Player's Guide

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The document provides background information about a cursed region called Illmire that is said to contain lost ruins and treasures but also many dangers like monsters and natural hazards. A group including the protagonist are traveling by caravan to explore the region.

The town on the edge of the swamps is called Illmire, and it is home mostly to gecko trappers, loggers, farmers and fishermen.

The iconic mountain peak near Illmire is called 'The Klepperhorn'.

Welcome to Illmire


One day, while taking shelter from a sudden storm at a roadside tavern, you found
yourself overhearing an old man telling tales of amazing treasures hidden away in
lost ruins out in some distant swamp. At first, you and the other tavern patrons
paid little mind to the geezer’s ramblings, but the more you listened to him, the
more you realized that he was sincere, and this caught your interest.
He told of a place called Illmire, a boggy wetland off the King’s Highway. There,
in that forsaken swamp, await forgotten ruins full of gold, ready for brave folks
explore and uncover. But it is a dangerous land, teaming with monstrous beasts,
natural hazards, and other deadly threats. Those who do go searching for the gold
are likely to never return. But some do, and when they do, they go home rich.
Down on your luck and hoping to find an opportunity adventure, you could not
resist. And so you a bunch of other desperate souls decided to travel to this place
and prove, once and for all, if the treasure is truly real. You formed a caravan, and
together you’ve set off for this distant, monster-haunted swamp in search of gold
and glory.
Before hitting the road, you may have taken some time to pick the brain of the old
man in that tavern, that rainy evening. If so, here are some details about the area
of Illmire that you recall:
▶ A town that shares of the name of the region sits on the edge of the swamps.
It’s mostly gecko trappers, loggers, farmers, and fishermen.
▶ The town itself is not well known, but the nearby, iconic mountain peak known
as “The Klepperhorn” is somewhat famous and you’ve heard of it before.
▶ The region is mostly swampland, but the swamp is nestled between the
Whitepine Mountains and the Redthorn Forest.
▶ The mountains are full of giants and winged beasts. There is also an active
volcano said to be the home of dwarves.
▶ The mayor of the town goes by the name of Crellmont. He is well-respected
and may be a good contact there for anyone looking for work.
▶ People say the area was cursed by ancient evils. Ruins are strewn about the
area and folks have been getting sick lately.
▶ Parts of the forest are said to be haunted and infested with giant bugs.
▶ The militia is always looking for swords for hire.


And so it was that you set out on the King’s Highway in search of adventure in
the mysterious land known as Illmire. A long line of wagons, pulled by donkeys
and oxen, stretched along the road carrying a variety of travelers. It was a bumpy
ride over cobblestone road that passed through several forests, hilly regions, and
through a mountain pass.
During the time along the road, you’ve had the chance to talk with several curious
folks in the caravan. Below are some ways you may have interacted, what might
have come of it.
You had some sort of significant experience on the road.
Roll 1d12:
1. Lost front teeth in a fight. 2. Found religion (pick a new god).
3. Learned to pick locks. 4. Was asked to join a cult.
5. Got robbed (lose all money held). 6. Learned a new language (pick one).
7. Went into debt (3d6x10gp debt). 8. Lost an eye.
9. Changed alignment. 10. Stole some worth 1d6x100gp.
11. Heard an extra rumor (ask Referee). 12. Won some money (3d6x10gp).

At some point along the way, you had the opportunity to trade with a few folks.
Roll on the following tables to see how it turned out for you.
Bartering Experience. Roll 1d6:
1: Swindled! Lose an item of your choice but gain 30xp.
2: Raw deal. You gain nothing of value.
3-4: Average barter. Lose an item of your choice and roll one from the list below.
5: Good deal. Roll a item from the list below that you obtain.
6: That’s a steal. Choose an item from the list and gain 1d12gp too.
Bartering Item List. Roll 1d20:
1: A strange coin. 2: Five days of rations. 3: Silver dagger.
4: Rope with grapple. 5: Oilskin bag. 6: Fine lantern.
7. Heavy winter cloak. 8: Old, dusty book. 9: Pair of sturdy boots.
10: Sledgehammer. 11: Bag of mushrooms. 12: Peculiar portrait.
13: Pound of dry meat. 14: Full wineskin. 15: Carrier pigeon.
16: Fine lute. 17: Set of lockpicks. 18: False-bottom backpack.
19: Tamed snake. 20: Silvered sword.
It’s possible you have other reasons to head to Illmire. You may have tagged along
on the caravan since it was heading to your destination anyways. If you
▶ Anyone may have an old friend or distant relative who lives in Illmire. If so, it’s
possible they’ve sent you a letter, inviting you visit.
▶ If you’re a lawful-aligned cleric, you may have been sent to check on the
local priestess, Nivendra, who serves at the Temple of the Luminal Star.
▶ If you’re a fighter or other warrior, you may be seeking out work for the
militia, and have heard that Sergeant Wilfret is a honorable leader.
▶ If you’re a dwarf, you may be heading to visit your cousin’s famed fortress in
the volcano known as The Obsidian Forge.
▶ If you’re an elf, you may have been sent by your elders to seek out a stolen elf
artifact known as The Lunar Sapphire, a powerful and sacred object.
▶ If you’re a thief, you may have been sent by a thiefs guild to deliver a message
to local thief called Malstern.
▶ If you’re a druid, you may have received a summons from a member of your
circle. They are in urgent need of aid, and warn of potential treachery.
▶ If you’re an assassin, you may have secretly been sent by your clan to kill
another dangerous assassin who may be operating in the area.
▶ If you’re a magic-user, you may have been sent to investigate rumors of a
local sorcerer in the area who may be a potent ally your school.
▶ If you’re a knight, you may be a relative of the aging Lord-Mayor Crellmont,
heading finish your squireship under his command.

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