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● refers to the systematic empirical investigation
Nature of Research of social phenomena via statistical, and
Definitions of Research: mathematical data (Ragma, 2016).
● understanding the magnitude of a phenomena,
● derived from the French word “recherche” testing hypotheses about the relationship
which means to travel through or to survey. between variables, and making predictions
about human behaviour ( Trinidad, 2018).
● UNESCO (1962) defined research as “the orderly
investigation of a subject matter for the Characteristics of Qualitative Research
purpose of adding to knowledge.” 1. Human understanding and interpretation -
● Kerlinger (1973) defined research as “systematic, human beings’ worldviews, values, beliefs, likes,
controlled, empirical and critical investigation of and dislikes are known by analysing participants’
hypothetical propositions about the presumed data about his/her mental, social, and spiritual
relations among natural phenomena.” aspects.
2. Active, powerful, and forceful - changes may
● Trinidad (2018) gave a broad and specific always happen in qualitative research
definition of research. A broad definition of the 3. Multiple research approaches/methods - allows
term suggests that it is the process of collecting the researcher to approach the study in varied
and analysing data for the advancement of ways such as combining it with quantitative
knowledge. research.
4. Specificity to generalization - qualitative
Characteristics of Research research follows an inductive method (from the
1. Question or problem particular to general).
2. Clear articulation of goals 5. Contextualization - the goal is to understand
3. Specific plan of procedure
human behaviour by considering the context,
4. Accepts critical assumption
5. Reliable situations, or circumstances under a thorough
6. Cyclical examination of the participant’s way of living.
7. Empirical
6. Diversified data in real-life situations - prefers
collecting data in a natural setting
Research Ethics
7. Abounds with words and visuals - gathered data
through interviews are in words and can be
presented through visual presentation such as
pictures, videos, and graphs.
8. Internal analysis - The researchers examine the
data yielded by the internal traits of the subject
individuals and study people’s perceptions of the


Research in Daily Life
 Self-Discipline and Teamwork NARRATIVE - focus on the lives of individuals as told
 Organization through their own stories.
 Critical Thinking
PHENOMENOLOGY - investigates an individual’s
Types of Research thoughts and perceptions and finds the common
Qualitative ground for every experience
● exploring new ideas or explaining concepts in
greater depth. GROUNDED THEORY - aims to generate a theory
● understanding the phenomenon, person, from the data which are analysed and interpreted
community or reality in its natural and everyday inductively.
state (Trinidad, 2018). ETHNOGRAPHY - is a study of a certain cultural group
● involves an interpretative and naturalistic to get a clear understanding of its organizational
approach to the world (Creswell, 2007). setup, internal operations, and lifestyles by
observing, and experiencing the way of life of the
people of the community involved in the study.

CASE STUDY - presents a detailed analysis of a

specific case. Usually, a case is an individual, or one
group of people, or one school.


- It adopts a naturalistic approach to its subject

matter which means that the participants are
involved in real settings.
- It promotes a full understanding of human
behaviour or personality traits in their natural MODULE 6: RESEARCH PROPOSAL WRITING
Research Proposal
- It is instrumental for positive societal changes. The meaning of the proposal suggests looking
- It promotes respect for people’s individuality as forward to what the researcher plans to do in the
it demands the researcher’s careful and attentive future. A research proposal is a document that
stand toward people’s world views. describes the essential features of a study to be
- It is a way of understanding and interpreting conducted in the future.
social interactions. INTRODUCTION
- It increases the researcher’s interest in the
study as it includes the researcher’s experience Its main purpose is to give a description of the
or background knowledge in interpreting verbal problem that will be addressed.
and visual data.
- It offers multiple ways of acquiring and
examining knowledge about something. 1. Background of the Study
2. Statement of the Problem
3. Significance of the Study
1. It involves a lot of researcher’s subjectivity in 4. Scope and Delimitation
data analysis. 5. Definition of terms
2. It is hard to know the validity or reliability of
the data and thus, exerting effort is needed. CARS Model
3. Its open-ended questions yield “data overload” Creating A Research Space Model by John Swales (1990)
that requires long-time analysis.
4. It is time-consuming. It is an attempt at explaining and describing the
5. It involves several processes which greatly organizational pattern of writing the introduction to
depend on the researcher’s views or scholarly research studies.

MOVE 1: Establishing the Research Territory (The

Situation) -This move can describe the current situation,
features and characteristics of that area of study, as well
as why it is an important field to study.
STEPS TO ESTABLISH THE RESEARCH TERRITORY (THE ➢ state the value of your research
SITUATION) (significance of the study).

Step 1 - Describe the research problem and provide STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM (The heart of the research)
evidence to support why the topic is important to study.

Step 2 - Provide statements about the current state of

knowledge, consensus, practice or description of

Step 3 - Synthesize prior research that further supports the

need to study the research problem; this is not a literature
review but more a reflection of key studies that have
touched upon but perhaps not fully addressed the topic.

MOVE 2 : Establishing a niche (The Problem)

● Highlight the gaps seen despite previous

knowledge are already existing;

● Something that has not been explored…


Step 1 (Counterclaiming) - Introduce an opposing Scope of the Study — significant variables that are the
viewpoint or perspective or identify a gap in prior research focus of the study; coverage
that you believe has weakened or undermined the
prevailing argument. Delimitation of the Study — identifies and describes the
limitations set by the researchers.
Step 2 (Indicating a gap) - Develop the research problem
around a gap or understudied area of the literature. In identifying the scope and delimitation, you need to
consider the following:
Step 3 (Question-raising) - Similar to gap identification,
this involves presenting key questions about the 1. The participants involved in the study
consequences of gaps in prior research that will be 2. Geographical details
addressed by your study. For example, one could state, 3. Time element and duration of the study
“Despite prior observations of voter behaviour in local SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
elections in urban Detroit, it remains unclear why do some
single mothers choose to avoid....” Research should make relevant contributions to the
community, or to the academic field or discipline which
Step 4 (Continuing a tradition) - Extend prior research to the researcher is affiliated with.
expand upon or clarify a research problem. This is often
signalled with logical connecting terminology, such as, METHODOLOGY
“hence,” “therefore,” “consequently,” “thus” or language It refers to the specific procedures or techniques used to
that indicates a need. For example, one could state, identify, select, process, and analyze information about a
“Consequently, these factors need to examine in more topic.
detail....” or “Evidence suggests an interesting correlation,
therefore, it is desirable to survey different ● Research Design — discuss the approach to be
respondents....” used in the study
● Participants of the Study (the ones who will be
MOVE 3: Occupying the niche (The Solution) surveyed/ interviewed, the main source of the
On this third move of the CARS Model you will: data to be analyzed)
● Instrument of the Study (the material to be used
➢ list down your research objectives in gathering data - it could be a standardized
(SOP), and research hypothesis (if you questionnaire)
➢ outline the nature of your research Goodluck everyone ! - allie
(scope and limitation); and

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