Pile & Pilecaps Design Group 3 & 4

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Projects & Development India Ltd.

PROJECT : Appratus Field Structure DOC. NO. :

JOB NO. : PC00059 DEPT. : Civil REV. NO. :

Inputs for Pile Cap Design

Density of Concrete 24 kN/Cum

Density of soil 18 kN/Cum

Pile Capacitites
Pile Size 500 mm
Compression 700 kN
Tension -280 kN
Shear 35 kN
Depth of Fixity 4 m

Grade of Concrete M 30 Maximum Permissible Shear stress = 3.5

Grade of Steel Fe 415

Cover to Pile Cap Rebar 100 mm

8-Pile group 6-Pile Group 4 Pile Group 3 Pile Group 2 Pile Group
#REF! Column Tag
#REF! Pile Cap Length
#REF! Pile Cap Width
#REF! Pedestal Length
#REF! Pedetal Width
#REF! Pile Cap Thickness
#VALUE! Founding Depth
#REF! Height of pedestal above HPP
#REF! Bottom bar along length

Bottom bar along Width

Top bar along length

Top bar along Width

Pedestal bar dia

Pedestal bar nos.
Horizontal bars on Top Face d
Horizontal bars on Top Face N
Pedestal Tie bars dia
Pedsestal Ties First Spacing
Anchor Bolts

Grout Thickness
PCC Thickness
High Point Of Paving

Equpt. Tag
Drg. No.
No. of Piles
Angle of First Pile
Pile Circle Dia
Major Work Volume


Type of Footing
Pile Cap


Founding Level
Column Tag
Pile Cap Length
Pile Cap Width
Pedestal Length
Pedetal Width
Pile Cap Thickness
Founding Depth
Height of pedestal above HPP
Bottom bar along length Dia
Bottom bar along Width Dia
Top bar along length Dia
Top bar along Width Dia
Pedestal bar dia
Pedestal bar nos.
Horizontal bars on Top Face dia
Horizontal bars on Top Face Nos.
Pedestal Tie bars dia
Pedsestal Ties First Spacing
Anchor Bolts Nos.
Anchor Bolt Type
Grout Thickness
PCC Thickness
High Point Of Paving HPP
Equpt. Tag


Angle of First Pile KEPT as ZERO by DEFAULT
Pile Circle Dia
Major Work Volume PCC


Type of Footing
Size Lf
Size Lp
Founding Level =HPP-df
Projects & Development India Ltd. cv:
PROJECT : Appratus Field Structur under preparation DOC. NO. :
JOB NO. : PC00059 Dept. : Civil REV. NO. : PAGE : OF


Design for 4-Pile Group Pile Cap Mark PC- I
Pile cap is designed for maximum support reaction among all the load combinations. Piles are checked for
maximum compression, maximum tension & maximum shear.

2300 X

HPP 500 mm


1000 mm



650 mm

X 500 Dia Pile (typ)

400 750 750 400

Assumed size of pedestal = 1000 x 1000

Size of pile cap = 2300 x 2300 x 650
c/c distance between piles = 1500 mm & 1500 mm
Size of pile = 500 Ø


Weight of pedestal = 1.00 x 1.00 x 1.50 x 24

= 36 kN

Area of pile cap = 2.30 x 2.3

= 5.29 m2

Weight of pile cap = 5.290 x 0.650 x 24

= 82.524 kN

Weight of overburden soil = (5.29 - 1 x 1 ) x 1 x 18

= 95.22 kN

Total weight of foundation = 36.000+ 82.52+ 95.22

= 213.74 kN
(Say 214 kN)
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PROJECT : Appratus Field Structur under preparation DOC. NO. :
JOB NO. : PC00059 Dept. : Civil REV. NO. : PAGE : OF

(a) Check for compression :

As per STAAD-III output, support reactions at column Grid(G-C),Jt.no39
load case 115. (DL+FP+LL+P(O)-T-AF-WZ)
Py = 932 kN (Compression)
Mx = 165 kN-m
Vz = 114 kN
Vx = 43 kN
Mz = 66 kN-m
Total vertical load = 214 + 932
= 1146 kN
Moments at center of pilecap
Mz,tot = 43.00 x 1.825 + 66
= 144.48 kN.m
Mx,tot = 114.00 x 1.825 + 165
= 373.05 kN.m
Therefore compression in pile
= P/4 + (Mz,tot / Zz ) + (Mx,tot/ Zx)
1146 144.5 373
= + +
4 1.50 x 2 1.50 x 2
= 286.500+ 48.158 + 124.35
= 459.0 kN
= (Say 460 kN)
< 1.25 x 700 kN = 875 kN O.K.

(b) Check for tension :

As per STAAD-III output, support reactions at column Grid(H-C),Jt.no39
load case 127. (DL+FP+LL+P(O)-T-AF-WZ)
Py = -128 kN
Mx = 188 kN-m
Vz = 116 kN
Vx = 37 kN
Mz = 74 kN-m
Considering water table at 1.80 m below HPP, total uplift force Vb
Vb = 5.3 x -0.15 x 9.81
= -7.8 kN

Total vertical load = 214.00 + -128 -- 7.8

= 93.8 kN

Moments at center of pilecap

Mz,tot = 37.00 x 1.825 + 74
= 141.53 kN.m
Mx,tot = 116.00 x 1.825 + 188
= 399.70 kN.m

Therefore Tension in pile = P/4 - (Mz,tot / Zz ) - (Mx,tot/ Zx)

93.8 141.5 400
= - -
4 1.50 x 2 1.50 x 2
= 23.45 - 47.175 - 133.233333
= -157.0 kN (COMPRESSION)
> 1.25 x -280 kN = -350 kN O.K.
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PROJECT : Appratus Field Structur under preparation DOC. NO. :
JOB NO. : PC00059 Dept. : Civil REV. NO. : PAGE : OF

( c) Check for Shear





(a) Check for depth of pilecap and Design for Bottom Steel
(At column face Section XX due to reaction from 2 Piles)

Distance of pile center from face of pedestal = 250 mm

Maximum compression in pile = 460 kN
Bending moment at the face of pedestal = 460 x 0.25 x 2
= 230 kN.m
Additional moment due to eccentricity of 75 mm in pile driving
= 460 x 0.075
= 34.50 kN.m
Total moment at face of pedestal M = 230.00 + 34.50
= 265 kN.m
= (Say 265 kN.m)

Width of pile cap at the face of pedestal = 2300 mm

Depth required = Mu / Qb Q = 0.138 x Fck

= 0.138 x 30
= 4.14
= 1.20 x 265 x 106
4.14 x 2300

= 182.75 mm < 530 Hence Safe

Mu 1.20 x 265 x 10 6
bd2 2300.00 x 530 2
= 0.49

1. - 4.6 Mu
1. -
pt required = 50 x fck bd2

Fy / fck

Pt (Required) = 0.14

Pt (Minimum)(%) = 0.06 ( On each top & botm. Face

as per Clause of IS:456-2000)
Ast reqd. = 738 mm2 / per meter Width

Provide T-12 @ 150 C/C Ast Provided = 754 mm2 /meter & Pt Provided = 0.14
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PROJECT : Appratus Field Structur under preparation DOC. NO. :
JOB NO. : PC00059 Dept. : Civil REV. NO. : PAGE : OF

Design for Top Steel

(At column face Section XX due to reaction from 2 Piles)

Distance of pile center from face of pedestal = 250 mm

Maximum Tension in pile = 160 kN
Bending moment at the face of pedestal = 160 x 0.25 x 2
= 80 kN.m
Additional moment due to eccentricity of 75 mm in pile driving
= 160 x 0.075
= 12.00 kN.m
Total moment at face of pedestal M = 80.00 + 12.00
= 92 kN.m
= (Say 95 kN.m)

Width of pile cap at the face of pedestal = 2300 mm

Depth required = Mu / Qb Q = 0.138 x Fck

= 0.138 x 30
= 4.14
= 1.20 x 95 x 106
4.14 x 2300

= 109.42 mm < 580 Hence Safe

Mu 1.20 x 95 x 106
bd2 2300.00 x 580 2
= 0.15

1. - 4.6 Mu
1. -
pt required = 50 x fck bd2

Fy / fck

Pt (Required) = 0.04 (Pt min = 0.12 as per IS 456)

Pt (Minimum)(%) = 0.06 ( On each top & botm. Face

as per Clause of IS:456-2000)
Ast reqd. = 390 mm2 / per meter Width

Provide T-12 @ 200 C/C Ast Provided = 565 mm2 /meter & Pt Provided = 0.10

(b) Check for depth of pilecap and Design for Bottom Steel
(At column face Section YY due to reaction from 2 Piles)

Distance of pile center from face of pedestal = = 250 mm

Maximum compression in pile = 460.0 kN
Bending moment at the face of pedestal = 460 x 0.25 x 2
= 230 kN.m
Additional moment due to eccentricity of 75 mm in pile driving
= 460 x 0.075
= 34.50 kN.m
Total moment at face of pedestal M = 230.00 + 34.50
= 265 kN.m
= (Say 265 kN.m)
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PROJECT : Appratus Field Structur under preparation DOC. NO. :
JOB NO. : PC00059 Dept. : Civil REV. NO. : PAGE : OF

Width of pile cap at the face of pedestal = 2300 mm

Depth required = Mu / Qb Q = 0.138 x Fck

= 0.138 x 30
= 4.14
= 1.20 x 264.5 x 106
4.14 x 2300

= 182.57 mm < 530 Hence Safe

Mu 1.20 x 264.5 x 10 6
bd2 2300.00 x 530 2
= 0.49

1. - 4.6 Mu
1. -
pt required = 50 x fck bd2

Fy / fck

Pt (Required)(%) = 0.14

Pt (Minimum)(%) = 0.06 ( On each top & botm. Face

as per Clause of IS:456-2000)
Ast reqd. = 736 mm2 / per meter Width

Provide T-12 @ 150 C/C Ast Provided = 754 mm2 /meter & Pt Provided = 0.14

Design for Top Steel

(At column face Section YY due to reaction from 2 Piles)

Distance of pile center from face of pedestal = = 250 mm

Maximum tension in pile = 160.0 kN
Bending moment at the face of pedestal = 160 x 0.25 x 2
= 80 kN.m
Additional moment due to eccentricity of 75 mm in pile driving
= 160 x 0.075
= 12.00 kN.m
Total moment at face of pedestal M = 80.00 + 12.00
= 92 kN.m
= (Say 92 kN.m)

Width of pile cap at the face of pedestal = 2300 mm

Depth required = Mu / Qb Q = 0.138 x Fck

= 0.138 x 30
= 4.14
= 1.20 x 92 x 106
4.14 x 2300

= 107.68 mm < 580 Hence Safe

Mu 1.20 x 92 x 10 6
bd2 2300.00 x 580 2
= 0.14
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PROJECT : Appratus Field Structur under preparation DOC. NO. :
JOB NO. : PC00059 Dept. : Civil REV. NO. : PAGE : OF

1. - 4.6 Mu
1. -
pt required = 50 x fck bd2

Fy / fck

Pt (Required)(%) = 0.04

Pt (Minimum)(%) = 0.06 ( On each top & botm. Face

as per Clause of IS:456-2000)
Ast reqd. = 390 mm2 / per meter Width

Provide T-12 @ 200 C/C Ast Provided = 565 mm2 /meter & Pt Provided = 0.10

( c) Check for punching shear



Critical Section for



Punching Shear


500 Ø
400 750 750 400


The critical section for this case is at a distance of d/2 from the face of pile.

d = effective depth of pile cap

= 650 - 100 - 12 -6
= 532

Punching shear (maximum compression in pile) = 460 kN (load case = 101 )

Permissible shear stress tc = 0.25 x Fck

= 1.3693 N/mm2

Perimeter = 1491 mm

tv 1.20 x 460 x 1000

1491.000 x 532

= 0.6959 N/mm2
< tc Hence Safe
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PROJECT : Appratus Field Structur under preparation DOC. NO. :
JOB NO. : PC00059 Dept. : Civil REV. NO. : PAGE : OF

(d) Check for punching shear around pedestal

Punching shear (Maximum Axial load) = 932.0 kN (Load Combination 101 )

Permissible shear stress = 0.25 x Fck

= 1.3693 N/mm2

Required perimeter to resist shear 1.20 x 932 x 1000

1.369 x 532
= 1535 mm

Available perimeter to resist shear = 2 x (1000 + 2 x 266 +1000 + 2 x 266 )

= 6128 mm

Available perimeter to resist shear is much greater than required. Hence O.K.

(e) Check for beam shear X1

d/2 Critical Section

Y1 1000 Y1


X1 500 Ø
400 750 750 400

( i)

Critical section for this case is at a distance of d/2 from the face of pedestal. 1 k <=1
( Section X1-X1)
= 266 mm
Distance of Pile Center from Face of Pedestal = 250 mm 0
No. of Piles contributing Shear Force = k x 2
= 0.468 x 2
= 0.94
Beam shear = 460 x 0.94 Dp
= 432.4 kN
= (Say 435 kN )
Clause of
Width of beam available = 2300 mm

Therefore shear stress tv = 1.20 x 435 x 1000

2300.00 x 532
= 0.43 N/mm2
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PROJECT : Appratus Field Structur under preparation DOC. NO. :
JOB NO. : PC00059 Dept. : Civil REV. NO. : PAGE : OF

tc = 0.29 N/mm2 From Table 19 of IS:456-2000

(For Pt = 0.14 )

As per clause 40.5 of IS:456-2000,

Permissible shear stress = 2 d tc / av Where av =d/2 = 266

= 2 x 532 x 0.29 / 266 = 1.16 N/mm2 subject to maximum of 1.25N/mm2
= 1.16 N/mm2 > tv Stirrups not required.

No. Shear Reinforcement is required

Legs of stirrups
Spacing of stirrups

Dia of stirrups

Dia of stirrups
Check for Shear Stress at Face of Pedestal
Factored Shear force at Face of pedestal = 1104 kN
Shear stress at face of pedestal = 1104 x 1000 / (2300 x 532 )
= 0.90 N/mm2

< 3.5 N/mm2

Max permissible shear stress as per Table 20 of IS:456-2000

Critical section for this case is at a distance of d/2 from the face of pedestal.
( Section Y1-Y1)
= 266 mm Dp
Distance of Pile Center from Face of Pedestal = 250 mm k <=1
No. of Piles contributing Shear Force = k x 2
= 0.47 x 2 1
= 0.94 Clause of
Beam shear = 460.0 x 0.94 2 x 532 x 0. IS:456-2000
= 432.4 kN
= (Say 435 kN )

Width of beam available = 2300 mm

Therefore shear stress tv = 1.20 x 435 x 1000

2300.00 x 532
= 0.43 N/mm2

tc = 0.29 N/mm2 From Table 19 of IS:456-2000

(For Pt = 0.14 )

As per clause 40.5 of IS:456-2000,

Permissible shear stress = 2 d tc / av Where av =d/2 = 266

= 2 x 532 x 0.29 / 266 = 1.16 N/mm2 subject to maximum of 1.25N/mm2
= 1.16 N/mm2 > tv Stirrups not required.

No. Shear Reinforcement is required

Legs of stirrups
Spacing of stirrups

Dia of stirrups
Check for Shear Stress at Face of Pedestal
Factored Shear force at Face of pedestal = 1104 kN
Shear stress at face of pedestal = 1104 x 1000 / (2300 x 532 )
= 0.90 N/mm2

< 3.5 N/mm2

Max permissible shear stress as per Table 20 of IS:456-2000
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Design for 3-Pile Group Pile Cap Mark
Pile cap is designed for maximum support reaction among all the load combinations. Piles are checked for maximum
compression, maximum tension & maximum shear.

800 1500

HPP 500 mm

1 950 mm



650 mm

X 500 Dia Pile (typ)

400 500 1000 400
433 866

Assumed size of pedestal = 1000 x 1000

Size of pile cap = As shown x 650 Thick
c/c distance between piles = 1500 mm
Size of pile = 500 Ø


Weight of pedestal = 1.00 x 1.00 x 1.45 x 24
= 34.8 kN

Area of pile cap = { 2300 x ( 800 + 1500 ) - ( 0.5 x 1500 x1500 ) }/10^6
= 4.16 m2

Weight of pile cap = 4.16 x 0.650 x 24

= 64.896 kN

Weight of overburden soil = (4.16 - 1 x 1 ) x 0.95 x 18

= 71.136 kN

Total weight of foundation = 34.800+ 64.90+ 71.14

= 170.83 kN
(Say 175 kN)
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(a) Check for compression :

As per STAAD-III output, support reactions at column G/C Jt.-40
For load case no. 115
Py = 1065 kN (Compression)
Mx = 137 kN-m
Vz = 96 kN
Vx = 17 kN
Mz = 111 kN-m
Total vertical load = 175 + 1065
= 1240 kN
Moments at center of pilecap
Mz,tot = 17.00 x 1.775 + 111
= 141.18 kN.m
Mx,tot = 96.00 x 1.775 + 137
= 307.40 kN.m

Therefore compression in pile 1 = P / 3 + Mx,tot / Zx

= 1240/ 3 + 307.4 / ( 2 x 0.5^2 + 1^2 / 1 )
= 413.34 + 204.94
= 618.3 kN
= (Say 620 kN)
< 1.25 x 700 kN = 875 kN O.K.

Therefore compression in pile 2 = P / 3 + (Mx,tot / Zx ) + (Mz,tot/ Zz)

= 1240/ 3 + 307.4 / ( 2 x 0.5^2 + 1^2 / 0.5 ) + 141.175 / ( 2 x 0.75^2 / 0.75 )
= 413.34 + 102.47 + 94.12 kN
= 610.0 kN
= (Say 610 kN)
< 1.25 x 700 kN = 875 kN O.K.

(b) Check for Tension

As per STAAD-III output, support reactions at column G/B Jt.-36
For load case no. 128
Py = -194 kN (Tension)
Mx = 125 kN
Vz = 81.1 kN
Vx = 4 kN
Mz = 4 kN-m
Considering water table at HPP, total uplift force Vb
Vb = Area of Pile Cap x Depth x Density of Water
Vb = 4.16 x 1.60 x 9.81
= 65.3 kN
Total vertical load = 175 +(-194) -(65.3) kN
= -84.3 kN
Moments at center of pilecap
Mz,tot = 4.00 x 1.775 + 4
= 11.10 kN.m
Mx,tot = 81.10 x 1.775 + 125
= 268.95 kN.m

Therefore tension in pile 1 = P / 3 - Mx,tot / Zx

= -84.3/ 3 - 268.9525 / ( 2 x 0.5^2 + 1^2 / 1 )
= -28.1 - 179.31
= -207.5 kN
= (Say -210 kN)
> 1.25 x -280 kN = -350 kN O.K.
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Therefore tension in pile 2 = P / 3 - (Mx,tot / Zx ) - (Mz,tot/ Zz)

= -84.3/ 3 - 268.9525 / ( 2 x 0.5^2 + 1^2 / 0.5 ) - 11.1 / ( 2 x 0.75^2 / 0.75 )
= -28.1 - 89.66 - 7.4 kN
= -125.2 kN
= (Say -130 kN)
> 1.25 x -280 kN = -350 kN O.K.

( c) Check for Shear

As per STAAD-III output, support reactions at column

Py = 1065 kN
Mx = 137 kN
Vz = 96 kN (Shear)
Vx = 17 kN
Mz = 111 kN-m
Total Net Shear per Pile Group

Ve = Vx 2+ Vz 2

= 97.4936 kN

= (Say 98 kN Shear)

< 1.25 x 3 x 35 kN = 131 kN O.K.


(a) Check for depth of pilecap and Design for Bottom Steel
(At column face Section XX due to reaction Pile No. 1)

Distance of pile center from face of pedestal = 500 mm

Maximum compression in pile = 620 kN
Bending moment at the face of pedestal = 620 x 0.5 x1
= 620 kN.m
Additional moment due to eccentricity of 75 mm in pile driving
= 620 x 0.075
= 46.50 kN.m
Total moment at face of pedestal M = 620.00 + 46.50
= 667 kN.m
= (Say 670 kN.m)

Width of pile cap at the face of pedestal = 800 + ( 1500 / 1500 ) x ( 1000 + 400 - 1000 /2) mm
= 1700 mm

Depth required = Mu / Qb Q = 0.138 x Fck

= 0.138 x 30
= 4.14
= 1.20 x 670 x 106
4.14 x 1700

= 338 mm < 530 Hence Safe

Mu 1.20 x 670 x 10 6
bd2 1700.00 x 530 2
= 1.68
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4.6 Mu
1. - 1. -
pt required = 50 x fck bd2

Fy / fck

Pt (Required) = 0.50

Pt (Minimum)(%) = 0.06 ( On each top & botm. Face

as per Clause of IS:456-2000)
Ast reqd. = 2658 mm2 / per meter Width

Provide T-20 @ 100 C/C Ast Provided = 3140 mm2 /meter & Pt Provided = 0.59

Design for Top Steel

(At column face Section XX due to reaction Pile No. 1)

Distance of pile center from face of pedestal = 500 mm

Maximum Tension in pile = 210 kN
Bending moment at the face of pedestal = 210 x 0.5 x1
= 210 kN.m
Additional moment due to eccentricity of 75 mm in pile driving
= 210 x 0.075
= 15.75 kN.m
Total moment at face of pedestal M = 210.00 + 15.75
= 226 kN.m
= (Say 230 kN.m)

Width of pile cap at the face of pedestal = 1700 mm

Depth required = Mu / Qb Q = 0.138 x Fck

= 0.138 x 30
= 4.14
= 1.20 x 230 x 106
4.14 x 1700

= 198 mm < 580 Hence Safe

Mu 1.20 x 230 x 106

bd2 1700.00 x 580 2
= 0.48

1. - 4.6 Mu
1. -
pt required = 50 x fck bd2

Fy / fck

Pt (Required) = 0.14

Pt (Minimum)(%) = 0.06 ( On each top & botm. Face

as per Clause of IS:456-2000)
Ast reqd. = 791 mm2 / per meter Width

Provide T-12 @ 125 C/C Ast Provided = 904 mm2 /meter & Pt Provided = 0.15
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(b) Check for depth of pilecap and Design for Bottom Steel
(At column face Section YY due to reaction Pile No. 2)

Distance of pile center from face of pedestal == 250 mm

Maximum compression in pile = 610.0 kN
Bending moment at the face of pedestal = 610 x 0.25 x 1
= 152.5 kN.m
Additional moment due to eccentricity of 75 mm in pile driving
= 610 x 0.075
= 45.75 kN.m
Total moment at face of pedestal M = 152.50 + 45.75
= 198 kN.m
= (Say 198 kN.m)

Width of pile cap at the face of pedestal = 800 + 1500 - ( 1000 - 800 ) x 1500 / 1500
= 2100 mm

Depth required = Mu / Qb Q = 0.138 x Fck

= 0.138 x 30
= 4.14
= 1.20 x 198 x 106
4.14 x 2100

= 165.42 mm < 530 Hence Safe

Mu 1.20 x 198 x 10 6
bd2 2100.00 x 530 2
= 0.40

4.6 Mu
1. - 1. -
pt required = 50 x fck bd2

Fy / fck

Pt (Required)(%) = 0.11

Pt (Minimum)(%) = 0.06 ( On each top & botm. Face

as per Clause of IS:456-2000)
Ast reqd. = 602 mm2 / per meter Width

Provide T-12 @ 175 C/C Ast Provided = 646 mm2 /meter & Pt Provided = 0.12

Design for Top Steel

(At column face Section YY due to reaction Pile No. 2)

Distance of pile center from face of pedestal == 250 mm

Maximum Tension in pile = 130 kN
Bending moment at the face of pedestal = 130 x 0.25 x 3
= 97.5 kN.m
Additional moment due to eccentricity of 75 mm in pile driving
= 130 x 0.075
= 9.75 kN.m
Total moment at face of pedestal M = 97.50 + 9.75
= 107 kN.m
= (Say 107 kN.m)
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Width of pile cap at the face of pedestal = 2100 mm

Depth required = Mu / Qb Q = 0.138 x Fck

= 0.138 x 30
= 4.14
= 1.20 x 107 x 106
4.14 x 2100

= 121.669 mm < 580 Hence Safe

Mu 1.20 x 107 x 106

bd2 2100.00 x 580 2
= 0.18

1. - 4.6 Mu
1. -
pt required = 50 x fck bd2

Fy / fck

Pt (Required)(%) = 0.05

Pt (Minimum)(%) = 0.06 ( On each top & botm. Face

as per Clause of IS:456-2000)
Ast reqd. = 390 mm2 / per meter Width

Provide T-12 @ 200 C/C Ast Provided = 565 mm2 /meter & Pt Provided = 0.09

( c) Check for punching shear

800 1500





187 deg.


The critical section for this case is at a distance of d/2 from the face of pile.

d = effective depth of pile cap

= 650 - 100 - 20 -6
= 524

Punching shear (maximum compression in pile) = 620 kN

Permissible shear stress tc = 0.25 x Fck

= 1.36 N/mm2

Perimeter = 1670 mm

tv 1.20 x 620 x 1000

1670.000 x 524
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= 0.85021 N/mm2
< tc Hence Safe
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(c) Check for punching shear around pedestal

Punching shear (Maximum Axial load) = 1065 kN (Load Combination ) 108

Permissible shear stress = 0.25 x Fck

= 1.36931 N/mm2

Required perimeter to resist shear 1.20 x 1065 x 1000

1.369 x 524
= 1781.14 mm

Available perimeter to resist shear = 2 x (1000 + 2 x 262 +1000 + 2 x 262 )

= 6096 mm

Available perimeter to resist shear is much greater than required. Hence O.K.

(d) Check for beam shear

Critical Section
800 1500





d/2 = 262 500 Dia Pile


1 k <=1
500 1000
400 0

Critical section for this case is at a distance of d/2 from the face of pedestal.
( Section X1-X1) = 262 mm Dp
Distance of Pile Center from Face of Pedestal = ( 1000 - 1000 / 2 ) mm
= 500 mm Clause of
No. of Piles contributing Shear Force = k x 1 IS:456-2000
= 0.98 x 1
= 0.976
Beam shear = 620 x 0.97
= 605.12 kN
= (Say 610 kN )

Width of beam available = 800 +2 x (1000 + 400 - 1000 /2 - 262 ) x (1500 / 2 ) / 1500 mm
= 1438 mm

Therefore actual shear stress tv = 1.20 x 610 x 1000

1438.00 x 524
Projects & Development India Ltd. cv:
PROJECT : Appratus Field Structure under preparation DOC. NO. :
JOB NO. : PC00059 Dept. : Civil REV. NO. : PAGE : OF

= 0.98 N/mm2

Shera stress capacity of concrete tc = 0.53 N/mm2 From Table 19 of IS:456-2000

(For Pt = 0.59 )

As per clause 40.5 of IS:456-2000,

Permissible shear stress = 2 d tc / av Where av =d/2 = 262

= 2 x 524 x 0.53 / 262
= 2.12 N/mm2 > tv Stirrups not required.

No. Shear Reinforcement is required

Legs of stirrups
Spacing of stirrups

Dia of stirrups
(e) Check for Shear Stress at Face of Pedestal
Factored Shear force at Face of pedestal = 744 kN
Shear stress at face of pedestal = 744 x 1000 / (1700 x 524 )
= 0.84 N/mm2

< 3.5 N/mm2

Max permissible shear stress as per Table 20 of IS:456-2000

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