Marine Gastropods and Bivalves of Biri, Northern Samar: J.Bio - Innov 8 (3), PP: 319-329, 2019 - ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic)

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J.Bio.Innov 8(3), pp: 319-329, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic) Flores et al.


Carla U. Norcio1 and Abel Alejandro U. Flores, Jr.1,2

1UniversityResearch and Development Services

Research and Development Services and
Chair, Biological Sciences Department
UEP College of Science


A descriptive research was conducted in 2 barangays of Biri, Northern Samar, to describe

the species composition of mollusks in the island municipality. Specifically, it aimed to
identify the gastropods and bivalves present in the coastal waters of Biri, Northern Samar; to
quantify their density and frequency; determine the prevailing environmental conditions in
the study area during the day time and night time; and, enumerate the gastropod and
bivalve species that are of economic value to the fisherfolks in the sampling sites. In each
site, three 100-meter transect lines were laid seaward, with ten 1-square meter quadrats
established along each line. All gastropods and bivalves within the quadrats were counted;
those outside were not counted, but were listed. Interview with residents for additional
information and data was done using a researcher-made interview guide. Results show 26
mollusk species representing 10 genera, 14 families, 5 orders, and 2 classes. In Barangay San
Pedro, densest among the species during night time and day time sampling was Cypraea
testunidaria Linne, while in Barangay San Antonio, densest at night was Cypraea annulus
Linne, whereas during day time, it was Turbo (Lunella) cinereus. The coastal waters of the
sampling sites have optimum conditions which favour the existence of gastropods and
bivalves, and although variations do occur, such fluctuations are insignificant to affect the
frequency and density of these species. This implies that environmental parameters
influence the favorable distribution of gastropods and bivalves. Almost all of the gastropod
and bivalve species collected were of commercial value – either as food or for handicraft,
jewelry, or fashion accessories. It is recommended that similar studies be conducted to
validate these findings, generating baseline information on mollusks in other localities of
Northern Samar.

KEYWORDS: gastropods, bivalves, mollusk, Biri, Northern Samar

2019 May Edition | | Innovative Association

J.Bio.Innov 8(3), pp: 319-329, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic) Flores et al.,

producing veliger larvae. Gastropods

INTRODUCTION abound in saltwater, freshwater, and on
land occurring in tropical to subpolar
Phylum Mollusca, second largest regions, down to depths of 5,200 meters at
animal phylum, are a diverse group of sea and up to 5,500 meters above sea level
animals widely distributed in both time and (Storer, et al., 1979).
space, having continuous record since Many snails are necessary
Cambrian time, with 45,000 fossil species intermediate hosts for trematode flatworms,
(Storer, et al., 1979), and having more than but univalves have long served as human
80,000 living species. They are free-living, food and their shells provide the money of
but slow-moving, creatures with close various native peoples (Storer, et al., 1979).
association to the substrate. Some attach
to rocks, shells, or wood; some burrow; Bivalves possess two shells secreted by
others float; while others can swim freely. Of a mantle extending in a sheet on either side
major economic importance are clams, of the body, are joined at the dorsal end by
scallops, oysters, squids, and octopi that a ligament comprised of a tensilium and a
serve as human food, and a few bivalves resilium, which together open the shells at
that produce pearls (Storer, et al., 1979). rest, and closes them by contracting its
powerful adductor muscles (Kellogg and
This undertaking hopes to provide the Faustin, 2002).
community with an accurate knowledge of
the gastropod and bivalve species present Their bodies are laterally compressed,
in the coastal waters of Biri, Northern Samar and uses its muscular foot either to attach
with high potential for the export market itself to a substrate, or to burrow. Most
overseas. It would also serve as an update bivalves are filter feeders, but some are
on the status of these species, in terms of its scavengers, or even predators. However,
density, frequency, and the prevailing bivalves are the only molluscan class
environmental conditions such as water without a radula.
temperature and pH, salinity, depth,
current, and substrate. Most bivalves (clams and oysters) are
used as food in places the world over. Pearl
Myers and Burch (2001) report that oysters are used for commercial pearl
most gastropods have a single, usually production, but some species can cause
spirally coiled shell into which the body can economic damage, such as being serious
be withdrawn, but the shell is lost or reduced parasites of fish (freshwater mussels) or
in some important groups. Torsion or twisting boring through wood, damaging wooden
occurs in most snails, many of which have ships, pilings, or other wood structures (in
an operculum that seals the shell opening marine species) [Kellogg and Faustin, 2002].
when the snail’s body is drawn into it. They
have a muscular foot for locomotion, are Storer, et al., (1979) also report that
dioecious, while some are hermaphroditic, bivalves are the second largest molluscan
2019 May Edition | | Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 8(3), pp: 319-329, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic) Flores et al.,

class, with about 20,000 species, widely Two randomly selected barangays of
distributed in both fresh and salt waters. the island municipality of Biri, located at the
However, they do not display the great tip of the province of Northern Samar,
adaptive radiation found in gastropods, facing the deep blue Pacific Ocean and
and most are sessile or sedentary burrowing the famous San Bernardino Strait, were the
animals, filtering food particles from the collection sites for this study (MPDC, 2010).
water or sediment.
Research Design and Sampling Technique
Melendres (2009) cites Nishida, et al.,
(2000) claiming that mollusks must possess Descriptive research, with interviews
good quality standards for meat and from randomly selected residents using a
appearance (condition index or fattening researcher-made interview guide, was
index) as evaluation method for estimating done to gather data on the economic
meat amount in relation to shell cavity. importance of mollusks. In the collection of
specimens, systematic quadrat sampling
Parent (2008) stated that mollusks are during low tide was done at daytime and at
good barometers of environmental health. night.
They also produce a wide range of biotoxins Data Gathering Procedure
and metabolites used in medical research.
Three 100-meter transect lines,
Calumpiano and Galenzoga (1999) distanced 50 meters apart, were laid down
reported 23 molluscan species, all of which seaward. Along each transect, 1 m2
were identified by fisherfolks to have quadrats at 10-meter intervals were
commercial value other than food. established, and all gastropods and
Galenzoga (2002) collected 345 molluscan bivalves found were counted and
species, 320 of which were edible and 25 identified. Those outside the quadrat were
were poisonous, but all were of commercial not counted, but were included in the list of
application as lime, fixative, medicine, or in species recorded in the site. Interviews with
shell craft as wall decors or jewelry. local residents were made to determine
how gastropods and bivalves were utilized
Previous studies on mollusks in Biri, in the study area.
Northern Samar done by Galvez (2012) and
Batula (2017), reveal that species collected Identification and Preservation of
were edible and were of commercial value Specimens
to the fisherfolks in the coastal communities.
Collected samples were brought to the
METHODOLOGY College of Science for classification and
identification. Most of the specimens were
Locale of the Study boiled to remove the meat, others were
buried in ants’ nest, and the shells were

2019 May Edition | | Innovative Association

J.Bio.Innov 8(3), pp: 319-329, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic) Flores et al.,

cleaned thereafter and arranged in a C. mappa Linne

C. testudinaria L.
display case. C. talpa Linne
C. erosa Linne
Strombus labiatus
labiatus Linne
Determination of Environmental Parameters Strombidae S. (Canarium)
urceus urceus L.
Lambis lambis L.
Nerita (Theliostyla)
Water temperature, pH, salinity, Cassidae
Phalium glaucum L

current, depth, and substrate type were Cymatiidae

Charonia tritonis
measured and/or observed during each Neogastropoda Volutidae Cymbiola
vespertilio Linne
sampling visit, using standard measuring
devices such as the refractometer, pH
meter, and meter stick.


Plate 1. Haliotis asinina Linne 1758

Gastropod and Bivalve Species in Biri,

Northern Samar

From the results, it can be gleaned that

26 species, belonging to 10 genera, 14
Plate2. Nerita (Theliostyla) planospira Anton 1839
families, and 5 orders, were collected and
identified in the two island barangay
sampling sites.

Plate 3. Turbo(Marmarostoma) bruneus Roding 1798

Table 1. Gastropod and Bivalve Species in Two Barangays of
Biri, Northern Samar
Class Order Family Species
Bivalvia Mytiloida Pteriidae margaritifera L.
Rectinidae radula
Cardiidae Fragum unedo L.
Veneroida Tridacna gigas L.
Gastropoda Archaeogastropoda Haliotidae Haliotis asinina L.
Turbo Plate 4. Lambis lambis Linne 1758
Turbinidae bruneus Linne
T. (Lunella)
cinereus Linne
Nerita (Retina)
Neritidae undata Linne
Trochus maculatus
Tectus fenestratus Plate 5. Turbo (Lunella) cinereus Born 1778
Trochidae Linne
Monodonta labio
Angaria delphinus
Angariidae Linne
Cypraea annulus
Mesogastropoda Linne
Cypraeidae C. felina Gmelin
C. tigris Linne

2019 May Edition | | Innovative Association

J.Bio.Innov 8(3), pp: 319-329, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic) Flores et al.,

Plate 6. Trochus maculatus Linne 1758 Plate 13. Cypraea erosa Linne 1758

Plate 7. Strombus (Canarium) urceus urceus Linne 1758 Plate 14. Cypraea annulus Linne 1758

Plate 15. Cypraea mappa Linne 1758

Plate 8. Strombus (Canarium) labiatus labiatus Roding 1798

Plate 16. Cypraea testudinaria Linne 1758

Plate 9. Tectus fenestratus Gmelin 1791

Plate 17. Monodonta labio Linne 1758

Plate 10. Nerita (Retina) undata Linne 1758

Plate 18. Cypraea talpa Linne 1758

Plate 11. Angaria delphinus Linne 1758

Plate 19. Cypraea felina Gmelin 1791

Plate 12. Cypraea tigris Linne 1758

2019 May Edition | | Innovative Association

J.Bio.Innov 8(3), pp: 319-329, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic) Flores et al.,

In terms of the presence or absence of

these species in the study area, results show
that most of them were present in both sites,
except for Haliotis asinina, Phalium
Plate 20. Phalium glaucum Linne1758 glaucum, Tridacna gigas, Charonia tritonis
tritonis, and Pinctada margaritifera which
were absent in Barangay San Pedro, Biri,
Northern Samar.

During the full moon, at night when the

Plate 21. Cymbiola vespertilio Linne1758
tide was low, the most dense species in
Barangay San Antonio, Biri, Northern Samar
was Cypraea annulus Linne (2
individuals/m ), while the least dense was

Haliotis asinina Linne, with an average

Plate 22. Tridacna gigas Linne 1758 density of 0.13 individual/m2. During the
same period, in Barangay San Pedro, Biri,
Northern Samar, the most dense species
was Cypraea testudinaria Linne (3.06
individuals/m2), and the least dense was
Monodonta labio Linne at a density of 0.4
Plate 23. Charonia tritonis tritonis Linne1758

At low tide during daytime, the densest

of the species was Turbo (Lunella) cinereus
(2.21individulas/m2), while the least dense
was Haliotis asinina Linne (average of 0.06
Plate 24. Pinctada margaritifera Linne 1758
individual/m2) in Barangay San Antonio, Biri,
Northern Samar. In the same period, in
Barangay San Pedro, Biri, Northern Samar,
the densest of the specimens collected was
Cypraea testudinaria Linne at 3.18
individuals/m2, while the least dense was
Trochus maculatum Linne, with a density of
Plate 25. Fragum unedo Linne1758

only 0.08 individual/m2.

In terms of the frequency of their

occurrence in Barangay San Antonio, Biri,
Northern Samar, the most frequently
Plate 26. Comptopallum radula
encountered at low tide during the full
2019 May Edition | | Innovative Association
J.Bio.Innov 8(3), pp: 319-329, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic) Flores et al.,

moon were Turbo (Lunella) cinereus and Northern Samar, the most frequently
Cypraea annulus Linne, with a frequency encountered species were Turbo (Lunella)
value of 0.74 and a relative frequency of cinereus and Cypraea annulus Linne, with a
7.06%. The least frequent was Haliotis frequency value of 0.76 (RF = 7.52%), while
asinina Linne (F = 0.40; RF = 1.05%). During the least frequent was Haliotis asinina, with
the same period, in Barangay San Pedro, a frequency of 0.06 (RF = 0.59%). In the
Biri, Northern Samar, the most frequent was same time period, in Barangay San Pedro,
Cypraea testudinaria Linne (F = 0.98) Biri, Northern Samar, the most frequently
with a relative frequency of 9.61%, while the observed species was Cypraea testudinaria
least frequently appearing was Cypraea Linne with a frequency of 0.78 (RF = 8.84%),
talpa Linne, with a frequency of 0.10 or a whilethe least frequent was Trochus
relative frequency of 0.98%. maculatus Linne, with a frequency of 0.08
(RF= 0.91%).
Sampling made at day time, during
low tide, in Barangay San Antonio, Biri,

2019 May Edition | | Innovative Association

J.Bio.Innov 8(3), pp: 319-329, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic) Flores et al.,

Table 2. Density and Relative Density of Gastropods and Bivalves in Biri, Northern Samar at Low Tide

Full Moon Day Time

Barangay San Barangay San Barangay San Barangay San
Species Antonio Pedro Antonio Pedro
T (÷90 T (÷90 T (÷90 T (÷90
m) 2(%) m) (%) 2
m) 2 (%) m) (%) 2

Haliotis asinina 12 0.13 0.54 - - - 5 0.06 0.30 - - -

Nerita (Theliostyla) planospira 93 1.03 4.29 69 0.77 3.79 95 1.06 5.26 65 0.72 3.73
Turbo (Marmarostoma) bruneus 101 1.12 4.66 101 1.12 5.52 105 1.17 5.81 110 1.22 6.32
Lambis (Lambis) lambis Linne 76 0.84 3.50 31 0.34 1.67 37 0.41 2.04 25 0.28 1.45
Turbo (Lunella) cinereus 161 1.79 7.46 143 1.59 7.83 199 2.21 10.97 149 1.66 8.60
Trochus maculatus Linne 26 0.29 1.21 11 0.12 0.59 12 0.13 0.65 7 0.08 0.41
Strombus (Canarium) urceus urceus L 60 0.67 2.79 85 0.94 4.63 66 0.73 3.62 71 0.79 4.09
S. labiatus labiatus 107 1.19 4.96 82 0.91 4.48 84 0.93 4.62 78 0.87 4.51
Tectus fenestratus Gmelin 159 1.77 7.37 135 1.50 7.39 137 1.52 7.55 125 1.39 7.20
Nerita (Retina) undata Linne 111 1.23 5.12 120 1.33 6.55 90 1.00 4.97 126 1.40 7.25
Angaria delphinus Linne 145 1.61 6.71 99 1.10 5.42 86 0.96 4.76 107 1.19 5.17
Cypraea tigris Linne 107 1.19 4.96 50 0.56 2.76 83 0.92 4.57 44 0.49 2.54
C. erosa Linne 90 1.00 4.16 142 1.58 7.78 98 1.09 5.41 95 1.06 5.49
C. annulus Linne 180 2.00 8.33 123 1.37 6.75 151 1.68 8.34 130 1.44 7.46
C. mappa Linne 60 0.67 2.79 39 0.43 2.12 33 0.37 1.84 30 0.33 1.71
C. testudinaria Linne 98 1.09 4.54 275 3.06 15.07 94 1.04 5.16 286 3.18 16.48

Monodonta labio Linne 55 0.61 2.54 36 0.40 1.97 50 0.56 2.78 32 0.36 1.87
Cypraea talpa Linne 29 0.32 1.33 11 0.12 0.59 17 0.19 0.94 10 0.11 0.51
C. felina Linne 74 0.82 3.42 38 0.42 2.07 68 0.76 3.77 51 0.57 2.95
Cymbiola vespertilio Linne 98 1.09 4.54 65 0.72 3.55 71 0.79 3.92 57 0.63 3.26
Pinctada margaritifera Linne 90 1.00 4.16 103 1.14 5.62 76 0.84 4.17 75 0.83 4.30
Fragum unedo Linne 110 1.22 5.08 67 0.74 3.65 72 0.80 3.97 61 0.68 3.52
Comptopallum radula 120 1.33 5.54 - - - 83 0.79 3.92 - - -
TOTAL 2,162 24.01 100.0 1,825 20.30 99.80 1,813 20.14 99.90 1,734 19.30 99.80

Legend: T = Total D = Density RD = Relative Density

Table 3. Frequency and Relative Frequency of Gastropods and Bivalves in Biri, Northern Samar at Low Tide

2019 May Edition | | Innovative Association

J.Bio.Innov 8(3), pp: 319-329, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic) Flores et al.,

Full Moon Day Time

Barangay San Barangay San Barangay San Barangay San
Species Antonio Pedro Antonio Pedro
T (÷90) T (÷90) T (÷90) T (÷90)
(%) (%) (%) (%)
Haliotis asinina 10 0.11 1.05 - - - 5 0.06 0.59 - - -
Nerita (Theliostyla) planospira 40 0.44 4.19 42 0.47 4.61 57 0.63 6.24 20 0.22 2.49
Turbo (Marmarostoma) bruneus 28 0.31 2.96 29 0.32 3.14 19 0.21 2.08 30 0.33 3.74
Lambis (Lambis) lambis Linne 34 0.38 3.63 21 0.23 2.25 17 0.19 1.88 16 0.18 2.04
Turbo (Lunella) cinereus 67 0.74 7.06 65 0.72 7.06 68 0.76 7.52 67 0.74 8.39
Trochus maculatus Linne 20 0.22 2.09 10 0.11 1.08 12 0.13 1.29 7 0.08 0.91
Strombus (Canarium) urceus urceus L 36 0.40 3.82 51 0.57 5.59 35 0.39 3.86 39 0.43 4.88
S. labiatus labiatus 51 0.57 5.44 55 0.61 5.98 48 0.53 5.25 45 0.50 5.67
Tectus fenestratus Gmelin 57 0.63 6.01 59 0.66 6.47 64 0.71 7.03 56 0.62 7.03
Nerita (Retina) undata Linne 55 0.61 5.82 65 0.72 7.06 49 0.54 5.35 63 0.70 7.94
Angaria delphinus Linne 64 0.71 6.77 51 0.57 5.59 61 0.68 6.73 53 0.59 6.69
Cypraea tigris Linne 60 0.67 6.39 32 0.36 3.53 52 0.58 5.74 35 0.39 4.42
C. erosa Linne 25 0.28 2.67 56 0.62 6.08 29 0.32 3.17 21 0.23 2.61
C. annulus Linne 67 0.74 7.06 63 0.70 6.86 68 0.76 7.52 63 0.70 7.94
C. mappa Linne 32 0.36 3.44 27 0.30 2.94 23 0.26 2.57 26 0.29 3.29
C. testudinaria Linne 46 0.51 4.87 88 0.98 9.61 50 0.56 5.54 70 0.78 8.84

Monodonta labio Linne 20 0.22 2.09 20 0.22 2.16 21 0.23 2.28 20 0.22 2.49
Cypraea talpa Linne 19 0.21 2.00 9 0.10 0.98 13 0.14 1.39 12 0.13 1.47
C. felina Linne 14 0.16 1.53 29 0.32 3.14 38 0.42 4.16 44 0.49 5.56
Cymbiola vespertilio Linne 48 0.53 5.06 45 0.50 4.90 40 0.44 4.36 39 0.43 4.88
Pinctada margaritifera Linne 49 0.54 5.15 57 0.63 6.18 47 0.52 5.15 35 0.39 4.42
Fragum unedo Linne 45 0.50 4.77 44 0.49 4.80 39 0.43 4.26 34 0.38 4.71
Comptopallum radula 58 0.64 6.11 - - - 51 0.57 5.64 - - -
TOTAL 945 10.48 99.90 918 10.20 100.0 906 10.10 99.60 795 8.82 100.0

Legend: T = Total F = Frequency RF = Relative Frequency

Table 4. Average Environmental Parameters in the Study Area over Three Months (Low Tide at Full Moon)
Water Current Speed
Water Salinity Depth (inches)
Sampling Area Temperature (oC) (m/s) Substrate
pH (ppt)
Day Night Day Night Day Night
San Antonio 8.0 30.2 20.4 34.3 0.084 0.076 4 3.8 Rocky, corally, or
sandy with sea grass
San Pedro 8.1 29.3 20.8 34.5 0.078 0.078 5 4.3 beds

From Table 4, it can be gleaned that most affect the frequency and density of these
of the parameters observed and measured species.
were within the optimum values necessary Presented in the succeeding table is the
for gastropods and bivalves to exist. commercial value of gastropods and
Although variations do occur, they are very bivalves to the residents in the study area.
slight fluctuations which do not seriously Data show that almost all of the species
collected were commercially important as

2019 May Edition | | Innovative Association

J.Bio.Innov 8(3), pp: 319-329, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic) Flores et al.,

their flesh are consumed as food, while the Local Commercial

Name Value
shells are used by local craftsmen for the Haliotis asinina Lapas
manufacture of decors, jewelry items or Nerita (Theliostyla) Sihi
accessories like necklaces and bracelets planospira
Turbo Taktakon
which are sold locally or exported to other (Marmarostoma)
provinces in the country. bruneus
Lambis (Lambis) Sahang
lambis Linne
CONCLUSION Turbo (Lunella) Lumban
Trochus maculatus Dodo-
Although only 26 species belonging Linne
to 5 orders, 14 families, and 10 genera is Strombus Sikad-sikad
The flesh is eaten
reported in this study, and represents only a (Canarium) urceus as food, while
small fraction of the total number of species
urceus Linne the shells are
S. labiatus labiatus Sikad-sikad used in shellcraft,
reported in the country, it is concluded that Tectus fenestratus Dodo- and transformed
the Municipality of Biri, Northern Samar has Gmelin
dodo by local
a diversity of gastropods and bivalves. The Nerita (Ritena) Sihi craftsmen into
undata L.
environmental parameters measured have hanging decors,
Angaria delphinus Puruko
been found to be within the optimum range Linne jewelry items,
Cypraea tigris Linne Mowang and/or
that is favourable to the existence of accessories like
Cypraea erosa Buskay
gastropods and bivalves in the study area. Linne bracelet or
Almost all of these species have Cypraea annulus Buskay necklaces.
commercial value in the locality. Cypraea mappa Ziper-ran
C. testudinaria Linne Burubaktin
RECOMMENDATIONS Monodonta labio Haragaday
The researchers recommend the Cypraea talpa Linne Mowang
Cypraea felina Buskay
validation of the present findings to verify Gmelin
and gain more baseline data on Phalium glaucum Hali-hali
gastropods and bivalves in other coastal Cymbiola vespertilio Layagan
communities in the province of Northern Linne
Samar. Sampling at high tide and during Tridacna gigas Talaba
Charonia tritonis Budyong
different phases of the moon may also be tritonis Linne
done. Pinctada Tipay
margaritifera Linne
Fragum unedo Linne Takal
Comptopallum Pamaypay

Table 5. Commercial Value of Mollusks in Biri,


2019 May Edition | | Innovative Association

J.Bio.Innov 8(3), pp: 319-329, 2019 |ISSN 2277-8330 (Electronic) Flores et al.,

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2019 May Edition | | Innovative Association

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