AgriCrop10 Q3 W4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Benguet National High School Annex-Puguis
Division of Benguet
La Trinidad District




Subject Agri-Crop Grade 10 Quarter 3 Week 4

MELC: Transplant Seedlings following the right recommendation.

Competency Code: TLE_AFAC9-12PV-IIIa-j-3

Name ____________________________ Section ___________ Date _______

School ____________________________ District: ___________________________


For the Teacher: Advise the students to read the reading and discussion portion
before they attempt to answer the practice exercises. Going through the parts
sequentially will help them understand the topic easily.

For the Learner: Read through the self-learning home task from the first part to
the last part. Doing so, will help you understand better the topic.

For the Parent/Home Tutor: Assist your child and make sure that he/she reads
the self-learning home task from beginning to end to ensure proper understanding
of the concepts.

***As an evidence that you have read and understood the instructions in the
GUIDE kindly affix your signature below, confirmed by the signature of your
parent/ guardian.

Parent/ Guardian's Name and Signature


Learners Name and Signature

A. Readings/Discussions
Transplanting Vegetable Seedlings

After the soil has been prepared, the next activity is to transplant seedlings. Seedlings are
considered ready to be transplanted when they are sturdy enough to withstand field conditions.
While still in the seedbed or container in a confined area, they are carefully guarded against
environmental stresses.

The age or size of the seedling at the time of transplanting is very important. Generally, the
smaller the seedling, the easier it is to transplant and the quicker its recovery.

When several seedlings are grown in seed boxes where the root zone is shallow, blocking is
practiced one week before transplanting as a preparation for transplanting. A knife is passed
along the row and between plants so that a seedling is confined to a block. The process cuts all
the roots along the path of the knife. Regeneration occurs mostly within the blocked area.
Thereby, it is expected that root destruction at transplanting will be less.

According to Bautista (1977), hardening can be done in several ways and should be started 7-
10 days before transplanting. It is a continuous process ending when the seedlings are set in
the field. One way of hardening is to expose plants gradually to strong sunlight and to
withhold water to make the plant wilt temporarily but not allowing it to lapse into a state of
permanent wilting.

Characteristics of Good Quality Seedlings

1. Uniform in growth

2. Healthy and sturdy

3. Free from diseases

4. Free from off-types

Why transplant vegetable seedlings?

● to allow sufficient space for stocky development of the plants

● to select good, healthy and sturdy seedlings

● to eliminate diseased and weak seedlings

When to Transplant Seedlings?

The best time to transplant seedlings is just before or after a rain, provided the soil can be
worked and during cloudy days. During sunny days, transplanting should be done late in the
afternoon to lessen transplanting shock and to hasten seedling recovery.

Rules in Transplanting

Keep the newly uprooted seedlings from direct sunlight.

● Keep the roots moist and the tops dry while transferring the seedlings.

● Keep as much soil on the roots as possible.

● Settle the soil around the roots when watering.

● Handle seedlings carefully to avoid damage.

● Transplant late in the afternoon or on a cloudy day and shade the seedlings.

Steps in Transplanting Vegetable Seedlings

1. Water the seedlings a day before transplanting.

2. Uproot the desired number of seedlings to be planted.

3. Dig a hole big enough to receive the root system without bending it into the space.

4. Plant one seedling per hill.

5.Cover the roots properly and the shoot apex should be higher than the ground level of the
bed or the soil should not cover the first leaves after planting

6. Press the soil after planting to have better contacts of the roots with the soil.

7. Irrigate the transplanted seedlings.

8. If necessary, provide the seedlings a temporary shade for at least 3 – 4 days for faster
Planting Distance of Transplanted Seedlings

Proper spacing between rows and hills is important to allow growth of plants, ease of
cultivation, and efficient use of space. Generally, the depth of planting depends on the kinds of
crop and size of the seedling. Recommended distance of planting, depth of planting, and rate
of seeding of selected vegetable crops is shown in the table below.

Table 9. Distance of planting, depth of planting, and rate of seeding of selected vegetable
crops according to Canare et. al (2012).

Crop Distance of Planting Depth of Planting Rate of Seedling

(cm) (per hill)
Row (cm) Hill (cm)

Tomato 100 75 2-3 1

Eggplant 100 75 2-3 1

Pepper 100 75 2-3 1

Pechay 15 15 2-3 1

Cabbage 75 40 2-3 1

Carrot 15 15 2-3 1

Cauli Flower 35 30 2-3 1

Radish 20 15 2-3 1

Onion 15 15 2-3 1

Mustard 15 15 2-3 1

Lettuce 20 20 2-3 1
B. Exercises

Exercise 1: (Discussion Points)

Direction: Answer the following questions comprehensively yet concisely.

What do you know about transplanting vegetable seedlings?

1. When do you say that the seedlings are ready for transplanting?


2. How would you describe quality seedlings?


3. What are the materials needed in transplanting?


4. What are the steps in transplanting vegetable seedlings?


Exercise 2: (Work Me Out)

Direction: Arrange the steps in transplanting by writing them in chronological order.

____ Water the transplant with the use of a sprinkler or water hose with fine spray.

____ Dig the holes big enough to accommodate the root system with the use of appropriate

____ If necessary, provide a temporary shade to the newly transplanted seedlings for a few
days until the plants can withstand the heat of the sun.

____Cover root system with fine moist soil and press it down a little to bring the soil in
contact with the roots.

____Water the seedlings 24 hours before transplanting.

____Set the seedlings in the prepared holes.

____Uproot the seedlings with the aid of a dibble.

C. Assessment/Application/Outputs
Direction: Matching Type: Directions: Match the items in Column A with the items in
Column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the blanks provided for.


1. Transplanting time______ a. young plant that emerged from a seed

2. Hardening_____ b. small-seeded vegetables

3. Quality seedlings_____ c. transplanting tool

4. Hand trowel_____ d. 1-2 weeks before transplanting

5. Temporary shade_____ e. eliminates diseased and weak seedlings

6. Seedlings_____ f. late in the afternoon

7. Rate of seeding_____ g. products are handled with extra care

8. Transplanted vegetable h. one seed per hill


9. Principle of TLC_____ i. healthy and sturdy

10. Advantage of transplanting____ j. newly transplanted seedlings

D. Suggested Enrichment/Reinforcement Activity/ies.

Directions: Make use of your own vegetable garden at home. Raised eggplant
seeds in your garden. If the seeds are already germinated (use disposable
cups in sowing your seeds), perform transplanting. Make sure that the
seedlings are watered thoroughly 24 hours before transplanting. Take
pictures as your documentation for this performance.

Factors to consider in Transplanting Excellent Good Fair Poor

Watered the plants 24 hours before


Dug holes wide and deep enough to

accommodate the roots

Selected healthy seedlings

Uproot the seedlings with the aid of

a dibble

Set the seedlings properly and

covered the root with fine soil

Rate of planting is followed

Depth of planting is observed

Watered the transplants thoroughly

Provided temporary cover to the

transplants if deemed necessary

Note: Use separate sheet if needed.



Agricultural Crops Production NC II Competency Based Learning Materials

Technology and livelihood Education Horticulture NCII Grade 10
CBLM of Tech-Voc Schools. Perform Direct Planting and Transplanting.
In: Produce Vegetable Crops.

Prepared by:


Approved by:


Head Teacher III
Teacher In Charge

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