Rotational Kinetics: Younes Sina

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Chapter 9

Rotational Kinetics

Rotational kinetics deals with thecause of rotation. In

order to cause rotation in an object,torquemust be
When a force is applied to the handle of a wrench
(normally perpendicular to it), the product of the force and
the perpendicular distance it has from the center of the
bolt is called the torque or moment of that force.

vention, CCW is usually taken to be positive, and thus CW is neg

ore,torque is a vectorquantity.

le : In the figure shown, find thetorque offorce (F)

pointA, the point at which the beam is fixed into the

Solution: The perpendicular distance from F to

point A is 1.2 m and the tendency of rotation is

TA F d

TA=(25 N).(1.2m)=
30 Nm

If more than one force is generating torque on

an object, thenthe sum of torquesorthe net
torqueshould be calculated.
Example : In the figure shown, find thenet torqueof the forces
shown about pointA, the point at which the beam is fixed into
the wall.

ple : In the figure shown, find thenet torqueo

s shown about pointB, the point at which the
ed into the wall.

mple : In the figure shown, find thetorque offorceFabout point

Example :
In the following 4 figures, determine (a) the case for which
the torque of the 10-N force is maximum and explain
why.(b) What is the value of torque about point D in Fig. 4?
(c) How do you determine the perpendicular distance (d ) ?

gure shown, find thenet torqueof the forces shown about

otational Equilibrium

is said to be inrotational equilibriumif thenet torqueacting on

nsT = 0. The torque sum may be taken about any single point o
out of it. It is usually taken about a point for which perpendicula
from all acting forces are convenient to calculate.T = 0mean
W torques equals the sum of CCW torques;in other words, the to
of rotation is equal to the total CCW tendency of rotation.
Example :In the figure shown, findFsuch that the seesaw is
rotational equilibrium
that means it is neither rotatingcwnorccw.

:In the figure shown, assume that the beam is weightless and fi
forceFthat brings the seesaw in rotational equilibrium.

an object is
the point that all of its
e Thecenter
Center ofofMass
of Uniform

mass can be assumed to

be concentrated at. For geometrically symmetric objects,
such as rectangular boxes, spheres, cylinders,
etc.,geometric centeris easily determined. Geometric
center is the same thing as the center of symmetry. If the
material of an object is uniformly distributed throughout its
volume to where it has the same mass everywhere, the
geometric center and the mass center are the same point in
that object. For geometrically symmetric and constant
density objects, the geometric center is the same point as
the mass center is.
For a uniform and rectangular plank of wood, the geometric center or mass
center is at its midpoint. It means that all of the mass of such plank can be
assumed to be concentrated at its geometric center or its middle.

Example : In the figure shown, an8.0-m long 550-N heavy

uniformplank of wood is pivoted2.0m off its middleatPto
form an unbalanced seesaw. It is then loaded
with a 420-N force as shown. Find the magnitude ofFthat
keeps the plank in
rotational equilibrium.

e : In the figure shown, a force of300.Nis applied on the lever

he reaction forceFthat the crate exerts on the lever atB.

rque-Angular Motion Relation:

Newton's 2nd Lawforstraight line

motionisF= Ma
M = massof the object
a= linear acceleration
Newton's 2nd Lawforrotational
I=mass moment of inertia
Mis a measure of the resistance an object

linearly accelerated.
Iis a measure of the resistance an object hastoward
being angularly accelerated about an axis.

I = MR2

Moment of Inertia of a Thin Ring:

The mass moment of inertia of a thin ring about its centroidal axis is given by
I = MR2
The "centroidal axis" is an axis that is perpendicular to the plane of a ring
and passes through its center. The vertical rods in the above figures are
centriodal axes.

Moment of Inertia of a Solid Disk:

A solid disk of radiusRmay be thought as a combination
of infinite number of
thin rings which radii range fromzero toR.As we go from
the inner rings to the outer ones, each ring has more
mass as well as a greater radius that make its
corresponding (I) increasingly greater. To find the total (I)
for all rings, calculus must be employed and integration
The result is:
Again, this is good only for findingIabout the centriodal
axis of a disk.

I =(1/2)MR

Example :A1.50-kgthinring is connected to

weightless spokes of length45.0 cmand then
attached to a vertical rod (axis) that is free to
rotate as shown infollowing Figure. The
apparatus is initially at rest. The vertical axis is
then given a twist by a constant net torque
of6.08Nmfor a period of2.00 seconds. Find
(a)the angular acceleration of the spinning mass
(b)the angle it travels within the2.00-sec.period.
Assume frictionless rotation.

(a) The mass moment of inertia ( I ), or the resistance toward rotation is
I = MR2
I = MR2
I = (1.50 kg)(0.45 m)2
I = 0.304 kg m2
T = I
6.08Nm = (0.304kg m2 )
= 20.0 rd/s2
(b) = (1/2) t 2 + it
= (1/2) t 2
= 40.0 rd

Example : A 255-kg solid disk of radius 0.632 m is free to spin about a

frictionless axle-bearing system in a vertical plane as shown. A force
of 756 N is applied tangent to its outer edge for 1.86 s that puts it in
rotation starting from rest. Calculate
(a) the mass moment of inertia of the disk,
(b) the torque applied as a result of the applied force,
(c) the angular acceleration of the disk, and
(d) its angular speed and the linear speed of points on its edge at the
end of the 1.86-sec. period.


I= (1/2)MR2= (0.5)(255kg)
TC=F R = (756N)(0.632m) =478 Nm
(Torque ofFabout the axle atC)
478 Nm = (50.9 kgm2)()
=9.39 rd/s2
f=(9.39 rd/s2)(1.86s) =17.5 rd/s
vf= Rf
vf=(0.632m )( 17.5 rd/s2) =11.1 m/s

Homework :
problems 1 through 4

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