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Mole: Mole is the measurement in chemistry.

It is used
to express the amount of a chemical substance.
One mole is defined as the amount of substance of a
system which contains as many entities like, atoms,
molecules and ions as there are atoms in 12 grams of
carbon - 12".

Avogadro number: The number of the particles present

in one mole of any substance is equal to 6.022x10 23. This
is called avogadro’s number or avogadro’s constant.

Number of particles in 1 mole:

1 mole of hydrogen atoms represents 6.022 ×
1023 hydrogen atoms.
1 mole of hydrogen molecules represents 6.022 ×
1023 hydrogen molecules.
1 mole of water molecules represents 6.022 × 1023 water
Atomic mass: The atomic mass of an element is the mass
of one atom of that element in atomic mass units or (u).

Atomic mass unit (amu): 1/12th of the mass of an atom

of carbon-12 is called atomic mass unit. It is a unit of
mass used to express atomic masses and molecular

Molar mass: The molar mass of an element is equal to

the numerical value of the atomic mass. However, in case
of molar mass, the units change from ‘u’ to ‘g’. The molar
mass of an atom is also known as gram atomic mass.
For example, the atomic mass of carbon =12 atomic mass
units. So, the gram atomic mass of carbon = 12 grams.

Molecular mass of the molecule: The sum of the atomic

masses of all the atoms in a molecule of a substance is
called the molecular mass of the molecule.

Molecular mass - calculation: Generally, we use relative

atomic masses of atoms for calculating the molecular
mass of 1 mole of any molecular or ionic substances.
Example: Molecular mass of H2SO4
Atomic mass of Hydrogen = 1 Atomic mass of sulphur =
Atomic mass of oxygen = 16
Molecular mass of H2SO4 = 2(Atomic mass of Hydrogen)
+ 1 (Atomic mass of sulphur) + 4 (Atomic mass of oxygen)
= 2×1 + 32 + 4× 16 = 98 u.

Calculation of molecular mass of hydrogen chloride:

Atomic mass of hydrogen + Atomic mass of chlorine = 1 +
35.5 = 36.5 u.

Formula unit mass: The formula unit mass of a

substance is the sum of the atomic masses of all atoms in
a formula unit of a compound. The term ‘formula unit’ is
used for those substances which are made up of ions.
Formula unit mass of NaCl: 1 X Atomic mass of Na + 1 X
Atomic mass of Cl
1x23 +1 x 35.5 = 58.5 atomic mass units.

Formula unit mass of ZnO:

= 1 X Atomic mass of Zn + 1 X Atomic mass O
= 1 X 65 + 1 X 16 = 81 u.

Avogadro's number, number of particles and moles -

conversion formulae:
Number of moles (n) = Given number of
particles (N) / Avogadro number (N0)

Example: Find the number of moles present in

24.088X1023 particles of carbon dioxide
1 mole of carbon dioxide contains 6.022x1023
Solution: The number of moles (n ) = Given number of
particles (N) / Avogadro number (N0).
24.088X1023 / 6.022x1023
= 4 moles.
Number of atoms (n) = Given mass (m) /
Molar mass (M) x Avogadro number (N 0)

Example: Calculate the number of atoms in 48g of Mg

Solution: Number of atoms (n) = Given mass (m) / Molar
mass (M) x Avogadro number (N0).
= 48/24 X
= 12.04
X1023 atoms.
Number of molecules (n) = Given mass (m) /
Molar mass (M) x Avogadro number (N0)

Example: Calculate the number of molecules in 3.6 g of

Solution: The molecular weight of H2O = 18
18g of water -
6.022x1023 molecules
3.6g of water -
6.022x1023 X 3.6/18
= 1.206 X
1022 molecules.
Number of particles (n) = Number of moles of
particles (n) x Avogadro number (N0)

Example: Calculate the number of atoms in 0.5 moles of

Solution: Number of atoms = 0.5 X 6.022x1023
= 3.0115 atoms

Extra problems:

1) Calculate the number of moles in 12g of oxygen gas

Ans: 32g of oxygen gas = 1 mole
12g of oxygen gas = ?
= 12 X 1 / 32 = 0.375 mole.

2) Calculate the number of moles present in 14g of carbon

monoxide .
Ans: 28g of CO = 1 mole
14g of CO = ?
= 14 X 1 / 28 = 1/2 = 0.5 mole.

3) Find the mass of 5 moles of aluminium atoms?

Ans: Atomic mass of aluminium atom = 27g
5 moles of aluminium atoms = 5 X 27g = 135 g.

4) Calculate the molar mass of sulphur.

Ans: Sulphur is a poly atomic molecule. It is made up of
8 sulphur atoms.
Atomic mass sulphur atom = 32 g.
Molar mass of sulphur = 8 X 32 = 256 g.

5) Calculate the mass of 0.2 mole of water molecules.

Ans: 1 mole of water molecules = 18g
0.2 mole of water molecules = ?
= 0.2 X 18 / 1 = 3.6 g.

6) Which has greater number of atoms, 100g of sodium or

100g of iron?
Atomic mass of Na = 23 u, Fe = 56 u.
Ans: 1 mole of substance contains the number of particles
= Avagadro's constant.
1 mole of Na = 23g
23g of Na contains - 6.023 X 1023 atoms
100g of Na Contains - ?
= 100 X 6.023 X 1023/23
= 4.3 X 6.023 X 1023 atoms.
1 mole of Fe = 56g
56g of Fe contains - 6.023 X 1023 atoms
100g of Fe contains - ?
= 100 X 6.023 X 1023/ 56
= 1.78 X 6.023 X 1023 atoms
Therefore, 100g of Na has greater number of atoms than
100 g of Fe.

7) How many atoms of oxygen are present in 300 grams

of CaCO3?
Ans: Molecular mass of calcium carbonate = 40 + 12 + 3 X
16 = 40 + 12 + 48 = 100g
1 mole of Calcium carbonate contains – 3 mole of oxygen
100 g of calcium carbonate contains - 3 X 6.023 X
1023 atoms
300g of calcium carbonate contains - ?
= 300 X 3 X 6.023 X 1023/100
= 54.207 X 1023 oxygen atoms.
8) The mass of one atom of an element 'A' is 2.65 X10 -
g. Calculate its atomic mass and name the element.
Ans: The mass of one atom of an element A = 2.65 X10 -
We know that 1 mole of an atom = 6.023 x 1023 atoms
1 mole of an atom = Its atomic weight
Mass of one atom of an element = 2.65X10-23 g
Mass of 6.023 x 1023 atoms of an element A = 2.65X10-
X6.023 x 1023
= 15.69 g
The element is oxygen.

9) Calculate the number moles of magnesium in 0.478g

of magnesium ?
Ans: Molecular weight of magnesium =24g
24g of magnesium = 1 mole
0.478g of magnesium = ?
= 0.478 X 1/24 = 0.019 mole.

10) In which of the following cases the number of

hydrogen atoms is more ? Two moles of HCl or one mole
of NH3.
Ans: Calculation of number of hydrogen atoms present
in 2 moles of HCl
1 mole of HCl contains 6.023X1023 molecules of HCl
2 moles of HCl contains 2 X
6.023X1023 = 12.046X1023 molecules of HCl
1 molecule of HCl contains 1 hydrogen atom
12.046X1023 molecules of HCl
contains12.046X1023 hydrogen atoms
Calculation of number of hydrogen atoms present in 1
mole of NH3
1 mole NH3 Contains 6.023X1023 molecules of NH3
1 molecule of NH3 contains 3 atoms of hydrogen
6.023X1023 molecules of NH3 contains 3X
6.023X1023 atoms of hydrogen
= 18.069 X1023 atoms of hydrogen
Number of hydrogen atoms present in 2 moles of HCl =
Number of hydrogen atoms present in 1 mole of NH3 =
18.069 X1023
Therefore, numbers of hydrogen atoms are more in 1
mole of NH3.

11) Find the number of oxygen atoms in 88g of CO2?

Ans: Molar mass of CO2 = 44 g/mol

Number of moles of CO2 present in 88g of CO2 = 88g/44g
= 2 moles
1 mole of CO2 contains 2 moles of Oxygen atoms.
2 moles of CO2 contains 4 moles of Oxygen atoms
1 mole of oxygen contains 6.023 X 1023 atoms of oxygen
4 moles of oxygen contains = 4 X 6.023 X 10 23
= 24.092 X 1023
= 2.4092 X 1024 atoms of oxygen
Therefore, 88g of CO2 Contains 2.4092 X 1024 atoms of
12) Calculate the number of water molecules contained
in a drop of water weighing 0.06g ?
Ans: 18g of water = 1 mole
0.06 g = ?
= 0.06/18 = 3.33 X 10-3 mole of water
1 mole of water contains - 6.022X1023 molecules of water
3.33 X 10-3 mole of water contains -----?
= 6.022X1023 X 3.33 X 10-3
= 2 X 1020 molecule of water
∴ 0.06g of water contains 2 X 1020 molecules of water.

13) Find the number of aluminium ions present in 0.051g

of aluminium oxide(Al2O3).
(Atomic masses: Al= 27u;O= 16u)
Ans: Molecular weight of Al2O3 = 102 g
102 g of Al2O3 contains 6.022X1023 molecules
0.051g of Al2O3 contain X number of molecules
X = 0.051 X 6.022X1023 /102 = 0.003 X 1020
X = 3 X 1020
1 molecule of Al2O3 contains – 2 Al+3ions
3 X 1020 molecules contains – 2 X 3 X 1020
= 6 X 1020 Al+3 ions
∴ 0.051 g of Al2O3 contains 6 X 1020 Al+3 ions.

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