is not construed as limiting the damages under clause entitled
'Equipment Performance Guarantee' in section Technical Conditions of Contract and
damages stipulated in the other clauses in the bidding documents.
3.6 All Bank Guarantees are to be submitted in the format prescribed by the company in
the bid document. Bank Guarantee shall be irrevocable and it shall be from any
Scheduled Bank acceptable to the owner. The BG issued by outstation bank shall be
operative at its local branch at Ranchi.
3.7 The Company shall be at liberty to deduct/appropriate from the Contract Performance
Guarantee/Security Deposit such sums as are due and payable by the contractor to
the company as may be determined in terms of the contract, and the amount
appropriated from the Contract Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit shall have
to be restored by Contractor subsequently.
3.8 The Contract Performance Guarantee will be returned to the Contractor without any
interest at the end of the defect liability period. Any defect/defects in the work, if
detected during defect liability period shall be rectified to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in- Charge within the said defect liability period or its due extension till
completion of the rectification works as required.
3.9 In case the successful bidder fails to submit the Performance Security within the
stipulated time then the award of work shall be cancelled and bidder will be banned
for two years from being eligible to submit bids in CIL and its subsidiaries.

In addition to the above penal measures, the bidder shall not be allowed to
participate in the re-tendering process. The company shall also ban such defaulting
contractor as per the Guidelines of Banning of Business of CIL. In case of
JV/Partnership firm, the banning shall also be applicable to all individual partners
of JV/Partnership firm.

However, banning shall be done as per Guidelines for Banning of Business of


3.10 Security against quoting Annual Generation in excess of 45MU

In case the successful Bidder, to whom the work is awarded, has quoted the Annual
Generation (G) more than 45 MU, he shall provide security in the form of Bank
Guarantee for meeting the Quoted Annual Generation Target. The Rate of Bank
Guarantee per MU for the portion of Quoted Annual Generation in excess of 45 MU
shall be INR 3.67 Crore per MU (INR Three Crore Sixty Seven Lakhs per Million
Unit). The Bank Guarantee (BG) issued by the issuing Bank on behalf of contractor in
favour of “Central Coalfields Limited” shall be in paper form as well as issued under
“Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS)”. The details of beneficiary for issue
of Bank Guarantee (BG) under SFMS platform has already been furnished above. The
security shall be payable to the Employer without any condition whatsoever. The
above security shall be submitted by the bidder within 30 days after the issuance of
LOA/Award of the Contract and shall be valid upto 15 Months beyond the scheduled
date for Completion of Facilities covered under the Package. Thus total validity of the
BG shall be 24 months (9 months+12 months +3 months) .

3.11 Security against Overall System Performance during O&M, Warranty

and AMC Period
3.11.1 The successful Bidder, to whom the work is awarded, shall provide security equal
to INR 3.32 Lakhs per MU (INR Three Lakhs Thirty Two Thousand per MU)
of Quoted Annual Generation (i.e. INR 3.32 Lakhs per MU x Annual Quoted
Generation in MU)for remaining Four (04) years of Comprehensive O&M
period in the form as provided in Annexure VII . The Bank Guarantee (BG) issued
by the issuing Bank on behalf of contractor in favour of “Central Coalfields Limited”
shall be in paper form as well as issued under “Structured Financial Messaging
System (SFMS)”. The details of beneficiary for issue of Bank Guarantee (BG) under
SFMS platform has already been furnished above.
Any defect/defects in the work, if detected during Comprehensive O&M period
shall be rectified free of expenses to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in- Charge
within the said O&M period or its due extension till completion of the rectification
works as required.

The above security shall be submitted prior to return of the Contract Performance
Security (CPG) under the subject package. The above Security shall be valid up to (90)
days after the end of Comprehensive Operation & Maintenance (O&M) period as
specified in the Technical Specifications. The above security amount shall be payable
to the Employer without any condition whatsoever.

CPG shall be released only after submission of the above by the Contractor.

The bidder will furnish the above security initially valid up to 90 days beyond
Comprehensive Operation & Maintenance (O&M) period.

3.11.2 Beyond 5th year (from 6th year to 10th year), the bidder is required to submit
a fresh BG for a further period of 5 years to cover comprehensive AMC of Inverter,
SCADA & tracker system (if applicable) as per the following:

(a) BG amount of Rs. 1.0 Lakh/MW only in case tracker system is not offered
by the bidder.
(b) BG amount of Rs. 1.25 Lakh/MW only in case tracker system is offered
by the bidder.

The above Security shall be valid up to 90 days after the end of AMC period as
specified in the Technical Specification.

The Bank Guarantee as specified at point 3.11.1 shall be released only after
submission of BG as above by the Contractor.

The above BG will be returned to the contractor without any interest at the end of 10
years(AMC Period)

3. Clause 6 of 6.0 TIME - THE ESSENCE OF CONTRACT:

GCC It is clearly understood and agreed that time is the essence of this Contract and shall
be strictly adhered to by the Contractor. The time and the date of completion of the
works as stipulated in the contractor's proposal and accepted by the owner without
or with modifications, if any and so incorporated in the award letter shall be deemed
to be the essence of the contract. The contractor shall so organise his resources and
perform his work as to complete it not later than the date agreed to.
The program of furnishing, installing,
identifying the key phases in various areas of work like design, procurement,
manufacture and field activities including erection works, Planning, Design &
per master network submitted by the Bidder as per Annexure XXV and
mutually discussed and agreed to before Notification of Award.
The Master Network shall confirm to the following schedule dates for the key
Implementation Schedule for of 20 MW as under:

Period in months
(after completion
of time as
S.N. Activities/Milestone mentioned in Cl.
No. 24.2 of ITB)
Start Finish
General Works
Site Mobilization, Site office opening
1. 0.5 1
and Preparatory works
Topography & Geo Technical
2. 0.5 1
Approval of Details Required
3. 0.5 2
(DR)Category Vendors
Basic Engineering &Approvals (Solar
• Approval of Solar Plant Layout
• MMS- Structure and Foundation
• Data sheet– Modules, Inverters
and Transformers
4. 0.5 3
• Foundation drawings for Control
and Inverter Rooms
Basic Engineering & Approvals
• Approval of Switchyard Layout
• Approval of Structure and
Foundation Design
5 Ordering of BOIs 1 3
6 Detailed Engineering and Approvals 3 4
Solar Plant Works – DC Side
7 Civil works –Foundations for MMS 3 5
Supply of Module Mounting
8 3.5 5

Installation of Module Mounting
9 4 6
10 Supply of SPV Modules 4.5 6.5
11 Installation of SPV Modules 5 7
12 Supply of DC Cables 4 6
13 Laying of DC Cables 5 7
Solar Plant Works – AC Side
Supply of Cables, Inverter
14 Transformer, Inverters & other 4.5 6.5
Electrical Equipment
Installation of Cables, Inverter
15 Transformer, Inverters & other 5 7
Electrical Equipment
Control Room works---Civil
16 3 6
&Electrical works
Inverter Room works—Civil &
17 3 6
Electrical works
Fencing, Road and Drainage works
18 3 7
and other civil works
Testing of Equipment& Readiness of
19 7 7.5
Bay & Switchyard Works
Civil Works for Bays, Overhead Line
20 4 6
& Switchyard
Supply of Bay Equipment, Overhead
21 Line Materials and Power 4.5 6.5
Installation of Bays Equipment,
22 Overhead Line and Power 5 7
23 Charging of Power Transformer 7 7.5
Commissioning, Trial Run and
Completion of Facilities
24 Commissioning 7.5 8.5
25 Stabilization & Trial Run 8.5 9
26 Completion of facilities -- 9

Further, bidder is also to provide comprehensive Operation and Maintenance

(O&M) of Solar Photo Voltaic Plant for a period of Five(05) years from the date of
successful completion of Trial Run.

1. After the Notification of Award, the Contractor shall plan the sequence of work

of manufacture and erection, civil and allied works, Operation & Maintenance
(O&M) to meet the above stated dates of successful completion of facilities and
Guarantee test and shall ensure all work, manufacture, shop testing, inspection
and shipment of the equipment in accordance with the required construction/
erection sequence.
2. Within one month of the Notification of Award, the Contractor shall submit to
the Employer for his review and approval two copies (one reproducible and one
print) of detailed PERT Network schedules with master network activities further
exploded based on the Master Network mutually agreed by the Employer and the
Contractor, showing the logic and duration of the activities covered in Contract
in the following areas:

Engineering, procurement, manufacturing and supply, detailed engineering,

procurement (including bought out items), manufacturing, dispatch, shipment,
receipt at site, field activities related to erection works, commissioning and
completion of facilities and O&M.

4.0 Further, all engineering data related to civil input, interface engineering details,
requiring employer's approval/ information for items in the scope of Employer
are to be given within the agreed schedule but in no case later than 45 days from
the date of Notification of award. For bought out items, the contractor shall
furnish the engineering input data to theemployer within the agreed schedule but
in no case later than 45 days from the date of placement of respective purchase
order on the sub-vendors.

5.0 Detailed Manufacturing Programme

Detailed Manufacturing PERT Network for all the manufacturing activities at

Contractor's/sub-Contractor's works shall also be furnished within 30 days of
procurement programme for critical bought out item/raw materials.

6.0 Pre-Erection Activity Programme

covering the following:

A) Manpower Deployment

B) T&P Mobilization

C) Detailed Site Mobilization

4 Clause 10, (deleted For this document)


5 Clause 15 of 14 Liquidated damage for delay in Completion :

(A)Liquidated Damages for Delay in Commissioning shall be as under:

If the Contractor fails to successfully achieve commissioning of 20 MW Project

within 8.5 months from the time schedule specified in the Bidding Documents at
Clause No 24.2 of ITB, the Contractor shall pay to the Employer as Liquidated
Damages and not as penalty, a sum calculated at following rates.
A sum of INR 29,737/- For each day of delay in un-commissioned
per Day per MW portion of work in MW till commissioning
of entire project of 20 MW, subject to a
maximum of 5 % (Five Percent) of the total
Contract Price (value of supply, F&I,
Installation Services (Erection,
Commissioning), Civil & Allied works
excluding O&M Price).

(B)The liquidated damages for delay in supply of spares beyond the dates
stipulated under the Contract shall be as follows:

Half percent (1/2%) of Ex-Works price of undelivered spares, per week or part
thereof of delay subject to maximum of five percent (5%) of the total Ex-
Works Price of all spares included in the scope of work of the Contractor
under the Contract.

(C) Maximum deduction for liquidated damages:

The total amount of liquidated damages for delay under the contract will be subject to
a maximum of five percent (5%) of the total Contract Price.

6 Clause 33.0 33.0 GUARANTEE

33.1 The contractor shall warrant that the equipment will be new and in
accordance with the contract documents and be free from defects in
material, design, manufacture and workmanship for a period of Sixty (60)
calendar months commencing immediately upon the satisfactory
completion of the trial operations. The contractor's liability shall be limited
to the replacement of any defective parts in the equipment of his own
manufacture or those of his sub-contractor (s)/ sub vendor (s) or
replacement of the complete equipment, under normal use and arising
solely form faulty design, manufacture, materials, and/or workmanship
provided always that such defective parts/ equipment are repairable at the
site/ replacing the equipment as a whole without hampering the operation
of the plant. Such replaced defective parts/ old equipment shall be returned
to the contractor unless otherwise arranged. No repairs or replacements
shall be carried out by the engineer-in-charge of the employer during the
60 calendar months, as the plant is under the supervision of the contractor's
supervisory engineers/staff.

33.2 The operation of the plant will be done by the contractor as per provisions
of tender document. The successful contractor shall be responsible for
maintaining the plant during 60 calendar months including repair,
replacement of the spare parts, components, equipment etc. free of cost.

33.3 If the facilities or any part thereof cannot be used by reason of such defect
and/or making good such defect, 60 calendar months (i.e. one year of
Defect liability period (DLP) and Comprehensive maintenance of plant
by contractor for remaining four years of operation,, as per the
provisions of tender document) of any facilities or such part, as the case
may be, shall be extended by a period equal to the period during which
the facilities or such part cannot be used by the employer because of
aforesaid reasons.

33.4 In case of failure of any equipment/system in during the initial period

of 60 calendar months from satisfactory completion of the trial
operations ,the contractor shall repair/replace the equipment/system
etc. at his own cost.
7 Clause 41.6 41.6 TERMS OF PAYMENTS:-
of GCC
A. Schedule No.1: Plant and Equipment including type Test (excluding
Mandatory Spares)

In respect of plant and equipment supplied the following payments shall be


For Ex-works Price component of plant and Equipment including Type Tests
(excluding Mandatory Spares)

(I) Five Percent (5 %) of the total Ex-Works price component as Initial Advance
Payment on:

(a) Acceptance of Notification of Award and Signing of the Contract Agreement.

(b) Submission of an unconditional Bank Guarantee covering the advance
amount plus GST as applicable on the advance payment to be paid to
the contractor, which shall be initially kept valid up to Ninety (90) days
beyond the schedule date for Completion of the last facility covered
under the Package. However, in case of delay in completion of the
facilities covered under the package, the validity of this Bank Guarantee
shall be extended by the period of such delay. Proforma of Bank
Guarantee is enclosed in Annexure V.
(c) Submission of unconditional Bank Guarantees towards Contract
Performance Securities as per Clause 3.1.1 of GCC(Replaced at Clause
2 of SCC)
(d) Submission of unconditional Bank Guarantee towards Security against
Annual Quoted Generation in excess of 45 MU for 20 MW Solar PV
Project as per Clause 3.10 of GCC(Replaced at Clause 2 of SCC).
(e) Submission of a detailed PERT Network based on the work
schedule stipulated in the bid document and its approval by
consultant of Employer and further agreed by Engineer In- charge.

(II) Sixty Percent (60%) of Ex-works price component of the Contract price for
each identified equipment upon dispatch of equipment from manufacturer's
works on pro-rata basis on production of invoices and satisfactory evidence of

shipment which shall be original Goods Receipt or receipted GR / Rail Receipt
including Material Dispatch Clearance Certificate (MDCC) issued by the
consultant of Employer and further agreed by Engineer In-charge.

(III) Twenty Percent (20%) of Ex-works price component of the Contract Price for
each identified equipment on receipt of equipment at site on prorata basis and
Physical Verification and Certification by the Consultant of the employer and
further agreed by Engineer-in-Charge for the equipment received and stored at

(IV) Two Point Five Percent (2.5%) of Ex-works price Component of the contract
price on Successful Commissioning of entire Solar Photo Voltaic Plant on
certification by the Consultant of the employer and further agreed by Engineer-

(V) Two Point Five Percent (2.5%) of Ex-Works price Component of the contract
price on Completion of the Facilities, as specified, and issuance of Completion
Certificate by the Consultant of the employer and further agreed by Engineer-

(VI)Ten Percent (10%) of Ex-works price component of the Contract price on

Successful Completion of Performance Guarantee Tests of entire Solar Photo
Voltaic Plant, as specified, and issuance of Operational Acceptance Certificate
issued by consultant of the employer and agreed by the Engineer-in-Charge

Note: The prorata payment will be based on the detailed price break-up furnished by the
Contractor and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

(i) In case Installation Price (excluding civil/structural works price) is less

than 15% of the Ex-works Price of Main Equipment, the amount by
which it is lower shall be retained from the Ex-works Component of
Contract Price while releasing payment due on receipt of equipment,
and no interest shall be payable on the retained amount. The aforesaid
retained amount shall be paid on prorate basis upon completion of
installation of the respective equipment and its certification by the
Consultant of the employer and further agreed by Engineer-in-Charge.
(ii) In case the Civil Works Price (including Site Fabricated Structural
works price) is less than 6% of the Ex-works Price of Main Equipment,
the amount by which it is lower shall be retained proportionately from
the Ex-Works component of Contract price while releasing payments
due on dispatch of equipment, and no interest shall be payable on the
retained amount. The aforesaid retained amount shall be paid on pro-
rata basis upon completion of Civil Works including Structural works
(if any) corresponding to the respective equipment and its certification
by the Consultant of the employer and further agreed by Engineer-in-

B. Schedule 1 and 4: Mandatory Spares and Recommended Spares (When

ordered) quoted on Ex-works (India) basis

The Ex-works price of spares manufactured for fabricated within the Employer's
country shall be paid as under.
(i) Seventy Five Percent (75 %) of Ex-works price component of the
spares to be paid on pro-rata basis upon dispatch to site and against
invoices and shipping documents along with Insurance & Material
Dispatch Clearance Certificate (MDCC) issued by Consultant of
Employer and further agreed by Engineer In-charge
(ii) Twenty Five Percent (25 %) of Ex-works price component of the
spares to be paid on pro-rata basis: on receipt and storage at site
and on physical verifications by the Consultant of the employer and
further agreed by Engineer-in-Charge for received and stored the spares
at site.
C. Schedule No. 2: Local Transportation
a) All Plant and Equipment excluding Mandatory
Hundred Percent (100%) of Local Transportation charges (including
inland transit insurance charges) for the plant and equipment covered in
Schedule-1 shall be paid to the Contractor pro-rata to the value of the
equipment received at site and on production of invoices by the
Contractor. The aggregate of all such pro-rata payments shall, however,
not exceed the total amount identified in the Contract for Local
Transportation. However, where equipment wise local transportation
charges (including inland transit insurance charges) have been
identified in the Contract, the payment for the same shall be made after
receipt of the equipment at site, based on the charges so identified in the
b) Mandatory Spares and Recommended Spares (if ordered)
Hundred Percent (100%) of Local Transportation charges (including
inland transit insurance charges) for the spares shall be paid to the
Contractor pro- rata to the value of the spares received at site and on
production of invoices by the Contractor. The aggregate of all such
pro-rata payments shall, however, not exceed the total amount
identified in the Contract for Local Transportation. However, where
item wise local transportation charges (including inland transit
insurance charges) have been identified in the Contract, the payment
for the same shall be made after receipt of the spares at site, based on
the charges so identified in the Contract.
D. Schedule No. 3: Installation Services excluding operation and
The Installation Services component of the Equipment Price shall be paid as
(I) (A) Five Percent (5%) of the Installation Services Component (excluding AMC)
of the Contract Price will be paid to the Contractor, bearing interest at the rate
of 12.20% per annum as advance payment on:
(i) Acceptance of Notification of Award and Signing of Contract
(ii) Establishing their office at site or resources at site in preparatory to
commencement of installation.
(iii) Submission of an unconditional Bank Guarantee for an amount
equivalent to one Hundred Ten Percent (110%) of the advance
amount plus GST as applicable on the advance payment to be paid to
the contractor, which shall be initially kept valid upto Ninety (90) days
beyond the schedule date for successful 'Completion of the Facilities'
under the Package. However, in case of delay in completion of the
facilities covered under the package, the validity of this advance Bank
Guarantee shall be extended by the period of such delay. The proforma
of the Bank Guarantee is enclosed in Annexure XXVI.
(iv) Submission of unconditional Bank Guarantees towards Contract
Performance Securities as per Clause 2 of SCC.
(v) Submission of unconditional Bank Guarantee towards Security
against Annual Quoted Generation in excess of 45 MU for 20 MW Solar
PV Project as per Clause 2 of SCC.
(vi) Submission of a detailed PERT Network based on the work schedule
stipulated in the bid document and its approval by the Consultant of the
employer and further agreed by Engineer-in-Charge.

(I) (B) Five Percent (5%) of the Installation Services Component of the Contract Price
will be paid to the Contractor, bearing interest at the rate of 12.20% per annum
as advance payment on:
(i) Fulfilment of conditions mentioned at Clause D(I)(A) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv),
(v) & (vi) above.
(ii) T&P mobilization as identified along with PERT network for start of
Erection and Certification thereof by the Consultant of the employer
and further agreed by Engineer-in-Charge
(iii) Submission of an unconditional Bank Guarantee for an amount
equivalent to one Hundred Ten Percent (110%) of the advance
amount plus GST as applicable on the advance payment to be paid to
the contractor, which shall be initially kept valid upto Ninety (90) days
beyond the schedule date for successful 'Completion of the Facilities'
under the Package. However, in case of delay in completion of the
facilities covered under the package, the validity of this Advance Bank
Guarantee shall be extended by the period of such delay. The proforma
of the Bank Guarantee is enclosed in Annexure XXVI.

Advance Payment for Installation Services/ Works price components shall be released
after certification of Engineer-in-Charge that the Contractor has brought to site the
Safety Equipment & Safety Personal Protective Equipment as per minimum quantity
specified in the Bidding Documents.
I. In case the Contractor decides not to take advance payment, the first progressive
payment for Installation services price component shall be released after
certification by the Consultant of the employer and further agreed by Engineer-
in-Charge that the contractor has brought to site the Safety Equipment & Safety
Personal Protective Equipment as per minimum quantity specified in the
Bidding Documents.
II. Seventy-Five Percent (75%) of the installation Services component of contract
price shall be paid on pro-rata basis on completion of installation of Equipment
for the quantum of work completed and for the successful completion of quality
check points involved in the quantum of work billed on certification by the
Consultant of the employer and further agreed by Engineer-in-Charge
III. Two and a Half Percent (2.5%) of total Installation price of the Contract shall
be paid on Successful Commissioning of entire Solar Photo Voltaic Plant on
certification by the Consultant of the employer and further agreed by Engineer-
IV. Two and a Half Percent (2.5%) of total Installation price of the
Contract shall be paid on Completion of the Facilities, as specified, and issuance
of Completion Certificate by the Consultant of the employer and further agreed
by Engineer-in-Charge.

V. Ten Percent (10%) of total Installation price of the Contract shall be paid on
successful completion of Performance Guarantee Tests of entire Solar Photo
Voltaic Plant, as specified and issue of Operational Acceptance Certificate by
the Consultant of the employer and further agreed by Engineer-in-Charge.
VI. Recovery of the interest component on the advance amount shall be made from
the progressive payments released to the Contractor as per D(II) above. The
amount of interest to be recovered from a particular bill shall be calculated
@ 12.20% per annum on the value of advance corresponding to the %age of
total progressive payment being released. The period for which the interest is to
be calculated shall be reckoned from the date of release of the advance payment
to the actual date of release of the said progressive payment or the expiry
of the stipulated time frame for release of such progressive payment under
the contract, whichever is earlier. The interest on the advance payment shall
stand fully recovered on release of all the progressive payments. If the
amount payable under any interim bill is not sufficient to cover all deductions
to be made for interest on the advance payment and other sums deductible there
from, the balance outstanding shall be recovered from the next payments
immediately falling due.
Notes: 1.The bidder shall furnish a detailed break-up for the Erection Price
Component of the package which shall be mutually discussed and finalized with
the Owner. Progressive payment for Erection will be made against monthly
bills based on certification by the Consultant of the employer and further agreed
by Engineer-in-Charge for the work completed.
2. In case, the Contractor decides not to take interest bearing advance payment as on
D (I), the advance payment shall be proportionately adjusted in the balance
payments excluding final payments.
3. The release of first progressive payment for Installation Services shall also be
subject to submission of documentary evidence by the Contractor towards
having taken the insurance policy(ies) in terms of relevant provisions of Clause
13 of GCC and Clause No 28 of Erection Conditions of Contract and acceptance
of same by the Engineer-in-Charge.
4. In case the Installation Price (excluding Civil/Structural works price) is more than
20% of the Ex-works Price of Main Equipment, the amount by which it is higher
shall be retained while releasing progressive payments due on installation of
equipment, and no interest shall be payable on the retained amount. The aforesaid

retained amount shall be paid along with payment due on completion of Trial
Operation / Completion of Facilities.

E. Schedule No. 3: Civil Works and Allied Works etc.

The Civil Works Price Component of the Contract Price shall be paid as
(I)(A) Five Percent (5%) of the total Civil works Price component of the Contract
Price will be paid to the Contractor, bearing interest at the rate of Twelve point
Two percent (12.20%) per annum as advance payment on:
i) Establishing their office at site in preparatory to commencement of Civil works.
ii) Submission of an unconditional Bank guarantee for an amount equivalent to
one Hundred Ten Percent (110%) of the advance amount plus GST as
applicable on the advance payment to be paid to the contractor, which shall be
initially kept valid upto Ninety (90) days beyond the schedule date for
successful 'Completion of all Facilities under the Package. However, in case of
delay in completion of the facilities covered under the package, the validity of
this advance Bank Guarantee shall be extended by the period of such delay. The
proforma of the Bank Guarantee is enclosed in Annexure XXVI.
iii) Acceptance of Notification of Award and Signing of Contract Agreement.
iv) Submission of unconditional Bank Guarantees towards Contract Performance
Securities as per Clause 2 of SCC.
v) Submission of unconditional Bank Guarantee towards Security against Annual
Quoted Generation in excess of 45 MU for 20 MW Solar PV Project as per
Clause 2 of SCC.
VII. Submission of a detailed PERT Network based on the work schedule stipulated in
the bid document and its approval by the Consultant of the employer and further
agreed by Engineer-in-Charge.
VIII. (I)(B) Five Percent (5 %) of the total Civil works Price component of the
Contract Price will be paid to the Contractor, bearing interest at the rate of
Twelve point Two percent (12.20%) per annum as advance payment on:
(i) Fulfilment of conditions mentioned at Clause E(I)(A) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv),
(v) & (vi) above.
(ii) T&P mobilization as identified along with PERT network for start of
Civil Works and Certification thereof by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(iii) Submission of an unconditional Bank guarantee for an amount
equivalent to one Hundred Ten Percent (110%) of the advance
amount plus GST as applicable on the advance payment to be paid to
the contractor, which shall be initially kept valid up to Ninety (90) days
beyond the schedule date for successful 'Completion of all Facilities
under the Package. However, in case of delay in completion of the
facilities covered under the package, the validity of this advance Bank
Guarantee shall be extended by the period of such delay. The proforma
of the Bank Guarantee is enclosed in Annexure XXVI.
IX. Advance Payment for Civil works price components shall be released after
certification the Consultant of the employer and further agreed by Engineer-in-
Charge that the Contractor has brought to site the Safety Equipment & Safety

Personal Protective Equipment as per minimum quantity specified in the
Bidding Documents.
I. In case the Contractor decides not to take advance payment, the first
progressive payment for Civil works price components shall be released
after certification of Engineer-in-Charge that the Contractor has
brought to site the Safety Equipment & Safety Personal Protective
Equipment as per minimum quantity specified in the Bidding
II. Seventy-Five Percent (75 %) of the total Civil Works Price
Component of Contract Price shall be paid progressively for the
quantum of work completed/Milestones achieved and for the successful
completion of quality check points involved in the quantum of
work / Milestones billed on certification by the Consultant of the
employer and further agreed by Engineer-in-Charge
X. The release of first progressive payment for Civil Works shall also be
subject to submission of documentary evidence by the Contractor towards
having taken the insurance policy(ies) in terms of relevant provisions of Clause
13 of GCC and Clause No 28 of Erection Conditions of Contract and
acceptance of same by the Consultant of the employer and further agreed by
III. Two and a Half Percent (2.5%) of Civil Works Component of
contract price shall be paid on Successful Commissioning of entire
Solar Photo Voltaic Plant on certification by the Consultant of the
employer and further agreed by Engineer-in-Charge
IV. Two and a Half Percent (2.5%) of Civil Works Component of
contract price shall be paid on Completion of the Facilities, as
specified, and issuance of Completion Certificate on certification by
the Consultant of the employer and further agreed by Engineer-in-
V. Ten Percent (10 %) of Civil Works Component of contract price on
Successful Completion Performance Guarantee Tests of entire Solar
Photo Voltaic Plant, as specified and issue of Operational Acceptance
Certificate by the Consultant of the employer and further agreed by
VI. Recovery of the interest component on the advance amount shall be
made from the progressive payments released to the Contractor as per
E (II) above. The amount of interest to be recovered from a particular
bill shall be calculated @ 12.20% per annum on the value of advance
corresponding to the %age of total progressive payment being
released. The period for which the interest is to be calculated shall be
reckoned from the date of release of the advance payment to the actual
date of release of the said progressive payment or the expiry of the
stipulated time frame for release of such progressive payment under
the contract, whichever is earlier. The interest on the advance payment
shall stand fully recovered on release of all the progressive payments.
If the amount payable under any interim bill is not sufficient to cover
all deductions to be made for interest on the advance payment and
other sums deductible there from, the balance outstanding shall be
recovered from the next payments immediately falling due.

In case the Civil Works Price (including Site Fabricated Structural
Works Price) is more than 16% of the Ex-works Price of Main
Equipment, the amount by which it is higher shall be retained while
releasing progressive payments due on completion of civil works
(including Site Fabricated Structural works), and no interest shall be
payable on the retained amount. The aforesaid retained amount shall be
paid along with payment due on completion of Trial Operation/
Completion of Facilities.

F. Operation and Maintenance Charges

After completion of trial run as defined in bid documents, operation and
maintenance charges including all consumable, spares and Equipment included
in operation and maintenance charges shall be paid on pro-rata basis every three
month on the certification of completion of work by Engineer-in-Charge.



Annexure I


(To be uploaded by the Bidder on his Letter Head during submission of bid online)
LETTER HEAD OF BIDDER (As enrolled on the e-Procurement Portal of CIL)

The Tender Committee,

Ranchi (JH)
Sub: Letter of BID for the Work:

Ref.: 1.NIT No. & Date :

2. Tender Id No. :

Dear Sir,

This has reference to above referred bid. I/we have read and examined the conditions of contract,
Scope of Work, technical specifications, BOQ and other documents carefully.

I /We am/are pleased to submit our bid for the above work. I/We hereby unconditionally accept
the bid conditions and bid documents in its entirety for the above work and agree to abide by and
fulfill all terms and conditions and specifications as contained in the bid document.

I/we here by submit all the documents as required to meet the eligibility criteria as per provision of
the bid notice/document.
I/We hereby confirm that this bid complies with the Bid validity, Bid Securing Declaration as per
Annexure XXXI and other documents as required by the Bidding documents.
If any information furnished by me/us towards eligibility criteria of this bid is found to be
incorrect at any time, penal action as deemed fit may be taken against me/us for which I/We shall
have no claim against CIL/Subsidiary.
Until a formal agreement is prepared and executed, this bid and your subsequent Letter of
Acceptance/Work Order shall constitute a binding contract between us and Central coalfields Ltd.
Should this bid be accepted, I/we agree to furnish Performance Security within stipulated date and
commence the work within stipulated date. In case of our failure to abide by the said provision,
Central Coalfields Limited shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to
cancel the letter of acceptance/ award and act as per Clause No. 4 of e-tender Notice and be
banned for two years from being eligible to submit bids in CIL and its subsidiaries.

(This document is digitally signed by the DSC holder authorised by the bidder and therefore no physical signature is required)


(To be uploaded by the Bidder on his Letter Head during submission of bid online)

I / We, ..................................................................................., Proprietor/Partner/Legal Attorney/Director/

Accredited Representative of M/S. .................................., solemnly declare that:

1. I/We am/are submitting Bid for the work……......................................................against Bid Notice No.
......................... Dated………………… and I/we offer to execute the work in accordance with all the terms,
conditions and provisions of the bid.

2. Myself/Our Partners/Directors don’t has/have any relative as employee of CENTRAL Coalfields Limited.
The details of relatives of Myself/Our Partners/Directors working as employee of CENTRAL Coalfields Limited.
is as follows:
a. Name of the employee
b. Place of Posting
c. Department
d. Designation
e. Type of relation:- wife/Husband/Father/Step-Father/Mother/Step-Mother/Son/Step- Son/Son’s
Wife/ Daughter/Daughter’s Husband/Brother/Step-Brother/Sister/Step-Sister.

* (If so, furnish the name, designation & place of posting of employee of CCL and name of the
bidder/partners/directors, who are relative of the employee of CCL)

3. All information furnished by us in respect of fulfilment of eligibility criteria and qualification information of this
Bid is complete, correct and true.

4. All copy of documents, credentials and documents submitted along with this Bid are genuine, authentic, true and

5. I/ We hereby authorize department to seek references / clarifications from our Bankers.

6. We hereby undertake that we shall register and obtain license from the competent authority under the contract
labour (Regulation & Abolition Act) as relevant, if applicable.

7. *I/We hereby confirm that we have registration with CMPF Authorities. We shall make necessary payments as
required under law.
*I/We hereby undertake that we shall take appropriate steps for registration as relevant under CMPF authorities,
if applicable. We shall make necessary payments as required under law.

* Delete whichever is not applicable.

8. ** I/We have not been banned or delisted by any Govt., or Quasi Govt. Agencies or PSUs. (In case of JV, all
partners are covered)
**I / We ………………..have been banned by the organization named “_____________” for a period
of………………… year/s, effective from ………………. to……………………..…..

[In case of JV, name(s) of the JV Partner(s) ]

** Delete whichever is not applicable.

9. If any information and document submitted is found to be false/ incorrect at any time, department may cancel
my/our Bid and action as deemed fit may be taken against me/us, including termination of the contract, forfeiture
of all dues and banning/ delisting of our firm and all partners of the firm for two years from being eligible to submit
Bids in CIL and its subsidiaries.

10. (a). I/We are not engaging and will not engage any child labour in any of the activities for which I/We are
participating in the tender.

(b). If it is reported and proved that child labour is engaged by me/us, then I/We will be penalized 10% of the
contract value and will be blacklisted.


(Note: It should be signed/digitally signed by the DSC Holder submitting the bid.)

(Specimen to be vetted by Legal Department))
(of appropriate value as per Stamp Act)

This agreement is made on ………………. day of …………….. between ( Name of Company )

having its registered office at ……………………………………………… (hereinafter called the ‘COMPANY’ which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the subject or context, include its successors and assignees) of the one part and (
Name of the Contractor ) carrying on business as a ( partnership/ proprietorship/ Ltd. Co. etc. ) firm under the name and
style ………………………………………………… (hereinafter called the ‘said Contractor’ which expression shall,
unless the context requires otherwise include them and their respective heirs, executors, administrators and legal
representatives) of the other part.

Whereas the Company invited tenders for the work of “………………………………………

……………………..” and whereas the said Contractor/ Firm submitted tender for the said work and deposited a sum of
Rs………………….. as Earnest Money and whereas the tender of the said contract has been accepted by the Company
for execution of the said work.


1) In this agreement words and expressions shall have the same meaning as are respectively assigned to them in the
tender papers hereinafter referred to.

2) The following documents which are annexed to this agreement should be deemed to form and be read and construed
as part of this agreement viz.

i) Annexure-A Tender Notice (Page .. to ..)

ii) Schedule –A General Terms & Conditions, Special Conditions and

General Technical Specification (Page …. to …) and
Safety Code.
iii) Schedule-B The probable Quantities and Amount (Page … to …)

iv) Schedule-C Negotiation letters –

iv) Schedule-D Letter of Acceptance/Work Order (Page .. to ..)

v) Schedule-E Drawings (Page .. to ..)

3) In consideration for the payment of the sum of Rs……………( W/O Value; both in words and figures ) or such other
sum as may be arrived at under the clause of the specification relating to Payment by items measurements at unit prices
by the Company, the said Contractor shall, subject to the terms & condition contained herein execute and complete the
work as described and to the extent of probable quantities as indicated in Schedule B with such variations by way of
alteration, addition to or reduction from the said works.

4) The company has received a sum of Rs............ towards Performance Security Deposit in the form of Demand Draft /
Certified Cheque/ B.G./ other form (details to be furnished).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE parties herein have set their hands and seals the date and year above written.

1 Partner. Signature

2 Partner Signature

On behalf of M/S………………………………..
The Contractor, as one of the constituted attorney,
In the presence of –

1. Name ____________________________ Signature

Address :

Occupation :

Signed by Sri ……….on behalf of Signature

( Name of Company) in presence of -

1. Name : Signature
2. Address: .

Re: Bank Guarantee in respect of Contract No…………………….….,
Dated……………. Between …………….. (Name of the company)
and ………………………………. (Name of the Contractor)

………….. (Name and address of the Contractor) (herein after called “the Contractor”) has entered into a contract
made as per letter of acceptance………………..dated.……..(herein after called the said contract) with ………… (name
of the Company) (hereinafter called “the Company”) to execute …………. (name of the contract and brief description of
work) on the terms and conditions contained in the said contract.
It has been agreed that the Contractor shall furnish a Performance Security in the shape of Bank Guarantee from
a Schedule bank for a sum of Rs………….. as security for due compliance and performance of the terms and conditions
of the said contract.
We……… (name of the Bank) having its branch/Office at……..….. have, at the request of the Contractor, agreed
to furnish this bank Guarantee by way of performance Security.
NOW, THEREFORE, we the……………… Bank (herein after called The Bank) hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably,
guarantees and affirms as follows:
The Bank do hereby irrevocably guarantees and unconditionally agree with the Company that if the contractor
shall in any way fail to observe or perform the terms and conditions of the said contract or shall commit any breach of its
obligation thereunder, the Bank shall on its mere first written demand, and without any objection, demur and without any
reference to the contractor, pay to the company the said sum of …………… or such portion as shall then remain due with
interest without requiring the Company to have recourse to any legal remedy that may be available to it to compel the
Bank to pay the sum, or failing on the company to compel such payment by the contractor.
Any such demand shall be conclusive as regards the liability of the Contractor to the company and as regards the
amount payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. The Bank shall not be entitled to withhold payment on the ground that
the Contractor has disputed its liability to pay or has disputed the quantum of the amount or that any arbitration proceeding
or legal proceeding is pending between the company and the Contractor regarding the claim.
The Bank further agree that the Guarantee shall come into force from the date hereof and shall remain in force
and effect till the period that will be taken for the performance of the said Contract which is likely to be …………. day
of ………….. but if the period of Contract is extended either pursuant to the provisions in the said contract or by mutual
agreement between the contractor and the company, the Bank shall renew the period of the Bank Guarantee failing which
it shall pay to the company the said sum of ………….…. or such lesser amount of the said sum of …………… as may
be due to the company and as the company may demand.
This Guarantee shall remain in force until the dues of the company in respect of the said sum of ……………….and
interest are fully satisfied and the Company certifies that the Contract has been fully carried out by the Contractor and
discharged the guarantee.
The Bank further agrees with the company that the company shall have the fullest liberty without consent of the
Bank and without affecting in any way the obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said
contract or to extend time for performance of the said contract from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time
to time any of the powers exercisable by the Company against the contractor and to forebear to enforce any of the terms
and conditions relating to the said Contract and the Bank shall not be relieved from its liability by reason of such failure
or extension being granted to the Contractor or to any forbearance, act or omissions on the part of the company or any
indulgence by the Company to the Contractor or any other matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to
sureties would but for this provision have the effect or relieving or discharging the Guarantor.

The Bank further agrees that in case this Guarantee is required for a longer period and it is not extended by the
Bank beyond the period specified above, the Bank shall pay to the company the said sum of ……….….. or such lesser
sum as may then be deemed to the Company and as the Company may require.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein the liability of the Bank under this Guarantee is restricted to
Rs………..……. The guarantee shall remain in force till the day ……*…….. of ……*..……. and unless the guarantee is
renewed or claim is preferred against the bank on or before the said date all rights of the Company under this guarantee
shall cease and the Bank shall be relieved and discharged from all liabilities hereunder except as provided in the preceding
* The date of guarantee shall cover a period of minimum one year or 90 days beyond the date of completion whichever is
Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder maybe sent by post/e-mail/Fax addressed to the
bank branch/operative branch, which shall be deemed to be a sufficient demand notice. Bank shall effect payment thereof
This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor.
The Bank has under its constitution power to give this Guarantee and Sri……………………. who has signed it
on behalf of the Bank has authority to do so.
The Bank Guarantee as referred above shall be operative at our branch at…….. payable at………….

The Contact details of the Bank issuing BG and the local operating Branch of the Bank at Ranchi(Jharkhand.) are as under :
Particulars Issuing Bank Local Operating Branch at Ranchi

Branch Code
Postal Address
Telephone No.
Email Id

Signed and sealed this……… of………………………

For and on behalf of the Bank by:
(Code number)

NOTE:-1. The department shall ensure extension of guarantee period in case of extension of time.

2. The Bank Guarantee issued by the issuing bank on behalf of contractor/ supplier in favour of Central
Coalfields Limited shall be in paper form as well as issued under Structured Financial Messaging
System(SFMS). The details of beneficiary for issue of BG under SFMS platform must contain the
following information:

Name Central Coalfields Limited

Area *
Name of beneficiary and Bank A/C no. of beneficiary 10106155123
details Customer ID/CIF no of 80288731402
Department E&M
Beneficiary’s Bank State Bank of India
Beneficiary’s Bank, Branch Branch and Adress SME Branch, Doranda,
and Address ranchi - 834002
SFMS Code/ IFSC Code SBIN0009620
In case of Foreign BG Swift SBININBB387

* HQ/ Name of the Area of CCL

The original Bank Guarantee shall be sent by the issuing bank to concerned department/ Area by registered

Annexure V

Bank Guarantee Form for Advance Payment

(Supply Ex-Works)

[Employer's Name & Address]

Re: Bank Guarantee in respect of Contract No…………………….….,

Dated……………. Between …………….. (Name of the company)
and ………………………………. (Name of the Contractor)

In consideration of ........... [Employer's Name].......... (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Employer’,which expression shall,
unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors, administrators and assigns) having awarded
to M/s........ [Contractor'sName].........with its Registered/Head Office at...............................(hereinafter referred to as
the ‘Contractor’ which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors,
administrators, executors and assigns), a Contract, by issue of Employer’s Notification of Award No.
........................... dated ................ and the same having been unequivocally accepted by the Contractor, resulting into a
Contract bearing No. ................................dated...............................valued at .................................................................
for............................[Name of Contract]........................... (hereinafter called the ‘Contract’) and the Employer having
agreed to make an advance payment to the Contractor for performance of the above Contract
amounting..............................(in words and figures) as an Advance against Bank Guarantee to be furnished by the

We........[Name and address of the Bank]............ having its Head Office at

.................... ................................ (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Bank’, which expression shall, unless repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) do hereby guarantee and
undertake to pay the Employer, immediately on demand any or, allmonies payable by the Contractor to the extent of
..... [advance amount plus GST]......... as aforesaid at any time upto
..............................(@).......................without any demur, reservation, contest, recourse or protest and/ or without any
reference to the Contractor. Any such demand made by the Employer on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding not
withstanding any difference between the Employer and the Contractor or any dispute pending before any Court,
Tribunal, Arbitrator or any other authority. We agree that the guarantee herein contained shall be irrevocable and shall
continue to been forceable till the Employer discharges this guarantee.

The Employer shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this guarantee,
from time to time to vary the advance or to extend the time for performance of the Contract by the Contractor. The
Employer shall have the fullest liberty without affecting this guarantee, to postpone from time to time the exercise of
any powers vested in them or of any right which they might have against the Contractor, and to exercise the same at any
time in any manner, and either to enforce or to forbear to enforce any covenants, contained or implied, in the Contract
between the Employer and the Contractor or any other course or remedy or security available to the Employer. The
Bank shall not be released of its obligations under these presents by any exercise by the Employer of its liberty with
reference to the matters aforesaid or any of them or by reason of any other act or forbearance or other acts of omission
or commission on the part of the Employer or any other indulgence shown by the Employer or by any other matter or
thing whatsoever which under law would but for this provision, have the effect of relieving the Bank.

The Bank also agrees that the Employer at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a
principal debtor, in the first instance without proceeding against the Contractor and notwithstanding any security or
other guarantee that the Employer may have in relation to the Contractor’s liabilities.

Not withstanding anything contained herein above our liability under this guarantee is limited to .......[advance amount
plus GST].......... and it shall remain in force upto and including
............................(@)..............................and shall be extended from time to time for such period (not exceeding one
year), as may be desired by M/s.....[Contractor's Name].....on whose behalf this guarantee has been given.

Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder maybe sent by post/e-mail/Fax addressed to the
bank branch/operative branch, which shall be deemed to be a sufficient demand notice. Bank shall effect payment thereof
This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor.
The Bank has under its constitution power to give this Guarantee and Sri……………………. who has signed it
on behalf of the Bank has authority to do so.
The Bank Guarantee as referred above shall be operative at our branch at…….. payable at………….

The Contact details of the Bank issuing BG and the local operating Branch of the Bank at Ranchi(Jharkhand.) are as under :

Particulars Issuing Bank Local Operating Branch at Ranchi

Branch Code
Postal Address
Telephone No.
Email Id

Signed and sealed this……… of………………………


For and on behalf of the Bank by:
(Code number)

Notes:1. (@) This date shall be Ninety (90) days beyond the date of Completion of the last facility covered
under the Package.

2. . The department shall ensure extension of guarantee period in case of extension of time.

3. The Bank Guarantee issued by the issuing bank on behalf of contractor/ supplier in favour of Central
Coalfields Limited shall be in paper form as well as issued under Structured Financial Messaging
System(SFMS). The details of beneficiary for issue of BG under SFMS platform must contain the
following information:

Name Central Coalfields Limited

Area *
Name of beneficiary and Bank A/C no. of beneficiary 10106155123
details Customer ID/CIF no of 80288731402
Department E&M
Beneficiary’s Bank State Bank of India
Beneficiary’s Bank, Branch Branch and Address SME Branch, Doranda,
and Address Ranchi - 834002
SFMS Code/ IFSC Code SBIN0009620
In case of Foreign BG Swift SBININBB387

* HQ/ Name of the Area of CCL

The original Bank Guarantee shall be sent by the issuing bank to concerned department/ Area by registered


[Employer'sName& Address]

Re: Bank Guarantee in respect of Contract No…………………….….,

Dated……………. Between …………….. (Name of the company)
and ………………………………. (Name of the Contractor)

In consideration of the …[Employer's Name].........., (hereinafter referred to as the 'Employer', which expression shall
unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors, administrators and assigns) having awarded to
M/s........[Contractor'sName]................... with its Registered/Head Office at
................................................................................................ (hereinafter referred to as the 'Contractor', which expression
shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns), a
Contract by issue of Employer's Notification of Award No. ......................................... dated ...................... and the same
having been unequivocally accepted by the Contractor resulting in a 'Contract' bearing No. ................................. dated
....................... valued at ................................ for .......................................... and the Contractor having agreed to provide
…………..(Scope of Contract)………. a Security for the faithful performance of solar plant as specified at Part-A-6 of
Section - VI (Technical Specifications), at the rate of {Indian Rupees Three Crores Sixty Seven Lakhs per Million
Unit {INR 3.67 Crores per MU for the generation quoted in excess of 45MU} to the Employer.

We ..............[Name and address of the Bank]............... , having its Head Office at

............................................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as the 'Bank', which expression shall,
unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) do
hereby guarantee and undertake to pay the Employer, on demand any and all monies payable by the Contractor to the
extent of ......................................... as aforesaid at any time upto* ...................................................(day / month /
year)..................... without any demur, reservation, contest, recourse or protest and/or without any reference to the
Contractor. Any such demand made by the Employer on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding notwithstanding any
difference between the Employer and Contractor or any dispute pending before any court, tribunal or any other authority.
The Bank undertakes not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without, previous consent of the Employer and
further agrees that the guarantee herein contained shall continue to be enforceable till the Employer discharges this

The Employer shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this guarantee
from time to time to extend the time for performance of the Contract by the Contractor. The Employer shall have the
fullest liberty, without affecting this guarantee, to postpone from time to time the exercise of any powers vested in them
or of any right which they might have against the Contractor, and to exercise the same at any time in any manner, and
either to enforce or to forbear to enforce any covenants, contained or implied, in the Contract between the Employer and
the Contractor or any other course of or remedy or security available to the Employer. The Bank shall not be released of
its obligations under these presents by any exercise by the Owner of its liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or
any of them or by reason of any other acts of omission or commission on the part of the Employer or any other indulgence
shown by the Owner or by any other matters or thing whatsoever which under law, would, but for this provision, have the
effect of relieving the Bank.

The Bank also agrees that the Employer at its option shall be entitled to enforce this guarantee against the Bank as a
principal debtor, in the first instance without proceeding against the Contractor and notwithstanding any security or other
guarantee that the Employer may have in relation to the Contractor's liabilities.
Not withstanding anything contained herein above our liability under this guarantee is restricted to ......................... and it
shall remain in force upto and including ............*............. and shall be extended from time to time for such period, as may
be desired by M/s. .................................... whose behalf this guarantee has been given.

Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder maybe sent by post/e-mail/Fax addressed to the
bank branch/operative branch, which shall be deemed to be a sufficient demand notice. Bank shall effect payment thereof
This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor.
The Bank has under its constitution power to give this Guarantee and Sri……………………. who has signed it
on behalf of the Bank has authority to do so.
The Bank Guarantee as referred above shall be operative at our branch at…….. payable at………….

The Contact details of the Bank issuing BG and the local operating Branch of the Bank at Ranchi(Jharkhand.) are as under :

Particulars Issuing Bank Local Operating Branch at Ranchi

Branch Code
Postal Address
Telephone No.
Email Id

Signed and sealed this……… of………………………

For and on behalf of the Bank by:
(Code number)

1. *. This dated shall be 15 Months beyond the scheduled date for Completion of Facilities covered under
the Package. Thus total validity of the BG shall be 24 months (9 months+12 months +3 months)
2. The department shall ensure extension of guarantee period in case of extension of time.

3. The Bank Guarantee issued by the issuing bank on behalf of contractor/ supplier in favour of
Central Coalfields Limited shall be in paper form as well as issued under Structured Financial
Messaging System(SFMS). The details of beneficiary for issue of BG under SFMS platform must
contain the following information:

Name Central Coalfields Limited
Area *
Name of beneficiary and Bank A/C no. of beneficiary 10106155123
details Customer ID/CIF no of 80288731402
Department E&M
Beneficiary’s Bank State Bank of India
Beneficiary’s Bank, Branch Branch and Address SME Branch, Doranda,
and Address Ranchi - 834002
SFMS Code/ IFSC Code SBIN0009620
In case of Foreign BG Swift SBININBB387

* HQ/ Name of the Area of CCL

The original Bank Guarantee shall be sent by the issuing bank to concerned department/ Area by registered

[Employer's Name & Address]

Re: Bank Guarantee in respect of Contract No…………………….….,

Dated……………. Between …………….. (Name of the company)
and ………………………………. (Name of the Contractor)

In consideration of the …[Employer's Name]..........,, (hereinafter referred to as the 'Employer', which expression shall
unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include its successors, administrators and assigns) having awarded to
M/s. .........[Contractor's Name]............................ with its Registered/Head Office at
................................................................................................ (hereinafter referred to as the 'Contractor', which expression
shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns), a
Contract by issue of Employer's Notification of Award No. ......................................... dated ...................... and the same
having been unequivocally accepted by the Contractor resulting in a 'Contract' bearing No. ................................. dated
....................... valued at................................ for ................ (Scope of Contract).......................... and the Contractor having
agreed to provide Guarantee against Overall System Performance for amount of INR ……@…..during O&M and
Warranty Period/ for amount of INR…#………. during AMC period as specified in bidding document to the

We .................................... (Name & Address of Bank).................................................... , having its Head Office at

............................................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as the 'Bank', which expression shall,
unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors, administrators, executors and assigns) do
hereby guarantee and undertake to pay the Employer, on demand any and all monies payable by the Contractor to the
extent of ......................................... as aforesaid at any time upto* ...................................................(day / month /
year)..................... without any demur, reservation, contest, recourse or protest and/or without any reference to the
Contractor. Any such demand made by the Employer on the Bank shall be conclusive and binding notwithstanding any
difference between the Employer and Contractor or any dispute pending before any court, tribunal or any other authority.
The Bank undertakes not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without, previous consent of the Employer and
further agrees that the guarantee herein contained shall continue to be enforceable till the Employer discharges this

The Employer shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this guarantee
from time to time to extend the time for performance of the Contract by the Contractor. The Employer shall have the
fullest liberty, without affecting this guarantee, to postpone from time to time the exercise of any powers vested in them
or of any right which they might have against the Contractor, and to exercise the same at any time in any manner, and
either to enforce or to forbear to enforce any covenants, contained or implied, in the Contract between the Employer and
the Contractor or any other course of or remedy or security available to the Employer. The Bank shall not be released of
its obligations under these presents by any exercise by the Owner of its liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or
any of them or by reason of any other acts of omission or commission on the part of the Employer or any other indulgence
shown by the Owner or by any other matters or thing whatsoever which under law, would, but for this provision, have the
effect of relieving the Bank.

The Bank also agrees that the Employer at its option shall be entitled to enforce this guarantee against the Bank as a
principal debtor, in the first instance without proceeding against the Contractor and notwithstanding any security or other
guarantee that the Employer may have in relation to the Contractor's liabilities.


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