Manicao - Activity 2 (Output)

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Name Aegee Cedrick F.

Manicao Date 03/31/23

Course Code PROF ED 108 Score

ACTIVITY 2- Prof Ed 108

Direction: Create your own performance assessment using GRASPS model. Sample of
this activity will be provided for your guidance.


(Constellation Illustration)

GOAL: Your goal is to create or draw an illustration of 1 constellation that you are interested with, and
research provide important information or data about that particular constellation, it should be included in
your constellation. This is for you to know more about the different constellations and gain knowledge that
you can use to future lessons in the subject

ROLE: A student or Classmate that wants to provide knowledge and information about constellations to my
fellow classmates.

AUDIENCE: Your Classmates and Teacher on this particular subject.

SITUATION: Constellation is a very important lesson on this subject, so in order for you to become
knowledgeable enough about this lesson, this particular activity is created. You will think of any constellation
that you like and research about any information about it and think of a way on how you will illustrate or draw
your chosen constellation.

PERFORMANCE: You will draw or Illustrate the constellation that you have chosen and include the
information about that certain constellation that you have researched and gathered. Remember the
illustration must be precise to avoid misconceptions and the information gathered must be accurate and well
cited so that your work will not be accused of plagiarism.


STANDARD AND CRITERIA: Your work will be judged based or according to this particular rubric/criteria.
CRITERIA Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good/Fair (3-2) Poor (1-0)
It contains a lot of It slightly lack a certain It slightly lack a certain It lacks a lot of
Content and important information information needed, but information and the information needed and
Concept of about the constellation and the illustration still is illustration of the it’s illustration is not
Ideas it’s illustration is precise precise and excellent. constellation is slightly not precise and excellent.
and excellent. The The information slightly precise and excellent. The The information is not
information and illustration lacks but together with information and the organized and not in
is well organized and in the illustration they are illustration is also slightly harmony.
harmony. still organized and in not organized and in
harmony. harmony.
The student presents a The students present a The student present a The student present a
Creativity very high amount of high amount of average amount of low amount of
creativeness by creativeness by creativeness by slightly creativeness by not
maximizing the use of maximizing the us of maximizing the use of maximizing the use of
different materials different materials different materials different materials
available and using it at it's available and using it available and slightly available and not using
full potential resulting to an it's full potential using it’s full potential it’s full potential resulting
excellent and outstanding resulting a very good resulting to a Good and to a Low grade output.
output output. Fair output.
The student ideas is all The student ideas is The student ideas is The student ideas is
Originality from there formulation and slightly not original. slightly not original. There mostly not original.
creation. All of there work There work has 1 work has 2-3 aspect that There work has 4 or
is not copied nor particular aspect that is is copied or not from there more aspect that are
plagiarized, all original. copied or not from his own formulation and over copied or not there own
own formulation but all some of there work is formulation. Overall
overall most of it is not there original concept most of their work is not
there Original concept. there original concept.
The student present The student present The student present The student present
Presentation his/her own craft his/here own craft in a his/her own craft in a his/her own craft in a
and excellently. The discussion very good way. The good way. The discussion bad way. The
Articulation is excellently articulate and discussion is very is slightly not articulate discussion is not
well organized. He/she is articulate and enough but still organized. articulate and
very knowledgeable about organized. They are They are slightly not organized. They are not
their output. knowledgeable about knowledgeable enough knowledgeable enough
their output. about their output. about their output.
Organization The student ideas is The student ideas is The student ideas is The student ideas is not
excellently organized both organized both in slightly not organized in organized in both of
in his/her illustration and his/her illustration and both of his/her illustration his/her illustration and
information presented. information presented. and information information
presentation. presentation.


This activity should allow the students to understand the lesson about constellation more and for them to
become more knowledgeable and well informed about this particular topic. This knowledge that they will gain
on this given activity will serve as their foundation in moving forward on this particular subject.

And in addition this activity will also sharpen their creativeness and skills and art that will surely help them
going forward. Their outputs will also serve as basis in our lesson about constellation so that we will be
familiarized about the certain topic. Design of the classroom is also considered.


Criteria Excellent (5) Good(4) Fair(2-3) Poor (0-1)

Depth of the Discussion In-depth discussion & In-depth discussion & The writer has Cursory discussion in all the
elaboration in all elaboration in most omitted pertinent sections of the paper or brief
sections of the paper. sections of the paper. content or content discussion in only a few
runs-on excessively. sections.

Relevance of Answer is complete; Answer is brief with Quotations The output did not answer
Answer sufficient detail provided insufficient detail. from others the question.
to support assertions; Unrelated issues were outweigh the
introduced and/or minor
answer focuses only on writer’s own
errors in content.
issues related to the ideas
question; factually correct excessively.

Answer is
discussion of
unrelated issues
significant errors
in content

Integration of The output demonstrates The output demonstrates The output demonstrates The output does not
Knowledge that the student fully that the student, for the that the student, to a demonstrate that the student
understands and has most part, understands certain extent, has fully understood and
applied concepts learned in and has applied concepts understands and has applied concepts learned in
the course. Concepts are learned in the course. applied concepts learned the course.
integrated into the student’s Some of the conclusions, in the course
own insights. The student however, are not
provides concluding supported in the body of
remarks that show analysis the paper.
and synthesis of ideas.
Organization Shows a logical Shows a logical The organization of ideas The organization of ideas
organization of ideas in organization of ideas, but is not always clear or does is quite unclear or ineffective
constructing the overall may have minor problems not follow the argument.
argument. The pieces flow
together well to produce a
convincing line of reasoning
Originality Output is engaging and Output is interesting and Output is vague yet Output is vague and
original original original unoriginal


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