Science Notes Chapter 2 Micro Organisms

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Chapter 2 Micro organisms

Q1) What are microorganisms or microbes?
Ans) Microorganisms are very tiny organisms that
cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Q2)Give the classification of microbes.
Ans) Microbes are classified into four groups as

Q3) How are Viruses different from other microbes?

Ans) Viruses are microscopic organisms but they are
different from other microbes because they
reproduce only inside the cells of the host organism
(which can be a plant, animal, or a bacterium).
Q4) How microorganisms are useful?
Ans) Microbes are useful to us because:
1)They are used for making curd, bread and
# A bacterium, namely lactobacillus, multiplies in
milk converting it into curd.
# They help in making cheese , pickles etc.
# When yeast is added to a dough,yeast reproduces
rapidly and produces carbon dioxide during
respiration. Bubbles of the gas fill the dough and
increase its volume.
Yeast is used in the production of alcohol, wine, and
vinegar. The process of conversion of sugar into
alcohol by yeast is called fermentation.
3) Medicinal Use
Some medicines, antibiotics(medicines that
stop the growth or kill the disease-causing
microbes) are also made using microorganism

#Vaccines contain dead or weak microbes.

# When a vaccine is introduced into a healthy
body, the body fights and kills them by
producing suitable antibodies.
# These antibodies remain in the body and
protects us from the disease causing microbes

5)Soil fertility
Some bacteria Fixes the atmospheric nitrogen to
enrich the soil with nitrogen and increase its
6) cleaning the environment
Some microorganisms decompose dead
organic matter and convert them manure. This
they help in cleaning the environment.
Q5) What are pathogens? What are
communicable diseases?
Ans ) Microorganisms who causes diseases in
human beings are called pathogens.

Microbial diseases that can spread from an

infected person to a healthy person through air
water food are called communicable diseases
examples of communicable diseases are
Cholera, common cold ,chicken pox.

Q6) What is food poisoning?

Ans) *The disease caused due to the
consumption of food spoiled by some
microorganisms is called food poisoning.

* Microorganisms that grow on our food

produce toxic substances which make the food
poisonous .

Q7) Explain all the methods of preserving the

salts and edible oils are used to control the
growth of microbes . They are called

1 ) preservation by common salt

Meat and fish or some fruits like raw mangoes,
tamarind, etc are covered with salt to preserve
2) preservation Sugar: Some food items like
jams and jellies are preserved by sugar.
3) preservation by oil and vinegar: Use of oil
and vinegar prevents spoilage of pickles because
bacteria cannot live in such an environment
vegetable fruit fish and meet are preserved by this
4) By pasteurisation The milk is heated to about 70
°C for 15 to 30 seconds and then suddenly child and
stored . It prevents the growth of microbes .This
process is called pasteurisation . It was discovered
by Louis Pasteur.
5) Storage and packaging
Foods such as dry fruits and vegetables are stored
in air tight packets to prevent the attack of

Q8) Explain nitrogen cycle with a help of a diagram.

The process through which nitrogen in the
atmosphere is passed into the soil and then
released back into the air, is called the nitrogen
1)The nitrogen present in the air cannot be
directly taken by plants and animals. Bacteria
present in the soil fix the nitrogen in the air and
convert into compounds of nitrogen.

2)These nitrogen compounds are then used by

the plants for making plant proteins. Animals
feeding on plants get these proteins and other
3) When plants and animals die bacteria present
in the soil concert the nitrogenous wastage into
nitrogen compounds to be used by plants again.
certain other bacteria convert some part of
them to nitrogen gas which goes back into the
4)soil convert gas which goes back into the air

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