VR341 Manual
VR341 Manual
VR341 Manual
● VR341 is a two phase sensed Automatic Voltage from the effects of nonlinear loads and to reduce
Regulator and forms part of the excitation system radio frequency interference on the generator
for a brush-less generator. Excitation power is de- terminals. Sustained generator short circuit current
rived from a three-phase permanent magnet gen- is another feature of the PMG system.
erator (PMG), to isolate the AVR control circuits
2 VR341
● The AVR senses the voltage in the main ● An analogue input is provided allowing
generator winding and controls the power fed to connection to a controller or other external
the exciter stator and hence the main rotor to devices with compatible output.
maintain the generator output voltage within the
● The AVR has the facility for droop CT connection,
specified limits, compensating for load, speed,
to allow parallel running with other similarly
temperature and power factor of the generator.
equipped generators.
● Soft start circuitry is included to provide a smooth
controlled build up of generator output voltage. NOTE :
● A frequency measuring circuit continually 1. Derate linearly from 3.7A at 50 °C to 2.7A at 70 °C.
monitors the shaft speed of the generator and
2. The stated voltage regulation may not be
provides under-speed protection of the excitation
maintained in the presence of certain transmitted
system by reducing the generator output voltage
radio signals. Any change in regulation will fall
proportionally with speed below a pre-settable
within the limits in Criteria B of S.EN.61000-6-2 :
threshold. A further enhancement of this feature
is an adjustable volts per Hertz slope to improve
engine recovery time on turbo charged engines. 3. After 10 minutes.
Soft start circuitry is included to provide a smooth
4. Applies to Mod status E onwards. Generator
controlled build up of generator output voltage.
de-rate may apply. Check with factory. Factory
● Uncontrolled excitation is limited to a safe period set, semi-sealed, jumper selectable.
by internal shutdown of the AVR output device.
5. Any device connected to the analogue input must
This condition remains latched until the generator
be fully looting (galvanically isolated from
has stopped.
ground), with an insulation strength of 500Vac.
● Provision is made for the connection of a remote
6. Non condensing.
voltage trimmer, allowing the user fine control of
the generator’s output.
VR341 3
If a replacement AVR has been fitted or re-setting of The UFRO adjustment is preset and sealed and
the VOLTS adjustment is required, proceed as only requires the selection of 50 or 60Hz and 4 pole
follows : or 6 pole, using the jumper link as shown in the
diagram. For optimum setting, the LED should
1. Before running the generator, turn the VOLTS illuminate as the frequency falls just below nominal,
control fully counter-clockwise. i.e. 47Hz on a 50Hz system or 57Hz on a 60Hz
2. Turn remote voltage rheostat (if fitted) to
midway position.
4.4 DROOP Adjustment
3. Turn STABILITY control to midway position.
Generators intended for parallel operation are fitted
4. Connect a suitable voltmeter (0~300V ac) across
with a quadrature droop C.T. which provides a
line to neutral of the generator.
power factor dependent signal for the AVR. The
5. Start generator set, and run on no load C.T. is connected to S1, S2 on the AVR, (see
at nominal frequency e.g. 50~53Hz or 60~63Hz. generator wiring diagram for details). The DROOP
adjustment is normally preset in the works to give
6. If the red Light Emitting Diode (LED) is
5% voltage droop at full load zero power
illuminated, refer to the Under Frequency Roll Off
factors. Clockwise increases the amount of C.T.
(UFRO) adjustment.
signal injected into the AVR and increases the
7. Carefully turn VOLTS control clockwise until droop with lagging power factor (cos Ø). With the
rated voltage is reached. control fully anti-clockwise there is no droop.
8. If instability is present at rated voltage, refer to
stability adjustment, then re-adjust voltage if 4.5 Trim Adjustment
necessary. ● An analogue input (A1 A2) is provided to connect
9. Voltage adjustment is now completed. to the controller or other devices. It is designed to
accept dc signals up to ±5 volts.
4.2 Stability Adjustment ● The dc signal applied to this input adds to the
AVR sensing circuit. A1 is connected to the AVR
● The AVR includes stability or damping circuit to
0 volts. Positive on A2 increases excitation.
provide good steady state and transient
Negative on A2 decreases excitation.
performance of the generator.
● The TRIM control allows the user to adjust the
● A jumper link selector is provided to optimize the
sensitivity of the input. With TRIM fully
response of the stability circuit to various size
anti-clockwise the externally applied signal has
no effect. Clockwise it has maximum effect.
● The link should be positioned as shown in the
● Normal setting is fully clockwise when used
diagram according to the kW rating of the
with a controller.
generator. The correct setting of the Stability
adjustment can be found by running the WARNING
generator at no load and slowly turning the
stability control anti-clockwise until the generator Any devices connected to this input must be
voltage starts to become unstable. The optimum fully floating and galvanically isolated from
or critically damped position is slightly clockwise ground, with an insulation capability of 500V
from this point (i.e. where the machine volts are ac. Failure to observe this could result in
stable but close to the unstable region). equipment damage.
4 VR341
4.6 Er Excitation (EXC) Adjustment 4.7 DIP Adjustment
This adjustment is set and factory sealed and This feature is mostly used when the generator is
should not be tampered with. An over excitation coupled to turbo charged engines with limited block
condition is indicated by the illumination of the red load acceptance. The feature works by increasing
LED which also indicates under-speed running and the V/Hz slope to give greater voltage roll off in
over-voltage. proportion to speed.
The generator must be stopped to reset an With the DIP control fully anti-clockwise, the
over-excitation trip. generator voltage will follow the normal V/Hz line as
the speed falls below nominal. Turning the DIP
control clockwise provides greater voltage roll-off
aiding engine recovery.
Outline Drawing
Figure 1
VR341 5
k1-k2 linked for
normal operation.
K2 K1 P2 P3 P4 XX X 3 2 2 1
3 2 1 CBA
C-B 90KW~500KW
LED 3-2 4P/50HZ
2-1 6P/50HZ
Figure 2 Drawing
PMG 勵勵勵
Exciter 3Ø整整整
Bridge 主主主主主
Generator 220V
~ C.T
外外外整 1KΩ
For external adjusted
1K 歐歐
P2 P3 P4 XX X 2 1 2 3 S1 S2
※ If the step above does not correct the problem, please contact us.
6 VR341
NP7 - 010
** For 3 phase sensing unit see final section on 3 phase sensing unit.
Figure 1 : New MX341 AVR - E000-23410 Figure 2 : Old Series 3 - 450-11700
Refer to figure 1 and 2 (above) the following instructions refer to items 1-5 respectively on above diagrams.
Refer to figure 3 and 4 (overleaf) for instruction 6 and AVR and auxiliary terminal position.
1. Connect AVR wires to terminals with identical markings. Cut off and insulate lead P1 if fitted.
2. Select correct frequency tapping 50Hz or 60Hz, 4 and 6 pole machines.
3. Select correct link on C, B, A, for size of generator.
4. Links will be connected as shown on AVR, DO NOT MOVE THESE LINKS unless your old AVR (figure 2) is type 450-11800
with separate 3 phase sensing unit. See section overleaf on 3 phase sensing unit.
5. DO NOT REMOVE LINK MARKED K1-K2 on AVR terminals, unless a protection trip was fitted across K1-K2 on previous AVR.
Refer to figure 3,4,5 and 6 overleaf.
6. Remove generator terminal box lid, link together auxiliary terminals marked 1 and 2 or short wires 1 and 2 together on the
same terminal.
Generator Types - AVR and Auxiliary Terminal Position
Auxiliary Terminals
AVR Position Auxiliary Terminals
AVR Position