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Name of the Learner : Mr. / Ms.

Ref. No. of the Learner : Pearson Regd. No. :

Unit Title : Professional Practice
Assignment Number : 01
Assessor : MS.Rumana Nawas
Issue Date : 31.03.2023

Submission Date : 1 .04.2023 Date Received 1st submission :

Re-submission Date : Date Received 2nd submission :

Assessor Summative Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback - Formative:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date
Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature of the IV: Date :

Student Signature:
Student Agreement:
I understand the feedback given to me and agree to carry out the actions in future works
as required and indicated. Date:
* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external
moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their

Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found
or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration).

Unit No. & Title:

Task Assessment Evidence P Page No. M Page No. D Page No.

Additional comments to the Assessor:

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who
break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you
understand correct referencing practices. As a university level student, you are expected to use
appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials
for material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet. Please
consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further advice.

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any
sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Learner Signature: Date:



HND in Student
Programme: Unit Grade:
Computing Name:
Unit No. & 03 – Professional Assessment
Year: 2022
Title: Practice. Date:
Assessor IV
MS.Rumana Completion 16.03.2023 [email protected]
Name: Signature:

Learning Criteria Date Formative Resubmission
Assignment No. & Title In
Objectives Targeted Issued Feedback Date*
Demonstrate a
range of
1. Communication transferable P1,P2,M1,D1 31.03.2023
skills to a

LO2 Apply
reasoning and
thinking to a
2. Problem D2
range of 31.03.2023

LO3 Discuss
the importance
and dynamics
of working
within a team
3. Team Dynamic and the impact P5,P6,M4,D4 31.03.2023
of team
working in

4. Continous LO4 Examine

professional the need for P7,P8,P9,M5,D4 31.03.2023
Development Continuing
(CPD) and its
role within the
workplace and
for higher level
* Resubmissions must be approved by the Assessment Board
Grading Assessor
Assignment No. Date Achieved Comments
Criteria Signature
Task Evidence Formative Comments Date
Higher National Certificate/Diploma in
Assessment Brief 01 of 01
Student Name/ID Number
Unit Number and Title 3: Professional Practice
Academic Year 2022/2023
Unit Tutor Ms. Fathima Rumana
Assignment Title Organizing a Training Events for Waves PVT(LTD)
Issue Date 30.03.2023
Submission Date 01.04.2023
IV Name & Date Mr. Mohamed Ishraque

The submission is in the form of a completed individual portfolio folder, including the tasks set out in the
Assignment Brief. This assignment involves group work but each student should submit an individual
portfolio folder.

Part 1: Training schedule (using project management software) for the three-day event and a training
pack to include a range of activities, seminars, workshops, team-building activities and break-out sessions.

Part 2: Ten-minute Microsoft® PowerPoint® style presentation with interactive links to suitable sites and
an activity sheet. The presentation slides for the findings should be submitted with speaker notes. You
are required to make effective use of headings, bullet points and subsections as appropriate. Your
research should be referenced using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 500
words, including speaker notes, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Part 3: A written evaluation of your performance in this task and your contribution to the team. You are
required to make use of headings, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations as appropriate, and all work
must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. The
recommended word limit is 500–1,000 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total
word limit.

Part 4: A report discussing problem-solving techniques.

LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target audience.
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios.
LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team working in
different environment.
LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace
and for higher level learning

Assignment Brief and Guidance

Mr. Perera is a manager at Waves PVT(LTD), a digital marketing agency. He recognizes the importance of
investing in his team's professional development to improve their communication skills, critical reasoning
and thinking, team working, and encourage Continuing Professional Development (CPD). He decides to
organize a two-day training event to achieve this goal.

On the first day, Mr. Perera invites a communication expert to deliver a workshop on interpersonal and
transferable communication skills. The expert provides practical tips on how to improve communication
skills, such as active listening, using clear and concise language, and providing constructive feedback. The
expert also conducts group exercises and role-plays to reinforce the concepts learned.

After the communication skills workshop, Mr. Perera organizes a problem-solving activity. The team is
given a complex problem related to a client's marketing campaign and is asked to work together to identify
the root cause of the problem, analyze the available information, and develop a solution. The activity
encourages the team to apply critical reasoning and thinking skills to come up with effective solutions. Mr.
Perera provides feedback and guidance to the team to help them develop their problem-solving skills.

On the second day, Mr. Perera invites a team building expert to conduct a workshop on the importance
and dynamics of working within a team. The expert provides practical tips on how to build effective teams,
such as setting clear goals, creating a positive work environment, and encouraging open communication.
The expert also conducts group exercises and role-plays to reinforce the concepts learned.

After the team building workshop, Mr. Perera conducts a presentation on the importance of Continuing
Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace and for higher-level learning. He
encourages his team to participate in training and development programs, attend industry events, and read
relevant literature to enhance their skills and knowledge. He also discusses the benefits of pursuing further
education and training to advance their careers and contribute to the success of the agency.

At the end of the two-day training event, Mr. Perera evaluates the effectiveness of the training and
encourages his team to apply the skills and knowledge learned to their work. He also schedules follow-up
training sessions to ensure that his team continues to develop their skills and knowledge over time.
Working in small groups (3 per group):

Part 1

1. Using different communication styles and formats prepare a chart for the three-day event on
analysing team dynamics with the roles of each member of the team and how their roles
contributed to the development of this workshop and also Produce a professional schedule (using
Ms project software) include the time allocation and justifications that identifies planning and
resourcing prior to the two-day event. The event includes a range of activities, workshops, team-
building activities, problem solving techniques and break-out sessions. It is expected that 150
employees will attend the event.
(P1, M1, D1)

Part 2

Using effective time management skills Design a two-hour workshop session based on”
Communication Skills for Effective Leadership “to include a presentation, interactive links to
suitable sites and an activity sheet that will require delegates to take part in some form of style of
effective communication. (P2, M1, D1)

Working individually:

Part 3

2. Following the event, for your training and development, Mr. Perera the Manger has asked you prepare
a report on the importance of team dynamic in the success and failure of a teamwork and Importance
of Time management within in the team work. Produce a written evaluation of the effectiveness and
application of interpersonal skills during the design and delivery process. You should also include an
evaluation of team member performance in this teamwork and your contribution to the team you
worked in. (P5, P6, M4, D3)
Part 4:

3. Produce a report discussing problem-solving and its importance in planning and running an event. Your
report should include a discussion of various problem-solving techniques and justify the solution
methodologies used during your project. You should also include a critique of the application of critical
reasoning and your experiences of it. (P3, P4, M2, M3, D2)
4. Having completed the Training Event Management project in the previous assignment you now need
to reflect on your experience and consider your Continuous Professional Development (CPD) needs
Part 1
Consider your personal and/or career goals and identify your CPD needs and what actions would
put you in a position to achieve these goals. Produce a development plan outlining your future goals
and identifying how these can be realised. Attached Your Curriculum vita with the Development
plan that you have produced. (use appropriate templates which was discussed on delivery of
Professional Practice subject) (P7)

Part 2

Based on the Assignment 01 of 01 Scenario, As Mr. Perera the Manager, conduct some research
into motivational theories and how you can be used to improve employee performance. Compare
a number of theories and present your findings to your peers. (P8, M5, D4)

Part 3

Write a report on the usage of CPD within organizations and what evidence would be required to
measure how effective this CPD is in helping employees achieve their goals while using their time
and resources effectively(P9, M5, D4)
Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable

communication skills to a target audience
P1 Demonstrate effective M1 Design a professional D1 Evaluate the
design and delivery of a schedule to support the effectiveness and
training event for a given planning of event, to application of interpersonal
target audience, using include contingencies and skills used in the design and
different communication justifications of time allocated. delivery of a training event.
styles and formats.

P2 Demonstrate effective
time-management skills in
planning an event.

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of

problem-solving scenarios
P3 Demonstrate the use of M2 Research the use of D2 Evaluate the overall
different problem-solving different problem-solving success of the event
techniques in the design techniques used in the delivered, in terms of how
and delivery of an event. design and delivery of an well critical reasoning and
event. thinking were applied to
P4 Demonstrate that
achieve the end goal.
critical reasoning has been M3 Justify the use and
applied to the design and application of a range of
delivery of the event. methodologies in the design
and delivery of an event.

Pass Merit Distinction

LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working
within a team and the impact of team working in
different environments
D3 Critically evaluate your own role
P5 Discuss the importance of M4 Analyse team
and contribution to a group
team dynamics in the dynamics, in terms of
success and/or failure of the roles that group
group work. members play in a
team and the
P6 Work in a team to
effectiveness in terms
achieve a defined goal.
of achieving shared

LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional

Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace
and for higher-level learning
D4 Evaluate a range of evidence
P7 Discuss the importance of M5 Justify the role of CPD criteria that is used as a
CPD and its contribution to and development measure for effective CPD.
own learning and motivation. planning in building
P8 Review different
motivational theories and
the impact they can have on
performance in the

P9 Produce a development
plan that outlines
performance objectives and
required skills for future

Deliverable: Report Should be submitted one soft copy of word processed Report.

 You should include the COVER PAGE, Assessment Declaration form, Unit Review
Plan and Grading Criteria of this assignment when you submit your final report.

 If submitted after the extended deadline, the assignment will not be accepted whereas
you shall be asked to go for a NEW assignment.

 Late Submission is not permitted until otherwise recommended by the Assessor /Course
 Plagiarism will be treated as a very Serious academic misconduct.

Instructions to students:

1. All assignment should comprise of the standard Front Cover given. No other front
page will be accepted.

2. Report Writing Guidelines:

1. Every Assignment should have an Introduction and Conclusion.

2. The standard Table of Contents should be generated.
3. All the Figures, Tables, Diagram etc. should be numbered.
4. Main Heading Font: Arial; Size 16
5. Sub heading: Font: Arial; Size 14
6. Body text: Font: Arial; Size 11
7. Paragraph: 1.5 spacing
8. Margins: Top: 1” Bottom: 1” Left: 1” Right: 1”
9. Header – include the module name on the right hand side
10. Footer – include the page number on the right hand side
11. All sections should have continuity and pages should be clearly ladled.
12. References – clear references for all the materials, books, articles, website etc.
should be given in accordance with Harvard Reference style (Harvard Anglia 2008).
Target dates for
What do I want / What will I do to What resource or What will my success
review and
needed to learn achieve this support I need criteria will be

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