Well Completions Questionaire

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Input Data Sheet for

Well completions
© Copyright Weatherford 2004 - All rights reserved

Well Name : Contact Name :

Field / Lease : Phone :

Company Name : e-mail :

Designed By : Date :

Tubing and Casing Data Wellbore Equipments

Tubing Outside Diameter in Tubing Master Valve size in

Tubing Wt. ppf Choke, Y/N

Tubing Inside Diameter in Tubing Anchor / Seating Nipple Size in

End of Tubing m Tubing Anchor / Seating Nipple Depth m

Casing Outside Diameter in Standing valve in Tubing m

Casing Wt. ppf Packer ID in

Casing Inside Diameter in Packer Depth m

Describe Downhole Assembly Below Packer :

Expected Flowing and Shut-in Pressures Expected Perforations and Well Test Information

Flowing Wellhead Pressure psi Top of Perforations m

Flowing Casing Pressure psi Bottom of Perforations m

Sales Line Pressure psi BBLS of Water per day bwpd

Flowing Bottomhole Pressure psi BBLS of oil per day bopd

Shut-in Bottomhole Pressure psi BBLS of Condensate per day bcpd

1 Hour Shut-in Tubing Pressure psi Avg. Daily Gas Production Mcfpd

1 Hour Shut-in Casing Pressure psi Maximum Daily Gas Production Mcfpd
Flow line Pressure PSI

Other Information

Static Tubing Fluid Level m Temperature deg C

Static Casing Fluid Level m Pressure Gradient psi/ft

Oil Gravity API Liquid Density lbs/gal

Has Well ever been Swabbed? Y/N
Gas Gravity

Please Provide following information for Evaluation purpose.

1) Recent Build-up Data Including 1Hr, 2Hr and 24Hr Build Pressures
2) Production Plots when Possible for Decline Analysis
3) Downhole Diagram w/ Deviation Report.
Liquid Water productio
Production Production n in
Date THP CHP Choke Size in STBD in STBD MMSFD
Measured depth True Vertical Depth Azimuth Max
Paste PIPESim Well Schematic down here
Schematic down here
Paste Picture 1 Paste Pict
Paste Picture 2 Paste Picture 3
Picture 3
Zonation Tops

S.No. Zone Description Top Md Bottom Md Sw Porosity RWD Value

Formation water resistivity Volume Shale
Max flow
tested to Formation
S,No. Perforation in STB/D GLR/GOR Water Cut water SG KH/Mu H
Radius of
Investigati Oil in Recovera
B0 PI K Skin Reservoir Pressure on Place ble
CO2 H2S N2 H2 CO Viscosity Temperat Dynamic
S.No. Oil API Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction 1 ure 1 viscosity 2
Density Density
crude Crude
Temperat Bubble above BP Pressure Temperat below BP Pressure Temperat Live Oil
ure 2 Point (D1) at D1 ure at D1 (D2) at D2 ure at D2 Viscosity Pressure
Temperat Compress
ure Gas SG ibility
Layer Lithology Parameters after callibration

Top of Gradient Young's Poisson's Fracture
Layer Number zone Stress PSI/Ft modulus ratio toughness Lithology
bration Fra

half Slurry
Job Number Perf Depth length (m) Efficiency
Fracturing Job Data

proppant Dimensio
Propped Average concentra nless Frac Model Net Closure Closure
half Propped Max Frac frac tion Conductiv Pressure Pressure Gradient Total
length height width (in) width(in) Lbs/ft2 ity (PSI) (PSI) (PSI) Proppant
Paste Proposed Completion Schematic Here
Dimesnions and Specs Engineering Components

Note:- Make and provide technology specific dimensions and specs.

eering Components
Paste IPR and OPR Without AF
Provide Layers
Provide Operating Envelope
Paste IPR and OPR With AF
Provide Layers
Provide Operating Envelope
R With AF

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