LYCAR AIr Ops-AMC GM - Part DEF - Amendment 1 - Aug 16 - Final

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STATE OF LIBYA ‫دولة لـيـبـيـا‬

GOVERNMENT OF LIBYA ‫الحكومة الليبية‬

MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT ‫وزارة المواصالت‬
CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY ‫مصلحة الطيران المدني‬


Air Operations

AMC (Acceptable Means of Compliance) & GM (Guidance Material)

Part CAT

Amendment 1 – August 2016

AMC & GM to LCARs – Air Operations Part DEF Amendment 1


AMC & GM to LCARs – Air Operations Part DEF Amendment 1


AMC & GM to LCARs – Air Operations Part DEF Amendment 1


GM to Part Definitions ....................................................................................................... 1

GM 1- definitions ................................................................................................................ 1
GM2 - ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ..................................................................... 3
GM4 - HEAD-UP GUIDANCE LANDING SYSTEM (HUDLS) ...........................................14
GM5 - HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................................14
GM6 - NIGHT VISION IMAGING SYSTEM (NVIS) ...........................................................14
GM7 - OFFSHORE OPERATIONS ..................................................................................15
GM8 - PUBLIC INTEREST SITE .....................................................................................15
GM9 - TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS ...............................................................................15
GM10 - V1 ........................................................................................................................15
GM11 - TASK SPECIALISTS ...........................................................................................15

AMC & GM to LCARs – Air Operations Part DEF Amendment 1

GM to Part Definitions


GM 1- definitions
For the purpose of Acceptable Means of Compliance and Guidance Material to
Regulation Air Operations, the following definitions should apply:
(a) ‘Accuracy’ means, in the context of PBN operations, the degree of
conformance between the estimated, measured or desired position
and/or the velocity of a platform at a given time, and its true position
or velocity. Navigation performance accuracy is usually presented as
a statistical measure of system error and is specified as predictable,
repeatable and relative.
(b) ‘Aircraft-based augmentation system (ABAS)’ means a system that
augments and/ or integrates the information obtained from the other
GNSS elements with information available on board the aircraft. The
most common form of ABAS is receiver autonomous integrity
monitoring (RAIM).
(c) ‘Area navigation (RNAV)’ means a method of navigation which perm
its aircraft operation on any desired flight path within the coverage
of station-referenced navigation aids or within the limits of the
capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these.
(d) ‘Availability’ means, in the context of PBN operations, an indication
of the ability of the system to provide usable service within the
specified coverage area and is defined as the portion of time during
which the system is to be used for navigation during which reliable
navigation information is presented to the crew, autopilot or other
system managing the flight of the aircraft.
(e) ‘Continuity of function’ means , in the context of PBN operations,
the capability of the total system, comprising all elements necessary
to maintain aircraft position within the defined airspace, to perform its
function without non-scheduled interruptions during the intended
(f) ‘Committal point’ means the point in the approach at which the pilot
flying decides that, in the event of an engine failure being recognised,
the safest option is to continue to the elevated final approach and
take-off area (elevated FATO).
(g) ‘Emergency locator transmitter’ is a generic term describing
equipment that broadcasts distinctive signals on designated
frequencies and, depending on application, may be activated by
impact or may be manually activated.
(h) ‘Exposure time’ means the actual period during which the performance
of the helicopter with the critical engine inoperative in still air does not
guarantee a safe forced landing or the safe continuation of the flight.
(i) ‘Fail-operational flight control system’ means a flight control system
with which, in the event of a failure below alert height, the approach,
flare and landing can be completed automatically. In the event of a
failure, the automatic landing system will operate as a fail-passive

1August 2016
AMC & GM to LCARs – Air Operations Part DEF Amendment 1

(j) ‘Fail-operational hybrid landing system’ means a system that consists

of a primary fail-passive automatic landing system and a secondary
independent guidance system enabling the pilot to complete a landing
manually after failure of the primary system.
(k) ‘Fail-passive flight control system’: a flight control system is fail-
passive if, in the event of a failure, there is no significant out-of-trim
condition or deviation of flight path or attitude but the landing is not
completed automatically. For a fail-passive automatic flight control
system the pilot assumes control of the aeroplane after a failure.
(l) ‘Flight control system’ in the context of low visibility operations means
a system that includes an automatic landing system and/or a hybrid
landing system.
(m) ‘HEMS dispatch centre’ means a place where, if established, the
coordination or control of the helicopter emergency medical service
(HEMS) flight takes place. It may be located in a HEMS operating
(n) ‘Hybrid head-up display landing system (hybrid HUDLS)’ means a
system that consists of a primary fail-passive automatic landing
system and a secondary independent HUD/HUDLS enabling the
pilot to complete a landing manually after failure of the primary system.
(o) ‘Integrity’ means, in the context of PBN operations, the ability of a
system to provide timely warnings to users when the system should
not be used for navigation.
(p) ‘Landing distance available (LDAH)’ means the length of the final
approach and take-off area plus any additional area declared
available by the State of the aerodrome and suitable for helicopters
to complete the landing manoeuvre from a defined height.
(q) ‘Landing distance required (LDRH)’, in the case of helicopters, means
the horizontal distance required to land and come to a full stop from a
point 15 m (50 ft) above the landing surface.
(r) ‘Lateral navigation’ means a method of navigation which perm its
aircraft operation on a horizontal plane using radio navigation
signals, other positioning sources, external flight path references,
or a combination of these.
(s) ‘Maximum structural landing mass’ means the maximum permissible
total aeroplane mass upon landing under normal circumstances.
(t) ‘Maximum zero fuel mass’ means the maximum permissible mass
of an aeroplane with no usable fuel. The mass of the fuel contained
in particular tanks should be included in the zero fuel mass when it is
explicitly mentioned in the aircraft flight manual.
(u) ‘Overpack’, for the purpose of transporting dangerous goods, means
an enclosure used by a single shipper to contain one or more
packages and to form one handling unit for convenience of handling
and stowage.
(v) ‘Package’, for the purpose of transporting dangerous goods, means
the complete product of the packing operation consisting of the
packaging and its contents prepared for transport.
(w) ‘Packaging’, for the purpose of transporting dangerous goods, means
receptacles and any other components or materials necessary for the
receptacle to perform its containment function.

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AMC & GM to LCARs – Air Operations Part DEF Amendment 1

(x) ‘Personal locator beacon (PLB)’ is an emergency beacon other than

an ELT that broadcasts distinctive signals on designated frequencies,
is standalone, portable and is manually activated by the survivors.
(y) ‘Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM)’ means a
technique whereby a GNSS receiver/processor determines the
integrity of the GNSS navigation signals using only GNSS signals
or GNSS signals augmented with altitude. This determination is
achieved by a consistency check among redundant pseudo-range
measurements. At least one satellite in addition to those required for
navigation has to be in view for the receiver to perform the RAIM
(z) ‘Rotation point (RP)’ means the point at which a cyclic input is made
to initiate a nose-down attitude change during the take-off flight path.
It is the last point in the take-off path from which, in the event of an
engine failure being recognised, a forced landing on the aerodrome
can be achieved.
(aa) ‘Space -based augmentation system ( SBAS)’ means a wide coverage
augmentation system that augments and/or integrates the information
obtained from the other GNSS elements with information from a
satellite-based transmitter. The most common form of SBAS in
Europe is the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service
(bb) ‘Touch down and lift-off area (TLOF)’ means a load-bearing area on
which a helicopter may touch down or lift off.
(cc) ‘Vertical navigation’ means a method of navigation which perm its
aircraft operation on a vertical flight profile using altimetry sources,
external flight path references, or a combination of these.
The following abbreviations and acronyms are used in the parts of this

A aeroplane
a/c aircraft
AAC aeronautical administrative communications
AAL above aerodrome level
AAIM aircraft autonomous integrity monitoring
ABAS aircraft-based augmentation system
AC advisory circular
AC alternating current
ACAS airborne collision avoidance system
ADF automatic direction finder
ADG air driven generator
ADS automatic dependent surveillance
ADS-B automatic dependent surveillance - broadcast
ADS-C automatic dependent surveillance - contract
AEA Association of European Airlines
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AEO all-engines-operative
AFFF aqueous film forming foams
AFM aircraft flight manual
AFN aircraft flight notification
AFN ATS facilities notification
AGL above ground level
AHRS attitude heading reference system
AIS aeronautical information service
ALARP as low as reasonably practicable
ALSF approach lighting system with sequenced flashing lights
AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance
AML aircraft maintenance licence
AMSL above mean sea level
A-RNP advanced required navigation performance
ANP actual navigation performance
AOC aeronautical operational control
AOC air operator certificate
APCH AR approach authorisation required
APU auxiliary power unit
APV approach procedure with vertical guidance
ARA airborne radar approach
ARA Authority Requirements for Aircrew
ARO Authority Requirements for Air Operations
ARP Aerospace Recommended Practices
ASC Air Safety Committee
ASDA accelerate-stop distance available
ASE altimeter system error
ATA Air Transport Association
ATC air traffic control
ATIS automatic terminal information service
ATN air traffic navigation
ATPL airline transport pilot licence
ATQP alternative training and qualification programme
ATS air traffic service
ATSC air traffic communication services
AVGAS aviation gasoline
AVTAG aviation turbine gasoline (wide-cut fuel)
AWO all weather operations
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BALS basic approach lighting system

BCAR British civil airworthiness requirements
Baro-VNAV barometric VNAV
BITD basic instrument training device
CAP controller access parameters
CAT commercial air transport
CAT I/II/III category I / II / III
CBT computer-based training
CC cabin crew
CDFA continuous descent final approach
CDL configuration deviation list
CFIT controlled flight into terrain
CG centre of gravity
CM context management
CMV converted meteorological visibility
CofA certificate of airworthiness
COP code of practice
CoR certificate of registration
COSPAS-SARSAT cosmicheskaya sistyema poiska avariynich sudov - search and rescue
satellite-aided tracking
CP committal point
CPA closest point of approach
CPDLC controller pilot data link communication
CPL commercial pilot licence
C-PED controlled portable electronic device
CRE class rating examiner
CRI class rating instructor
CRM crew resource management
CS Certification Specifications
CVR cockpit voice recorder
DA decision altitude
DA/H decision altitude/height
DAP downlinked aircraft parameters
D-ATIS digital automatic terminal information service
DC direct current
DCL departure clearance
D-FIS data link flight information service
DG dangerous goods

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DH decision height
DI daily inspection
DIFF deck integrated fire fighting system
DLR data link recorder
DME distance measuring equipment
D-METAR data link - meteorological aerodrome report
D-OTIS data link - operational terminal information service
DPATO defined point after take-off
DPBL defined point before landing
DR decision range
DSTRK desired track
EC European Community
ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference
EFB electronic flight bag
EFIS electronic flight instrument system
EGNOS European geostationary navigation overlay service
EGT exhaust gas temperature
ELT emergency locator transmitter
ELT(AD) emergency locator transmitter (automatically deployable)
ELT(AF) emergency locator transmitter (automatic fixed)
ELT(AP) emergency locator transmitter (automatic portable)
ELT(S) survival emergency locator transmitter
EPE estimated position of error
EPR engine pressure ratio
EPU estimated position of uncertainty
ERA en-route alternate (aerodrome)
ERP emergency response plan
ETOPS extended range operations with two-engined aeroplanes
EU European Union
EUROCAE European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment
EVS enhanced vision system
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAF final approach fix
FALS full approach lighting system
FANS future air navigation systems
FAP final approach point
FAR Federal Aviation Regulation
FATO final approach and take-off
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FC flight crew
FCL flight crew licensing
FCOM flight crew operating manual
FDM flight data monitoring
FDO flying display operation
FDR flight data recorder
FFS full flight simulator
FGS flight control/guidance system
FI flight instructor
FLIPCY flight plan consistency
FLTA forward-looking terrain avoidance
FMECA failure mode, effects and criticality analysis
FMS flight management system
FNPT flight and navigation procedures trainer
FOD foreign object damage
FOSA flight operational safety assessment
fpm feet per minute
FSTD flight simulation training device
FRT fixed radius transition
ft feet
FTD flight training device
FTE full time equivalent
FTL flight and duty time limitations
FTE flight technical error
g gram
GAGAN GPS aided geo augmented navigation
GBAS ground-based augmentation system
GCAS ground collision avoidance system
GEN general
GIDS ground ice detection system
GLS GBAS landing system
GM Guidance Material
GMP general medical practitioner
GNSS global navigation satellite system
GPS global positioning system
GPWS ground proximity warning system
H helicopter
HEMS helicopter emergency medical service
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HF high frequency
Hg mercury
HHO helicopter hoist operation
HIALS high intensity approach lighting system
HIGE hover in ground effect
HLL helideck limitations list
HOGE hover out of ground effect
HoT hold-over time
hPa hectopascals
HPL human performance and limitations
HUD head-up display
HUDLS head-up guidance landing system
HUMS health usage monitor system
IAF initial approach fix
IALS intermediate approach lighting system
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IDE instruments, data and equipment
IF intermediate fix
IFR instrument flight rules
IFSD in-flight shutdown
IGE in ground effect
ILS instrument landing system
IMC instrument meteorological conditions
in inches
INS inertial navigation system
IP intermediate point
IR Implementing Rule
IR instrument rating
IRS inertial reference system
ISA international standard atmosphere
ISO International Organization for Standardization
I intravenous
JAA Joint Aviation Authorities
JAR Joint Aviation Requirements
kg kilograms
km kilometres
kt knots
LDA landing distance available
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LDP landing decision point

LED light-emitting diode
LHS left hand seat
LIFUS line flying under supervision
LNAV lateral navigation
LoA letter of acceptance
LOC localiser
LOE line-oriented evaluation
LOFT line-oriented flight training
LOQE line-oriented quality evaluation
LOS limited obstacle surface
LPV localiser performance with vertical guidance
LRCS long range communication system
LRNS long range navigation system
LVO low visibility operation
LVP low visibility procedures
LVTO low visibility take-off
m metres
MALS medium intensity approach lighting system
MALSF medium intensity approach lighting system with sequenced flashing lights
MALSR medium intensity approach lighting system with runway alignment indicator
MAPt missed approach point
MCTOM maximum certified take-off mass
MDA minimum descent altitude
MDH minimum descent height
MEA minimum en-route altitude
MED medical
MEL minimum equipment list
METAR meteorological aerodrome report
MGA minimum grid altitude
MHA minimum holding altitude
MHz megahertz
MID midpoint
MLR manuals, logs and records
MLS microwave landing system
MLX millilux
mm millimetres

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MM multi-mode
MMEL master minimum equipment list
MNPS minimum navigation performance specifications
MOC minimum obstacle clearance
MOCA minimum obstacle clearance altitude
MOPSC maximum operational passenger seating configuration
MORA minimum off-route altitude
MPSC maximum passenger seating capacity
MSA minimum sector altitude
MSAS multi-functional satellite augmentation system
MTCA minimum terrain clearance altitude
N North
NADP noise abatement departure procedure
NALS no approach lighting system
NCC non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft
NCO non-commercial operations with other-than-complex motor-powered aircraft
NF free power turbine speed
NG engine gas generator speed
NM nautical miles
NOTAM notice to airmen
NOTECHS non-technical skills evaluation
NOTOC notification to captain
NPA non-precision approach
NPA Notice of Proposed Amendment
NSE navigation system error
NVD night vision device
NVG night vision goggles
NVIS night vision imaging system
OAT outside air temperature
OCH obstacle clearance height
OCL oceanic clearance
ODALS omnidirectional approach lighting system
OEI one-engine-inoperative
OFS obstacle-free surface
OGE out of ground effect
OIP offset initiation point
OM operations manual
OML operational multi-pilot limitation
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ONC operational navigation chart

OPS operations
ORO Organisation Requirements for Air Operations
OTS CAT II other than standard category II
PAPI precision approach path indicator
PAR precision approach radar
PBE protective breathing equipment
PBN performance-based navigation
PCDS personnel carrying device system
PC/PT proficiency check/proficiency training
PDA premature descent alert
PDP predetermined point
PED portable electronic device
PIC pilot-in-command
PIN personal identification number
PIS public interest site
PLB personal locator beacon
PNR point of no return
POH pilot’s operating handbook
PRM person with reduced mobility
QAR quick access recorder
QFE atmospheric pressure at aerodrome elevation / runway threshold
QNH atmospheric pressure at nautical height
RA resolution advisory
RAIM receiver autonomous integrity monitoring
RAT ram air turbine
RCC rescue coordination centre
RCF reduced contingency fuel
RCLL runway centre line lights
RF fixed radius
RF radio frequency
RF radius to fix
RFC route facility chart
RI ramp inspection
RI rectification interval
RIE rectification interval extension
RMA regional monitoring agency
RNAV area navigation
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RNP required navigation performance

RNP APCH RNP approach
RNP AR APCH RNP approach for which authorisation is required
ROD rate of descent
RP rotation point
RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics
RTODAH rejected take-off distance available (helicopters)
RTODRH rejected take-off distance required (helicopters)
RTOM reduced take-off mass
RTZL runway touchdown zone lights
RVR runway visual range
RVSM reduced vertical separation minima
S South
SAFA safety assessment of foreign aircraft
SALS simple approach lighting system
SALSF simple approach lighting system with sequenced flashing lights
SAp stabilised approach
SAP system access parameters
SAR search and rescue
SAS stability augmentation system
SBAS satellite-based augmentation system
SCC senior cabin crew
SCP special category of passenger
SDCM system of differential correction and monitoring
SFE synthetic flight examiner
SFI synthetic flight instructor
SID standard instrument departure
SMM safety management manual
SMS safety management system
SNAS satellite navigation augmentation system
SOP standard operating procedure
SPA operations requiring specific approvals
SPECI aviation selected special weather report
SPO specialised operations
SRA surveillance radar approach
SSALF simplified short approach lighting system with sequenced flashing lights
SSALR simplified short approach lighting system with runway alignment indicator

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SSALS simplified short approach lighting system

SSEC static source error correction
SSR secondary surveillance radar
STAR standard terminal arrival route
STC supplemental type certificate
TA traffic advisory
TAC terminal approach chart
TAS true airspeed
TAWS terrain awareness warning system
TC technical crew
TC type certificate
TCAS traffic collision avoidance system
TCCA Transport Canada Civil Aviation
TCH type certificate holder
TDP take-off decision point
TDZ touchdown zone
THR threshold
TI Technical Instructions
TIT turbine inlet temperature
TLS target level of safety
TMG touring motor glider
TODA take-off distance available (aeroplanes)
TODAH take-off distance available (helicopters)
TODRH take-off distance required (helicopters)
TORA take-off run available
TOGA take-off/go around
T-PED transmitting portable electronic device
TRE type rating examiner
TRI type rating instructor
TSE total system error
TVE total vertical error
TWIP terminal weather information for pilots
UMS usage monitoring system
UTC coordinated universal time
V2 take-off safety speed
Vso stalling speed
VAT indicated airspeed at threshold
VDF VHF direction finder
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VFR visual flight rules

VHF very high frequency
VIS visibility
VMC visual meteorological conditions
VMO maximum operating speed
VNAV vertical navigation
VOR VHF omnidirectional radio range
VT threshold speed
VTOL vertical take-off and landing
VTOSS take-off safety speed
WAAS wide area augmentation system
WAC world aeronautical chart
WIFI wireless fidelity
ZFTT zero flight-time training


(a) A HEMS flight (or more commonly referred to as HEMS mission)

normally starts and ends at the HEMS operating base following
tasking by the ‘HEMS dispatch centre’. Tasking can also occur when
airborne, or on the ground at locations other than the HEMS operating
(b) The following elements should be regarded as integral parts of the
HEMS mission:
(1) flights to and from the HEMS operating site when initiated by
the HEMS dispatch centre;
(2) flights to and from an aerodrome/operating site for the delivery
or pick-up of medical supplies and/or persons required for
completion of the HEMS mission; and
(3) flights to and from an aerodrome/operating site for refuelling
required for completion of the HEMS mission.


A HUDLS is typically used for primary approach guidance to decision heights of 50 ft.
The open sea areas considered to constitute a hostile environment should be designated
by the appropriate authority in the appropriate Aeronautical Information Publication or other
suitable documentation.
Helicopter components of the NVIS include the radio altimeter, visual warning system and
audio warning system.

14 August 2016
AMC & GM to LCARs – Air Operations Part DEF Amendment 1


Offshore operations include, but are not limited to, support of offshore oil, gas and
mineral exploitation and sea-pilot transfer.
An example of a public interest sites is a landing site based at a hospital located in a hostile
environment in a congested area, which due to its size or obstacle environment does not
allow the application of performance class 1 requirements that would otherwise be required for
operations in a congested hostile environment.
The ICAO document number for the Technical Instructions is Doc 9284-AN/905.
GM10 - V1
The first action includes for example: apply brakes, reduce thrust, deploy speed brakes.
For the purpose of this Regulation, persons that are carried in a specialised operation,
e.g. on a parachute flight, sensational flight or scientific research flight, are considered to be
task specialists.
‘Aeroplane upset prevention and recovery training’ means a combination of theoretical
knowledge and flying training with the aim of providing flight crew with the required
competencies to prevent or recover from developing or developed aeroplane upsets.
‘Aeroplane upset’ means an aeroplane in flight unintentionally exceeding the parameters
normally experienced in line operations or training, normally defined by the existence of at
least one of the following parameters:
(a) pitch attitude greater than 25 degrees nose up;
(b) pitch attitude greater than 10 degrees nose down;
(c) bank angle greater than 45 degrees; or
(d) within the above parameters, but flying at airspeeds inappropriate for
the conditions.
‘Angle of attack (AOA)’ means the angle between the oncoming air, or relative wind, and
a defined reference line on the aeroplane or wing.
‘Approach-to-stall’ means flight conditions bordered by the stall warning and stall.
‘Competency’ means a combination of skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to perform
a task to the prescribed standard.
‘Developed upset’ means a condition meeting the definition of an aeroplane upset.
‘Developing upset’ means any time the aeroplane begins to unintentionally diverge from the
intended flight path or airspeed.
‘Energy state’ means how much of each kind of energy (kinetic, potential or chemical) the
aeroplane has available at any given time.
‘Error’ means an action or inaction by the flight crew that leads to deviations from
organisational or flight crew intentions or expectations.
‘Error management’ means the process of detecting and responding to errors with
countermeasures that reduce or eliminate the consequences of errors, and mitigate the
probability of further errors or undesired aircraft states.
‘First indication of a stall’ means the initial aural, tactile or visual sign of an impending stall,
which can be either naturally or synthetically induced.

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AMC & GM to LCARs – Air Operations Part DEF Amendment 1

‘Flight crew resilience’ means the ability of a flight crew member to recognise, absorb and
adapt to disruptions.
‘Fidelity level’ means the level of realism assigned to each of the defined FSTD features.
‘Flight path’ means the trajectory or path of the aeroplane travelling through the air over a
given space of time.
‘Flight path management’ means active manipulation, using either the aeroplanes
automation or manual handling, to command the aeroplane flight controls to direct the
aeroplane along a desired trajectory.
‘Load factor’ factor means the ratio of a specified load to the weight of the aeroplane, the
former being expressed in terms of aerodynamic forces, propulsive forces, or ground
‘Loss of control in flight (LOCI)’ means a categorisation of an accident or incident
resulting from a deviation from the intended flight path.
‘Manoeuvre-based training’ means training that focuses on a single event or manoeuvre in
isolation. ‘Negative training’ means training which unintentionally introduces incorrect
information or invalid concepts, which could actually decrease rather than increase safety.
‘Negative transfer of training’ means the application (and ‘transfer’) of what was learned in
a training environment (i.e., a classroom, an FSTD) to normal practice, i.e. it describes the
degree to which what was learned in training is applied to actual normal practices. In
this context, negative transfer of training refers to the inappropriate generalisation of
knowledge and skill to a situation or setting in normal practice that does not equal the
training situation or setting.
‘Post-stall regime’ means flight conditions at an angle of attack greater than the critical angle
of attack. ‘Scenario-based training’ means training that incorporates manoeuvres into real-
world experiences to cultivate practical flying skills in an operational environment.
‘Stall’ means a loss of lift caused by exceeding the aeroplane’s critical angle of attack.
Note: A stalled condition can exist at any attitude and airspeed, and may be recognised by
continuous stall warning activation accompanied by at least one of the following:
(a) buffeting, which could be heavy at times;
(b) lack of pitch authority and/or roll control; and
(c) inability to arrest the descent rate.
‘Stall Event’ means an occurrence whereby the aeroplane experiences conditions
associated with an approach-to-stall or a stall.
‘Stall (event) recovery procedure’ means the manufacturer-approved aeroplane-specific
stall recovery procedure. If an OEM-approved recovery procedure does not exist, the
aeroplane-specific stall recovery procedure developed by the operator, based on the
stall recovery template contained in GM5 ORO.FC.220&230, may be used.
‘Stall warning’ means a natural or synthetic indication provided when approaching a
stall that may include one or more of the following indications:
(dd) aerodynamic buffeting (some aeroplanes will buffet more than others);
(ee) reduced roll stability and aileron effectiveness;
(ff) visual or aural cues and warnings;
(gg) reduced elevator (pitch) authority;
(hh) inability to maintain altitude or arrest rate of descent; and
(ii) stick shaker activation (if installed).
Note: A stall warning indicates an immediate need to reduce the angle of attack.
‘Startle’ means the initial short-term, involuntary physiological and cognitive reactions to
an unexpected event that commence the normal human stress response.
‘Stick pusher’ means a device that, automatically applies a nose down movement and pitch
force to an aeroplane’s control columns, to attempt to decrease the aeroplane’s angle of

16 August 2016
AMC & GM to LCARs – Air Operations Part DEF Amendment 1

attack. Device activation may occur before or after aerodynamic stall, depending on the
aeroplane type.
Note: A stick pusher is not installed on all aeroplane types.
‘Stick shaker’ means a device that automatically vibrates the control column to warn the
pilot of an approaching stall.
Note: A stick shaker is not installed on all aeroplane types.
‘Stress (response)’ means the response to a threatening event that includes
physiological, psychological and cognitive effects. These effects may range from positive
to negative and can either enhance or degrade performance.
‘Surprise’ means the emotionally-based recognition of a difference in what was expected
and what is actual.
‘Threat’ means events or errors that occur beyond the influence of the flight crew, increase
operational complexity and must be managed to maintain the margin of safety.
‘Threat management’ means the process of detecting and responding to threats with
countermeasures that reduce or eliminate the consequences of threats and mitigate the
probability of errors or undesired aircraft states.
‘Train-to-proficiency’ means approved training designed to achieve end-state performance
objectives, providing sufficient assurances that the trained individual is capable to
consistently carry out specific tasks safely and effectively.
Note: In the context of this definition, ‘train-to-proficiency’ can be replaced by ‘training-to-
‘Undesired aircraft state’ means flight crew-induced aircraft position or speed deviation,
misapplication of controls, or incorrect systems configuration, associated with a reduction
in margins of safety.
Note: Undesired states can be managed effectively, restoring margins of safety, or flight crew
response(s) can induce an additional error, incident, or accident.
Note: All countermeasures are necessary flight crew actions. However, some countermeasures to
threats, errors and undesired aircraft states that flight crew employ, build upon ‘hard’/systemic-
based resources provided by the aviation system.
‘Unsafe situation’ means a situation, which has led to an unacceptable reduction in safety

17 August 2016

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