Tramadol Drug Study

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Republic of the Philippines

Cebu Normal University

Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837
Email: [email protected]


Patient’s Initials: ________H. K._______ Date of Admission: ______April 12, 2023_____ Diagnosis: _____________________________N/A_____________________________________
Age: _________60 years old_________ Height: ____N/A____ Weight.: ____N/A______ Clinical Intervention: ______________________N/A____________________________________
Sex: ___________Male_____________ Ward: _____ER____ Bed No.: _____N/A_____ Name of Physician: _________________________N/A__________________________________

Drug Information Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindications Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Generic Name: Pharmacologic Pharmacodynamics or General Hypersensitivity; CV: vasodilation Before Drug Administration:
Tramadol HCl Classification: Mechanism of Action: Indication/s: Patients under the CNS: anxiety, confusion, ● Perform a physical assessment to establish
Central analgesics Binding of parent and M1 Indicated for the influence of alcohol, coordination disturbance, baseline data for determining the
Trade Name: metabolite to μ-opioid management of hypnotics and other euphoria, miosis, effectiveness of therapy and the occurrence
Ultram receptors and weak moderate to CNS acting drugs nervousness, sleep of any potential adverse effect
inhibition of re-uptake of moderately severe disorder ● Use appropriate pain scales (visual analogue
Minimum Dose: norepinephrine and pain in adults GI: abdominal pain, scales, others) to document whether this
50 mg serotonin anorexia, flatulence drug is successful in helping manage the
MS: hypertonia patient's pain
Maximum Dose: Therapeutic Skin: rash ● Check drug history to avoid adverse
400 mg Classification: Pharmacokinetics: Patient’s GU: urinary frequency, drug-drug interactions
Analgesics (Opioid) Absorption: PO: Indication: urinary retention ● Assess if patient has allergy to the
Patient’s Dose: approximately 75% is To treat moderate Others: lightheadedness, medication
50 mg 1 tab BID well absorbed to severe pain in dizziness, or fainting, ● Assess the patient’s renal and liver function,
Distribution: Binding of the left knee weakness, age-related including renal and liver function tests
Route: tramadol to human liver, kidney, heart, or ● Assess any incoordination or increased
PO plasma proteins is lung problems muscle tone. Report any coordination
approximately 20% and problems or hypertonia that might impair
Frequency: binding also appears to function or increase the risk of falls.
1 tab BID be independent of
concentration up to 10
Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837
Email: [email protected]

Drug Information Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindications Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Availability/Form: Metabolism: Ave During Drug Administration:
Cap 50 mg x 100’s. half-life: approximately 7 ● Administer drug as indicated
Retard tab 100 mg x hours ● Help patient explore other nonpharmacologic
30’s. Dispersible tab Excretion: Approximately methods to reduce chronic pain, such as
50 mg x 30’s. Inj 30% of the dose is relaxation techniques, exercise, counseling,
(amp) 50 mg/mL x excreted in the urine as and so forth
10’s unchanged drug, ● Guard against falls and trauma (hip fractures,
whereas 60% of the dose head injury). Implement fall-prevention
Contents: is excreted as strategies, especially if patient exhibits
Contains 50 mg of metabolites sedation, dizziness, or blurred vision
hydrochloride and is
white in color. After Drug Administration:
Inactive ingredients ● Monitor patient’s response closely
in the tablet are ● Advise patient that centrally acting analgesics
pregelatinized corn are usually more effective if given before pain
starch, modified becomes severe; emphasize that adequate
starch (corn), pain control will allow better participation in
hypromellose, physical therapy
lactose, magnesium ● Educate patient about the dangers of
stearate, overdose; encourage patient to adhere to
microcrystalline proper dosing schedule
cellulose, ● Emphasize that the risk of physical addiction
polyethylene glycol, (tolerance and dependence) is usually
polysorbate 80, minimal during short-term treatment of pain.
sodium starch Advise patient that addiction is more likely
glycolate, titanium during excessive or inappropriate use of
centrally acting analgesics
Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837
Email: [email protected]

Drug Information Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindications Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities
dioxide and ● Advise patient to avoid alcohol and other
carnauba wax CNS depressants because of the increased
risk of sedation and decreased CNS function
● Advise patient to increase fluid intake

References (at least 2):

Tramadol | Davis's Drug Guide for Rehabilitation Professionals | F.A. Davis PT Collection | McGraw Hill Medical. (n.d.). F.A. Davis PT Collection. Retrieved April 22, 2023, from

Tramadol (Oral Route) Side Effects. (n.d.). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved April 22, 2023, from

ULTRAM (tramadol hydrochloride) Tablets. (2008). Retrieved April 22, 2023, from


Republic of the Philippines
Cebu Normal University
Osmeña Blvd., Cebu City, 6000, Philippines

College of Nursing
Telephone No.: (+63 32) 254 4837
Email: [email protected]

Student Name: ____Madaeah Zoei R. Dagondon______ Year/Section: _______2B________ Date: __April 22, 2023___ Score: ___/30

Directions: Please select the appropriate rating using the following descriptions.

Element Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement Comments

Drug ☐ Accurately presented all of the patient and drug information ☐ Accurately presented most of the patient and drug ☐ Accurately presented some of the patient and drug information
Information (name [brand & generic], dosage [patient’s dose; min. & max], information related to the case. 1 missing information or error related to the case. 2 or more missing information or errors noted.
(10%) frequency, route, availability, contents) related to the case. [3] noted. [2] [1]

Classification ☐ Accurately presented the classification (therapeutic and ☐ Accurately presented the classification related to the drug ☐ Inaccurately presented the classification related to the drug.
(10%) pharmacologic) related to the drug. [3] but with 1 irrelevant information or error noted. [2] Classification is not relevant to the drug. [1]

☐ Accurately presented the indication/s (general & ☐ Accurately presented the indication/s related to the drug ☐ Inaccurately presented the indication/s related to the drug.
Indication (10%)
patient-specific) related to the drug. [3] but with 1 irrelevant information or error noted. [2] Indication is not relevant to the drug. [1]
Mechanism of ☐ Accurately presented the mechanism of action ☐ Accurately presented the mechanism of action of the drug ☐ Inaccurately presented the mechanism of action of the drug.
Action (10%) (pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics) of the drug. [3] but with 1 irrelevant information or error noted. [2] Mechanism of action is not relevant to the drug. [1]
☐ Accurately presented all of the common contraindications ☐ Accurately presented most of the common ☐ Accurately presented some of the common contraindications
Contraindicatio related to the drug. [3] contraindications related to the drug. 1 missing information related to the drug. 2 or more missing information or errors noted.
n (10%) or error noted. [2] [1]
☐ Accurately presented all of the common side effects related to ☐ Accurately presented most of the common side effects ☐ Accurately presented some of the common side effects related
Side Effects
the drug. [3] related to the drug. 1-2 missing information or errors noted. to the drug. 3 or more missing information or errors noted. [1]
Nursing ☐ Accurately presented all of the common nursing ☐ Accurately presented most of the common nursing ☐ Accurately presented some of the common nursing
Responsibilities responsibilities (before, during, and after) related to the drug. [9] responsibilities related to the drug. 1-2 missing information responsibilities related to the drug. 3 or more missing information
(30%) or errors noted. [7] or errors noted. [3]
☐ Presented at least 2 sources that are updated (within 5 years), ☐ Presented only one source that is updated (within 5 years), ☐ No source was presented. Sources are not updated (more than 5
relevant, and credible. [3] relevant, and credible. Other sources are not updated, credible years), relevant, and credible. [1]
(10%) or relevant. [2]
Sub-score = ____ = ____ = ____

Evaluated by:
__________Vincent C. Pananganan__________
Signature over Printed Name of Clinical Instructor

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