A Project Report ON: Smart Dustbin Using Arduino With GSM and GPS Module
A Project Report ON: Smart Dustbin Using Arduino With GSM and GPS Module
A Project Report ON: Smart Dustbin Using Arduino With GSM and GPS Module
“Smart dustbin using Arduino with GSM and GPS module”
Name Of Students Enrollment No.
Smt. Pathan J.J.
Government Polytechnic, Awasari (Kh)
“Automatic Rain Sensing Wiper Using Arduino””
Submitted by
Name Of Students Enrollment No.
In partial fulfillment of
Diploma in
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Guided by
Smt. Pathan.J.J.
In this project, I’ll show you the design and working of a smart
dustbin Circuit using Arduino, which us which the store trash or waste on
temporary basis. They are use to homes, offices, etc. to collect the waste.
Smart dustbin are used often at places like educational school, Colleges,
offices, parks, Arduino will activate the Motor and with the support of the
extended arm, it will list the lid open. After certain time, the lid is
automatically closed. Also the we add the GPS and GSM module in the
CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION....................................................1
CHAPTER 2 -BLOCK DIAGRAM.................................................3
2.1 Block Diagram..............................................................................4
2.2Component Used In Block Diagram.................................................5
2.3 Block Diagram Description.............................................................6
CHAPTER 3 - Circuit Diagram.........................................................8
3.1 Circuit Diagram..............................................................................9
CHAPTER 4- INTRODUCTION OF ARDUINO.............................10
4.1 Introduction....................................................................................11
4.2 Pin Diagram...................................................................................17
4.3 Features..........................................................................................19
CHAPTER 5 –HARDWARE DESCIPTION..................................20
5.1 Power Supply...............................................................................21
5.2 GSM Module.................................................................................27
5.3 GPS Module...................................................................................30
5.4 DC Motor…..................................................................................32
5.5 Motor Driver….............................................................................34
5.6 Ultra-sonic Sensor….....................................................................37
5.7 LED...............................................................................................39
5.8 Solar Panels...................................................................................40
CHAPTER 6- PROGRAMMING.......................................................41
6.1 Algorithm..........................................................................................42
6.2 Flowchart..........................................................................................43
7.1 Result.................................................................................................52
7.2 Features..............................................................................................53
7.3 Limitations.........................................................................................53
7.4 Applications......................................................................................53
7.5 Conclusions.......................................................................................54
7.6 Future scope…...................................................................................54
CHAPTER 8 – REFERENCES............................................................55
8.1 Books.................................................................................................56
8.2 Websites............................................................................................56
CHAPTER 9 –APPENDIX....................................................................57
List of Component with Price..................................................................58
Dustbins are small plastic (or metal) containers that are used to store
trash (or waste) on a temporary basis. They are often used in homes,
offices, streets, parks etc. to collect the waste .In some places, littering is a
serious offence and hence Public Waste Containers are the only way to
Arduino, Ultrasonic Sensor, Servo Motor, IR Sensor etc. where the lid of
the dustbin will automatically open itself upon detection of human hand. as
the dustbin is full it will detect by the IR sensor and it will send the signal
to Arduino the the Arduino send the Gps and Gsm module as this signal get
to the Gsm module then the Gsm module will send the message to the
a way to achieve this good cause. In this paper, smart bin is built on a
GSM modem and Ultrasonic sensor. Ultrasonic sensor is placed at the top
of the dustbin which will measure the stature of the dustbin. The threshold
Once the garbage reaches the threshold level ultrasonic sensor will trigger
the GSM modem which will continuously alert the required authority until
people can reuse the dustbin. At regular intervals dustbin will be squashed.
Once these smart bins are implemented on a large scale, by replacing our
In this block diagram I will shows how to work the project in a simple
method. In he project the main part is controller that is Arduino board. I will
connect different peripherals to the Arduino. There is two input peripherals to
the Arduino that is Ultrasonic sensors which gives the input signal to the
Arduino with respect to the input signal the Arduino operates the output
peripherals that is GPS module, GSM module and Motor. When ultrasonic
sensor 1 will detect the human near the dustbin it will give signal to the
Arduino. When Arduino get signal from the ultrasonic sensor 1 the Arduino
send signal to the motor driver with respect to the signal the motor driver will
actuate the motor. When once complete the motor operation the ultrasonic
sensor 2 automatically actuate and detect the level of the dustbin. With respect
to the level the sensor will send the signal to the Arduino with respect to the
signal Arduino indicate by the led, if the dustbin is filled the it will indicate by
red led also it will send the signal to the GPS module and GSM module and
when modules get signal from Arduino it will actuate its operation.
1. Arduino UNO
2. DC Motor
3. Motor Driver(L293D)
4. LED
5. Battery
6. Ultrasonic sensor
7. Transformer
8. Solar panel
9. GSM Module
11. Diode
12. Resistor
13. Switch
14. Led
16. Connectors
Pin Descriptions:-
1. Power USB:- Arduino board can be powered by using the USB cable from
your computer. All you need to do is connect the USB cable to the USB
5. Arduino Reset:-You can reset your Arduino board, i.e., start your program
from the beginning. You can reset the UNO board in two ways. First, by
using the reset button on the board. Second, you can connect an external
reset button to the Arduino pin labelled RESET.
6. Analog pins:-The Arduino UNO board has six analog input pins A0
through A5. These pins can read the signal from an analog sensor like the
humidity sensor or temperature sensor and convert it into a digital value
that can be read by the microprocessor.
7. Digital I/O:-The Arduino UNO board has 14 digital I/O pins (15) (of which
6 provide PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) output. These pins can be
configured to work as input digital pins to read logic values (0 or 1) or as
digital output pins to drive different modules like LEDs, relays, etc. The
pins labeled “~” can be used to generate PWM.
The operating voltage is 5V
The recommended input voltage will range from 7v to 12V
The input voltage ranges from 6v to 20V
Digital input/output pins are 14
Analog i/p pins are 6
DC Current for each input/output pin is 40 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin is 50 mA
Flash Memory is 32 KB
SRAM is 2 KB
CLK Speed is 16 MHz
Bridge rectifier:
1.4V is used up in the bridge rectifier because each diode uses 0.7V
when conducting and there are always two diodes conducting, as shown in
the diagram below. Bridge rectifiers are rated by the maximum current
they can pass and the maximum reverse voltage they can withstand (this
must be at least three times the supply RMS voltage so the rectifier can
withstand the peak voltages
Voltage regulator:
The +12 volt power supply is based on the commercial 7812 voltage
regulator IC. This IC contains all the circuitry needed to accept any input
voltage from 15 to 24 volts and produce a steady +12 volt output, accurate
to within 5% (0.25 volt). It also contains current-limiting circuitry and
thermal overload protection, so that the IC won't be damaged in case of
excessive load current; it will reduce its output voltage instead.
The drop out voltage of the regulator is 2V As per the data sheet)
Vdc = 2Vm/Pi
=12 x 3.14)/2
Vm= 18.84V
=18.84+1.4= 20.24V
Vrms = Vim/sqrt(2)
= 20.24/sqrt(2)
= 14.31V
Vrms = 14.31V
Im=Idc x pi/2
Im=700m x 3.14/2
= 1.099A.
Irms= Im/sqrt(2)
= 1.099A/sqrt(2)
` = 777.11mA
Irms = 777.11mA
2. Rectifier Design:
Im= 628mA
R = Vdc/Idc
= 15 / 400m
= 37.5Ohms.
Vr = 2(Vim – Vdc)
= 2(20.24 – 12)
= 8.24V
C = Vdc/ (FxRxVr)
= 12/ (100x17.5x8.24)
= 832.17uF
So the power supply made from the above mentioned components gives
the output of 12V.
At receiver, control room is present where all the activities are managing.
The number of the control room is depending on the dustbins present in the
area. The person sitting in the control room monitors the entire system. A
GSM Module is connected to the
computer of the control room through
microcontroller. The entire system is monitor by the person sitting in the
control room.
March 2020
5.4 DC MOTOR:-
Fig: DC Motor
An electric motor is an electrical machine which converts electrical
energy into mechanical energy. The basic working principle of a DC
motor is: "whenever a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic
field, it experiences a mechanical force".
The direction of this force is given by Fleming's left-hand rule and its
magnitude is given by F = BIL. Where, B = magnetic flux density, I =
current and L = length of the conductor within the magnetic field.
The L293 and L293D are quadruple high-current half-H drivers. These
devices are designed to drive a wide array of inductive loads such as relays,
solenoids, DC and bipolar stepping motors, as well as other high-current and
high- voltage loads. All inputs are TTL compatible and tolerant up to 7 V. Each
output is a complete totem-pole drive circuit, with a Darlington transistor sink and
a pseudo-Darlington source. Drivers are enabled in pairs, with drivers 1 and 2
enabled by 1,2EN and drivers 3 and 4 enabled by 3,4EN. When an enable input is
high, the associated drivers are enabled, and their outputs are active and in phase
with their inputs. When the enable input is low, those drivers are disabled, and
their outputs are off and in the high-impedance state. With the proper data inputs,
each pair of drivers forms a full-H (or bridge) reversible drive suitable for
solenoid or motor applications. On the L293, external high-speed output clamp
diodes should be used for inductive transient suppression. On the L293D, these
diodes are integrated to reduce system complexity and overall system size. A
VCC1 terminal,
E&TC Dept., Government Polytechnic Awasari(Kh)
March 2020
separate from VCC2, is provided for the logic inputs to minimize device power
dissipation. The L293 and L293D are characterized for operation from 0°C to
1 Enable 1,2 This pin enables the input pin Input 1(2) and Input
9 Enable 3,4 This pin enables the input pin Input 3(10) and Input
1 Vcc The Vcc pin powers the sensor, typically with +5V
2 Trigger Trigger pin is an Input pin. This pin has to be kept high for 10us to
initialize measurement by sending US wave.
3 Echo Echo pin is an Output pin. This pin goes high for a period of time
which will be equal to the time taken for the US wave to return back
to the sensor.
As shown above the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic (US) sensor is a 4 pin module, whose
pin names are Vcc, Trigger, Echo and Ground respectively. This sensor is a very
popular sensor used in many applications where measuring distance or sensing
objects are required. The module has two eyes like projects in the front which
forms the Ultrasonic transmitter and Receiver. The sensor works with the simple
high school formula that
Distance = Speed × Time
The Ultrasonic transmitter transmits an ultrasonic wave, this wave travels in air
and when it gets objected by any material it gets reflected back toward the sensor
this reflected wave is observed by the Ultrasonic receiver module as shown in the
picture below
Now, to calculate the distance using the above formulae, we should know the
Speed and time. Since we are using the Ultrasonic wave we know the universal
speed of US wave at room conditions which is 330m/s. The circuitry inbuilt on
the module will calculate the time taken for the US wave to come back and turns
on the echo pin high for that same particular amount of time, this way we can also
know the time taken. Now simply calculate the distance using a microcontroller
or microprocessor.
5.7 LED:-
A light-emitting diode is a two-lead semiconductor light source. It is a p–n
junction diode that emits light when activated. When a suitable voltage is applied
to the leads, electrons are able to recombine with electron holes within the device,
releasing energy in the form of photons. This effect is called electroluminescence,
and the colour of the light (corresponding to the energy of the photon) is
determined by the energy band gap of the semiconductor.
Energy Saving:- The LEDs are extremely efficient low energy light sources.
Light gains:- In 2005 the white LEDs reached outputs of over 30 lumens /
Watt and coloured versions 50 lumens / Watt.
Long operational life:- up to 50,000 hours.
Compact light source:- no other lamp possesses such small dimensions for a
comparative light output.
No radiation:- the LEDs do not emit ultraviolet (UV) or infrared (IR) radiation.
Durable lamps:- The LEDs are durable against impact and vibration.
Dimmable LEDs:- the LEDs can be dimmed.
Coloured lamps:- Coloured light can be produced effectively – over 16
million colours.
global warming.
Solar panels do not lead to any form of pollution and are clean. They also
decrease our reliance on fossil fuels (which are limited) and traditional power
sources. bThese days, solar panels are used in wide-ranging electronic
equipments like calculators, which work as long as sunlight is available.
However, the only major drawback of solar panels is that they are quite costly.
Also, solar panels are installed outdoors as they need sunlight to get charged.
Solar panels collect clean renewable energy in the form of sunlight and
convert that light into electricity which can then be used to provide power for
electrical loads. Solar panels are comprised of several individual solar cells which
are themselves composed of layers of silicon, phosphorous (which provides the
negative charge), and boron (which provides the positive charge). Solar panels
absorb the photons and in doing so initiate an electric current. The resulting
energy generated from photons striking the surface of the solar panel allows
electrons to be knocked out of their atomic orbits and released into the electric
field generated by the solar cells which then pull these free electrons into a
directional current. This entire process is known as the Photovoltaic Effect. An
average home has more than enough roof area for the necessary number of solar
panels to produce enough solar electricrity to supply all of its power needs excess
electricity generated goes onto the main power grid, paying off in electricity use
at night.
Using solar panels is a very practical way to produce electricity for many
applications. The obvious would have to be off-grid living. Living off-grid means
living in a location that is not serviced by the main electric utility grid. Remote
homes and cabins benefit nicely from solar power systems. No longer is it
necessary to pay huge fees for the installation of electric utility poles and cabling
from the nearest main grid access point. A solar electric system is potentially less
expensive and can provide power for upwards of three decades if properly
maintained. Besides the fact that solar panels make it possible to live off-grid,
perhaps the greatest benefit that you would enjoy from the use of solar power is
that it is both a clean and a renewable source of energy. With the advent of global
climate change, it has become more important that we do whatever we can to
reduce the pressure on our atmosphere from the emission of greenhouse gases.
Solar panels have no moving parts and require little maintenance.
They are ruggedly built and last for decades when properly maintained.
Last, but not least, of the benefits of solar panels and solar power is that, once a
system has paid for its initial installation costs, the electricity it produces for the
remainder of the system's lifespan, which could be as much as 15-20 years
depending on the quality of the system, is absolutely free! For grid-tie solar power
system owners, the benefits begin from the moment the system comes online,
potentially eliminating monthly electric bills or, and this is the best part, actually
earning the system's owner additional income from the electric company. How? If
you use less power than your solar electric system produces, that excess power
can be sold, sometimes at a premium, to your electric utility company. There are
many other applications and benefits of using solar panels to generate your
electricity needs - too many to list here. But as you browse our website, you'll
gain a good general knowledge of just how versatile and convenient solar power
can be.
E&TC Dept., Government Polytechnic Awasari(Kh)
March 2020
1. Start
2. Check for location request
3. Check whether the person near to dustbin
4. Turn ON Motor
5. Check whether the dustbin is filled?
6. Indicate the level of the dustbin
7. Check for GPS and GSM range
8. Delay for 5 second
9. Send message for authority.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(2,3);
#include <TinyGPS.h>
String incomingData;
char phone_no[] = "XXXXXXXXXX"; //replace with phone no. to get sms
TinyGPS gps; //Creates a new instance of the TinyGPS object
int LED_G1 = A0;
int LED_G2 = A1;
int LED_Y = A2;
int LED_R = A3;
int trigPin = 4;
int echoPin = 8;
int trigPin_l = 9;
int echoPin_l = 10;
long duration, dist, average;
long aver[3]; //array for average
void setup() {
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
//close cap on power on
pinMode(trigPin_l, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin_l, INPUT);
pinMode(LED_G1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED_G2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED_Y, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LED_R, OUTPUT);
void measure_d() {
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
duration_d = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
dist_d = (duration_d/2) / 29.1; //obtain distance
void measure() {
digitalWrite(trigPin_l, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin_l, HIGH);
(trigPin_l, LOW);
pinMode(echoPin_l, INPUT);
duration = pulseIn(echoPin_l, HIGH);
dist = (duration/2) / 29.1; //obtain distance
void loop() {
delay(10); //delay between measurements
L293D('L',speedStep, 1);
L293D('L',speedStep, 0);
L293D('r',speedStep, 1);
L293D('r',speedStep, 0);
for (int i=0;i<=2;i++) { //average distance
delay(10); //delay between measurements
if(dist<=3) //as your choice
Serial.print("level is:");
digitalWrite(LED_R, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_Y, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_G1, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_G2, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_G2, LOW);
else if ( dist<=30) //as your choice
Serial.print("level is:");
digitalWrite(LED_R, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_Y, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_G1, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_G2, HIGH);
void location()
bool newData = false;
unsigned long chars;
unsigned short sentences, failed;
// For one second we parse GPS data and report some key values
for (unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 1000;)
while (Serial.available())
char c = Serial.read();
if (gps.encode(c))
newData = true;
void loc()
if (mySerial.available()>0)
String c = mySerial.readString();
if (c.indexOf("SEND LOCATION") >= 0)
bool newData = false;
unsigned long chars;
unsigned short sentences, failed;
// For one second we parse GPS data and report some key values
for (unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 1000;)
while (Serial.available())
char c = Serial.read();
if (gps.encode(c))
newData = true;
}else{ if(
en ==0){
Serial.println(" CCW Motor Stopped");
Serial.print(" Rotating CCW: ");
Serial.println(spd);//print actual speed value
digitalWrite(EN12 ,en);// Disable 1A and 2A
digitalWrite(P1A,LOW);// Keep thos LOW P1A
analogWrite(P2A,spd);// send PWM with spd value to P2A
When ultrasonic sensor 1 will detect the human near the dustbin it will give
signal to the Arduino. When Arduino get signal from the ultrasonic sensor 1 the
Arduino send signal to the motor driver with respect to the signal the motor driver
will actuate the motor. When once complete the motor operation the ultrasonic
sensor 2 automatically actuate and detect the level of the dustbin. With respect to
the level the sensor will send the signal to the Arduino with respect to the signal
Arduino indicate by the led, if the dustbin is filled the it will indicate by red led
also it will send the signal to the GPS module and GSM module and when
get signal from Arduino it will actuate its operation.
1. It reduces man power requirements which results into increase in
unemployment's for unskilled people.
2. The training has to be provided to the people involved in the smart waste
management system.
3. GSM and others sensors are costly.
1. It will use in public places
2. It will use in hotels
3. It will use in parks
4. It will use in hospitals
5. It will use in industry's
6. It will use in colleges
This project work is the implementation of Smart dustbin using Arduino with
GSM, GPS module, ultrasonic sensor, solar panels, dc motor, motor driver. This
system assures the cleaning of dustbins soon when the garbage level reaches its
maximum. It will take power supply with the help of Piezoelectric Device .If the
dustbin is not cleaned in specific time, 37 then the record is sent to the Sweeper or
higher authority who can take appropriate action against the concerned contractor.
This system also helps to monitor the fake reports and hence can reduce the
corruption in the overall management system. This reduces the total number of
trips of garbage collection vehicle and hence reduces the overall expenditure
associated with the garbage collection. It ultimately helps to keep cleanliness in
the society. Therefore, the Smart dustbin using Arduino with GSM and GPS
module makes the garbage collection more efficient.
Smart dustbin using Arduino with GSM and GPS module helps us to reduce
the pollution. Many times garbage dustbin is overflow and many animals like dog
or cow enters inside or near the dustbin. Also some birds are also trying to take
out garbage from dustbin. This project can avoid such situations. And the
message can be sent directly to the cleaning vehicle instead of the contractor’s
office. Apart from this, differentiation can be made between dry trash 39 bin and
wet trash bin collecting plastic dry waste and biodegradable waste respectively.
To implement this methane and smell sensors can be used. This helps in
distinguishing the waste at the source and hence reducing the requirement of
manpower. To enhance it further, an automated system can be developed which is
able to pick up waste in and around the bin, segregate them and put them in
respective bins.
8.1 BOOKS:
1. https://www.arduino.cc/
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yrP1CZN3Ds
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yrP1CZN3Ds
4. https://www.electronicshub.org/smart-dustbin-using-arduino/
5. https://www.arrow.com/en/research-and-events/articles/ultrasonic-
6. https://mechatrofice.com/arduino/send-gps-location-via-sms
9 Voltage 7812/7805 10 2 20
10 Capacitor 1000uF/25v 3 1 3
11 Resistors 220Ω 1 5 5
12 Diode 1N4007 3 5 15
13 Switch - 10 1 10
14 LED 3.3V/20mA 3 5 15
15 Connector - 10 3 30
- TOTAL - - - 3083