Mason Ambassadors - Explained

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Bringing together the roles of

Ambassador, Membership,
Mentoring and Retrieval
Over the past few years the Province of West
Lancashire have introduced a number of initiatives
aimed at recruiting, retaining and retrieving
members, these include;

 Ambassadors to Freemasonry
 Membership
 Mentoring
 Education
 Retrieval
 Provincial Electronic Welcome Pack

To support these initiatives the Province has

recently appointed a Provincial Membership
Officer and a Provincial Mentor to manage and co-
ordinate these activities. At around the same time,
UGLE introduced "The Members’ Pathway" to
help all lodges plan for their future and "Solomon"
to make Masonic education a regular Lodge (and
Chapter) activity.

This document (based extensively on publications

from UGLE) will explain the integrated approach
being taken by the Province. It will hopefully
demonstrate that the Provincial and UGLE
initiatives do not operate independently or
conflict, but operate in mutual support of each

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For example, although not part of the "The
Members’ Pathway", the "Ambassadors for
Freemasonry" initiative was introduced to
promote a positive public image of Freemasonry
within West Lancashire. It is an essential
foundation upon which the "Members’ Pathway"
is built. Without a positive image of Freemasonry
it would be extremely challenging to identify and
recruit new members.

The "pathway" draws upon the experiences of

many strong and healthy lodges across the
Constitution and outlines a process to identify
men who may be interested in Freemasonry (but
not yet a member). It is intended to guide them
along an 11 step pathway to become a committed
Master Mason.

"Solomon", is the new information website

managed by UGLE, containing over 700 resources
and is designed for Freemasons and non-Masons.
It provides a platform for Masonic learning in both
the Craft and Holy Royal Arch. Its objective is to
make learning a regular Masonic activity, hence
membership should be more fulfilling and
meaningful. In turn, it is anticipated that this
should aid attendance, retention and

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Summary of the 11 Pathway Steps
Ambassador for Freemasonry
The aim is to help West Lancashire Freemasons
talk about Freemasonry with family and
friends, to emphasise the positive benefits of
Freemasonry and above all, to dispel some of
the nonsense which has been spread about
Steps 1-6
These steps are co-ordinated by a Lodge
member who takes on a "membership
development role". This will often be
combined with other roles in the Lodge,
usually the Lodge Mentor. The purpose is
to lead in the development of a Lodge
membership plan and support sponsors
following the introduction of prospective
candidates. All of these activities are
supported by the Provincial Membership
Steps 7-10
These steps are co-ordinated by the Lodge
Mentor and start immediately after the
candidate has been elected. The Lodge
Mentor will appoint and support a
nominated personal mentor (if not
himself). All of these activities are
supported by the Provincial Grand Mentor.
Step 11
The lodge Almoner will probably play a key
role in retrieving lost members. This
activity can be supported by the Provincial
Almoner upon request.

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Bringing together the roles of
Ambassador, Membership,
Mentoring and Retrieval

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Convene a meeting to discuss the future of your lodge
Invite all members to this meeting - not just the Past Masters or Lodge
- A suitably skilled, respected and experienced member of the
Lodge should chair these meetings
- If appropriate, involve the Provincial Membership Officer or
the Provincial Mentor.
Create a Lodge profile
- Describe the Lodge’s key features, its characteristics,
circumstances, expectations and values
- Lodge profiles help members to identify prospective
candidates who are a good match to the Lodge
- Identify common features (EG sporting interests, hobbies)
- Develop a prospective member’s "profile"
Consider the Lodge in its community
- UGLE is encouraging Lodges to become visible, recognised
and respected within their communities
- Lodge profiles can be developed into promotional or
informational literature for the Lodge
- The Lodge can engage in local community events and it can
also organise its own private and public activities open to
friends, family and other non-Masons
- The Province should be consulted before any Lodge becomes
involved in public events.
During the planning meetings, identify:
- An enthusiastic member for the role of Lodge membership
Officer(LMO) and at least one knowledgeable member to
- A skilled interviewer as Chairman of the Interview Panel
- Two knowledgeable members (one a Master Mason, one a
PM) should be members of the Interview Panel.
Make decisions, record them, set deadlines, assign responsibilities for
action and review at intervals.

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Set aside a separate meeting for this issue. In advance ask
all members to compile a list of people who they know and
bring it to the meeting.
• Include family members, work colleagues, social club
members, friends, fellow worshippers, etc
• If any person on the list does not believe in a Supreme Being
his name should be removed
• Apply each name on the list to the items on the Lodge’s
profile and consider whether or not he would be compatible
with Freemasonry and your Lodge in particular
• Avoid making any assumptions about any person’s level of
interest in Freemasonry, or their availability at this stage
• Group the names into categories such as:
- Suitable to be approached for this Lodge
- Suitable for Freemasonry but may be better suited to
another Lodge
- Don’t know enough to decide
- Not suitable to be approached.
• The people in the second and third categories may still be
approached but with a view to determining their interest in
Freemasonry in general rather than your specific Lodge

Data Protection Act:

To comply with privacy & data protection
requirements, all records of those who will not be
approached (both physical and electronic) should
now be destroyed.

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What can a Freemason say to someone who is not a Mason?

The Board of General Purposes has stated that a

Freemason is “free to reveal his own Masonic
membership, except when it might appear that business,
professional or personal advantage is thereby being
sought for himself or another”.
- A Freemason is free to discuss any aspect of
Freemasonry providing he does not breach his
obligation to keep the traditional modes of recognition
private or describe the detail of our ceremonies.
What should you say?
- Describe your experience of Freemasonry and what you
personally enjoy most
- Visit the West Lancashire Provincial web site for recent
news (
- Do more listening than talking – that way you can
follow up topics that interest him
- Above all be honest.
What next?
- If the person you are talking to remains open to the
idea, invite him (and his partner) to a Lodge or Group
- Try and finish the conversation by giving him something
physical such as your role or the Provincial or Group
website address.
When to stop?
- Do not ‘flog a dead horse’ – you will lose friends and
gain nothing for Freemasonry
- If he does not mention the subject of Freemasonry
again for some time, it is acceptable to raise it again,
perhaps just once more.

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This process should be managed by the Group or Lodge Membership
Officer in liaison with the Lodge Secretary. If in doubt seek the
assistance of the Provincial Membership Officer should be sought.
- Respond quickly to all enquiries (24 – 48 hours maximum)
- Maintain accurate records
- If the potential candidate ‘goes silent’, one reminder is
Be prepared to reject unsuitable people at this stage.
- If the approach has come via UGLE or the Province, the
Provincial Membership Officer will have been involved.
- He will have selected your lodge as one into which the
potential candidate may fit.
- He may not be as familiar as you are with your Lodge and your
preferred profile (if any) for candidates.
Meet the potential candidate at a neutral venue, with just one or two
other Lodge members present.
- Create a welcoming and informal atmosphere.
- If both parties wish to pursue the potential candidate’s
possible membership, arrange a second meeting on Masonic
premises, preferably at the potential candidates local
Masonic Hall.
Follow up by inviting him to meet after a rehearsal
- So that he can meet other Lodge members and they can get to
know him.
- Then invite him to Lodge social events so that his wife or
partner can also attend and get to know others.
If you judge the person unsuitable for your Lodge:
- Explain that yours may not be the best Lodge for him.
- Refer him to the Provincial Membership Officer - he may be an
appropriate candidate for another lodge.
- Always be polite – ensure a good impression of Freemasonry.

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This Step is completed by the two people who expect to be
the prospective candidate’s Proposer and Seconder.
• Where a potential candidate was not previously known to any
members, it is recommended that the Lodge Membership Officer
should be one of the sponsors.
• Ensure, through informal meetings and discussions, that
Freemasonry and your particular Lodge are right for the
candidate and that he is right for it.
• Be open, honest, clear and direct about the commitment
involved in becoming a Freemason.
• Meet informally with the prospective candidate on as many
occasions as necessary to explain and discuss:
- The nature of Freemasonry, what it is and what it is not.
- The expectations and duties of membership, including the
commitment in time and money.
- The normal journey of a Freemason, including eventual
Exaltation into the Royal Arch.
- The specific features of your Lodge, using your Lodge profile
as a resource.
• If invited by the prospective candidate, discussion may take place
at his home and in the presence of his spouse or partner.
• If all parties wish to proceed, ask the prospective candidate to
complete the Member Application Form and, after both sponsors
have also signed it, submit it to the Lodge Secretary on his behalf.
• If any party has reservations about the prospective candidate,
discuss this matter with the Lodge committee.
• Tell the applicant what will happen at the interview and assure
him that you will attend with him.

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The interview panel should consist of at least one Master
Mason and one Past Master.
• It is recommended that the Interview Panel should:
- Comprise no more than three members of the Lodge, all of
whom should be experienced interviewers.
- The panel's chair should be a skilled interviewer who is an
approachable senior member of the Lodge.
• The Interview Panel conducts applicant interviews on behalf of
the Lodge and reports to the Lodge Committee:
- The Master does not have to be a member.
- The applicant’s sponsors should attend to support him.
- The sponsors (those involved in introducing the potential
member) should not be directly involved in conducting the
interview. They should attend to introduce him to the panel
and then leave just before the interview commences (but
remain to collect him when the interview is completed).
• The Interview Panel should conduct itself with a degree of
formality, including the use of written invitations and decisions,
which may for convenience be sent by email.
• Plan the interview and prepare open questions to obtain the
information sought from the applicant.
• Use the example questions shown at Appendix 1 with skill and
discretion, adjusting questions based upon the applicants
previous answers.
• Conduct interviews in a proper manner, using recognised
techniques for interviewing candidates.
• Meet the applicant after he has departed to decide and
communicate the outcome.
• The Provincial Membership Officer will be able to offer further
guidance and assistance if required.
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Taking the candidate from the successful conclusion of his
interview through to his initiation represents the start of the
mentoring process. Support and responsibility of the Pathway
at this stage therefore passes from the Provincial Membership
Officer to the Provincial Grand Mentor.
Guidance For All Lodge Members
• The Candidate /Initiate will form a lasting impressions of
Freemasonry based on his early experiences. Lodge
members should understand and manage his expectations,
deliver what has been promised and avoid creating
unpleasant surprises.
• If the preparation for Initiation is rushed or progresses at a
pace that is uncomfortable for the Candidate the
consequence may be his early resignation. Plan the date of
Initiation by balancing the Lodge’s programme of work with
the needs, circumstances and interests of the Candidate.
Consider the suitability of multiple ceremonies.
• Where possible, ensure sufficient time before the planned
date of Initiation for the Proposal, Ballot and Initiation to
take place at different (preferably successive) meetings.
• When briefing the Candidate for his Initiation before the
ceremony, strike a balance between telling him too much
and not telling him enough. Too much prior information
may damage the experience. Too little may leave the
Candidate with unnecessary or uncomfortable

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The Initiation Meeting
• Arrange to collect the Candidate, take him to the meeting
and return him home afterwards. On arrival introduce him
to the Master and Junior Deacon before placing him in the
care of the Tyler.
• Arrange for him to be sat next to his nominated Personal
Mentor or a sponsor at the end of the ceremony, and next
to (or as near to as practicable) one or both of them at the
festive board.
• Ensure he has change so that he can contribute to the
charity collection and ensure he receives a copy of the
closing ode.
• Introduce him to other members of the Lodge after the
• Explain the toasts and practices followed at the festive
board and discuss with him his initial reaction to the
ceremony and respond to his questions.
• Provide him with copies of any local lodge, Group or
Provincial booklets, such as the “Initiate’s Guide”, as well as
a simple explanation of the Initiation ceremony.
• Ensure he knows how to register on Solomon
( and give advice on which
modules he should enrol.
• Ensure the Lodge or Group Mentor advises the new initiate
how to download or obtain a copy of the West Lancs
Electronic Welcome Pack.
• Arrange to meet with him within two weeks of his
Initiation, to answer additional questions and provide
further explanation. See if there are any other initiations
taking place in your Group (or nearby Group) that he may
wish to attend.

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This Step starts immediately after Initiation and follows
the new Freemason as he goes through the degree
ceremonies and experiences elements of Freemasonry
for the first time.
• At this point the new Freemason is at his most vulnerable; a
significant proportion of new members leave the Craft
within two years of Initiation, often before becoming
Master Masons.
• Arrange to meet with the new member soon after each
ceremony, to help him reflect, practice signs, address
questions and relate the latest ceremony with the previous
• Ensure that when he is passed and raised you recommend
him to enrol for the appropriate modules on Solomon.
Provincial booklets Seek & Learn / Share & Encourage refer,
copies available via Group or Provincial Mentor
• If the new Freemason perceives either the ceremony or the
actions of Lodge members to be anything other than
positive, or if his expectations are not met, he may consider
terminating his membership.
• Draw on topics for discussion with a new Freemasons but
proceed at his pace and avoid “force feeding” him with
what you think he should know and understand.
• Gauge the new member’s level of interest and enthusiasm
and respond at that level. Look out for any discomfort or
drops in interest, attendance or commitment and respond

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• Pass on any communications or resources provided by the
Lodge and the Province. Help him to find the information
that he wants from the various materials he will have been
• Sit with the new Freemason in the Lodge and on any visits.
Explain what is happening and always demonstrate correct
• Prepare him for the ceremonies of Passing and Raising by
helping him to learn the questions leading to the degree
and the answers to give in open Lodge.
• Represent his needs and interests within the Lodge and be
the first source of advice and guidance on Masonic matters.

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This Step follows the new Freemason’s completion of
the three degrees in Craft Freemasonry and looks at the
Lodge’s role in introducing him to the Royal Arch.
Advice can be sought from your Group Royal Arch Lead.
No pressure should be applied to coerce a Master Mason to
join the Royal Arch or any other Order. An ideal method to
introduce Royal Arch is by identifying at least one lodge per
Group who may be prepared to host a "Talking Heads" event.
Explain that the Royal Arch is the completion of the journey in
pure Ancient Freemasonry, an ideal point to mention this is
when a Master Mason is presented with his Grand Lodge
Certificate. Above all emphasise the four reasons to become a
Royal Arch Mason:
1. The indissoluble link between the Craft and Royal Arch as
the two component parts of pure Ancient Freemasonry,
exemplified by the fact that the Grand Master and Pro
Grand Master automatically head both orders.
2. To complete the journey of a man from the practical
principles taught in the Craft to the spiritual aspect of our
nature, as explored in the Royal Arch.
3. The ceremony of Exaltation is one of the most beautiful,
colourful and thought provoking in Freemasonry and in
which the genuine secrets, that were lost and substituted
during the Master Masons’ degree, are revealed.
4. The companionship and enjoyment that comes from
meeting a wider circle and from the increase in Masonic
experience and knowledge. Joining the Royal Arch should
increase one’s enjoyment of Freemasonry.

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The decision and timing must be his and he should not feel
that he is a second class Freemason if he chooses to delay
joining or not to join at all, you should explain that he Royal
Arch may enhance his membership and enjoyment of the
Craft but it is not essential to it.
The Royal Arch Representative should act as the link between
the Royal Arch and the Lodge.

His role is to raise the profile of the Royal Arch, to act as a

source of information about the Royal Arch and to foster
relations with Royal Arch Chapters in his Group.

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Build a Lodge culture with a nurturing approach and
continued mentoring, that considers the needs of all
members and treats all members as they would wish to
be treated themselves.

• Find ways to involve every member in the life of the Lodge

to increase their sense of belonging, interest and
• Plan the succession of continuing offices in the Lodge, such
as Treasurer, Secretary, Director of Ceremonies, Lodge
Mentor etc. so that recent Past Masters can take office,
develop as Masons and continue to contribute to the
• Encourage members to consider the reading of "Nuggets"
from Solomon at a lodge meeting to keep them involved
and interested.
• Be alert to non-Masonic conduct, inappropriate behaviour
and discouraging or negative exchanges, all of which
undermine the interest and confidence of members and
the harmony and health of the Lodge.
• Plan meetings to be enjoyable, interesting and informative,
with a good atmosphere and good ritual, to meet the
expectations of members and to assist their self-

Page 17 Province of West Lancashire - Members' Pathway

• Ensure meetings are well prepared and conducted
efficiently. Working members are accustomed to business
meetings occupying the minimum time necessary. They
expect the same of a Lodge, with time devoted to
ceremonial or education rather than administration .
• Review Lodge traditions to confirm whether they are still
relevant and serve the Lodge well. Be willing to change or
evolve any traditions that are counterproductive to the
future of the Lodge.
• Monitor attendance at Lodge meetings and maintain
contact with those members who are not able to attend as
often as they would like. Look out for any discomfort or
drops in interest, attendance or commitment and respond
• If a brother is moving out of the area and regular
attendance at the lodge becomes difficult, assist him to find
a Lodge in his new location - seek guidance from the
Provincial Membership Officer.

Page 18 Province of West Lancashire - Members' Pathway

This Step describes the early warning signs of a
potential resignation and ways to respond to retain or
retrieve the member as a valued and participating
member of the Craft.
• Some members will decide that Freemasonry is not for
them and will resign at an early point. With proper
screening, an understanding of expectations and successful
mentoring, these should be the minority.
• Warning signs may include absences from meetings, last
minute apologies, late payment of dues and low levels of
engagement in general.
• Lodges that recognise the warning signs and respond early
can often avert resignations before they happen.
• If a resignation is due to a decline in circumstances (such as
finances or health), arrange for the Lodge Almoner to offer
support as appropriate.
• Consider asking a member to reconsider his resignation
before formally accepting it.
• Accept that if the Lodge cannot retain a member it may still
be possible for the Province to retrieve him if he moves to
another Lodge, in such circumstances the Provincial
Membership Officer will be able to advise.

Page 19 Province of West Lancashire - Members' Pathway

Appendix 1 - Example Interview Questions
Information sought Reason

Whether he believes in a Supreme A core requirement of membership is to believe

Being. in a Supreme Being. If there is any doubt on the
definition of Supreme Being, sponsors should
seek formal guidance via their Lodge Secretary.
Overview of self and lifestyle (family, To set a context for the rest of the interview and
hobbies, work, charitable interests, to provide information that can be explored
other organisations). further.
Suitability for this specific Lodge. To explore and expand on the applicant’s
suitability for this specific Lodge and its
Personal characteristics, qualities and To get the applicant to talk about his values
values. without first telling him about ours.
Alignment with Masonic values and To check that his values / principles are
principles. compatible with ours.
Reason for interest in Freemasonry To identify the applicant’s motives and to ensure
and motives for joining. they are compatible with the Craft’s values and
Existing links with Freemasons. To identify any background in or experience of
Hopes and expectations on becoming To check that the applicant’s expectations are
a Freemason. compatible and can be met by the
Craft and specifically by your Lodge.
Likely contribution he could make as a To identify the strengths the applicant will
member. bring to the Lodge and any likely future
Family and their opinions or support for To ensure the applicant’s family is supportive
membership. and will not hinder the applicant’s
development if he joins.
Support for the Lodge’s charitable To prepare the applicant for future charitable
activities. contributions.
Ability to meet time and cost To ensure that the applicant is able and willing to
commitments. meet the commitments expected, in time and
Awareness of the normal progression. To check he knows of the normal progression
through the three Craft degrees,
taking office and Exaltation into the Royal Arch.
Any other information. “Catch all” final questions.

Page 20 Province of West Lancashire - Members' Pathway

Appendix 2 - Provincial Resources Available
Provincial Resources for Craft
Members' Pathway Guide
Mentoring Guide
Seek & Learn - Solomon
Share & Encourage - Solomon
West Lancashire Craft Electronic Welcome Pack
Initiates Guide
Fellow Craft Guide
Master Masons Guide
Taking Office for the First Time

Provincial Resources for Royal Arch

Talking Heads Guide
Information for New Exaltees
Royal Arch - Solomon
Enhanced Exaltation
Royal Arch in Camera
West Lancashire Royal Arch Electronic Welcome Pack

Page 21 Province of West Lancashire - Members' Pathway

Appendix 3 - Ambassador for Freemasonry
Currently West Lancashire shows a great public interest in
Freemasonry as well as pleasant experiences by existing
and joining members alike.
Building membership requires active contribution by every
member in the "unofficial" role of Ambassador. The aim is
to attract and select new members, who would appreciate
and enjoy Freemasonry in general and continue to remain
active members and hopefully future leaders.
It is the role of the Lodge membership Officer (LMO) to co-
ordinate and drive recruitment within the Lodge. However,
he will be relying on Lodge, Group and Provincial members
to act as ambassadors to:
 Speak openly and honestly about their membership
 Make an active representation in the local community
 Communicate the values, attractions and
contributions of Freemasonry
 Dispel the myths sometimes associated with
 Talk about Freemasonry with family and friends
 Emphasise the positive benefits of Freemasonry within
their local community

Page 22 Province of West Lancashire - Members' Pathway


Any enquiries about this document can be made to

Stewart Cranage, Provincial Grand Mentor

[email protected]
07955 603492

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