Virtual Lab Do@Home Expt. 1 CHEM4015 CIVE4140

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Blended Learning Faculty of Engineering

Laboratory Manual Sohar University

CHEM4015/CIVE4140 S2-2020-2021

Faculty of Engineering
Chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering
Course Coordinator Dr. Nitin Bhaurao Raut
E-mail NRaut
Office G2-15
Tel. 26720101 EXT 142
Teaching Assistant Ms. Fatma Al Nasrawi
E-mail [email protected]
Office G2-12
Tel. 26720101 EXT 198
Year 2020-2021

Do it@Home
Blended Learning Laboratory Manual
Waste Treatment Processes
Level 4
General instructions Home Lab Sessions................................................................................iii

Safety Precautions...................................................................................................................iv

Instruction for Lab Experiments................................................................................................v

Guidelines for Writing Laboratory


Blended Learning Faculty of Engineering
Laboratory Manual Sohar University
CHEM4015/CIVE4140 S2-2020-2021

Equipment’s Used...............................................................................................................viii


Results and analysis...........................................................................................................viii



Experiment No 1 Characterization of waste water...................................................................1

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Blended Learning Faculty of Engineering
Laboratory Manual Sohar University
CHEM4015/CIVE4140 S2-2020-2021

General instructions Home Lab Sessions

This lab manual for Waste Treatment Processes, CHEM4015/CIVE4140 a Level-4 course in
Chemical/Civil Engineering in Faculty of Engineering at Sohar University, has experiments to be
done at home. Kindly follow the step by step procedure as given in this manual taking all safety
precautions as stated. Students are encouraged to learn to do all experiments following the same
general methods and procedures presented in this manual, and to document them in lab reports
using standard styles and format. This will help perfect laboratory and reporting skills useful for
students to professionally integrate into industrial or research laboratory establishments

The exercises in this manual/virtual labs are designed to give the students an introduction to
laboratory procedures for performing experiments in chemical engineering labs. The purpose is to
provide students with a deeper understanding of theoretical principles by observing phenomena,
by measuring physical characteristics and by comparing measured versus calculated results. This
“hands-on” experience is essential to an engineering technology student.

In addition to following the procedures given for a lab, each student will be required to submit
a lab report documenting the experiment and the results. Documenting laboratory results in a
clear and concise manner is just as important as conducting an experiment properly. The
laboratory discipline and the reporting principles presented herein will extend directly to any
engineering test lab in industry.

iii | P a g e
Blended Learning Faculty of Engineering
Laboratory Manual Sohar University
CHEM4015/CIVE4140 S2-2020-2021

Safety Precautions

It is important that each student should read the safety precautions and
procedures to be followed before conducting the experiments.

a. All equipment and instrumentation shall be handled carefully to avoid damage during
experimental operations.
b. The sequence of steps specified in each procedure is mandatory. No steps shall be
performed out of sequence.
c. Operational areas shall be maintained clean and orderly, free of trash or combustible
d. Keep fingers and loose items of clothing away from all moving parts.
e. For any queries contact the concerned staff member.
f. No materials used in this experiment should be ingested.

Student Name

Student ID number

Semester and Year S2/2020-2021

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Blended Learning Faculty of Engineering
Laboratory Manual Sohar University
CHEM4015/CIVE4140 S2-2020-2021

Instruction for Lab Experiments

a. All students are expected to read the experiment thoroughly before starting the lab work.
b. Questions about procedures or precautions should be resolved by asking your Lab
Technician/Lecturer before the experiment.
c. The marks allotted for Lab and project are out of 25 and any Laboratory report will be
graded on a scale of 0 to 10.
d. The reports are due for submission every two weeks.
e. The report must include a video file of the experiment performed submitted to the
CHEM4015/CIVE4015 MS Team.

Blended Learning Faculty of Engineering
Laboratory Manual Sohar University
CHEM4015/CIVE4140 S2-2020-2021

Guidelines for Writing Laboratory Report

A lab report is the perfect place to start practicing technical writing. Each student will be
responsible for preparing a report after completing each laboratory exercise. The required
content and format of the report are given in the following sections.

a. Cover page
b. Objectives
c. Introduction
d. Theory
e. Equipment’s used
f. Procedure
g. Sample calculation
h. Discussion and Results analyses
i. Conclusion
j. References

Cover Page

The report shall have a cover page with the following information provided:

a. Experiment Number
b. Title of experiment
c. Course title
d. Date of submission
e. Student’s name
f. Student ID

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Blended Learning Faculty of Engineering
Laboratory Manual Sohar University
CHEM4015/CIVE4140 S2-2020-2021

A standard cover page

Faculty of Engineering
Chemical Engineering

Experiment No 1

Characterization of Waste Water

Waste Treatment Processes


Blended Learning Lab Report


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Blended Learning Faculty of Engineering
Laboratory Manual Sohar University
CHEM4015/CIVE4140 S2-2020-2021


Objective is the aim or purpose of the experiment to be done in the laboratory. The objective
or objectives of the experiment should be stated at the beginning of the report. One or two
sentences are usually sufficient to summarize the purpose of the experiment.


This will probably involve one or two explanations, and a statement of key mathematical
expressions. Unless you have been asked to do so, there is no point in writing out standard
derivation from textbooks.

Equipment’s Used

This section should include a brief description of the test apparatus and instrumentation that
was used. Where appropriate, a schematic diagram should be included that identifies the major
components of the test system.


A description of the procedure that was used to obtain the test results shall be provided.
Summarize the detailed steps that were used; do not repeat the detailed steps in this section.
There is a well-established tradition of using the passive voice when describing experimental

Results and analysis

Experimental results should be presented in a clear and concise manner. The way you
describe the outcome of your experimental results and theoretical relationship is important. Test
results obtained from the experiment shall be

• Tabular

• Graphs

viii | P a g e
Blended Learning Faculty of Engineering
Laboratory Manual Sohar University
CHEM4015/CIVE4140 S2-2020-2021

• Digital photographs

• A combination of the above.


This section summarizes your conclusion regarding the results. If the results differ from those
expected, provide an explanation based on an analysis of the data. Examine any assumptions
that were used that could adversely affect the results. Consider experimental error as a cause of
the differences. The conclusions should be based on (1) the experimental results, and (2)
supporting technical rationale and analysis.


Give references used like books, web site and other documents etc. as per APA style.

a. Books
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., and Author, C. C. (year). Title of book: Subtitle. (Edition [if not first]).
Place of publication: Publisher.
Holtz, R. D. and Kovacs, W. D. (1981). An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering, 1st Edition,
Prentice Hall.

b. Thesis

Author, I.N. (YEAR). Title of Thesis. Unpublished PhD Thesis. University.


Jones, H. C., Cross, W & Smith, K. M. (1999). Get your dissertation done. Baltimore: University of
Baltimore Press.

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Blended Learning Faculty of Engineering
Laboratory Manual Sohar University
CHEM4015/CIVE4140 S2-2020-2021

c. Journal or Conference Papers

Author(s) Year, ‘Article Title’, Journal Name, vol. Volume, no. Issue, pp. Pages.
Seaman, C.B., Mendonca, M.G. & Kim, Y.M. 2003, ‘User evaluation and evolution of a prototype
management tool’, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 29, no. 9, pp. 838-51.

d. Websites

Author. (Date published if available; n.d.-no date- if not). Title of article. Title of web site Retrieved
date. from <URL>.


United Nations Environment Programme (2001). Environmental Aspects of Phosphate and Potash
Mining. Retrieved January 2008. From

Blended Learning Faculty of Engineering
Laboratory Manual Sohar University
CHEM4015/CIVE4140 S2-2020-2021

Experiment No 1 Characterization of waste water


Determination of TS, TDS and TSS in Water






Results and Analysis



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