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DLP - Measure of Position Quartile

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I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to;

a. Determine the quartiles of ungrouped data
b. Solve the quartile value of ungrouped data;
c. Appreciate the concept of measures of position in real life situation

II. Content
Topic: Measures of Position (Quartile)
Reference: Mathematics Learners’ Module, pp. 364-370
Author: Jessa Christe Venasquez-Pineda
Materials: Visual Aids, Activity Sheet, Board and Chalk
Method: Inductive Method

III. Values and Skills

 Critical Thinking
 Self-confidence
 Cooperation
 Determination

IV. Teaching- Learning Process

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routinary Activities
Magandang Buhay! Mabuting Tao

Okay, let us pray. Our Father …. Amen.

Before you take your seat, kindly pick up the pieces of

paper under your chair. Then, arrange your chairs (Arrange chairs and pick
properly. up pieces of paper)

Class, may I know who is absent today?

No one, Ma’am
I have our classroom rules:
1. No using of cellphones
2. Listen when someone is talking in front
3. Respect each other
4. Raise your hand if you want to answer or if you have
something to say.

Is that clear?
Yes ma’am

B. Preparations
1. Motivation
Ask the students what comes to their minds whenever
they hear/read the word DIVIDE.
Divide is the process of
breaking a number up
into equal parts. It
simply means splitting a
number into equal parts.
Actually, we may be using the concepts of division in
our daily tasks which may be unknowing to us
sometimes. That is how the study of the divide may be
significant to everybody.

Before proceeding to our lesson. Let’s play charades.

Are you familiar with that?
Yes, Ma’am

But we will give this game a twist. Instead of giving

hand signals, you will use your boot to give a clue. I
will divide the class into groups. The left side will be
Group 1, and the other side is Group 2. Then, both
groups will choose a representative to act on the given
word. The rest of the members of the group will guess
the word. The words to be guessed have numbers, and
the representative will pick by lot. I will only give two
minutes to each group. The more words they correctly
guess, the more points they will receive on their quiz.
So, choose your representative.
(Choosing of
Now, let’s begin with Group 1. (Act the word chosen by
the representative.)
(Starting Guessing)

(After two minutes), time’s up. Good job, Group 1!

Next group: 2.

(Starting Guessing)

Two minutes passed. Thanks, Group 1 and Group 2.

The winner is ______. A round of applause to everyone
for a wonderful game.

C. Presentation

So, our topic for today is all about Measures of

Positions on Quartiles.

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Determine the quartiles Q1, Q2, and Q3 of

ungrouped data.
2. Solve the quartile value of ungrouped data; and
3. Appreciate the concept of measures of position
in real-life situations.
Measure for me is all
Let’s first define all the terms. about an amount or
degree of something.
What is a measure?

Position is all about

taking an action of
where you belong. It
Thank you, a measure is a standard unit used to express gives us direction.
the size amount or degree of something.

How about the position?

2th ma’am

A position class is all about arranging a particular

position that he/she belongs.

For instance, what is your position among the siblings No idea, ma’am.
in your family?

3rd quarter and 4th quarter

Now let’s talk about the quartile.

Who has an idea about what is quartile?

Quartile – the score
From the word “quart” we have 4, division by 4. Like points which divide a
our quarterly examination, it is divided into quarters. 1st distribution into four
quarter, 2nd quarter equal parts.

Now let’s discuss the quartile.

Please read the definition of quartile.
We have 3 quartiles, the lower quartile Q1, the middle
quartile or median Q2, and the upper quartile Q3.

The difference between Q3 and Q1 is the interquartile


25% of the data has a value < Q1.

50% of the data has a value < Q2.

75% of the data has a value < Q3.

We have the formula for getting the positions of


Where n is the total number of items in the distribution.

If the Q1 is decimal, round up to the nearest
If the Q3 is decimal, round down to the
nearest integer.

Let’s have an example:

The scores of 7 students in Mathematics seatwork are 7,

4, 3, 6, 7, 4, 8. Find Q1, Q2, and Q3.

1st step is arranging the data into ascending order: 3, 4,

4, 6, 7, 7, 8

2nd step is to find Q1. Use the formula

Q1 = ¼ (7 +1)

= ¼ (8)


So, we have the 2nd position as the lower quartile. Q1

is 4.

3rd step is to find Q2. Use the formula.

Q2 = ½ (7+1)

= ½ (8)


And the 4th position is the middle quartile. Q2 is 6.

4th step is to find Q3. Use the formula.

Q3 = ¾ (7+1)

= ¾ (8)


Lastly, the upper quartile is in the 6th position. Q3 is


1st step: 2, 8, 9, 10, 15,

17, 23, 25, 28, 30.
2nd step:
Q1= ¼ (10+1)
= ¼ (11)
= 2.75 ~ 3
The value of Q1 is 9.
3rd step:
Q2= ½ (10+1)
= ½ (11)
= 5.5 ~ 6
The value of Q2 is 17.
4th step:
Q3= ¾ (10+1)
= ¾ (11)
= 8.25 ~ 8
The value of Q3 is 25.
Now it’s your turn. Find Q1, Q2, and Q3.
None ma’am
Find Q1, Q2, and Q3 for the data set 10, 2, 9, 15, 23, 30,
8, 17, 25, 28.

Yes ma’am.

Any questions? Clarifications? Violent reactions?

Since you don’t have any questions. Let’s see if you Measures of Position on
really understand the lesson. Quartiles.

We will have a game. Are you ready for the game?

Yes, ma’am
When we get our grades
Pass the Ball Activity: The teacher plays music and ma’am.
has the students pass a ball around. When the music
stops, the student with the ball has to answer a question.
We can use it when we
Okay since you are ready. I will play a music and pass a get the position of our
ball; you should pass the ball around and once the grades like the highest
music stops, the student has the ball will answer a score and the lowest
question, score.


As a recap, our lesson for this session is all about?

It is really important for us to know or to study the

measure of position. For us to be guided and for us not
be ignorant.

Does the measure of position really exist in real life? Q2 ma’am.

Yes ma’am

Okay! How can we apply it or where can you find it in Q1 ma’am.

the real world?
Yes ma’am.

(Students are raising

How? their hands)

4 quarters ma’am.

1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd

quarter and 4th quarter.
Exactly, so we can determine what subject we need to
give focus. 10minutes ma’am

I will give another scenario for the measure of Not that much, ma’am

When your 9 classmates will fall in line, we arrange

them in ascending order, from shortest to tallest. It has 3 positions ma’am.
Lower quartile, middle
What is the position of the 5th person? quartile and upper
Are you sure?
Median ma’am.
Correct. How about the 3rd person from the shortest to
tallest? Yes ma’am

Is that correct?

Very good! Who are the basketball players here?

None ma’am.
How many quarters does the game have?

Awesome. A basketball is divided into 4 equal parts. Yes ma’am.

What are those?

In a quarter, how many minutes does the game have?

Very good! So, do you understand the concept of


Okay, I will ask questions again to make you recall

your lesson.

What are the positions of the quartile?

In other words, what do you call the middle quartile?

Is that correct?
Do you have any questions? Clarifications? Violent

Are you sure?


Instruction: Get ½ lengthwise and answer the following


1. Find the lower quartile and upper quartile of the

data. The number of days taken by each of the
11 employees to finish a job was

32 39 27 23 42 35 42 29 46 37 42

2. Find the quartiles of the problem. A group of

students of SDIS obtained the following scores
on their quiz.

8 5 4 5 7 3 6



Instruction: Write your answer in ½ crosswise.

Submission will be tomorrow.

Have you learned so much in our lesson?

What are the three things that you have learned?

What are two things you’ve found interesting?

3 Things I have learned



2 Things I found interesting





Prepared/Reviewed: Checked:


Practice Teacher JHS Math Coordinator / Teacher III

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