STS MOD1 Lesson2

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After this lesson, you should be able to:
1. discuss the role of science and technology in Philippine nation-building;
2. evaluate government policies pertaining to science and technology in terms of their contributions to nation-
building; and
3. identify actual science and technology policies of the government and appraise their impact on the development
of the Filipino nation.

January 30- February 3 ,2023


This lesson will discuss the influence of science and technology in the development of the Philippines
society. It identifies the government programs, projects, policies geared toward boasting the science and technology
capacity of the country. This lesson will also include discussions on Philippine indigenous science and technology.
The advent of science and technology brought progress not only in our country but in the entire world. Its
development determines to a large extent the socio-economic progress of a country. It is well-known fact that it is
directly associated with modernity and is an essential tool for rapid development and progress of a country.

What is Science and Technology?
- Science and technology is a field of endeavor upon which two-way interaction operates between the two.
- Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior
of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
- Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. It is the use of resources made
available by nature to procreate and make changes.

Importance of Science and Technology to National Development

- Science and technology are the key drivers to development, because technological and scientific revolutions
underpin economic advancements, improvement in health systems, education and infrastructure.
- Modernization in every aspect of life is the greatest example of the implementation of science and technology in
every nation (i.e., introduction of modern gadgets and modern equipment).
- To ensure national security and social stability
- To sustain the growth of the national economy and to improve its efficiency
- To prepare for smooth transition to an information society
- To improve the quality of life
- To create a new culture suitable for the new society

Ten (10) Most and Less Developed Countries in the World 2020
- According to Ikenwa (2019), to know a developed country, a lot of indices must be checked. However, Majaski
(2020) gave standard criteria for evaluating a country’s level of development. These are:
1. Income per capita or per capita gross domestic product;
2. the level of industrialization;
3. the general standard of living;
4. the amount of technological infrastructure; and
5. noneconomic factors, such as the human development index (HDI), which quantifies a country’s level of
education, literacy, and health into a single figure, can also be used to evaluate an economy or the degree of

- The most developed countries and the least developed countries in the world according to the World Population
Review (2020):
1 Norway Niger
2 Switzerland Central African Republic
3 Ireland South Sudan
4 Germany Chad
5 Hong Kong, China Burundi
6 Australia Sierra Leone
7 Iceland Burkina Faso
8 Sweden Mali
9 Singapore Liberia
10 Netherlands Mozambique

Science and Technology in the Philippines: A Historical Perspective
Philippine science and technology has a long story. It started before Spain colonized the country where
some indigenous technology already existed with regards to wet rice and dry rice agriculture. The use of technology
was also evident in the handicrafts, pottery, weaving, metal ware and boats used by ancient Filipinos. The natives
were already aware of the medicinal and therapeutic properties of plants and the methods of extracting medicine
from herbs. They had an alphabet, a system of writing, a method of counting, weights and measure. They had no
calendar but counted the years by the period of the moon and from one harvest to another. Filipinos were already
engaged in farming, shipbuilding, mining and weaving. The Banaue Rice Terraces is a sophisticated product of
engineering by pre-Spanish Filipinos.

A. Spanish Colonial Period

- Introduction of formal education and founded scientific institutions
- Parish schools were established where religion, reading, writing, arithmetic and music was taught
- Sanitation and more advance methods of agriculture were taught to the natives
- Establishment of colleges and universities including University of Santo Tomas
- Study of medicine and engineering was given priority
- The Jesuits promoted meteorological studies and founded the Manila Observatory and the Ateneo
Municipal de Manila in 1865

B. American Colonial Period and Post Commonwealth Era

- On July 1, 1901, the Philippine Commission established the Bureau of Government Laboratories which
was placed under the Department of Interior.
- On October 26, 1905, the Bureau of Government Laboratories was replaced by the Bureau of Science. The
Bureau dealt with the study of tropical diseases.
- On December 8, 1933, the National Research Council of the Philippines was recognized.
- The Bureau of Science became the primary research center of the Philippines until World War II.

Fig. 3. Influences in the Development of Science and Technology in the Philippines

Internal Influences
Economic Activities
Development of
Science and
Technology in the
External Influences Philippines
Foreign colonizers
Trades with Foreign
International Economic

Government Policies on Science and Technology

A. Pres. Ferdinand Marcos’ Era and Martial Law
- Science was given importance
- In the amended 1973 Philippine Constitution, Article XV, Section 9 (1), he declared that the “advancement of
science and technology shall have priority in national development.” In his two terms of presidency and during
Martial Law, many laws were enacted promoting science and technology.
- On January 23, 1967, he declared that science was necessary for the development programs, and thus, directed
the Department of Education to revitalize the science courses in public high schools. DepEd and the National
Science Development Board (NSDB) organized a project to provide selected high schools with science teaching
equipment over a four-year period.
- In 1968, technology was recognized as the leading factor in economic development and thus additional funds
were channeled to support projects in applied sciences and science education.
- The NSDB established the Philippine Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) to explore the uses of atomic energy
for economic development.
- Major development project to reform education were done and which included research and development,
establishment of technical institutes, science education centers, and agricultural colleges and vocational high
- Establishment of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services (PAG-ASA) by
Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 49, s. 1972.
- Establishment of the Philippine National Oil Company (PNOC) by P.D. No. 334, s. 1973.
- In 1976, the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) was established.

- In 1979, the government funded scientific research conducted by NSDB, the Philippine Council for Agricultural
Research and Resources (PCARR), the Plant Breeding Institute (PBI), the International Rice Research Institute
(IRRI), the Bureau of Plan Industry (BPI), and the Bureau of Forest Products (BFP).
- Creation of the National Committee on Geological Sciences (NCGS) by Executive Order (E.O.) No. 625, s.
- By virtue of E.O. No. 784, s. 1982, the NSDB and its support agencies was reorganized and was named
National Science and Technology Authority (NSTA) to provide central direction and coordination of scientific
and technological research and development.
- The Mindanao and Visayas campuses of the Philippine Science High School (PSHS) were established in 1986
to encourage careers in science and technology and to be more accessible to the talented students in the
Mindanao and Visayas areas in accordance with E.O. No. 1090, s. 1986.

B. Pres. Cory Aquino’s Term and the Fifth Republic

- The NSTA was replaced by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), giving the department a
representation in the cabinet. Under the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan for the years 1987 – 1992,
science and technology’s role in economic recovery and sustained economic growth was highlighted. Science
and technology was one of the three priorities of the government towards an economic recovery.
- The first Science and Technology Master Plan (STMP) was formulated on August 8, 1988. Its goal was for the
Philippines to achieve newly industrialized country status for the year 2000.
- She encouraged scientists and inventors to bring the Philippines to its former position as second to Japan in
science and technology and to achieve the status as an industrialized country in 2000.
- Republic Act (R.A.) 6655 or the Free Public Secondary Education Act of 1988 opened free education at the
secondary level. Together with this was implemented the “Science for the Masses Program” which aimed at
scientific and technological literacy among Filipinos.

C. Pres. Fidel V. Ramos’ Term

- There was a significant increase in personnel specializing in science and technology (around 3,000 competent
scientists and engineers).
- The DOST initiated Science and Technology Agenda for National Development (STAND) which embodies the
country’s task development plan for 1993 – 1998. It was tasked to formulate a Science and Technology
development program that would support the national development goal of attaining a newly industrialized
country (NIC) status by the year 2000. The task force was composed of DOST, Department of Agriculture
(DA), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC), as
well as the adviser on public resources and three academic institutions involved in science and technology.
- Another science and technology framework plan entitled ‘Competence, Competitive Conscience: the Medium-
Term Plan of the DOST (1999-2004). Its six (6) flagship programs are:
1. Comprehensive program to enhance technology enterprises;
2. Integrated program on clean technologies;
3. Establishment of a packaging Research and Development (R & D) center;
4. Expansion of regional meteorology centers;
5. Science and Technology (S & T) intervention program for the poor, vulnerable and disabled; and
6. Comprehensive science and technology program for Mindanao.
- Among the priorities of STAND were:
1. Exporting winners identified by the DTI;
2. Domestic needs identified by Presidential Council for Countryside Development (PCCD);
3. Support industries; and
4. Coconut industry development.
- Among the laws enacted by Congress during his term were the:
1. Magna Carta for S & T Personnel (R.A. No. 8439);
2. S & T Scholarship Law of 1004 (R.A. No. 7687);
3. Inventors and Inventions Incentives Act (R.A. No. 7459); and
4. The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (R.A. No. 8293)

D. Pres. Joseph Estrada’s Term

- Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (R.A. No. 8749)
- Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 (R.A. No. 8792)
- Full-scale program based n cost-effective irrigation technologies.
- Dole-outs are out, which meant basic health care, basic nutrition, and useful education for those who want, but
cannot afford it

E. Pres. Gloria M. Arroyo’s Term

- “Golden Age” of S & T by Sec. Estrella Alabastro
- “Filipinovation” was the coined term used in helping the Philippines to be an innovation hub in Asia.
- The Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) was developed further by strengthening the schools and
education system such as PSHS, which focuses on science, technology and mathematics in their curriculum.
- Biofuel Act (R.A. No. 9367)

F. Pres. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino’s Term

- Improvement of the Agriculture and Fisheries Sector through Mechanization (AFMech) (R.A. No. 10601).
- Republic Act No. 10601 also covers research, development, and extension (RDE), promotion, distribution,
supply, assembling, manufacturing, regulation, use, operation, maintenance and project implementation of
agricultural and fisheries machinery and equipment.
- He was known as the “Father of Organic Agriculture” because of his work on the Organic Agricultural Act of
2010 (R.A. No. 10068)
- The Harmonized Agenda for S & T was presented to him in 2014 and it included two crucial issues: inclusive
growth and disaster risk reduction.
- On May 23, 2016, R.A. No. 19844, otherwise known as DICT Act of 2015, was signed into law. Under this
law, the DICT will take charge of planning, developing, and promoting the national ICT development agenda.

Famous Filipinos in the Field of Science
Below are list of the 10 outstanding scientists who have made significant contributions in Philippine science as
enumerated by Lee-Chua (2000) as provided by Serafica, Pawilen, Caslib, and Alata (2018):
1. Ramon Cabanos Barba – for his outstanding research on tissue culture in Philippine mangoes
2. Josefino Cacas Comiso – for his works on observing the characteristics of Antarctica by using satellite images
3. Jose Bejar Cruz Jr. – known internationally in the field of electrical engineering; was elected as officer of the
famous Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineer
4. Lourdes Jansuy Cruz – notable for her research on sea snail venom
5. Fabian Millar Dayrit – for his research on herbal medicine
6. Rafael Dineros Guerrero III – for his research on Tilapia culture
7. Enrique Mapua Ostrea Jr. – for inventing the meconium drug test
8. Lilian Formalejo Patena – for doing research on plant biotechnology
9. Mari-Jo Panganiban Ruiz – for being an outstanding educator and graph theoriest
10. Gregory Ligot Tangonan – for his research in the field of communication technology


Activity 4

ENUMERATION. Enumerate at least five (5) laws regarding Science and Technology that our current president,
Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte, amended or created. Write your answer on the space provided. (10 points)

1. R.A 10844
2. R.A No. 11337
3. R.A 11035
4. R.A No.1606
5. R.A11312
Activity 5
FILL-IN THE BOX. Given the list of the developed and least developed countries as discussed in p. 16, provide
the needed information to prove that they belong to the developed and least developed countries. (50 points)

D HON Hong Kong Hong Kong You should allow for Technologica 0.949
E G gdp per capita industrialised HK$30,000 to l Hong Kong,
V KON for 2021 was rapidly from 1963 HK$50,000 Infrastructure China
E G $49,661, a to 1970. Existing (US$3,900 to (SAR)'s HDI
L 7.72% industries US$6,500) per year Hong Kong value for
O increase from continued to for other living costs, ranked sixth 2019 is 0.949
P 2020. Hong prosper, while new including food, in — which put
E Kong gdp per industries emerged leisure, infrastructure the country in
D capita for and thrived as transportation, and out of the 132 the very high
2020 was well. The number personal items, surveyed human
C $46,101, a of factories depending on how economies in development
O 4.66% decline increased 67% extravagantly you the Global category—
U from 2019. while the number plan to live. How Innovation positioning it
N Hong Kong of workers much do things cost Index 2021. at 4 out of
T gdp per capita increased 15%. in Hong Kong? 189 countries
R for 2019 was The number of Check out these and
I $48,356, a factories and prices, for your territories.
E 0.37% decline workers in 1970 reference. The rank is
from 2018. were 16,507 and shared with
Hong Kong 549,000 Iceland.
gdp per capita respectively.
for 2018 was
$48,538, a
increase from

GER Germany gdp Industrial On average, to cover Germany has 0.947
MAN per capita for Production in your living expenses one of the 2.1-
Y 2021 was Germany averaged in Germany you will largest ICT Germany's
$50,802, a 1.26 percent from need around 861 markets in HDI value
9.84% 1979 until 2022, euros per month the world and and rank
increase from reaching an all (around $1,002 US the single Germany's
2020. time high of 27.60 dollars) or 10,332 largest HDI value
Germany gdp percent in April of euros per year software for 2019 is
per capita for 2021 and a record (around $12,024 US market in 0.947—
2020 was low of -25 percent dollars). The prices Europe with which put the
$46,253, a in April of 2020. for food, 95,808 IT country in the
1.16% decline accommodation, bills, companies very high
from 2019. clothes and (software and human
Germany gdp entertainment are hardware, as development
per capita for basically in line with of 2019, category—
2019 was the EU average. source: positioning it
$46,795, a Statista) and at 6 out of
2.46% decline an estimate 189 countries
from 2018. of 1,124 and
million territories.
employees in Between
2022. There 1990 and
is strong 2019,
demand for Germany's
U.S. products HDI value
and services increased
across all from 0.808 to
segments. 0.947, an
increase of
17.2 percent.
IREL Ireland gdp Industrial Ireland has ranked Ireland has 0.955
AND per capita for Production in 13th out of the 27 EU one of the Ireland's HDI
2021 was Ireland averaged countries in new EU strongest value for
$99,152, a 7.53 percent from data on household talent 2019 is 0.955
16.07% 1981 until 2022, living standards in pipelines for — which put
increase from reaching an all 2020. The figures STEM the country in
2020. Ireland time high of 66.40 show Ireland ranking (science, the very high
gdp per capita percent in slightly below the EU technology, human
for 2020 was November of 2020 average, a completely engineering, development
$85,423, a and a record low different picture from and category—
5.61% of -29.10 percent GDP-per-head data, mathematics) positioning it
increase from in April of 2022. which has Ireland in in Europe. at 2 out of
2019. Ireland second place. Our 189 countries
gdp per capita technology and
for 2019 was sector territories.
$80,887, a benefits from The rank is
2.25% high levels of shared with
increase from Government Switzerland.
2018. support for, Between
and 1990 and
investment 2019,
in, skills Ireland's HDI
programmes. value
from 0.773 to
0.955, an
increase of
23.5 percent.

SWIT Switzerland Industrial In Switzerland, the Switzerland 0.955
ZER- gdp per capita Production in average household has Switzerland's
LAN for 2020 was Switzerland net-adjusted established HDI value
D $87,100, a averaged 2.32 disposable income itself as one for 2019 is
2.07% percent from 1991 per capita is USD 39 of the most 0.955—
increase from until 2022, 697 a year, more than technological which put the
2019. reaching an all the OECD average of and country in the
Switzerland time high of 16.10 USD 30 490 a year. innovative very high
gdp per capita percent in the In terms of countries in human
for 2019 was second quarter of employment, about the world. In development
$85,335, a 2021 and a record 80% of people aged the Global category—
1.22% decline low of -10.55 15 to 64 in Innovation positioning it
from 2018. percent in the Switzerland have a Index, at 2 out of
Switzerland second quarter of paid job, above the Switzerland 189 countries
gdp per capita 2009. OECD employment once again and
for 2018 was average of 66%. ranked at territories.
$86,388, a number one The rank is
3.64% as was the shared with
increase from case in the Ireland.
2017. previous Between
year, and the 1990 and
country also 2019,
patented a Switzerland's
large number HDI value
of increased
innovations from 0.840 to
in 2021 – a 0.955, an
total of increase of
146,716.Dec 13.7 percent.
1, 2020
NOR Norway gdp Industrial Norway earned high The quality 0.957
WAY per capita for Production in marks in all areas to of the Norway's
2021 was Norway averaged get an overall score of Norwegian HDI value
$89,203, a 0.49 percent from 0.944. Its life transportation for 2019 is
32.49% 1991 until 2022, expectancy at birth is infrastructure 0.957—
increase from reaching an all 81.6 years, while its is quite good, which put the
2020. Norway time high of 15.40 gross national income although its country in the
gdp per capita percent in June of (GNI) per capita is high very high
for 2020 was 1994 and a record $64,992. Rounding mountains human
$67,330, a low of -13.10 out the top five are: and deeply development
11.08% percent in August Australia (0.935), cut valleys category—
decline from of 2010. Switzerland (0.930), and fjords positioning it
2019. Norway Denmark (0.923) and combined at 1 out of
gdp per capita the Netherlands with a severe 189 countries
for 2019 was (0.922). northern and
$75,720, a climate make territories.
7.96% decline inland Between
from 2018. transportation 1990 and
Norway gdp difficult 2019,
per capita for during the Norway's
2018 was winter HDI value
$82,268, a months. increased
8.97% from 0.849 to
increase from 0.957, an
2017. increase of
12.7 percent.

U BUR 237 USD A landlocked Burundi's HDI value Burundi's 0.433
N UNDI GDP per country in East for 2019 is 0.433— transport Burundi's
D capita (current Africa, Burundi is which put the country infrastructure HDI value
E US$) in a low-income in the low human is very for 2019 is
V Burundi was economy where development category limited. A 0.433—
E reported at 80% of the — positioning it at crumbling which put the
L 237 USD in population are 185 out of 189 network of country in the
O 2021, employed in the countries and 14,480 low human
P according to agricultural sector. territories. The rank is kilometers development
E the World shared with South (8,998 miles) category—
D Bank Sudan. Between 1990 of roads, of positioning it
collection of and 2019, Burundi's which 1,028 at 185 out of
C development HDI value increased kilometers 189 countries
O indicators, from 0.299 to 0.433, (639 miles) and
U compiled from an increase of 44.8 are paved, is territories.
N officially percent. used by only
T recognized 19,000
R sources. passenger
I cars and
E 12,300
S commercial
CHA Oil and agriculture In Chad, the majority Chad's Chad's HDI
D In 2020, the drive Chad's of the population has infrastructure value for
estimated economy. Oil a low standard of is 2019 is 0.398
GDP per constitutes the living, shown through exceptionally — which put
capita in Chad bulk of export their high levels of poor even by the country in
amounted to earnings and inequality, poor standards in the low
around 653.09 government housing, low standard other human
U.S. dollars. revenues. Gold, of health, high infant developing development
gum arabic, mortality rate, high countries. category—
sesame, cattle, and levels of malnutrition, Decades of positioning it
cotton are Chad's lack of overall civil war at 187 out of
primary non-oil education and high have taken 189 countries
exports. A poverty levels. their toll, and and
majority of Chad's improvement territories.
population relies s have Between
on subsistence proceeded 2000 and
farming and slowly. The 2019, Chad's
livestock rearing. road system HDI value
is unpaved increased
and from 0.293 to
vulnerable to 0.398, an
erosion. increase of
35.8 percent.

SOU 2. Sudan is still a Family of four South Sudan South
TH In 2020, the least developed estimated monthly is a newly Sudan's HDI
SUD estimated country according costs are 1,640$ independent value for
AN GDP per to United Nations. without rent. A single country, 2019 is 0.433
capita in person estimated affected by — which put
South Sudan monthly costs are conflict, the country in
amounted to 469$ without rent. endowed the low
around 486.95 Cost of living in with oil, but human
U.S. dollars. Sudan is, on average, poor in terms development
48.35% lower than in of category—
United States. Rent in infrastructure positioning it
Sudan is, on average, and economic at 185 out of
79.13% lower than in development. 189 countries
United States. and
The rank is
shared with
2010 and
2019, South
Sudan's HDI
from 0.410 to
0.433, an
increase of
5.6 percent.
CEN The country is The Central African The Central 0.397
TRA Central mostly self- Republic has the African Central
L African sufficient in basic second lowest life Republic is African
AFRI Republic gdp foodstuffs, and expectancy in the one of the Republic's
CAN per capita for agricultural world at 48 years, and world's least- HDI value
REP 2020 was diversification has the fifth highest death developed for 2019 is
UBLI $482, a 2.91% been encouraged rate from infectious countries, 0.397—
C increase from by the and parasitic disease. with over 60 which put the
2019. Central government. In much of CAR percent of its country in the
African mortality rates are the population low human
Republic gdp result of seasonal living in development
per capita for epidemics, economic poverty. The category—
2019 was downturns, as well as country does positioning it
$468, a 1.65% conflict, have some at 188 out of
decline from displacement, and a important 189 countries
2018. poor health system. natural and
resources, territories.
with timber Between
and diamonds 1990 and
dominating 2019, Central
exports. African
However, Republic's
transportation HDI value
and the increased
electrical from 0.334 to
infrastructure 0.397, an
is extremely increase of
limited. 18.9 percent.

NIGE Data are in Nigeria's Living Income 2020: The country's 0.539
R current U.S. industrialization technological 2.1- Nigeria's
dollars. between 1943 and The Anker Living prowess is HDI value
Nigeria gdp 2013 was divided Income Reference still and rank
per capita for into five eras, Value for 2020 for abysmally Nigeria's HDI
2021 was namely the pre- rural Nigeria is low. For value for
$2,085, a independence era 138,678 NGN per instance, on 2019 is 0.539
0.58% decline (1943-1959), the month (US$365). the Global — which put
from 2020. post-colonial era This is the estimated Innovation the country in
Nigeria gdp (1960-1969), the monthly cost of a Index (GII), the low
per capita for era of oil-boom basic but decent Nigeria has human
2020 was (1970-1979), the standard of living for consistently development
$2,097, a decade of the a typical family in in the last category—
5.95% decline 1980s, and 1990 rural Nigeria in 2020. seven years positioning it
from 2019. and beyond. ranked at 161 out of
Nigeria gdp lowest, and 189 countries
per capita for had not fared and
2019 was better even territories.
$2,230, a before then. Between
9.97% In the 2019 2005 and
increase from GII, Nigeria 2019,
2018. ranked 114 Nigeria's HDI
out of 129 value
economies. A increased
year earlier, it from 0.465 to
ranked 118th 0.539, an
increase of
15.9 percent.



Activity 6

ILLUSTRATION. Draw what you think society or the world without science and technology. Afterwards, in one
paragraph (min. of 5 sentences), present your reasons for your drawing. Use the space provided. (40 points)

There can be no technological achievements or human progress without science. Science is knowledge;
without it, life would be difficult, if not impossible. We have technology, buildings, bridges, structures, and
transportation because of science. Without science, the world would not have developed to this stage.


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