Lab Session 4 Mom

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Lab session # 04

To measure the deflection in circular ring

I. Curved Bar Apparatus.
II. Weight.
III. circular Beam Apparatus.
IV. Dial Gauge.
V. Vernier Caliper.

A body whose geometric shape is formed by the motion in space of a plane figure (called the
cross section of the curved beam); its center of gravity always follows a certain curve (the Figure
1: Semicircular Curved Bar Apparatus. axis), and the plane of the figure is normal to the curve.
A distinction is made between curved beams with constant cross section (for example, the link of
a chain composed of oval or circular rings) and with variable cross section (for example, the
hook of a crane) and between plane beams (with a plane axis) and three-dimensional beams
(with a three-dimensional axis). A special variety of curved beam is the naturally twisted curved
beam, whose plane cross-sectional figure moves along its axis and simultaneously rotates around
a tangent to the axis (for example, the blade of an aircraft propeller or fan). The design of a plane
curved beam (Figure 1) with a symmetrical cross section (the axis of symmetry lies in the plane
of curvature) taking into account the effect of a load lying in the plane of symmetry consists in
the determination of stresses normal to the cross section according to the formula.

where F is the area of the cross section, N is the longitudinal force, M is the bending moment in
the cross section defined with respect to the axis Z0 passing through the center of gravity of the
cross section (C), y is the distance from the fiber being examined to the neutral axis z, p is the
radius of curvature of the fiber being examined, and Sz = Fy0 is the static moment of the cross-
sectional area with respect to the axis z. The displacement Y0 of the neutral axis relative to the
center of curvature of the curved beam is always directed toward the center of curvature of the
curved beam and is usually determined from special tables. For a circular cross section, Y0 ≈
d2/16R; for a rectangular cross section, Y ≈ h2/12R (R is the radius of curvature of the axis of
the curved beam; d and h are the diameter and height of the cross section of the beam,
respectively). Normal stresses in a curved beam have their maximum values (in absolute
magnitudes) near the concave edge of a beam and vary in the cross section according to a
hyperbolic law. For small curvatures (R > 5h) the determination of normal stresses can be made
in the same way as for a straight beam.

Figure 1: Deflectin of Curved Bar

Castiglione’s Theorem:-
Strain Energy: 

It is defined as the energy stored in a structural member due to its deformations. It can also be
calculated as the area under the stress-strain curve upto the elastic limit. The area under the
stress-strain curve gives the strain energy per unit volume or strain energy density. Castigliano’s
theorems are based on the partial derivatives of the strain energy.

Castigliano also gives a theorem related to the theorem of least work; according to that,
redundant reaction forces in a statically indeterminate structure will be such that it makes the
strain energy to its minimum value. Castigliano's theorem for deflection and slope are the same
theorems, but with the help of these theorems, a relation between slope and deflection of a
member can be established. There are two Castigliano’s theorems available, which are used in
structural analysis.

∆𝐻 = [ 𝑅3 / 2𝐸𝐼]
Figure 2 Strain Energy
Determining the deflection of beams typically requires repeated integration of singularity
• Castigliano’s Theorem lets us use strain energies at the locations of forces to determine the
• The Theorem also allows for the determining of deflections for objects with changing cross
sectional areas.
Castigliano’s Theorem is given as:

Where δ is the deflection, U is the strain energy and P is the force (or torque) at a certain point.
In order to derive a necessary formula which governs the behavior of springs, consider a closed
coiled spring subjected to an axial load W.
W = Axial Load
D = Mean Coil Diameter
d = Diameter of Spring Wire
N = Number of Active Coils
l = Length of Spring Wire = πDN
G = Modulus of Rigidity ∆ = Deflection of Spring
Φ = Angle of twist
In 1879, Alberto Castigliano’ an Italian railroad engineer, published a book in which he outlined
a method for determining the displacement / deflection & slope at a point in a body. This method
which referred to Castigliano’s Theorem is applied to the bodies, having constant temperature &
material (homogeneous) with linear elastic behavior. It states that “The derivative of the strain
energy with respect to the applied load gives the deformation corresponding to that load. For a
helical spring, the partial derivative of the strain energy w.r.t. the applied load gives the
deflection in the spring i.e. ∂U / ∂W = deflection. Consider a helical compression spring made up
of a circular wire and subjected to axial load W as shown in the figure above. Strain Energy is
given by:
I. U=½T*Φ
II. T=½W*D
III. Φ = Tl / JG (iv)
(From Torsion formula) putting the values
from eqs. # (i), (iii) & (iv) in eq. # (ii) and simplifying, we get; T= 4 W2D 3N / d4G (v) Now
applying the Castigliano’ theorem by taking the partial derivative of the strain energy with
respect to the applied load ∂U / ∂W = ∆ = 8 WD3N / d4G (v) W / ∆ = d4G / 8 D3N

1. Adjust the circular bar.
2. Attach one dial gauge for finding vertical deflection.
3. Attached the hanger with the circular bar vertically downward.
4. Load the bar for number of times by an equal amount of 5N each time and note the
corresponding readings from dial gauges attached to the apparatus, for vertical deflection
5. Multiply those observations with the least count of the dial gauges and note out the final
6. The readings take during loading and unloading, and find out the mean.
Observation and Calculation :
δV= 0.148Wr3 / 2EI
Internal Diameter= 14.5cm=145mm
E= 207 GPa
I= 3.387E-11 mm4
E=Modulus of elasticity

Sr No. Load(N) loading(mm Unloading(mm Mean Theoretically Error

) ) %



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