Formula Sheet

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Factors and Zeros of Polynomials

Let p共x兲  an x n  an1x n1  . . .  a1x  a0 be a polynomial. If p共a兲  0, then a is a zero of the
polynomial and a solution of the equation p共x兲  0. Furthermore, 共x  a兲 is a factor of the polynomial.

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

An nth degree polynomial has n (not necessarily distinct) zeros. Although all of these
zeros may be imaginary, a real polynomial of odd degree must have at least one real zero.

Quadratic Formula
If p共x兲  ax 2  bx  c, and 0  b2  4ac, then the real zeros of p are x  共b ± 冪b2  4ac兲兾2a.

Special Factors
x 2  a 2  共x  a兲共x  a兲 x 3  a 3  共x  a兲共x 2  ax  a 2兲
x 3  a3  共x  a兲共x 2  ax  a 2兲 x 4  a 4  共x 2  a 2兲共x 2  a 2兲

Binomial Theorem
共x  y兲2  x 2  2xy  y 2 共x  y兲2  x 2  2xy  y 2
共x  y兲3  x 3  3x 2y  3xy 2  y 3 共x  y兲3  x 3  3x 2y  3xy 2  y 3
共x  y兲4  x 4  4x 3y  6x 2y 2  4xy3  y 4 共x  y兲4  x 4  4x 3y  6x 2y 2  4xy 3  y 4
n共n  1兲 n2 2 . . .
共x  y兲n  x n  nx n1y  x y   nxy n1  y n
n共n  1兲 n2 2 . . .
共x  y兲n  x n  nx n1y  x y  ± nxy n1  y n

Rational Zero Theorem

If p共x兲  an x n  a n1x n1  . . .  a1x  a0 has integer coefficients, then every
rational zero of p is of the form x  r兾s, where r is a factor of a0 and s is a factor of an.

Factoring by Grouping
acx 3  adx 2  bcx  bd  ax 2共cx  d兲  b共cx  d兲  共ax 2  b兲共cx  d兲

Arithmetic Operations
a c ad  bc ab a b
ab  ac  a共b  c兲    
b d bd c c c

冢ab冣 a d ad 冢冣a
 冢 冣冢 冣 
b a a ac
冢d冣 b c bc
c c bc
冢冣 b

ab ba ab  ac
a冢 冣 
b ab
c c cd dc a
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Exponents and Radicals

a0  1, a  0 共ab兲 x  a xb x a xa y  a xy 冪a  a1兾2  a xy n a  a1兾n


冢ab冣 冪ab  冪
x ax 1 n a
 n am  am兾n
冪 ax  n ab  冪
冪 n a冪
n b 共ax兲y  a xy n
bx ax 冪
n b

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Triangle Sector of Circular Ring
h  a sin  c a
共 p  average radius, p
Area  bh
1 θ w  width of ring, θ
2 b  in radians兲 w
(Law of Cosines)
Area   pw
c2  a 2  b2  2ab cos 

Right Triangle Ellipse

(Pythagorean Theorem) a Area  ab b
c2  a 2  b2
冪a b
2 2
b Circumference ⬇ 2
Equilateral Triangle Cone
冪3 s 共A  area of base兲
h h
2 s s Ah
冪3s2 h Volume  A
Area  3

Parallelogram Right Circular Cone

Area  bh r 2h
h Volume  r
b Lateral Surface Area  r冪r2  h2

Trapezoid a Frustum of Right Circular Cone r

h 共r 2  rR  R 2兲h s
Area  共a  b兲 h b Volume 
2 3 h R
b h
Lateral Surface Area  s共R  r兲

Circle Right Circular Cylinder r

Area  r 2 r Volume  r 2h
Circumference  2 r Lateral Surface Area  2 rh

Sector of Circle Sphere

共 in radians兲 4
Volume  r 3
r2 3 r
Area  θ
2 r Surface Area  4 r 2
s  r

Circular Ring Wedge

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共 p  average radius, 共A  area of upper face, A

w  width of ring兲 p w B  area of base兲
Area  共R 2  r 2兲 R A  B sec  θ
 2 pw B

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Basic Differentiation Rules

d d d
1. 关cu兴  cu 2. 关u ± v兴  u ± v 3. 关uv兴  uv  vu
dx dx dx
vu  uv
d u d d n
4.  5. 关c兴  0 6. 关u 兴  nu n1u
dx v v2 dx dx
d d u d u
关x兴  1 8.
关u兴ⱍⱍ u
共u 兲, u  0
关ln u兴 
d u d u d u
10. 关e 兴  eu u 11. 关loga u兴  12. 关a 兴  共ln a兲au u
dx dx 共ln a兲u dx
d d d
13. 关sin u兴  共cos u兲u 14. 关cos u兴   共sin u兲u 15. 关tan u兴  共sec2 u兲u
dx dx dx
d d d
16. 关cot u兴   共csc2 u兲u 17. 关sec u兴  共sec u tan u兲u 18. 关csc u兴   共csc u cot u兲u
dx dx dx
d u d u d u
19. 关arcsin u兴  20. 关arccos u兴  21. 关arctan u兴 
dx 冪1  u2 dx 冪1  u2 dx 1  u2
d u d u d u
22. 关arccot u兴  23. 关arcsec u兴  24. 关arccsc u兴 
dx 1  u2 dx u 冪u2  1 ⱍⱍ dx u 冪u2  1 ⱍⱍ
d d d
25. 关sinh u兴  共cosh u兲u 26. 关cosh u兴  共sinh u兲u 27. 关tanh u兴  共sech2 u兲u
dx dx dx
d d d
28. 关coth u兴   共csch2 u兲u 29. 关sech u兴   共sech u tanh u兲u 30. 关csch u兴   共csch u coth u兲u
dx dx dx
d u d u d u
31. 关sinh1 u兴  32. 关cosh1 u兴  33. 关tanh1 u兴 
dx 冪u2  1 dx 冪u2  1 dx 1  u2
d u d u d u
34. 关coth1 u兴  35. 关sech1 u兴  36. 关csch1 u兴 
dx 1  u2 dx u冪1  u2 dx u 冪1  u2 ⱍⱍ
Basic Integration Formulas

1. 冕 kf 共u兲 du  k f 共u兲 du 冕 2. 冕 关 f 共u兲 ± g共u兲兴 du  冕 f 共u兲 du ± 冕 g共u兲 du

3. 冕 du  u  C 4. 冕 u n du 
u n1
 C, n  1

5. 冕 du
 ln u  C ⱍⱍ 6. 冕 eu du  eu  C

7. 冕 au du 
ln a 冢 冣
au  C 8. 冕 sin u du  cos u  C

9. 冕 cos u du  sin u  C 10. 冕 tan u du  ln cos u  C ⱍ ⱍ

11. 冕 cot u du  ln sin u  C ⱍ ⱍ 12. 冕 ⱍ
sec u du  ln sec u  tan u  C ⱍ
13. 冕 csc u du  ln csc u  cot u  Cⱍ ⱍ 14. 冕 sec2 u du  tan u  C

15. 冕 csc2 u du  cot u  C 16. 冕 sec u tan u du  sec u  C

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17. 冕 csc u cot u du  csc u  C 18. 冕 冪a2  u2

du u
C  arcsin

19. 冕 a2
u 2
 arctan  C
20. 冕 du
u冪u  a
2 2
C ⱍⱍ

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Definition of the Six Trigonometric Functions

Right triangle definitions, where 0 <  < 兾2. y

opp hyp
po t e nus
e sin  
opp (− 12 , 23 ) π (0, 1) ( 12 , 23 )
θ cos  
hyp (− 22 , 22 ) 3π 23π 2 π3 π ( 22 , 22 )
hyp adj 120° 60°
adj (− 23 , 12) 56π 4150°135° 45°
4 π
6 ( 2
, )
3 1
adj opp
0° 0
Circular function definitions, where  is any angle. (− 1, 0) π 180° 360° 2π (1, 0)

y y r
sin   csc   210° 330°
(x, y)
r = x2 + y2 r y (− 23 , − 12) 76π 5π 225°240° 300°315°7π 116π ( 23 , − 21)
x r
θ cos  
x (− 22 , − 22 ) 4 43π 270° 32π 53π 4 ( 22 , − 22 )
(− 12 , − 23 ) (0, − 1) ( 2 , − 2 )
1 3

Reciprocal Identities Double-Angle Formulas

1 1 1 sin 2u  2 sin u cos u
sin x  sec x  tan x 
csc x cos x cot x cos 2u  cos2 u  sin2 u  2 cos2 u  1  1  2 sin2 u
1 1 1 2 tan u
csc x  cos x  cot x  tan 2u 
sin x sec x tan x 1  tan2 u
Quotient Identities Power-Reducing Formulas
sin x cos x 1  cos 2u
tan x  cot x  sin2 u 
cos x sin x 2
1  cos 2u
Pythagorean Identities cos u 
sin2 x  cos2 x  1 1  cos 2u
tan2 u 
1  tan2 x  sec2 x 1  cot2 x  csc2 x 1  cos 2u
Cofunction Identities Sum-to-Product Formulas
sin冢2  x冣  cos x cos冢2  x冣  sin x sin u  sin v  2 sin冢u 2 v冣 cos冢u 2 v冣
uv uv
sin u  sin v  2 cos冢 冣 sin冢
2 冣
csc冢  x冣  sec x tan冢  x冣  cot x 2
2 2
uv uv
cos u  cos v  2 cos冢
2 冣
2 冣
sec冢  x冣  csc x cot冢  x冣  tan x
2 2
uv uv
cos u  cos v  2 sin冢 冣 sin冢
Even/Odd Identities 2 2 冣
sin共x兲  sin x cos共x兲  cos x Product-to-Sum Formulas
csc共x兲  csc x tan共x兲  tan x 1
sec共x兲  sec x cot共x兲  cot x sin u sin v  关cos共u  v兲  cos共u  v兲兴
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Sum and Difference Formulas cos u cos v  关cos共u  v兲  cos共u  v兲兴

sin共u ± v兲  sin u cos v ± cos u sin v 2
cos共u ± v兲  cos u cos v sin u sin v sin u cos v  关sin共u  v兲  sin共u  v兲兴
tan u ± tan v
tan共u ± v兲  1
1 tan u tan v cos u sin v  关sin共u  v兲  sin共u  v兲兴

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