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An Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Cement with Brick

Powder and Silica Fume

A project - I report
submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of


Submitted by

SAURAV KUMAR (19101158009)

GAURAV KUMAR (19101158028)
RAVI RANJAN (19101158003)
GUNGAN KUMAR (19101158033)
KUMAR ADITYA RAJ (19101158045)
SUBHASH KUMAR (19101158040)

Under the Supervision of


APRIL 2023

This is to certify that the dissertation titled “ An Experimental Study on Partial

Replacement of Cement with Brick Powder and Silica Fume ” which is being
MOHANAVI ( 19101158009, 19101158028, 19101158003, 19101158033,
19101158045, 19101158040, 19101158010 ) respectively for the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology in CIVIL Department
is a record of the student’s own work carried out at Department of CIVIL Engineering,
Government Engineering college Lakhisarai Bihar, under my supervision and
guidance. The matter embodied in this thesis has not been submitted elsewhere for the
award of any other degree or diploma.


(Assistant professor)
Department of civil Engineering
Government Engineering College Lakhisarai

April 2023

External Examiner
(Assistant professor)
Department of civil Engineering
Government Engineering College Lakhisarai

We certify that
a. The work contained in this thesis is original and has been done by myself under the
general supervision of my supervisor.
b. The work has not been submitted to any other Institute for degree or diploma.
c. We have followed the Institute norms and guidelines and abide by the regulation as
given in the Ethical Code of Conduct of the Institute.
d. Whenever We have used materials (data, theory and text) from other sources, we have
given due credit to them by citing them in the text of the thesis and giving their details in
the reference section.

SAURAV KUMAR (19101158009)

GAURAV KUMAR (19101158028)

RAVI RANJAN (19101158003)

GUNGAN KUMAR (19101158033)

KR. ADITYA RAJ (19101158045)

SUBHASH KUMAR (19101158040)



I feel immense pleasure and privilege to express my deep sense of

gratitude, indebtedness and thankfulness towards my supervisor, PROF.
VIKASH KUMAR Assistant Professor, Department of CIVIL Engineering,
for his invaluable guidance, constant supervision, continuous encouragement
and support throughout this work. His suggestions and critical views have
greatly helped me in successful completion of this work.

We would like to thank DR. MANISH KUMAR MADAL, Head of the

Department of CIVIL Engineering for his encouragement.

We also express our thanks to our beloved principal DR. VIMLESH

KUMAR for his cooperation in completing our project.

I feel most obliged to my parents and all my family members for their
affection and constant support for my education and overall well-being.

Lastly, I express thanks to the Almighty for his generous blessings and
giving me courage to complete the project with great satisfaction.

April 2023

This Project will through a light on “An experimental study on strength of concrete
’’As we know that the cement industry is responsible for around 5% of CO2 emissions
worldwide and considering that concrete is one of the most used materials in construction
its total effect is significant. In the rapidly changing modern society construction has been
considered as an important element. Innovation in construction is liked with the
development of progressive construction material. The major class of construction
material is cementations material which has been used for Several years. So to reduce the
use of cement partial replacement of Cement with brick powder and Silica Fume. Due to
increase demand of construction the production of cement Is increased. This has led to an
increase in the rates of materials used to make concrete. i.e. Cement. The main aim of the
project is to reduce the consumption of cement which alternatively reduce the
environmental pollution.

Concrete is a Composite material Composed mainly of water, aggregates, and Cement.
often additives and reinforcement are included in the mixture to achieve the desired
physical properties of the finished material. When these ingredients are mixed together,
they form fluid mass that is easily molded into shape. Over time Cement forms a hand
matrix which binds the rest of the in gredients together into a durable •Stone -like
material with many uses . Brick powder are not Commonly in use in Construction
industry but are often dumped as industrial wastes .these brick powder protects the
environmental surroundings Brick powder Cam be used as Sustitude for Conventional
Cement In Concrete production. Brick Powder reduces the weight of Concrete The
ingredients of Concrete were throughly mixed till uniform consistency. In a was
achieved. Current researches demonstrate that Concrete Could be produced with cement
partially substituted by waste brick powder partially Replacing Cement with other
materials without Compromising the properties of Concrete is one of the effective ways
to make concrete More Suitable .Since brick is made of natural materials, which form, the
view point of ecology, meet modem Standards of sustainability. The Cement industry is
responsible for around 5% of the CO₂ emission worldwide and Considering that
Concrete is One in that of the most used material is Construction its total effect
Significant. So to reduce the environmental. Impact of Concrete production is to In
Corporate Certain amount of residuals in the dosing ,limiting the replacement
percentages to avoid significant losses in the properties of the final material. The study
analyses the Variation in the properties of concrete with waste brick powder as Cement
replacement to test the effect of the Simultaneous use of different. residuals in Same

Literature Review
1. Mechanical properties of concrete with recycled aggregate and waste
brick powder
The Cement industry is responsible for around a 5% of the CO₂ emissions worldwide
and Considering that Concrete is one of the most used materials in Construction its total
effect is Significant. An Alternative to reduce the environment impact of Concrete
production is to incorporate Certain amount of residuals in the dosing, limiting the
replacement percentages to avoid significant losses in the properties of the final

2. Use of brick dust in concrete as mineral admixture and partial

replacement of cement.
The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of brick powder and marble dust used
as admixtures on the properties of concrete. The various properties like consistency,
specific gravity, setting time of cement and compressive strength are analyzed by varying
the amount of brick powder and marble dust in concrete. The results showed that brick
powder and marble dust helps in increasing the workability and strength of concrete if
mixed in certain proportion

3. Experimental Analysis On Partial Replacement Of Cement With Brick

Powder In Concrete
Aggregates are inert granular materials that are essential ingredients in a concrete.
Aggregates occupy a large volume (i.e.) about 60 to 75% of the concrete, thus the
selection of aggregates based on the material, shape, gradation and size is of primary
concern before preparing the concrete. However many developing countries like our
country face problem in acquiring the aggregates, as they are the most exploited material
for the purpose of construction. And this over exploitation has led to scarcity in the
availability of aggregates from the natural sources, in many parts of our country.
Therefore, in order to meet the demand for aggregates, a modification be can made as
partial or complete replacement of these aggregates with any new material, that would
potentially induce better and additional properties to the concrete and simultaneously
serve as an economical resource.

4. Performance Evaluation of Self – Compacting Concrete Using Brick

Dust And Marble powder.
The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of brick powder and marble dust used
as admixtures on the properties of Concrete the Various properties like consistency,
Specific gravity, setting time of Cement and compressive strength are analyzed by
Varying the amount of brick powder and marble dust in Concrete. The results showed
that brick powder dust helps in increasing the workability and Streagh of Concrete if
mixed Certain proportion.

5. Mix design of concrete with recycled clay brick powder using the
orthogonal design method.
This research studied the effect of clay-brick-powder (CBP) on concrete mechanical
properties, including compressive strength, static elastic modulus, and flexural strength.
The orthogonal experimental design method was used to study the significance sequence
of all influencing factors, including water/cementitious material ratio, sand ratio,
replacement level, and average particle size of the CBP. A total of 17 mixes were tested
including one normal cement concrete as reference.

6. Experimental studies on cement stabilized masonary blocks prepared

from brick powd , fine recycled concrete aggregate and pozzolanic
This experimental work deals with the assessment of strength and water absorption
characteristics of cement stabilized masonry block (CSMB) units made with brick powder
(BP) and fine recycled concrete aggregate (FRCA) along with pozzolanic materials such
as silica fume (SF), fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) as
partial replacement for cement. The basic tests such as, dry density, 28 days wet
compressive strength, water absorption and rate of moisture absorption are performed on
CSMB units of size 190×90×90 mm. The correction factors that are available in the
literature, with respect to fired clay bricks and compressed earth blocks, so as to account
for the confinement of specimens by platen restraints at the ends are used to assess the
uniaxial strength of CSMB units. The corrected average values of wet compressive
strength of CSMB units at 28 days are found to meet the minimum requirement of 3.5
MPa. The percentage of water absorption is found to be higher, but, still within
permissible limit of 18% by weight. The average dry density is also found to meet the
minimum requirement of 1750 kg/m3. The rate of moisture absorption with time is found
to follow an exponential trend.


Determination of Standard Consistency of Cement

The standard consistency of cement is that consistency, which permit the vicat plunger to
penetrate to a point 5 to 7mm from the bottom of the vicat mould when tested. Procedure
to determine the quantity of water required to produce a cement paste of standard
consistency is described below.

Apparatus for Standard Consistency

Figure :- standard consistency

1. Vicat Apparatus :-
The vicat apparatus consists of a frame having a movable rod with a cap at one end and at
the other end any one of the following attachment, which are interchangeable:

 Needle for determining the initial setting time

 Needle for determining the final setting time
 Plunger for determining the standard consistency

2. Needles :-
Needle for Initial Setting Time The needle is having a cross sectional area of 1mm2. The
end of the needle is flat. Needle for Final Setting Time The needle is circular having a
cross sectional area of 1mm2. The needle is fitted with a metal attachment. The end of the
needle projects beyond the cutting edge of the hollowed out metal attachment. Plunger
for Standard Consistency It is of polished brass 10 ± 0.05mm in diameter with a
projection at the upper end for insertion into the movable rod. The lower end is flat.

3. Movable Rod: -
Movable rod carries an indicator which moves over a graduated scale attached to the
frame (certain models have an additional attachment of dash pot, which facilitates
lowering of movable rod slowly).
4. Graduated Scale: -
Graduated scale is 40mm in length and the smallest division of scale is 1mm.

5. Vicat Mould: -
Single mould the vicat mould is in the foam of a frustum of a cone having an internal
diameter of 60+/-0.5mm at the top, 70 +/- 0.5mm at the bottom and height 40 +/_
0.5mm. Split type vicat mould The split type vicat mould is used as an alternative to
single mould. This mould consistance of a split ring having an internal diameter 80+/-
0.1mm and a height 40+/_0.5mm. A non-porous base plate is provided. The split mould is
provided with a suitable clamping ring.

Procedure for Standard Consistency of Cement

 Keep the vicat apparatus on a level base (when using vicat apparatus with dashpot,
keep the bearing movable rod to its highest position and pin it.) Unscrew the top
of the dashpot. Half fill the dashpot with any suitable oil of viscosity and screw
the top. Work the plunger a number of times.
 Attach the plunger for determining standard consistency to the movable rod. Work
the plunger a number of times.
 Take 400 gm of cement in a pan and a weighed quantity of water in a beaker.
 Prepare a paste with the water added to cement. Start a stopwatch at the time of
adding water to cement.
 Keep the vicat mould on a non porous plate and fill the cement paste in it.
 After completely filling the mould, shake it slightly to expel the air. Smooth off
the surface of the paste making it level with the top of the moulder. The cement
paste thus prepared is the test block.
 Place the test block resting on the non porous plate under the movable rod,
bearing the needle.
 Lower the plunger gently to touch the surface of the cement paste and quickly
release; (when vicat apparatus with dashpot is used, place the mould filled with
cement paste and the non absorbent plate on the base plate of the vicat apparatus.
Raise the plunger of the dash pot, bring it in contact with the top cap of the
movable bearing rod.
 Remove the pin holding the movable bearing rod to the surface of the cement
paste and quickly release by pushing down the plunger to sink in to the paste).
This operation shall be done immediately after filling the mould.
 Prepare trial test specimens with varying percentages of water until plunger
penetrates to a point 5 to 7mm from the bottom of the vicat mould, which is read
on the scale. Express the water required as percentage by weight of the dry
Observations and Calculations 

 Weight of cement taken (g) = 300gm

 Initial percentage of water added to cement = 28%
 Quantity of water added to cement =84ml

Standard Consistency of Cement = (Quantity of water for 5-7 mm

penetration/Weight of cement) X 100

Points to be Noted

 The time of gauging should not be less than 3 minutes and not more than 5
minutes. Gauging time is the time elapsing from the time of adding water to the
dry cement until commencing to fill the mould.
 The test should be conducted at room temperature 27oC +/- 2oC
 There should be no vibration on the working table.
 The plunger should be cleaned during every repetition.

Percentage of water content for standard consistency = 36%

Initial setting & Final setting time of Cement: -

The initial setting time of concrete is the time when cement paste starts hardening while
the final setting time is the time when cement paste has hardened sufficiently in such a
way that a 1 mm needle makes an impression on the paste in the mould but 5 mm needle
does not make any impression.
Theoretically, Initial setting time of concrete is the time period between addition of water
to cement till the time at 1 mm square section needle fails to penetrate the cement paste,
placed in the Vicat’s mould 5mm to 7mm from the bottom of the mould. Final setting
time is that time period between the time water is added to cement and the time at which
1 mm needle makes an impression on the paste in the mould but 5 mm attachment does
not make any impression.

Technical Aspects of Concrete Setting Times

 It is essential that cement set neither too rapidly nor too slowly. In the first case
there might be insufficient time to transport and place the concrete before it
becomes too rigid. In the second case too long a setting period tends to slow up
the work unduly, also it might postpone the actual use of the structure because of
inadequate strength at the desired age.
 Setting should not be confused with hardening, which refers to the gain in
mechanical strength after the certain degree of resistance to the penetration of a
special attachment pressed into it.
 Setting time is the time required for stiffening of cement paste to a defined
 Indirectly related to the initial chemical reaction of cement with water to form
Aluminum-silicate compound.
 Initial setting time is the time when the paste starts losing its plasticity.
 Initial setting time test is important for transportation, 
 Initial setting time duration is required to delay the process of hydration or
 Final setting time is the time when the paste completely loses its plasticity.
 It is the time taken for the cement paste or cement concrete to harden sufficiently
and attain the shape of the mould in which it is cast.
 Determination of final setting time period facilitates safe removal of scaffolding
or form.
Procedure to Find Setting Time of Cement
Apparatus Required

 Vicat's apparatus
 Balance
 Measuring cylinder
 Stop watch
 Glass plate
 Enamel tray
 Trowel

Test Procedure
Initial Preparation

o Consistency test to be done before starting the test procedure to find out the water
required to give the paste normal consistency (P).
o Take 300 g of cement and prepare a neat cement paste with 0.85P of water by
weight of cement.
o Gauge time is kept between 3 to 5 minutes. Start the stop watch at the instant
when the water is added to the cement. Record this time (T1).
o Fill the Vicat mould, resting on a glass plate, with the cement paste gauged as
above. Fill the mould completely and smooth off the surface of the paste making it
level with the top of the mould. The cement block thus prepared is called test

Test for Initial Setting Time

 Place the test block confined in the mould and resting on the non-porous plate,
under the rod bearing the needle.
 Lower the needle gently until it comes in contact with the surface of test block and
quick release, allowing it to penetrate into the test block.
 In the beginning the needle completely pierces the test block. Repeat this
procedure i.e. quickly releasing the needle after every 2 minutes till the needle
fails to pierce the block for about 5 mm measured from the bottom of the mould.
Note this time (T2).

Test for Final Setting Time

 For determining the final setting time, replace the needle of the Vicat’s apparatus
by the needle with an annular attachment.
 The cement is considered finally set when upon applying the final setting needle
gently to the surface of the test block; the needle makes an impression thereon,
while the attachment fails to do so. Record this time (T3).

Initial setting time=T2-T1
Final setting time=T3-T1

Where: -

T1 =Time at which water is first added to cement (11:12am)

T2 =Time when needle fails to penetrate 5 mm to 7 mm from bottom of the mould

T3 =Time when the needle makes an impression but the attachment fails to do so

Initial setting time = 54 min
Final setting time = 6hr 5 min

Soundness test: -
Soundness of cement can be defined as its ability to retain its volume after it gets
hardened. This means that a properly sound cement will undergo minimum volume
change after it converts into the hardened state. In the soundness test of cement, we
determine the amount of excess lime. This test can be conducted by Le-chatelier method
and Autoclave Method. Here we will discuss Le-chatlier method of determining the
soundness of cement.

Significance of Soundness Test on Cement

Cement is a composition of lime, silica, alumina, magnesia, alkaline, sulphur trioxide,
iron oxide, and calcium sulphate. Among which, lime constitutes 60 to 70%. Hence, a
cement deficient in lime will set quickly and will affect the property of the cement. Lime
content in higher amount will make the cement unsound. An unsound cement will affect
the quality of the cement work performed. This demands of soundness test of cement
before using it. Through this test, it is ensured that the cement won’t undergo any sort of
expansion due to the presence of excess amount of lime.

Le-Chatlier's Soundness Test on Cement


 Le- chatelier mould

 Cement
 Glass sheets
 Mixing pan
 Trowel
 Wight
Figure:- Soundness of cement le chatlier's Test Apparatus
The mould consists of a small split cylinder of spring brass or other suitable metal of
0.5mm thickness forming of a mould 30mm internal diameter and 30mm height. On
either side of the split are attached to indicators with pointed ends A-A- the distance from
these ends to the center of the cylinder being 165mm. The mould shall be kept in good
condition with the jaws not more than 0.5mmapart.

Procedure For Soundness Test on Cement

 The Le- chatlier mould and the glass plates are lightly oiled before conducting the
 Prepare a cement paste as in consistency test with 0. 78 times the water required to
give a paste of standard consistency
 Fill the cement paste in the Le- chatelier mould taking care to keep the edges of
the mould gently together during the operation.
 Cover the mould with another piece of a glass plate and place a small weight over
the cover plate.
 Submerge the whole assembly immediately in water at a temperature of 27o+-2oC
and keep it there for 24 hours.
 Take out the assembly again in water at 27+/- 2 deg C. The distance between the
indicator points are measured as A.
 Submerge assembly again in water at 27 +/- 2 deg C
 Bring the water to boiling in 25 to 30 minutes and keep at boiling for 3 hours. The
assembly should be immersed in water during this process.
 Remove the mould from water and allow it to cool to 27 +/- 2 deg C
 Measure the distance between the indicator points as B.
Expansion= B- A. Here, A = The measurement taken after 24hours of immersion in water
at 27 ± 2degree Celsius, B = The measurement taken after 3hours of immersion in water
at boiling temperature

The value of soundness of cement obtained for Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), Low
heat cement, high alumina cement and rapid hardening cement must not exceed 10mm.
The Le-chatlier’s Method helps us to determine the lime present in the cement in excess.
This is the excess lime that causes expansion of cement.


 The test is conducted with special care and guidance

 Filling of moulds must not be done by applying extra pressure.
 During the process of boiling, the water level must not go below the height of the

Specific Gravity
The specific gravity is normally defined as the ratio between the weight of a given
volume of material and weight of an equal volume of water. The port land cement have a
specific gravity of value around 3.15. When it comes to port land pozzolan cements and
port land blast furnace cements the value will come near to 2.90 (As per Portland Cement
Association (PCA) 1988). To determine the specific gravity of cement, kerosene which
does not recent with cement is used.
Significance of Specific Gravity of Cement
Based on the moisture content present in the cement, the specific gravity can either
increase or decrease. The cement particles have pores or particles that can contain water
within it. A nominal mix is prepared with a cement of specific gravity 3.15. Any change
in this value of specific gravity will affect the mix design. Hence, it is necessary to test
the specific gravity of the cement procured before mixing process. This is the main reason
why we ignore the use of old stock cement. Old stock cement may be affected by external
moisture content. A value of specific gravity of cement greater than 3.19 shows that the
cement was not properly minced into fine powder during its production or the cement has
more moisture content. The presence of moisture content in cement is easily identified by
the presence of chunks in cement.
Specific Gravity Test on Cement
Equipment and Apparatus

 Le Chaterlier”s flask
 Weighing balance
 Kerosene (free from water).
 Weighing Balance

Figure:- Specific Gravity of Cement Test Apparatus

Le Chaterlier”s flask, is made of thin glass having a bulb at the bottom. The capacity of
the bulb is nearly 250 ml. The bulb is 7.8 cm in mean diameter. The stem is graduated in
millimeters. The zero graduation is at a distance of 8.8 cm from the top of the bulb. At 2
cm from the zero, there is another bulb is of length 3.5cm and capacity of 17 ml. At 1 cm
from the bulb, the stem is marked with 18 ml and is grated up to 24 ml. The portion above
24ml mark is in the form of a funnel of diameter 5cm.

Procedure for Specific Gravity Test on Cement

 The flask is allowed to dry completely and made free from liquid and moisture.
The weight of the empty flask is taken as W1.
 The bottle is filled with cement to its half (Around 60gm of cement) and closed
with a stopper. The arrangement is weighed with stopper and taken as W2.
 To this kerosene is added to the top of the bottle. The mixture is mixed thoroughly
and air bubbles are removed. The flask with kerosene, cement with stopper is
weighed and taken as W3.
 Next, the flask is emptied and filled with kerosene to the top. The arrangement is
weighed and taken as W4.
Observations and Calculations
Specific Gravity of Cement Sg is given by the formula,

= W2 – W1
(W2 – W1) – (W3 – W4) x 0

Here, the specific gravity of kerosene is 0.79g/cc

Note: -

 Duplicate determination of specific gravity should agree within 0.01.

 To get an accurate result, the flask should be held in a constant temperature before
2each reading is taken.

The specific gravity of a sample of cement = 3


Various tests for workability of concrete at construction sites i.e slump test, Vee-bee test,
Compaction factor test and its recommended values are given below. What is workability
of concrete and What are tests is generally performed at site for its determination? And
what are its recommended values for different purposes? Workability of concrete
describes the ease or difficulty with which the concrete is handled, transported and placed
between the forms with minimum loss of homogeneity. Workability is important because,
if i. the concrete mixture is too wet, coarse aggregates settle at the bottom of concrete
mass and as a result concrete becomes non-uniform composition, ii. the concrete mixture
is too dry, it will be difficult to handle and place it in position

Tests for Workability of Concrete

Workability of a concrete mixture is measured by:
 Vee-bee consistometer test
 Compaction factor test
 Slump test The first two tests are laboratory tests while the third test is the field test.

Concrete Slump Test

This test is carried out with a mould called slump cone whose top diameter is 10cm,
bottom diameter is 20 cm and height is 30 cm. the test may be performed in the following
 Place the slump mould on a smooth flat and non-absorbent surface.
 Mix the dry ingredients of the concrete thoroughly till a uniform colour is
obtained and then add the required quantity of water.
 Place the mixed concrete in the mould to about one-fourth of its height.
 Compact the concrete 25 times with the help of a tamping rod uniformly all over
the area.
 Place the concrete in the mould about half of its height and compact it again.
 Place the concrete up to its three fourth height and then up to its top. Compact
each layer 25 times with the help of tamping rod uniformly. For the second
subsequent layers, the tamping rod should penetrate into underlying layers.
 Strike off the top surface of mould with a trowel or tamping rod so that the mould
is filled to its top.
 Remove the mould immediately, ensuring its movement in vertical direction.
 When the settlement of concrete stops, measure the subsidence of the concrete in
millimeters which is the required slump of the concrete.

Concrete Mix Design – M30

Required data
 1.Grade designation – M30
 Types of cement & grade of cement OPC- 43 grade
 Maximum nominal size of Aggregate - 20 mm
 Exposure condition severe (IS-456, Table-3)
 Minimum cement contents – 320kg/m^3 (IS-456, Table-5)
 Workability in terms of slump - 60mm (IS-456, C1.7.1)
 Transportation time – 30min
 Standard deviations -5.0N/mm^2 (IS-10262, Table-2)
 Type of course aggregate – Crushed angular aggregate
 Maximum cement content -450kg/m^3 (IS-456: C1.
 Water cement ratio -0.45 (IS-456: Table-5)
 Fine aggregate – Zone II

Test Data of Materials

 Specific gravity of cement -3
 Specific gravity of fine aggregates – 2.46
 Specific gravity of Coarse aggregates – 2.73
 Specific gravity of water – 10
Steps involved in mix Design: -
 Target strength
 Water Cement ratio
 Water content
 Calculations of cement content.
 Aggregate proportion between C.A&F. A
 Mix calculations.

Target Strength: -
Fck = fck +1.65S or fck + X, whichever is higher
Fck = Target mean compressive strength at 28 days
S= standard deviations
IS-10262:2019, Table-2,
S – 5.0 N/mm2
IS10262-2019, Table-1
X-Factor based on grade of concrete as per table-1
X - 6.5 N/mm²

Water Cement ratio: -

Exposure -severe.
IS-456-2000, Table-3& 5
Water cement ratio – 0.45

Water Content: -
IS-10262, Table-4,
20mm aggregate – 186kg (for 50mm slump)

Calculation of Cement Content: -

Water cement ratio = Water content / Cement content
Cement Content= Water content/ water cement ratio
Minimum cement content (IS-456:2000)

Aggregate proportion between C.A & F.A

IS-10262, Table-5, Cl.5.5.1
Zone -II - 0.62 (W/c -0.5)
Vol. of coarse aggregate = 0.62
Vol. of fine Agg=1-0.62 = 0.38

Mix Calculation: -
(a) Volume of Concrete –
1 m³

(b) Volume of Cement.

(Mass / sp. gravity) * (1/1000)
= 413.33 / 3 * 1000 = 0.13 7773m^3

(C) Volume of Water

(Mass sp. gravity) x (1/1000).
=186 /1.0 x1000 = 0.186 m³

(d) Volume of all in aggregate.

1-(b+c+d) = 1 - (0.125 +0.158 +0.00 386) = 0.713
1-(b+c) = 1 - (0.13777 +0.186) = 0.6763
Vol. of all in aggregate * Vol. of CA * Sp. gravity of CA*1000

Mass of fine aggregate.

Vol. of all in aggregate * Vol. of FA *Sp. gravity of FA *1000
0.6763*0.38*2.46*1000 = 632.205.

Summary: -
Cement= 413-33 kg/m³
Water= 186 kg m³
Fine Aggregate = 632.20524 kg/m³
Coarse Aggregate=1144.7053 kg/m³ (20mm- 60% & 10mm- 40%)
Water cement ratio= 0.45

Cement F. A C.A Water

394 791 1068 157.6
1 2.00 2.71 0.4
413.33 632.5 1144.7053 186
1 1.5295 2.7694 0.45

M30 (1:1.53:2.77)
1 Cube mould fill (15cm)
Volume of wet Concrete required = 0.15^3 m3
Volume of dry concrete require = 1.53*0.153
Volume of Cement = (1/1+1.53+2.77) *1*0.153
=6.3679*10-4 m3
density of Cement = 1440kg/m3
Wt. of Cement =1440 x 6.3679×10^-4 =0.91698 kg
Volume of F.A = (1.53/5.3) *1*0.15^3= 9.7429*10^-4 m^3
Density of Natural River soil (FA)= 1650 kg/m^3
wt. = 1650* 9.7429*10^-4=1.6075 kg
Vol. OF CA = (2.77/5.3) *1*0.15^3= 1.763915*10^-3 m^3
Density of CA = 1300 kg/m3
1200 X= 22644879 1.7639 = 2.29307 kg
Wt.= 1300*1.7639*10^-3 = 2.29307kg

Summary: -
Cement= 0.91698kg, FA =1.6075kg, CA=2.29307kg

Concrete is a mix of the ingredient of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate & water.
It can be moulded into any form in the plastic stage. The relative quantity of ingredient
controls the property on concrete in the wet stage as well as in the hardened stage. Before
two or three decades ago, the manufacture of concrete for construction of structure with
OPC with the ease of availability of component of concrete irrespective of quality was in
practice without considering the future of concrete structure. Now with the passage of
time in the modern era investigation since last two to three decades made by the
Engineers & scientists keeping in view the structural stability of structure which needs
quality concrete with improved strength, durability & other characteristics of concrete.
The demand for these characteristics derives the search for supplementary cementitious
materials. Search for any appropriate material in partial substitute of cement which is
universally sustainable expansion and lowest possible environmental impact. Cement
concrete is the most construction material today. We can say that we are living in the era
of concrete. Concrete is prepared by mixing cement, aggregates & water. It is easy to
make concrete but actually concrete is complex material. It is a site made material and
such its quality, properties and performance can vary to a great extent due to the use of
natural material except for cement. In the fast development of infrastructure in the
country use of high strength in concrete using silica, fumes can be a key practice. As it
increases the properties of concrete like strength, durability, workability and many others.
And it is also cheaper than cement.
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