2022 Dat Ucsp

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SY 2022-2023

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics

Directions: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. You find the subject Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics interesting, and you love engaging
yourself in the study of gender divide, social stratification, and deviance. Which among the social science
discipline careers is your interest closely related?
A. Anthropology B. Economic Political Analysis
C. Political Analysis D. Sociology

2. Experts in Anthropology are called Anthropologists. If you were one, which of the following questions
would you find interesting?
1. When, where, and how did humans evolve?
2. How do people adapt to different environments?
3. How does Facebook and Instagram influence human behavior?
A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 D. 1, 2, and 3

3. When the leaders of a country lose power and a new type of governance is introduced, then political
change happens. Which one best exemplifies political change?
1. The appointment of Mr. Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. as the new president of the Philippines.
2. The replacement of the Schools Division Superintendent by the new leader.
3. The signing of an ordinance by the city mayor on the use of helmets while driving a motorbike.
A. 1 B. 1 and 2 C. 1 and 3 D. 1, 2, and 3

4. Cultural, social, and political change is inevitable in all walks of life. What type of change is being
shown in the pictures below?

A. Cultural Change B. Political Change C. Social Change D. Psychological Change

5. Everytime we try to understand the cultural practices of other groups in their own cultural context, we
also try to practice cultural relativism. Which of the following statements is an example of cultural
A. Left side driving is more practical than right side driving.
B. Wearing a lip plate is a sign of pride and beauty for other women.
C. Balut is more delicious than century egg.
D. Divorce is acceptable in the United Kingdom, but never in the Philippines.

6. Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, law, attitude, morals, beliefs, tradition,
language, and other capabilities acquired by man. Which statement is true about culture?
1. It is the way of life of members of a society.
2. It is the same around the world.
3. It is acquired through socialization.
A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 D. 1, 2, and 3

7. To ensure the continuity of one’s culture, knowledge, laws, morals, beliefs, skills, and traditions
should be passed on to the next generation. Which of the following scenarios support enculturation to
A. Fruit vendors restricting their four children from eating local fruits.
B. A singer encouraging his two sons to sing foreign songs.
C. Parents who train their children self-defense using Arnis.
D. A Filipino subject teacher encouraging her child to learn only the English language.

8. The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression (SOGIE) Equality Bill, also known as the Anti-
Discrimination Bill (ADB) is a bill that was proposed by the Congress of the Philippines. What is the
intention of this bill?
A. Address the issue of sexual harassment committed in employment.
B. Expand the benefits and privileges of persons with disability.
C. Prevent acts of discrimination against people based on their sexual orientation.
D. Promote the education of the blind in the Philippines.

9. The term “Income Inequality” is exemplified by an uneven distribution of income throughout a group
of workers or population. Which among the following is not a top solution to income inequality?
A. Job creation B. Reciprocity C. Redistribution D. Social welfare policy

10. Deviance is the non-conformity or violation of the standards of conduct, expectations, or norms of a
particular group or society. Which scenario shows deviance?
1. A male student attending his graduation ceremony not wearing the prescribed toga.
2. A female student not wearing skimpy shorts and dyed hair in the campus.
A. 1 B. 2 C. Both 1 and 2 D. Neither 1 nor 2

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