3 Chapter I

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Chapter I



Crustaceans are the most morphologically diverse group

of arthropods found in aquatic habitats. They are found in

every aquatic system from the depths of the oceans to

temporary ponds. In some cases, crustacean is the most

abundant taxon in terms of number individuals. Crustaceans

also include the most primitive of the living arthropods

and are of great interest to those who study evolution.

Crustaceans such as crabs, lobster, and shrimps are of

commercial value as food for humans (Nybakken, 1996).

Crustaceans are more than 40,000 different species.

Some 4,000 of these species occur in freshwater and show

extraordinary diversity in shape and form bearing anywhere

from 3 to 50 pairs of limbs. However, crustaceans also

share common features such as jointed pair appendages, and

two pairs of antennae. All crustaceans are enclosed in a

protective exoskeleton made of chitin and get malted for

growth (Alters, 1996).

Despite their popularity as seafood, our knowledge of

them is still very limited and is mainly confined to a few

commercial species, especially prawns, crabs and spiny

lobsters. There are hundreds of other crustaceans that have


not yet been studied and many of which have not been named

or described by the scientists. Other species of

crustaceans, while not commercially valuable, are

remarkably beautiful in colour. About their biology,

crustaceans certainly are important components in the food

webs of both marine and freshwater system (James and

Morgan, 1994).

Crustaceans are widespread in the coastal waters of

Northern Samar. Many species, particularly the edible

crustaceans, are abundant in coastal waters of the

province. Most of the fisherfolks have gone on more

intensive gathering or catching because of good economic

return for these marine resources and become a prized food

items exportable to the center especially to Manila and


In spite of its abundance in our province our

knowledge about crustaceans is still limited and there is

limited literature regarding crustacean species in the

Pacific region of the province. Hence, this study provides

baseline information as to the abundance of crustaceans in

the study area.

The researcher is interested in the collection and

identification of crustaceans in Batag Island, Laoang,


Northern Samar. Since no studies of this kind have been

conducted yet in this area.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study was to identify the

species composition of crustaceans present in Batag Island,

Laoang, Northern Samar.

Specifically, this study:

1. identified the different species of crustaceans in

the study sites;

2. determined the abundance and relative abundance of

crustacean species found in the study sites;

3. described the prevailing environmental parameters

that characterized the study areas, such as:

a. pH,

b. temperature,

c. salinity,

d. depth,

e. current, and

f. substrate;

4. distinguished the distribution of crustaceans in

various habitats, such as;

a. mangrove forests,

b. coral reefs,

c. seagrass beds,

d. intertidal zones, and

e. sandy shores;

5. identified the edible and non-edible crustaceans

found in the study areas.

Significance of the Study

This study is significant in providing data on the

different species of crustaceans present in Batag Island of

Laoang, Northern Samar.

Local Government Unit (LGU). This study is important to

the government officials, and to the non-government

organizations. They will be benefited from this study in

enhancing and further review of their programs on the

resource/biodiversity conservation in their locality. The

study serves as input in making new resolution or actions

on how to protect and conserve the crustaceans existing in

the study areas.

Community. This study gives knowledge to the local

residents specifically to the study barangays on the

different species of crustaceans and their present

condition in their areas. Further, the result would give

awareness to the whole community on how much the area is


affected by the daily habits of the community residents

that threaten the crustacean species status in their marine


Teachers. This study is of great help to the teachers

specifically those teaching science-related subjects and

will serve as their main reference and guide during their

lecture and laboratory class sessions.

Students. The data and information will enhance and

trigger their interest to study crustaceans using different

research variables aside from those mentioned in this

present study. The result and methodologies of this study

will serve as their guide and reference in making their own


Researchers. This research provides them valid and

reliable data on marine ecosystem’s present status and

conditions specifically of the crustaceans existing in the

coastal barangays of the municipality of Laoang, Northern

Samar. Additional variables not mentioned in this study are

expected to be given consideration during their future


Department of Environment and Natural Resources

(DENR). This study provides them a new additional data and

information particularly on the species and abundance of

crustaceans present in the study area.


Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study was conducted on the month of October to

November 2022 in Batag Island, Laoang, Northern Samar. This

study was focused on the identification of the different

species of crustaceans present in the study areas and

determined the most abundant species, as well as, describe

the parameters that characterized the study sites, such as:

pH, temperature, salinity, depth, current, and substrate.

Sampling was done once a month during low tide at day

time and night time and was limited only on the four study

sites in the island of Batag; namely; Barangays Napotiocan,

Cabadiangan, Marubay and Candawid, due to time, weather,

and financial limitations.

In addition, the study further conducted interview,

using a researcher-made questionnaire, to randomly selected

coastal residents in order to collect data on the edible

and non-edible crustaceans and their distribution in

various habitats such as mangrove forests, coral reefs,

seagrass beds, intertidal zones and sandy shores.


Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and for

clearer understanding of this study.

Abundance refers is the large amount or quantity of

something. It is the richness of crustacean species in each

sampling site.

Arthropods are animals characterized by their jointed

limbs and cuticles, which are mainly made of a-chitin; the

cuticles of crustaceans are also biomineralized; the largest

animal phylum includes insects, spiders, crustaceans, and


Coral Reefs are massive structures made of limestone

deposited by coral polyps. Often referred to as the

“rainforests of the sea”, coral reefs support approximately

25% of all known marine species.

Crustacean is any of a large class of mostly aquatic

arthropods that have a chitinous and calcareous skeleton, a

pair of often much modified appendages on each segment, and


two pairs of antennae which are invertebrate animals with

several pairs of jointed legs, a hard-protective outer

shell, two pairs of eyes at the ends of stalks. This is the

animal species being studied and includes the lobsters,

shrimp, crabs, wood lice, water fleas, and barnacles.

Current is a continuous directed movement of seawater

generated by forces acting upon this mean flow. It also

refers to the continuous flow of the water in the study

area. Current was determined using a Ping-Pong ball into the

water surface and record its movement in meter per second

(m/ s).

Depth is the measure of the distance from the ocean

surface down to the bottom of the seawater. Depth was

measured using a meter stick.

Economic value is the source of income of the people.

Edible crustacean species means it can be eaten; the

term refers to a crustacean species found in the study area,

which can be eaten.

Environmental parameter is the measure used to describe

the physical and chemical characteristics of the study area.

Environmental parameter can be tested with the use of

different materials and apparatus such as; thermometer for


temperature, pH meter for water acidity, and salinity with


Habitat operationally, is the type of natural

environment in which a particular species of organism lives.

The types of vegetation maybe grassland, forest, or dessert.

Intertidal Zone in marine aquatic environment is the

sea of the foreshore and seabed that is exposed to the air

at low tide and submerged at high tide, the area between

tide marks.

Mangroves are trees and shrubs that are not necessarily

closely related to one another, but they do share the unique

capability of growing within reach of the tides in salty


Marine life refers to the marine organisms that live in

the seas.

Non-edible means cannot be eaten; refers to the

crustacean species in the study area that cannot be eaten

and/or could be poisonous when eaten.

pH is used in expressing the acidity or alkalinity of

the water in the study site by the use of a pH meter. In

determining water pH, water sample was taken from the study

areas for testing.


Salinity is the state of being saline or salty of the

water in the study area. Salinity was determined with the

use of refractometer.

Sandy substrate consists of or containing sand; full of


Seagrass bed is a form of an important nursery habitat

for several species of fishes and invertebrates that move to

coral reefs and other ecosystems as they mature.

Species refer to a group of individuals usually

interbreeding freely and having many characteristics in

common. Pertains to a group of individuals usually

interbreeding freely and having many characteristics in

common of crustaceans, in the study area.

Substrate refers to the base or soil to which the sea

grass lives. Substrate was determined through ocular

observation, whether it is sandy, rocky or muddy.

Temperature is used in expressing the average

measurement of the intensity of heat using the thermometer.

It is an objective comparative measurement of hot or cold

and measured by using thermometer, and it is expressing one

that can affect the growth of crustaceans in the study area.


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