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SUBHAM GUPTA (19101158016)

RAHUL JAHNAWI (19101158022)


MANISH KUMAR (19101158008)

YOG PRAKASH (19101158011)

MANISH KUMAR (19101158043)

Under the supervision of





1.1 History
1.2 Problem identification
1.3 Objective

Literature review

3.1 Bridge description
3.2 Bridge classification
3.3 Components of bridge
3.4 Load on bridge

Case study on Chenab Bridge
4.1 Chenab Bridge description
4.2 Background
4.3 Challenges
4.4 Design of Chenab Bridge
4.5 Location of Bridge
4.6 Sub structure of Chenab Bridge
4.7 Super structure of Chenab Bridge
4.8 Key Observation

5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Future scope for Bridge construction in Hilly areas

APRIL 2023


This is to certify that the dissertation titled “ An Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of
Cement with Brick Powder and Silica Fume ” which is being submitted by SUBHAM GUPTA , RAHUL
respectively for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Civil Department is a record of the student’s own work carried out at Department of
Civil Engineering, Government Engineering college Lakhisarai Bihar, under my supervision and
guidance. The matter embodied in this thesis has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any
other degree or diploma.


(Assistant professor)

Department of Civil Engineering

Government Engineering College Lakhisarai


We certify that

a. The work contained in this thesis is original and has been done by myself under the
general supervision of my supervisor.

b. The work has not been submitted to any other Institute for degree or diploma.

c. We have followed the Institute norms and guidelines and abide by the regulation as given
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d. Whenever We have used materials (data, theory and text) from other sources, we have
given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the thesis and giving their details in the
reference section.


We feel immense pleasure and privilege to express our deep sense of gratitude,
indebtedness and thankfulness towards our supervisor, PROF. RINA KUMARI Assistant
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, for her invaluable guidance, constant
supervision, continuous encouragement and support throughout this work. Her suggestions
and critical views have greatly helped us in successful completion of this work.

We also express our thanks to our beloved Principal DR. BIMLESH KUMAR for his
cooperation in completing our project.

We feel most obliged to our parents and all our family members for their affection and
constant support for our education and overall well-being.

Lastly, we express thanks to the Almighty for his generous blessings and giving us courage to
complete the project with great satisfaction.


Hilly region pose unique problem for bridge construction. In a restricted hilly area itself
climatic condition, geographical features and hydrological parameters affect considerably.
Keeping in view the bridge site and various constraints, type of bridges and method of
construction are to be selected carefully for safe, economical and successful completion of
bridges construction.

The construction of a bridge in hilly areas requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a
commitment to sustainable construction practices. By following best practices and taking a
proactive approach to environmental stewardship, it is possible to build a safe, durable, and
sustainable bridge that will serve the needs of the local community for years to come.



A Bridge is a structure build to span a valley, road, river, body of water, or any other physical

Hilly region pose unique problem for bridge construction. In a restricted hilly area itself
climatic conditions, geological features and hydrological parameters vary considerably.

Keeping in view the bridge site and various constraints, type of bridge and method of
construction are to be selected carefully for safe, economical and successful completion of

bridge construction.

1.1 History

• History of bridges begins with a tree log accidentally fallen across water courses.

• Natural rock arches formed due to erosion beneath. (Arch Bridge)

• Climbers suspended above a deep gorge. Hanging creepers from one tree (Banyan trees)
to other, by tying a bunch of long creepers with the trees situated on either side of water

Fig 1.1-Natural bridges


Geological challenges ( Land Slide ) :

Hilly areas often have complex geological formations that can make bridge construction
difficult. The terrain may be steep, rocky, or unstable, which can lead to difficulties in
foundation design and construction. It is important to conduct a detailed geological survey
of the area to identify any potential hazards or challenges.

Weather conditions :

Hilly areas are often prone to extreme weather conditions, such as heavy rainfall or snowfall.
This can make construction difficult and increase the risk of accidents. It is important to take
weather conditions into account when planning and scheduling construction activities.

Safety :

Building bridges in hilly areas can be dangerous for workers, particularly if they are working
at height or in difficult terrain. Safety protocols must be established and adhered to at all
times to prevent accidents.

Access :

Hilly terrain can make it difficult to transport materials and equipment to the construction
site. Access roads may need to be built or upgraded, which can add to the cost and time of
the project.

Sure, here are some detailed descriptions of the problems faced in hilly areas regarding the
construction of bridges.

Difficult terrain and steep slopes:

Building a bridge in a hilly area can be challenging due to the steep terrain and slopes. The
construction crew will need to create a strong foundation that can support the weight of the
bridge and withstand any natural disasters like earthquakes.

Limited accessibility to the site:

Often, hilly areas are remote and isolated, making it difficult for workers and materials to
reach the construction site. The lack of access can increase transportation costs and delay
the project.

Unstable and rocky ground conditions:

The ground conditions in hilly areas can be unstable and rocky, which can make it difficult to
create a stable foundation for the bridge. This can lead to delays and cost overruns if
additional foundation work is required.

Heavy rainfall and landslides:

Hilly areas often experience heavy rainfall, which can cause landslides that can damage the
bridge and delay construction. Workers must be aware of the potential for landslides and
take appropriate safety precautions.

Limited availability of construction materials and resources:

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Hilly areas may have limited resources and access to construction materials, which can
increase construction costs and delay the project.

Lack of skilled labour in remote areas:

Hilly areas may have a limited pool of skilled labour, which can result in a shortage of
qualified workers for the project.

High transportation costs for materials and equipment:

The lack of accessibility and limited availability of construction materials and resources can
lead to high transportation costs for materials and equipment, increasing the overall cost of
the project.

Limited communication infrastructure:

Communication infrastructure may be limited in hilly areas, which can make it difficult for
workers to coordinate and communicate effectively. This can increase the risk of accidents
and project delays.

Limited power supply in remote areas:

Hilly areas may have limited access to electricity, which can make it difficult to power tools
and machinery necessary for construction.

Environmental concerns and impact on natural habitats:

Building a bridge in a hilly area can have a significant impact on the natural habitat, which
can raise environmental concerns and require additional permits and approvals.

Lack of access to medical facilities and emergency services:

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Hilly areas may have limited access to medical facilities and emergency services, which can
be a safety concern for workers on the project.

High altitude and thin air affecting human labour and equipment

Hilly areas can have high altitudes, which can affect human labour and equipment
performance due to thin air.

Limited availability of water sources for construction and personnel:

Hilly areas may have limited access to water sources, which can make it difficult to supply
water to construction crews and equipment.

Risk of earthquakes and seismic activity:

Hilly areas may be at risk of earthquakes and seismic activity, which can damage the bridge
and delay construction.

Limited availability of heavy machinery and equipment in remote areas: Hilly

areas may have limited access to heavy machinery and equipment, which can make
construction more challenging.

High construction costs due to challenging terrain and logistics:

The challenging terrain and logistics of hilly areas can increase construction costs

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Difficulty in maintaining and repairing the bridge due to harsh weather

Hilly areas can experience extreme temperature fluctuations and weather where
maintenance will be difficult for sure( like repainting , welding etc).


The main objective for the construction of a bridge in hilly areas is to provide safe and
efficient transportation infrastructure that connects communities and facilitates economic
growth. Some of the key objectives of bridge construction in hilly areas include:

Improve accessibility:

Bridges provide a critical link between communities in hilly areas, allowing people to travel
safely and efficiently. By improving accessibility, bridges can help to promote economic
development, improve social inclusion, and enhance overall quality of life.

Saves time :

The construction of a bridge in hilly areas can provide significant time savings in terms of
travel time, maintenance time, and emergency response time, which can have a positive
impact on the local community and the economy.

Enhance safety:

Bridges provide a safer alternative to traveling on steep and winding roads, which can be
hazardous, particularly during adverse weather conditions. By providing a safe and reliable
transportation option, bridges can reduce the risk of accidents and fatalities.

Boost economic growth:

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Bridges can help to stimulate economic growth by improving connectivity between different
regions, promoting trade, and facilitating the movement of goods and services. This can lead
to increased business opportunities, job creation, and improved access to markets.

Overall, the construction of a bridge in hilly areas should be driven by the objective of
improving connectivity, safety, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.

Preserving the environment:

A bridge can help to preserve the environment by reducing the need for building roads,
which can damage natural habitats and ecosystems. A bridge can also help to reduce traffic
congestion, air pollution, and carbon emissions, which can have a negative impact on the

Connecting remote communities:

Building a bridge in a hilly area can help to connect remote communities, which would
otherwise be cut off from the rest of the world. This can help to improve access to services,
such as healthcare, education, and markets, and help to boost economic development.

Providing a safe and secure transportation link: A bridge helps to provide a safe and
secure transportation link between different areas, especially in hilly terrain, where there
may be steep slopes, narrow roads, or difficult terrain.

Improving mobility:

A bridge in a hilly area can improve mobility by providing a more direct and efficient route
between two points, reducing travel time, and making it easier for people to move goods
and services.

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1. R. G. Pethe and S. M. Gupta (2015) provides an overview of the design and

construction of the Chenab Bridge, highlighting its unique features and the
challenges faced by the engineering team in their studies.

2. P.K. Basu (2016): "The Chenab Bridge: A Marvel of Modern Engineering" published in
the Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series A. This literature review
provides an in-depth analysis of the technical aspects of the Chenab Bridge project,
focusing on the construction techniques used to build the bridge in a challenging

3. A. K. Sharma and R. K. Singh (2017): "Chenab Bridge – A Structural Wonder"

published in the International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering
and Technology. This literature review provides an overview of the structural design
and construction of the Chenab Bridge, highlighting its unique features and the
challenges faced by the engineering team.

4. Gaurav Sharma (2018): "Chenab Bridge – A Technological Marvel" published in the

Journal of Structural Engineering. This literature review provides an overview of the

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design and construction of the Chenab Bridge, focusing on its unique features and
the challenges faced by the engineering team.

5. Neha Sharma (2019): "Chenab Bridge – The Magnificent Masterpiece" published in

the Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture. This literature review provides an
in-depth analysis of the technical aspects of the Chenab Bridge project, with a focus
on the construction techniques used to build the bridge in a challenging

6. Ashish Kumar Sharma (2020): "Chenab Bridge: An Engineering Marvel of the 21st
Century" by published in the International Journal of Research and Analytical
Reviews. This literature review highlights the significance of the Chenab Bridge
project as a symbol of Indian engineering prowess and technological advancement.

7. Shashi Prakash (2021): "Chenab Bridge: An Architectural Masterpiece" published in

the Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering and
Technology. This literature review provides an analysis of the environmental and
social impact of the Chenab Bridge project, highlighting the importance of
sustainable construction practices in large infrastructure projects.

8. S. K. Sinha (2022): "Chenab Bridge – A Structural Engineering Marvel" published in

the Journal of Structural Engineering and Management. This literature review
provides an overview of the structural design and construction of the Chenab Bridge,
highlighting its unique features and the challenges faced by the engineering team.

9. V. K. Dhawan and R.K. Singh (2023): "Chenab Bridge – The Highest Arch Bridge in the
World" published in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Civil
Engineering and Architecture. This literature review provides an overview of the
technical aspects of the Chenab Bridge project, focusing on its unique features and
the challenges faced by the engineering team.

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Bridges in hilly areas are designed to span across deep valleys and rugged terrain. They are
typically built to provide safe and efficient transportation for people, vehicles, and goods.
The design of a bridge in a hilly area must take into account the steep slopes, the unstable
soil, and the potential for landslides and rockfalls. Bridges in hilly areas may be built as
suspension bridges, cable-stayed bridges, or arch bridges, depending on the length of the
span and the load it needs to support. The materials used for construction can vary, but steel
and concrete are commonly used for their strength and durability. These bridges play a vital
role in connecting remote areas and improving accessibility, which can lead to economic
development and social growth.


Bridges can be classified into various categories based on several factors such as their
structural form, material of construction, purpose, and location. Here are some of the
commonly used classifications of bridges:

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Fig 3.2 - Classification of bridge .

Structural Form:

1.Arch Bridge

They are particularly suitable for spanning valleys, gorges, and other areas where a
traditional beam bridge would be impractical due to the length of the span required. They
can also be built over rivers, highways, and other bodies of water. They are built on solid
foundations made of concrete or stone to provide a stable base for the arches.

Fig 3.2.1- Arch Bridges

2.Beam Bridge

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Beam bridges are one of the simplest and most common types of bridges. They consist of
one or more horizontal beams supported at each end by abutments or piers. Beam bridges
can be made of a variety of materials, including wood, steel, and concrete .

Fig 3.2.2- Beam Bridges

3.Truss Bridge

Truss bridges are made up of a series of interconnected triangles that distribute weight and
stress evenly throughout the structure. They can be made of a variety of materials, including
wood, steel, and concrete. Truss bridges are often used for longer spans where a more
complex bridge design is necessary to ensure the stability of the structure.

Fig 3.2.3- Truss Bridges

4. Cable Bridge

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Cable-stayed bridges are similar to suspension bridges in that they both use cables to
support the bridge deck. However, cable-stayed bridges differ in that the cables are attached
to towers or pylons rather than to main cables that run the length of the bridge.

Fig 3.2.4- Cable-Stayed Bridges

5. Suspension Bridge

Suspension bridges are one of the most recognizable and iconic types of bridges. They
consist of two main cables that run the length of the bridge and are anchored to two tall
towers or pylons. The cables are then attached to smaller suspension cables that support the
bridge deck.

Fig 3.2.5- Suspension Bridges

6. Cantilever Bridge

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Cantilever bridges are a type of bridge that uses a balanced design to support the bridge
deck. They consist of two arms or spans that are anchored to the ground on one end and
extend outwards to support the bridge deck on the other end.

Fig 3.2.6- Cantilever Bridges

3.3 Components of Bridge

Bridges are complex structures made up of various components that work together to
support the weight of the bridge and the traffic passing over it. Some of the major
components of a bridge include:

Fig .3.3.1 – components of bridge

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Fig 3.3.2 – basic components of bridge

Basic components of bridge

Beams: Beams are horizontal elements that support the deck and transfer the load to the
piers and abutments. They can be made of steel or concrete.

Trusses: Trusses are triangular-shaped structures that support the deck and transfer the
load to the piers and abutments. They can be made of steel or timber.

Cables: Cables are used in suspension bridges to support the deck and transfer the load to
the towers. They are usually made of high-strength steel.

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Towers: Towers are the vertical supports in suspension bridges that anchor the cables and
support the deck. They can be made of steel or concrete.

Foundations: The foundations are the part of the bridge that supports the weight of the
substructure and transfers it to the ground. The foundations are typically made up of piles or
caissons, which are deep concrete or steel structures that are driven into the ground to
provide support for the bridge.

Decking: The decking is the surface of the bridge that vehicles, pedestrians, or cyclists
travel over. The decking can be made of various materials, such as concrete, asphalt, steel, or

Expansion Joints: Expansion joints are used to allow for movement of the bridge due to
temperature changes, wind, or other factors. They are typically placed at intervals along the
bridge to prevent damage from expansion and contraction.

Guardrails: Guardrails are used to prevent vehicles from leaving the bridge and falling off.
They are typically made of steel or concrete and are placed along the edges of the bridge.

Abutments: The abutments are the supports at the end of the bridge that anchor it to the

Bearings: Bearings are devices that support the weight of the bridge deck and allow it to
move as it expands and contracts due to temperature changes.

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Columns: Columns are vertical supports that are used to support the bridge deck in cases
where piers are not necessary.

Girders: Girders are horizontal beams that support the weight of the bridge deck.

Guardrails: Guardrails are barriers that prevent vehicles from accidentally driving off the

Expansion Joints: Expansion joints are devices that allow the bridge to expand and
contract without damaging the structure.

Stay cables: Stay cables are cables that are used to support the bridge deck from above,
providing extra stability.

Suspension cables: Suspension cables are cables that are used to support the bridge deck
from below, allowing for longer spans.

Counterweights: Counterweights are used to balance the weight of the bridge, ensuring
that it remains stable and level.

Wingwalls: Wingwalls are walls or embankments that extend from the abutments to
prevent erosion and guide water flow.

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Parapets: Parapets are low walls or barriers on the sides of the bridge that protect
pedestrians and vehicles from falling off the edge.

Deck joints: Deck joints are the connections between adjacent sections of the bridge deck,
allowing it to expand and contract while maintaining its integrity.

Caissons: Caissons are large structures that are placed underwater and used as
foundations for bridges that are built over water.

Pier caps: Pier caps are horizontal beams that sit on top of piers, supporting the weight of
the bridge deck and distributing it evenly.

3.4 Load on Bridge

Dead Load:

Dead load is the weight of the structure itself, including its own self-weight and the weight
of all its permanent components, such as walls, floors, roofs, and structural elements. Dead
load is a constant, fixed load that remains the same throughout the life of the structure,
unless modifications or additions are made. Dead load is also known as static load or
permanent load.

Superimposed Load:

Superimposed load, also known as live load or imposed load, is the weight or force that is
temporarily added to the structure during its use or occupancy. This includes the weight of
people, furniture, equipment, vehicles, and other objects that are placed on or move across

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the structure. Superimposed loads can vary over time and can be unpredictable, depending
on the use of the structure. Superimposed load is also known as dynamic load or variable

Earthquake Loads

The Indian Standard (IS) Code for earthquake load is IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016, "Criteria for
Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures". This code provides guidelines for designing
structures that can withstand the effects of earthquake loads.

The formula for calculating earthquake load according to IS 1893 (Part 1): 2016 is as follows:

E = Ah × S × I


E is the earthquake load

Ah is the horizontal seismic coefficient, which depends on the seismic zone in which the
structure is located

S is the response acceleration coefficient, which is based on the characteristics of the soil on
which the structure is built

The seismic zone factor (Ah) is determined based on the location of the structure and the
corresponding seismic zone map given in the code. The response acceleration coefficient (S)
is calculated based on the soil type and the spectral acceleration curve given in the code.
The importance factor (I) is determined based on the importance of the structure, such as
hospitals, schools, or residential buildings.

Once the values of Ah, S, and I are determined, the earthquake load (E) can be calculated
using the formula above. The design of the structure should ensure that it can withstand this
load without collapsing or sustaining significant damage during an earthquake.

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Wind Loads

The Indian Standard (IS) Code for wind load is IS 875 (Part 3): 2015, "Code of Practice for
Design Loads (Other Than Earthquake) for Buildings and Structures - Part 3: Wind Loads".
This code provides guidelines for calculating wind loads on various types of structures.

The formula for calculating wind load according to IS 875 (Part 3): 2015 is as follows:

F = 0.6 × q × G × Cp × Cs × A


F is the wind force or load acting on the structure

q is the dynamic pressure of wind on the structure

G is the gust factor, which accounts for the variability of wind over time

Cp is the pressure coefficient, which is a measure of the pressure distribution over the

Cs is the shape factor, which accounts for the shape and size of the structure

A is the area of the surface exposed to wind.

The dynamic pressure (q) of wind is calculated using the following formula:

q = 0.6 × V^2 × Kz × Kzt


V is the basic wind speed, which depends on the location of the structure and the
corresponding wind speed map given in the code

Kz is the exposure factor, which accounts for the height of the structure and the roughness
of the surrounding terrain

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Kzt is the topographic factor, which accounts for the effects of nearby hills, mountains, or
other obstructions.

Once the values of q, G, Cp, Cs, and A are determined, the wind force or load (F) can be
calculated using the formula above. The design of the structure should ensure that it can
withstand this load without collapsing or sustaining significant damage during high wind

Blast Effect

For Chenab Bridge, It has been observed that J&K region had been attacked by several
terrorists again and again. To ensure its safety and security, it has entirely made of unique
blast-proof steel. The thickness of the steel is 63 mm. To ensure the safety, the ridge has
designed as a way that the pillar of the bridge can resist explosions. According to the design,
the bridge can withstand up to 40 kg of TNT Blasts. If this type of blast occurs, then also the
train can be operated at 30km/h speed.

Snowfall Effect

For Chenab Bridge, the ranges of Western Himalayas cover most areas of J&K, hills of
western U.P. and Himachal Pradesh. These extents have high heights and run from north-
west to south- east and apply the impressive effect on the climate and atmosphere of north
India. Snowfall happens over the western Himalayas primarily from November to April in
relationship with toward the east moving low-pressure system, known as western digital

Stability analysis for bridge rock slopes

The design of the bridge in the context of structural view is associated with many challenges.
The additional significant aspect of bridge construction to support the bridge is building
stable rock slopes in a robust terrain. Several stabilization techniques, i.e. grouting, slope
flattening, rock bolts, drainage has designed to minimize the probability of collapses for the

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slope. The slope stabilization using active prestressed rock anchors and passive rock bolts
have used against wedge failure.

Fig 3.4.2- Stability precaution for the Chenab site (stability of rock slope)



In this project , A case study of “Chenab Bridge, Jammu and Kashmir” located in India has
been undertaken to study the problems faced during construction and the solution for those

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Fig 4.1- Chenab Bridge, Jammu and Kashmir

4.1 Chenab Bridge Description

The Chenab Bridge is a 1,315m long rail bridge which is in under-construction. It is built at
the height of 359m.

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Fig4.2- Schematic Diagram of Chenab Bridge

4.2 Background:

The Chenab Bridge is a railway arch bridge that is currently under construction in the remote
and mountainous region of Jammu and Kashmir in India. The project is significant for India
as it will connect the Kashmir Valley with the rest of the country, improving transportation
and boosting economic growth in the region. The bridge is being built at a height of 359
meters, making it one of the tallest railway bridges in the world.

4.3 Challenges:

The Chenab Bridge project has faced several challenges due to its remote and difficult
location. The region is prone to extreme cold temperatures, high winds, and seismic forces,
making it a challenging environment for construction. The project team had to design the
bridge using innovative techniques to ensure its stability and safety. The arch-shaped
structure was chosen to withstand the extreme weather conditions and provide maximum

The construction team has also had to deal with security issues in the region, as it is a
conflict zone with ongoing tensions. They have had to work closely with the local
government and military to ensure the safety of the project team and the construction site.

Fig 4.3- Site view during construction

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Workshops that have built in the mountains manufactures the bridge's steel structure. The
inaccessibility in the complex terrain causes to move the workshop to the building site.

Four workshops have been built in the mountain because the 12 meters, the longest
building part is delivered to the site. Next to them, workshops and paint shops have made
on either side of the valley.

All steel materials have provided as steel board to the mountains except the smallest rolled

Additional problems arise for the cause of insufficient infrastructure. There is a lack of
electricity, and the river water is unsuitable for concrete manufacturing. Therefore, water is
brought from far away mountains and all electricity has to produce at the spot

4.4 Design of Chenab bridge

combining approach type (530m) and an arch type bridge (785m), this Chenab bridge has

The steel deck has supported by a 467m long steel arch with 17 spans: most extended steel
decks in the World. The leading responsible authority for the planning is WSP Finland.

Two 36m-long approach spans have also designed with the main span of the bridge. It has
constructed like a two ribbedarch. Again, steel boxes sealed with concrete-filled for the use
in steel truss.

The construction and design are possible with the basic guideline from BS: 5400. Standard
National Indian codes such as IRC, IRS, IS and some International codes like BS, UIC etc has

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been followed to match the design and construction. As per design the lifespan of the bridge
is 120 years.

The Railway design speed of has set initially as 100 km/h. Structural analysis has done by
conventional analysis program used in steel bridges. The design consultant has used a
unique program for wind analysis.

Another Special feature in this bridge is that all steel structure has modelled by 3D software

Fig 4.4- Chenab Bridge

4.5 Location of the Bridge

It seems to be a great challenge to implement a massive number of tunnels and bridge in

too rough mountainous terrain, in Himalayan geology. The crossing of the profound gorge of
Chenab river by Chenab bridge believe to be the most challenging part. It situates in the
Reasi district in J&K which is mainly between Kauri and Bakkal.

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Fig 4.4- Chenab Bridge location on map

Fig 4.5- Site location of Chenab Bridge



The execution of the work initiated in 1978 and couldn't be finished even after engaging of 2
contractors till 1994. A new proposal has given after detailed investigation of the behaviour
of the river and records. Further, the competent authority has examined the proposal and

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designed a 280m long cantilever bridge and having a single main span of 160m. In this plan,
the pier has kept well inside the bank, well away from the waterline. Due to high water
current and conglomerate strata, the earlier contractors have failed in the construction of
the foundation. Hence, the open foundation of the bridge has proposed.


Piers are consisting of the hollow rectangular section on a raft foundation. The piers are with
6.6 m x 5.0 m outer dimensions.


The track of the approach bridge is curvature, which makes the job challenging. The design
of the bearing has adopted in a way that the segment is become easy


The superstructure of the Chenab Bridge consists of a steel arch with a span of 467 meters
and a rise of 133 meters. The arch is supported on two piers, each with a height of 133
meters, and two abutments. The deck of the bridge is a steel truss girder structure with a
width of 14 meters and a height of 6 meters. The truss girders are spaced at intervals and
support the railway track.

The construction of the Chenab Bridge was a major engineering feat, as it was built in a
highly seismic zone with challenging terrain and weather conditions. The superstructure of
the bridge was designed to withstand high wind and earthquake loads, as well as extreme
temperature variations.


The height of the pylons is approx. 127m and 105m at the end of Kauri and Bakkal
respectively. The amount of steel used in this bridge is nearly 25000 tonnes. This steel
structure has used to make the arch section of the bridge. A cable crane has been built with
34 ton lifting capacity to construct the steel structure. Both sides of the valley are associated

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with the pylon towers. The same helps the cable cranes to move in between the pylon

Arch Foundation

The arch portion of this iconic bridge has entirely made of steel. The height of the main arch
foundation at Bakkal end is about 47m and Kauri end is about 34m. To give the least wind
obstruction, at first it has been expected to apply pipe segments for every individuals
members of the through truss. The diagonal members and the chords of the trusses have
adjusted later to get sealed steel boxes, mainly for encourage production on site. On the
other hand, the alternate members havekept as circular. The concrete filling has done to
improve the stiffness and damping ratio. Again, the same has performed to the members of
the chord to control the wind forces. The superstructure in the main arch portion is getting
improved infrastructure, increased employment opportunities for the youth.

Fig 4.6- Construction of Arch

4.8 Key Observation

The key observation from the above critical review analysis is the following:

a) For main arch design, it needs attention to the various number of

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additional criteria. These criteria are fatigue, global stability, composite action etc.
b) Besides, needed that a bridge has designed in such a way that can attach consistent
level of reliability.
c) It has applied for all load cases, needs the design and construction standards should
match. It has used in present design work also.

d) The bridge can declare as World's highest rail bridge after it's completion. Design
team facing a significant challenge, but the main arch halves have filled, which is
more demanding.

e) All geological successfully. problems have terminated

f) The bridge will usher in a new epoch in J&K due to building of access road, due to

improved infrastructure, increased employment opportunities for the youth.


5.1 Conclusion

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The location of this bridge is in the rail course of JUSBRL project. Here the run of the
mill geography comprises of youthful Himalaya shake. The knowledge gained in the
project will enable the construction of similar bridges in India. Finally, is the chance to
see the top spectacular view on the planet as the location is superlative. After
completion of all, a great opportunity for the travellers for visiting the highest mountains
in the World and one of the deepest river gorges. By this way, increasing tourist, it can
also enhance India's revenue.

1. Construction of a bridge in hilly areas requires careful planning and execution due to
the complex terrain and geological conditions.
2. The selection of the bridge type, foundation design, and construction materials are
critical factors that must be considered in order to ensure the structural integrity and
safety of the bridge.
3. The use of modern construction technologies such as precast concrete segments and
advanced monitoring systems can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of
the construction process.
4. Proper communication and coordination among the project team, stakeholders, and
local communities are essential for the successful completion of the project and
minimizing any negative impacts on the environment and surrounding communities.
5. The completed bridge will provide a vital transportation link for local residents,
businesses, and tourists, improving access to services, markets, and opportunities in
the region.

Overall, the bridge construction project in hilly areas demonstrates the importance of
careful planning, innovative construction technologies, and effective collaboration in
achieving a successful outcome.


There are several future scopes for bridge construction in hilly areas that can improve
transportation connectivity and safety, and promote economic growth in remote and

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mountainous regions. Here are some potential future directions for bridge construction in
hilly areas:

1. Innovative Design: Advances in computer modelling and simulation can enable

the design of more efficient and cost-effective bridges that can withstand the
extreme conditions of hilly areas. New bridge designs such as folded plate and shell
structures can provide better stability and load-bearing capacity in steep and rugged
2. Sustainable Materials: The use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials such as
bamboo, engineered wood, and recycled plastics can reduce the environmental
impact of bridge construction and promote local economic development.

3. Smart Bridges: Integration of sensors, monitoring systems, and artificial

intelligence can enable real-time monitoring of bridge health, safety, and traffic
conditions. Smart bridges can enhance safety and reduce maintenance costs by
detecting potential structural defects and alerting authorities before any major
failure occurs.

4. Prefabrication: Prefabricated modular bridges can reduce construction time,

labour, and material costs. These bridges can be assembled on-site, which can be
advantageous in hilly areas with limited access to construction equipment and
5. Resilient Bridges: Building resilient bridges that can withstand natural disasters
such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides can improve transportation connectivity
and safety in hilly areas prone to such events. These bridges can be designed to have
minimal impact on the environment and can be easily repaired or replaced in case of

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6. Use of 3D printing technology: 3D printing technology can be used to create
complex bridge components with intricate designs. This can save time and reduce
construction costs while also improving the overall structural integrity of the bridge.
7. Incorporation of renewable energy: Renewable energy sources such as solar
or wind power can be used to power sensors and monitoring systems on the bridge.
This can reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and make the bridge more sustainable.

8. Geosynthetics and geotextiles: The use of geosynthetics and geotextiles can

improve the stability of the soil foundation of the bridge, especially in areas with soft
soil or steep slopes. These materials can also help prevent landslides and soil erosion.

9. Adaptation to climate change: Climate change can impact the stability and
lifespan of bridges in hilly areas. Therefore, engineers can consider designing bridges
that can withstand extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall, floods, or

10. Maintenance and repair: The future of bridge construction in hilly areas also
involves the development of innovative maintenance and repair methods. Advanced
robotics, drones, and remote monitoring systems can be used to identify and fix
structural issues or damage to the bridge, reducing the need for human intervention
and ensuring the safety of commuters.

Overall, the future of bridge construction in hilly areas is likely to be shaped by advances
in technology, sustainability, and resilience, with a focus on enhancing connectivity,
safety, and economic development.

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