Adv Funct Materials - 2021 - Zhu - Silicon in Hollow Carbon Nanospheres Assembled Microspheres Cross Linked With N Doped PDF

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Research Article

Silicon in Hollow Carbon Nanospheres Assembled

Microspheres Cross-linked with N-doped Carbon Fibers
toward a Binder Free, High Performance, and Flexible
Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Ruiyu Zhu, Zehua Wang, Xuejiao Hu, Xiaojie Liu,* and Hui Wang*

diffusion coefficient (10−14–10−13 cm2 s−1),

Silicon (Si), as the most promising anode material, has drawn tremendous eventually causing the significant cracking
attention to substitute commercially used graphite for lithium-ion batteries and low conductivity of silicon.[3] What
(LIBs). However, recently, the insufficiently high structural stabilities and elec- is important, the structural cracking and
tron/ion conductivities of silicon-based composites have become the main even pulverization of silicon, ascribed to
the enormous volume expansion/contrac-
concerns, hindering the further progress of silicon as the anode material for tion during cycling, could further result in
LIBs. Herein, to cope with these concerns, a binder-free and free-standing the repetitive formation of solid electrolyte
type anode electrode paper is fabricated from self-assembled microspheres interphase (SEI) layers on the exposed sur-
and intertwined fabrics, in which a 3D interconnected nitrogen/carbon net- faces of broken silicon, ultimately giving
work connects hollow carbon nanospheres with uniformly distributed silicon rise to a degraded electrochemical stability
of silicon material and a serious safety con-
nanodots (SHCM/NCF). The as-prepared SHCM/NCF paper maintains a
cern of LIBs.[4] Obviously, these unwanted
reversible capacity of 1442 mAh g−1 at 1 A g−1 for 800 cycles in lithium half-cell, intrinsic characteristics of silicon have
and 450 mAh g−1 at 0.5 A g−1 for 200 cycles in lithium full-cell, respectively. become huge obstacles, restricting its uti-
The excellent battery performances are mainly attributed to the free-standing lization and advancement in LIBs greatly.
paper electrode suppressing side reactions, nitrogen/carbon networks main- To address the above-mentioned issues,
taining electrical contact, and silicon nanodots alleviating the harm caused a variety of strategies, including nano-
fabrication, hybridization with carbo-
by volume expansion. Furthermore, this excellent performance combined naceous and structure and morphology
with the simplicity of the synthesis method and the saving of excess polymer building, has been adopted to carefully
binder, current collector and conducting additives, make the designed paper design and synthesize novel silicon-based
exhibit great potential in practical applications. multifunctional composite, aiming to
improve markedly the ion/electron con-
ductivity, alleviate the damage caused by
silicon volume change and strengthen
1. Introduction greatly the structural stability.[5–7] As is well known, nanostruc-
tured silicon materials such as nanowires and nanospheres have
Silicon (Si) has been considered as the most promising anode obstruction to pulverization during cycling process and own the
material to replace commercially used graphite for lithium- enhanced ion/electron conductivity because the nano-silicon
ion batteries (LIBs), which is due to the ultrahigh theoretical can not only curtail lithium-ion transport paths effectively
capacity (Li22Si5, 4200 mAh g−1), natural abundance and suitable but also enable the electrolyte contact well with the materials,
delithiation voltage (0.4 V vs Li/Li+) of silicon.[1,2] However, sil- yielding outstanding battery capability.[8] Nevertheless, the high
icon suffers from extreme volume expansion and shrinkage (up surface area and poor conductivity of most nano-Si types lead
to 300%) during (de)lithiation processes as well as low lithium to the unwanted consumption reaction of lithium and excess
formation of solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layers, giving
Dr. R. Zhu, Z. Wang, Dr. X. Hu, Prof. X. Liu, Prof. H. Wang birth to low energy density and low initial coulombic efficiency
Key Laboratory of Synthetic and Natural Functional Molecule
of the Ministry of Education
(ICE). On that account, seeking an advantageous route to solve
Shaanxi Joint Lab of Graphene (NWU) nano-Si defects is critical for its practical application. Until now,
College of Chemistry & Materials science the valid route of building silicon-carbon composites has been
Northwest University demonstrated to be effective, mainly consisting of the introduc-
Xi’an 710127, P. R. China tion of the carbonaceous materials to improve ion/electron con-
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
ductivity and the establishment of the additional buffer space
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under
(such as hollow structure) to adapt to the structural changes
of the entire material, so as to ameliorate electrode stability
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202101487 and LIBs battery performance.[9–11] For example, Yang et  al.

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prepared Si nanodots within carbon framework structure, metric energy. The advanced free-standing electrode paper
exhibiting 647 mAh g−1 at 1 A g−1 over 1500 cycles.[12] Meanwhile, materials can supply plenty of space inside like a sponge to
our group also reported a silicon-carbon composite of double absorb the expansion of silicon to prevent breaking even pul-
shelled hollow carbon nanospheres encapsulated with silicon verizing, and large amount of pores intersect each other to
nanodots that exhibited 750  mA h g−1 capacity at 1 A g−1 after offer a good mechanical stability and conductivity.[22] Electro-
2000 cycles.[13] Clearly, it is proved that carbonaceous materials spinning, as a convenient method, has many advantages to
are able to provide a buffer layer for the volume change of elec- prepare free-standing paper, which can not only freely adjust
trode, elevate charge transfer, and avoid redundant SEI layer the thickness and size of paper according to time period and
formation in the designed carbon/silicon composites. Addition- distance of electrospinning, but also change obtained paper
ally, the hollow structure carbon, as additional space buffer, can structure via the voltage and speed conditions, proving that it
accommodate a large amount of active nanodots and supply a is an extremely diverse and flexible technique for numerous
confined room for lithium intercalation and de-intercalation, applications.[23] Compared with traditional material prepa-
further enhancing the battery performance. Although the com- ration technology, its equipment is easier to build, simpler
bination of silicon nanoparticles and carbon has displayed a to operate, and more excellent to fine-tune the morphology,
successful approach to modify the lithium storage behaviors of mass production, diversified ingredients and uniform distri-
silicon-based composites, their structural stabilities and elec- bution, which surely have gained great attention in the fields
tron/ion conductivities, as the most crucial parameters deciding of batteries, catalysis and supercapacitors.
whether the LIBs can be further progressed for large scale use Herein, motivated by the above appealing structural merits,
of electric vehicles, have still drawn considerable attention for the first time as far as we known, we elaborately developed
rather than the lithiation/de-lithiation mechanism of silicon. As three dimensional assembled microspheres cross-linked with
well, considerable attention has also been paid to the electrode N-doped carbon fibers (NCF), in which the microspheres are
preparation method in order to reduce the cost of fabrication, assembled by hollow carbon nanospheres impregnated uni-
simplify the fabrication process and increase the electrode life formly with silicon nanodots (SHC), toward a binder free, high
performance. performance and flexible anode for LIBs. The as-obtained mate-
Until now, heteroatoms such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus rial is denoted as SHCM/NCF. Note that, the polyacrylonitrile
(P), and sulfur (S) have been commonly introduced into car- (PAN)/polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP)-derived carbon can not only
bonaceous materials for acquiring their unique chemical impregnate magnesiothermic reduction-derived SHC nano-
and physical properties.[14,15] Among these heteroatoms, spheres within the micro spherical skeleton, but also can be
nitrogen doping has been currently the most widely studied electrospun into special fabrics structure intertwined with SHC
because nitrogen acts as an electron donor implying higher microspheres, which favors for forming the highly electron/
electronegativity for doped area, which attracts plenty of ion conduction network for a higher electrochemical property
positive ions and further enhance charge transfer. More- and self-standing structure for binder-free electrode. The as-
over, nitrogen doping not only improves battery capacity by developed 3D interconnected architecture can mainly deliver
enhancing pseudocapacitors, but also provides additional these following benefits: a) the nitrogen/carbon networks are in
active sites and increase material conductivity by reducing favor of rapid ion/electron conduction, which can elevate ther-
the semiconductor gap.[16] Regarding the structural stability modynamic stability and provide buffer layer to adapt to struc-
of electrode, to assemble nanomaterials into aggregates tural changes of the entire material during cycling. b) a rational
has been proved to be an effective route because a rational design of microspheres could not only avoid the shortcomings
design of the agglomerates could avoid the shortcomings of of low tap density and agglomeration for single nanoparticles,
low tap density and agglomeration for single nanoparticles. but also could weaken the specific surface area to avoid the side
The rationally designed aggregation can weaken the specific reaction with the electrolyte and overcome undirected agglom-
surface area to avoid the side reaction with the electrolyte eration to reduce the contact area between the electrode and
and overcome undirected agglomeration to reduce the con- electrolyte. c) PVP and PAN are green polymer products, which
tact area between the electrode and electrolyte, resulting in are conducive to the bending performance of the synthesized
high coulomb efficiency.[17,18] Besides, the assembled micro- paper, and could also provide quantitative existence of N-doping
structure promotes great physical contact between nanopar- to improve the conductivity of the paper. d) the binder free,
ticles by manufacturing suitable agglomerates, and limits free-standing and flexible paper from designed fabric inter-
the size of the agglomerates to ensure rapid propagation in twined with microsphere structure can eliminate effect of
the Li+ insertion/extraction cycling, which will elevate the insulating polymer binder and excrescent conducting additives
charge transfer and transport through the interconnected during preparing electrode, avoid side effects and minimize
carbon matrix to a certain degree.[19,20] For example, Li et  al. the cost, which can be prepared in large quantities and useful
designed carbon-nanotube@ silicon@ carbon hierarchical in practice. Consequently, combining these advantages, the
microspheres structures via in-situ thermite reduction of SHCM/NCF paper electrode displays significantly improved
CNT@SiO2, delivering excellent stability.[21] Furthermore, cyclic and rate performance for lithium half/full battery. As
regarding the electrode preparation method, the exploita- expected, the prepared SHCM/NCF paper demonstrates good
tion of wearable and bendable electronic devices requires reversible capacity of 1442 mAh g−1 after 800 cycles at 1 A g−1 for
more foldable and flexible electrode materials, thus a free- Li half battery, even at 3.2 A g−1, the capacity still maintains at
standing material electrode allows all materials to participate 800 mAh g−1 and 450 mAh g−1 after 200 cycles at 0.5 A g−1 for
in charge storage, thereby increasing power density and volu- Li full cell.

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Figure 1.  Schematic illustrated for formation procedure of the SHCM/NCF paper.

2. Results and Discussion freestanding SHCM/NCF paper is quite flexible, which can be
bent to 90° or even 180° without fracture (Figure 2b).
The formation procedure of 3D interconnected SHCM/NCF The obtained SHCM/NCF paper was then cut into self-
paper mainly involves two steps, magnesiothermic reduction supporting electrode with great adaptability, which was directly
and electrospinning, as shown in Figure  1. Initially, according used as anode electrode. Also, the PVP/PAN carbonized under-
to previous report, SiO2 nanospheres, synthesized as core by takes the conductive channels for electron transfer. In addition,
Stöber method, were coated one layer of SiO2/RF as shell by to investigate the properties of papers, Figure 2c and Figure S2g
continuously hydrolyzed of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) (Supporting Information) illustrates the surface wet ability of
and poly-condensation of resorcinol (R)/formaldehyde (F). a LiPF6 droplet on the SHCM/NCF and SHC. It is clear that
Then, after RF carbonization under Ar protection to form SHC show the larger contact angle of 32.8° at the LiPF6/SHC
SiO2@SiO2/C, the SHC were further obtained by magnesio-
thermic reduction of SiO2 from SiO2@SiO2/C nanospheres:
2Mg(g)+SiO2(s) = Si(s)+2MgO(s). It is well known that HCl can
removed unreacted Mg and by-product MgO, while HF could
etch unreacted SiO2. Figure S1 (Supporting Information) dis-
cusses the XRD and SEM images before and after etching. It
is obvious that the impurity peaks disappear after etching and
the morphology of SHC nanospheres before etching, after HCl
and HF washing has not too much change. On the one hand,
silicon nanodots were uniformly dispersed in both cavity and
skeleton of the carbon shell, thus exhibiting special conduc-
tivity and electrochemical stability. On the other hand, obtained
silicon became smaller in size compared with traditional bulk
silicon and the etched SiO2 will leave vacancies for buffer space
to volume expansion of Si.
At last, SHC, polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), polyacrylonitrile
(PAN) were dissolved in N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF) and
then electrospun into yellowish-brown paper. The carboniza-
tion process was completed after stabilization at 250 °C under
air and heat treatment at 700 °C under Ar atmosphere. During
the calcination, PAN/PVP carbonized was wrapped around
SHC and self-assembled into intertwined microspheres and
then cross-linked with N-doped carbon fibers to form the 3D
interconnected paper. The photographs of the paper before and Figure 2.  Photographs of a) pyrolysis process change, b) bending per-
after pyrolysis are shown in Figure 2a, exhibiting they all have formance of SHCM/NCF paper; c) surface wet ability of a LiPF6 droplet
excellent bending properties. Furthermore, the as-prepared on the SHCM/NCF.

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interface compared with LiPF6/SHCM/NCF interface (20.8°). that the microsphere is formed by the reasonably aggregation
After 8 s, the LiPF6 droplet spread on the surface of SHCM/ through numerous SHC nanospheres, and each SHC is con-
NCF and contact angle at the LiPF6/SHC interface only slightly nected and surrounded by PVP/PAN carbonized (Figure  3b),
decreases (23.0°), which means that the SHCM/NCF paper has while Figure  3c demonstrates the enlarged fibers. To ulterior
better contact with nonpolar LiPF6 electrolyte, yielding good discuss the detailed interior structure of SHCM/NCF paper,
battery performance. transmission electron microscopy is measured, which further
As exhibited in Figure S2 (Supporting Information), proved its aggregation architecture from many SHC nano-
SiO2@SiO2/RF as the initial material has the 292 ± 25  nm spheres for one microsphere, and internal fiber structure
spherical shape with high uniformity. After RF carboniza- (Figure S3c,d, Supporting Information and inset of Figure 3b,c).
tion, since RF shrinks to amorphous carbon during pyrol- Furthermore, the selected area electron diffraction (SAED)
ysis, SiO2@SiO2/C has 280 ± 28  nm spherical shapes. image of SHCM/NCF in Figure  3d displays three noticeable
Eventually, the SHC nanospheres with 279 ± 26  nm was diffraction rings that can be assigned to (311), (220), and (111)
obtained after the magnesiothermic reduction of SiO2, planes of crystal silicon, conforming the existence of crystalline
conveying that there is maintain nanosphere shape and silicon nanodots.[24] The high resolution (HR) TEM of SHCM/
distributed uniformly in all processes. After electrospin- NCF in Figure 3e reveals many irregularly shaped silicon nan-
ning, the diameter of the SHC/PVP/PAN precursor micro- odots (indicated by yellow squares). In addition, clear lattice
spheres assembled by SHC is about 3.5–6µm  with distinct fringes can be seen in the inset Figure (the magnification of
3D interconnected 70–100 nm  diameter fibers (Figure S3a,b, the yellow areas), with an interplanar spacing of 0.31  nm, cor-
Supporting Information). The microstructure and morphology respond to the (111) plane of Si, which is consistent with the
of obtained SHCM/NCF paper after pyrolyzed are characterized SAED consequence.[25] Besides, Energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX)
by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission element mapping of SHCM/NCF (Figure  3g) was performed
electron microscopy (TEM) images as given in Figure 3. to determine the distribution of C, N, and Si elements, which
After pyrolysis, there is no significant change in diameter obviously display the aggregated carbon hollow shell struc-
and morphology of SHCM/NCF (Figure 3a). The magnification ture (red), evenly distributed Si (yellow) and N (green), which
SEM view of one SHCM/NCF microsphere visually illustrates intuitively illustrate the homogeneously exist of C, N, and Si,

Figure 3.  Morphology/composition characterization of SHCM/NCF paper: a–c) SEM, inset of b,c) TEM; d) SAED; e) HRTEM; f) element distributions
in different regions; g) element mapping; h) EDX scan line.

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matching with the EDX line scanning (Figure  3h). This 3D The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of SHCM/NCF and
interconnected skeleton structure can enhance the charge SHC in Figure  4a demonstrated that all characteristic diffrac-
transfer as an ion/electron conductor, provide buffer space for tion peaks at 28.3°, 47.3°, and 56.2° were well matched with
the volume expansion of silicon to avoid cracking and improve (111), (220), (311) planes of crystalline Si (JCPDS Card No.
the structural stability of the entire material, yielding excellent 27-1402).[26] Additionally, the broad peaks appeared on the left
battery performance. Meanwhile, the energy-dispersive X-ray of (111) plane at ≈25° can be assigned to amorphous carbon,
(EDX) outcomes about areas 1, 2, 3, and 4 (highlighted by yellow which is originated from RF/PVP/PAN carbonization. Based on
squares in Figure 3f) illustrate the atomic ratios of C, N, and Si the Scherrer equation, the grain sizes of crystalline silicon in
in area 1 and 2 hardly changed, indicating the uniformity of the SHCM/NCF paper can be calculated as 19, 20, and 19 nm corre-
SHCM/NCF paper. Besides, the element contents in area 3 and 4 sponding to (111), (220), and (311) planes respectively, while the
mean that the content of C are relatively affluent, which can serve grain sizes of SHC are 18, 20, 15 nm. The average grain size of
as an ion transport channel. Identically, as a comparison, the SHCM/NCF and SHC is 19 and 17 nm, separately. The similar
hollow carbon nanospheres brimmed with silicon nanodots with value also indicates that SHCM/NCF are assembled from SHC
diameter of 276 nm are observed in Figure S4 (Supporting Infor- and could matched with HRTEM images.
mation), which can be consistent with SEM results. Figure S4a,b In addition, the Raman spectra of SHCM/NCF and SHC in
(Supporting Information) clearly indicated the single shelled Figure  4b illustrate the D band at ≈1330 cm−1 and G band at
hollow carbon structure of SHC with around 13 nm carbon shell, ≈1580 cm−1 attributing to the existing of carbon. Commonly
and plenty of active silicon nanodots uniformly encapsulated in speaking, D band is representative of the disordered/defective
the carbon shell cavity and surface (Figure S4c,d, element map- carbon origin by the graphitic sp3-hybridization, while the G
ping and line scan, Supporting Information). band can be corresponding to the E2g vibratory mode presenting

Figure 4.  a) XRD pattern of SHCM/NCF and SHC; b) Raman spectra of SHCM/NCF and SHC; c) Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms and BJH
pore size distribution of SHCM/NCF; d) electronic conductivities of SHCM/NCF and SHC; e) TGA of Si, C, SHCM/NCF and SHC; f) XPS full spectra
of SHCM/NCF and SHC; g-h) high-resolution XPS spectra of SHCM/NCF.

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in the sp2 bond of the crystalline graphite basal plane.[27] The tion. In addition, high-resolution Si 2s spectra express peaks
deviated Si peak and D band of SHCM/NCF paper (10.3 and assigned to Si0 and Si4+ at 99.3 and 101.2  eV, respectively
13.2 cm−1, respectively) with regard to strong electron interac- (Figure  4i).[30,31] Considering these above analyses, the-
tion.[28] The intensity ratio of D/G band of SHCM/NCF and developed 3D interconnected SHCM/NCF paper are favorably
SHC are 1.49 and 1.37, separately. The increased ID/IG value composed, which can synergize the advantages of high-capacity
in SHCM/NCF meaning disorders and defects strengthened, Si, microspheres and N-doping fiber at the same time for
or sp2 domains of carbon decreased. Figure 4c and Figure S4e lithium storage. Notably, this kind of nitrogen/carbon confor-
(Supporting Information) presents the N2 adsorption– mation can be used as an ion channel in the paper to improve
desorption isotherms of SHCM/NCF and SHC and the electrochemical performance.
homologous pore size distribution curves obtained by the
Barrett–Joyner–Halenda (BJH) model (inset in Figure) to
investigate the surface area and porosity of the materials. The 3. Electrochemical Characterization for LIBs
hysteresis loop, which can be observed on N2 adsorption–
desorption isotherms, exhibiting mesopores structure for this In order to evaluate electrochemical features of as-prepared
sample. The specific surface area of SHCM/NCF and SHC are SHCM/NCF, SHCM/NCF paper was directly utilized as free-
167.5 and 360.5 m2 g−1 according to the Brunauer–Emmett– standing electrode in the CR 2025 type coin cell. Figure  5a
Teller (BET) method. In addition, pore size distribution curves reveals the first three circles charge -discharge curves of
display ranges from 2 to 10 nm of SHCM/NCF and SHC, illus- SHCM/NCF, which were consistent with the silicon electrode
trating hierarchical porous structure. voltage platform.
As illustrated in Figure  4d, measured by powder resis- The initial charge/discharge capacities of SHCM/NCF and
tivity test (four probe method), the electronic conductivities of compared SHC were 2224/2583 mAh g−1 and 1219/1978 mAh g−1
SHCM/NCF are always greater than that of SHC at different with initial coulombic efficiency (ICE) of 86% and 60%, respec-
pressure. Electronic conductivity greatly affects battery perfor- tively. The irreversible capacity loss in the first circle is due
mance, especially rate performance. Therefore, SHCM/NCF to the construction of solid electrolyte interface (SEI) film on
with advanced conductivity is more advantageous to the Li ion electrode material surface, which is due to the electrode mate-
battery performance. Additionally, the Si content of SHCM/ rial react with electrolyte on the solid-liquid interface to form
NCF and SHC are determined by thermogra-vimetric analysis passivation layer of solid electrolyte properties. Figure S5a
(TGA). The initial weight loss of each curve is due to the evapo- (Supporting Information) illustrates cyclic voltammetry (CV)
ration of water in the sample. The continuous weight elevation behavior of SHCM/NCF electrode for the first three cycles at
of Si represents the oxidation of silicon to SiO2 when the tem- 0.2 mV s−1. A broad peak around 0.5V in the primary cathodic
perature higher than 200  °C. For SHCM/NCF and SHC, the scan loop (lithiation process) can be attributed to the growth
weight loss between 430 and 600 °C is ascribed to oxidation of of the SEI layer, which disappeared in the subsequent cycles.
carbon in air. The calculation of Si content based on the equa- In the anodic curve, a pair of oxidation peaks appeared at 0.3
tion: WSi × XSi + (−WC) × (1 − XSi) = WSi/C, in which WSi, WC, and 0.5V was attributed to Li dealloying process of Li-Si alloy.[32]
and WSi/C mean the residual weight percentage of Si, C, and Notably, the excellent reversibility was proved because the peaks
SHCM/NCF or SHC, while XSi represent the required content in the next subsequent two cycles almost coincide.
of silicon.[29] The calculation results are listed in Table S1 in The rate capabilities of SHCM/NCF paper and SHC can
the Supporting Information, indicating the Si concentrations be illustrated in Figure  5b at current densities from 0.1 to
in the SHCM/NCF and SHC are 55 wt.% and 76 wt.%, respec- 3.2 A g−1. The SHCM/NCF paper electrode had an advanced
tively. Furthermore, the surface chemistry of these materials rate capability with higher capacities of 1960, 1500, 1220, 990,
is researched by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The 800 mAh g−1 at 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, and 3.2 A g−1 than SHC electrode,
full spectra in Figure 4f all demonstrate the similar O 1s, C 1s, respectively. The capacity still has hardly changed when the cur-
Si 2s, and Si 2p peaks, which means that the surface composi- rent density returns to 0.2 A g−1 and has 1900 mAh g−1 after
tion of SHCM/NCF and SHC materials are identical basically, 300 cycles. In addition, after three activation cycles at 0.3 A g−1,
displaying that SHCM/NCF is assembled by SHC. The exclu- a significant reversible capacity of 2200 mAh g−1 was obtained
sive N 1s is identified for SHCM/NCF compared with SHC, for the SHCM/NCF paper electrode after 530 cycles at 0.5 A g−1.
indicating the surface contains PVP/PAN-derived carbon, con- Compared to it, SHC anodes maintained lower capacity of
sistent with element mapping, in which the N content in the 550 mAh g−1 at 0.5 A g−1 (Figure  5c). As the current density
as-prepared SHCM/NCF paper was around 4.5 wt% according increased to 1 A g−1, the reversible capacity of SHCM/NCF
to the EDX. The high-resolution C 1s spectrum of SHCM/NCF deliver 1442 mAh g−1 after 800 cycles with 86% capacity reten-
denotes three sub peaks, where the 284.6, 285.2 and 288.9  eV tion, while SHC is 266 mAh g−1, and all the materials have
were assigned to C-C, C = N and C = O bonds, respectively, coulombic efficiency of above 98%. The capacity drop is due
which examine the doping of N in the carbon (Figure 4g). The to the formation of stable SEI layer, which is the common
high-resolution N 1s spectra can be differentiated into three problem in most materials. In addition, the phenomenon that
sub peaks corresponding to pyridinic N (398.3  eV), pyrrolic N the capacity shows significant increases was attributed to the
(399.9  eV), and oxidic N (402.9  eV) (Figure  4h). Among them, electrochemical activation process and reversible growth of gel-
pyridinic N can produce good electron donor/acceptor proper- liked polymer film during the degradation of activated electro-
ties and faraday pseudo-capacitance, while pyrrolic N has fast lyte.[33,34] Obviously, Although SHC can provide nanosilicon to
charge diffusion properties to promote electron transfer reac- avoid crush caused by volume effect of silicon, and the hollow

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Figure 5.  a) first three charge/discharge curves of SHCM/NCF; b) rate performance; c,d) cycling property; e) fitting Z′ and ω−1/2 of fresh SHCM/NCF
and SHC electrode; f) GITT curves; g) EIS pattern of fresh and postcycling; h) electrochemical performances comparison.

carbon coating can stabilize the SEI film, but the structural electrode–electrolyte interface (Rct), respectively. Obviously, the
stability and electrical conductivity are still insufficient. The fresh SHCM/NCF electrode delivers lower Rct value (charge
better performances are attributed to interconnected nitrogen/ transfer resistance, 52.2 Ohm) than fresh SHC (106.7 Ohm) at
carbon skeletons inside the SHCM/NCF paper, which can high frequency area, suggesting the improved electrical con-
not only serve as electron/ion transmission channels but also ductivity. Besides, Warburg impedance about lithium-ion dif-
avoid structure collapse of electrode. Meanwhile, heteroatom N fusion of SHCM/NCF also was much lower than SHC at low
doping leads to unbalanced charge distribution near the doping frequency. After 100 cycles, the value of Rct has slight increase
point and expands the effective range of electric field, thereby to 36.1  Ohm, clarifying that the 3D interconnected nitrogen/
enhancing charge transfer, providing additional active sites and carbon networks adequately restrain increased charge-transfer
increasing material conductivity. In addition, the comparison resistance and yielding excellent stability of SHCM/NCF paper.
of electrochemical performance about SHCM/NCF paper and These consequences indicate that 3D interconnected skeleton
reported previously Si-based composite materials are listed in could not only boost electrical conduction, but also obtain
Table S2 (Supporting Information) and Figure  5h. Obviously, express Li+ diffusion kinetics. Furthermore, to deeply conclude
the SHCM/NCF has good cycle stability and ICE. the Li+ diffusion process, fitting Z′ and ω−1/2 using the fol-
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) meas- lowing equation[35]
urement of fresh and post cycling batteries for SHCM/NCF
and SHC are conducted in Figure  5g, while Figure S6d (Sup- R2T2
D= (1)
porting Information) reveals equivalent electrical circuit 2A n 4 F4 C2σ 2

model in accordance with the EIS curves and data were enu-
merated in Table S3 (Supporting Information). The intercept Z′ = R e + R ct + σω −1/2 (2)
of high-frequency region on Z′ axis represents the resistance
of separator and electrolyte (Rs), while the semicircle at high- in which R means gas constant, T is absolute temperature,
and middle- frequency regions can be attributed to the resist- A represents electrode surface area, n stand for transfer elec-
ance of SEI layer (Rf ) and the charge transfer resistance of the trons number per molecule, F means Faraday constant, C is

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lithium-ions concentration, σ and ω stand for the Warburg dynamics of these electrodes simultaneously includes diffusion
factor and angular frequency. Apparently, the Li+ diffusion mechanism and pseudocapacitance control. More accurately,
coefficient (DLi+) is inversely proportional to σ, which can the specific percentage of diffusion control and capacitance
acquire from linear fit between Z′ and the reciprocal square mechanism can be quantified by equation
root of angular frequency ω. Figure  5e and Figure S6h (Sup-
porting Information) illustrate σ value of fresh and postcycling i ( V ) = k 1 v 1/2 + k 2 v (6)
for SHCM/NCF and SHC electrode are 110 and 37.8, 155 and
47.6, respectively, from which the DLi+ value of fresh SHCM/ i ( V ) / v 1/2 = k 1 + k 2 v 1/2 (7)
NCF and SHC electrode can calculated to be 1.4 × 10−10 and
7.2 × 10−13 cm2 s−1. Furthermore, DLi+ value of postcycling where k1v1/2 and k2v represent diffusion control and pseudoca-
SHCM/NCF and SHC electrode are calculated to be 1.2 × 10−9 pacitance behavior, respectively. The k1 and k2 can be obtained
and 7.6 × 10−12 cm2 s−1. It exhibits the larger DLi+ value for fresh from Equation (7). As revealed in Figure S5b (Supporting Infor-
and postcycling SHCM/NCF compared with SHC, implying mation), the proportion of capacitive contribution in SHCM/
more rapid and stabilizing interface kinetics of SHCM/NCF NCF anode at 0.2 mV s−1 is 52.2% (shaded region). With sweep
electrode. rate increasing, the proportion of capacitive contribution either
In addition, galvanostatic intermittent titration technique gradually increase in Figure 6h (52.2% at 0.2 mV s−1, 61.5% at
(GITT) method was conducted to investigate reaction kinetics 0.4  mV s−1, 68.3% at 0.6  mV s−1, 74.4% at 0.8  mV s−1, 79.6%
of SHCM/NCF and SHC electrode (Figure  5f; Figure S5f–i, at 1  mV s−1 and 88.1% at 2  mV s−1 for SHCM/NCF). In addi-
Supporting Information). The electrode was exposed to con- tion, the capacitive contribution values at different sweep rate
tinuous charge–discharge at 100 mA g−1 for 5 min with left as for SHCM/NCF electrode all exhibit higher percentages com-
an open circuit for 5 min. The GITT results can be quantified pared with SHC electrode, because the unique 3D intercon-
according to the following equation[36] nected nitrogen/carbon structure of SHCM/NCF facilitates
2 2
rapid ion insertion, N doping increases conductivity, and the
4  m B VM   ∆ES  microsphere structure avoids side reactions with the electro-
D+Li =     (3)
τπ  MBS   ∆Eτ  lyte. Consequently, the larger pseudocapacitance contribution
for SHCM/NCF anode is conducive to fast Li+ storage kinetics,
while mB/MB and τ are active/molar mass and pulse time, VM yielding remarkable rate performance.
and S stand for molar volume and electrode active surface area Besides, the phase change and electrochemical reaction
of anode, ΔES and ΔEτ reveal voltage change between steps and mechanism of SHCM/NCF anode can be further explicated
voltage vary between two pulse times. The inset of Figure 5f was according to ex situ XRD, EIS and XPS results in different
partial enlarged view of the GITT curve. The Li-ion diffusion voltage stages during reaction process for LIB, as presented in
coefficient of SHCM/NCF was calculated to 1.9 × 10−9 cm2 s−1, Figure 6. Connected with the voltage curves, Figure 6a,b proves
which was higher than SHC electrode (8.3 × 10−12). Conse- ex situ XRD curves and contour plots with corresponding dis-
quently, the 3D interconnected nitrogen/carbon skeleton charge voltages at open voltage (I), 0.26 V (II), 0.03 V (III), and
structure is beneficial to Li+ diffusion rate and then expedited 0.005  V (IV) and charge voltages at 0.44  V (V) and 3.0  V (VI).
dynamic redox reaction of SHCM/NCF paper electrode. When partially discharged to 0.26 V (stage II), it is obvious that
According to previous reports, the pseudocapacitive the silicon diffraction peaks become weaker compared with
behavior is generally favorable for high current density stage I, certificating the partial lithiation about silicon. Con-
for charge Li storage. To further illustrate the quantitative tinuing discharge to stage III and IV, the characteristic peaks
analysis and kinetics of SHCM/NCF and SHC electrode in of silicon are fully disappearing, indicating that crystal Si react
detail, a sequence of CV measurements with different sweep with Li and amorphous lithiated silicon are generated during
speeds (range from 0.2 to 2.0  mV s−1) were carried out. continuous lithiation obey following reaction
Obvious, these curves all exhibit similar shapes when scan
rate increases, including two reduction peaks and one oxida-  x x
Si + xLi → 1 − −  Si + a − Li y Si (8)
tion peak (Figure  6f; Figure S5c, Supporting Information).  y y
The relationship between peak current (i) and scan rate (v)
follows equation[37] During the delithiation process at stage V and fully charged
to stage VI, crystalline silicon peaks cannot be reformed and
i = av b (4) amorphous silicon peaks still existed, in conformity to previous
papers.[38] Additionally, ex situ EIS exhibited in Figure S6g
log ( i ) = b × log ( v ) + log (a ) (5) (Supporting Information) illustrate homologous patterns at
diverse (de)lithiation states with the similar shape, implying
in which a and b are two adjustable parameters. In evidence, there are no significant form changes in impedance resistances
the b value can be acquired from slope of log(v)-log(i) curve. at different stages. The ex situ high resolution XPS character-
Particularly, when b equals to 0.5, the storage type of Li+ is dif- istic spectra for C 1s, Si 2p and Li 1s elements are revealed in
fusion-controlled behavior while b value of 1 indicates surface Figure  6c–e. For fresh SHCM/NCF, as discussed above, C 1s
capacitive process. The b values of the two electrodes for oxida- spectrum contains C–C, C = O and C = N peaks while Si 2p
tion and reduction peaks are shown in Figure 6g and Figure S5d consists of Si0 and Si4+ and without Li 1s peak exists. Upon dif-
(Supporting Information), representing that Li+ storage ferent (de) lithiation stages, the electrolyte may decompose on

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Figure 6.  a) Ex situ XRD, b) contour plots, c–e) ex situ XPS for different discharge voltages; f) different scan rates CV curves; g) log i versus log v plots
of SHCM/NCF; h) percent of capacitance control bar chart exhibiting.

the SHCM/NCF paper surface to constitute species such as In order to verify practicability and feasibility of free-standing
Li2CO3 lithium carbonate, and/or ROCO2Li, which lead to the SHCM/NCF paper anode material, full cell LIBs can be assem-
C = O peak is increased. As for Si 2p characteristic spectrum, bled by using SHCM/NCF and SHC as the anode with com-
the peaks centered at 97.8 ev and 102.1 ev correspond to LixSi and mercial LiCoO2 electrode material as cathode. Figure S6e,f
LixSiOy at discharge voltages at 0.03  V (stage III), respectively, (Supporting Information) illustrates LiCoO2 discharge curve
which are existed during discharge voltages at 0.005V (stage IV) (LiCoO2 half battery while lithium foil as counter electrode)
and charge voltages at 0.44 V (V) and 3.0 V (VI), corresponding combined with SHCM/NCF charge curve and LiCoO2 charge
to the previous ex situ XRD results. Furthermore, Li 1s charac- curve combined with SHCM/NCF discharge curve. Obvious,
teristic peak centered at 54.6 eV proves the existence of LixSiOy the SHCM/NCF || LiCoO2 full battery reveals discharging
after (de)lithiation states, which make the conclusion of the Si platforms at 3.60, 3.25, and 2.62  V when charging platforms
2p peaks more persuasive.[39,40] Besides, after dis-assembling at 3.56  V and 3.90  V, which demonstrate voltage platform of
the post cycling coin battery, the SHCM/NCF has no surface SHCM/NCF || LiCoO2 full cell is 2.6–3.9 V.
cracks and the SEM image reveal morphology of the SHCM/ The initial three cycles galvanostatic discharge/charge curves
NCF paper electrode remains intact, while SHC electrode has of SHCM/NCF || LiCoO2 in Figure  7d show initial charge/dis-
obvious cracks even peeling, proving superior cycling stability charge capacity is 1780.6 and 890.6  mA h g−1 with 50% initial
of SHCM/NCF paper (Figure  7a–c; Figure S6a–c, Supporting coulombic efficiency (ICE). The second and third curves are
Information). mainly coinciding, indicating great stability for the binder-free

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Figure 7.  a–c) Dis-assembling the post cycling SHCM/NCF electrode; d) initial three cycles galvanostatic discharge/charge curves and Photograph of
open-circuit voltage (inset); e) cycling capacity; f) rate performance; g–i) photograph of powering LED.

3D interconnected paper. Moreover, long-term cycling patterns including 3D interconnection network to accelerate ion/elec-
of SHCM/NCF and SHC full cell are illustrated in Figure  7e tron conduction, N-doped carbon to improve conductivity, sil-
reveal the specific capacities at 0.5 A g−1 after 200 cycles are icon nanodot alleviate damages caused by volume effect and
450 and 170 mA h g−1, respectively. It is clear that SHCM/NCF binder-free electrode to reduce cost, making it is suitable for the
|| LiCoO2 full cell has higher capacity and more stable perfor- practical application. The SHCM/NCF electrodes exhibit high
mance. Meanwhile, rate capability of SHCM/NCF full cell is specific capacity of 1442 mAh g−1 and distinguished cycling
superior and more stable than that of SHC in Figure 7f, which stability at 1 A g−1 for 800 cycles with high-capacity retention
further demonstrates the superiority and practicality of SHCM/ rate of 86% as lithium half cell and good cycle stability at
NCF paper. Besides, open-circuit potential (OCP) at 3.128  V is 0.5 A g−1 for 200 cycles as lithium full cell. Besides, this strategy
measured for SHCM/NCF full cell (inset of Figure  7d). The opens up a convenient new path to design 3D interconnected
charged flexible SHCM/NCF soft packing lithium battery is micro-nano architecture with flexible and free-standing paper
capable for powering light emitting diode (LED) not only flat property, which has important implication for practical applica-
but also bent states. After bending, the brightness of the LED tion and can be extended to preparation of other interconnected
lamp does not change when return to flat stage. (Figure 7g–i), structure materials.
indicating excellent flexibility of the SHCM/NCF electrode.

5. Experimental Section
4. Conclusion Synthesis of SiO2@SiO2/C Nanospheres: All reagents have not
undergone further processing before use. First, DI water (20  mL),
In summary, the designed microsphere self-assembled by ethanol (60  mL) and ammonia aqueous solution (1.5  mL, 25  wt
hollow carbon nanosphere uniformly distributed with sil- %) were mixed uniformly under rapid stirring. Then, tetraethyl
icon nanodots, interconnecting with carbon/nitrogen fibers orthosilicate (TEOS, 4.5 mL) was lentamente added to above solution.
(SHCM/NCF), which will competently possess plenty of merits, After stirring 30  min, formaldehyde solution (1  mL) and resorcinol

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2101487 2101487  (10 of 12) © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH
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(0.6 g) were added into dispersion, following under room temperature Conflict of Interest
for stirring 36 hours. The reddish precipitate was centrifugal collected.
Finally, the reddish precipitate was annealed at 800 °C for 6 h under Ar The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Synthesis of SHC Nanospheres: Typically, the SiO2@SiO2/C was mixed
with magnesium powder at a weight ratio of 1:1 evenly in the mortar and
magnesiothermic reduction occurs at 650 °C for 6 h, and the resulting
product was purified through 20 wt% HCl and 5 wt% HF to remove the Data Availability Statement
unreacted Mg and SiO2, and by-product MgO. The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
Synthesis of SHCM/NCF: 25 wt% polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP, corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Mw  = 130000), 25 wt% polyacrylonitrile (PAN, Mw  = 150000), and
50 wt% SHC were dissolved in N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF, 99.8%).
During electrospinning process, the applied voltage and feed rate were
maintained at ≈15 kV and 0.9 mL h−1, respectively. After, the sample were
stabilized at 250 °C for 2 h in air and then carbonized at 700 °C for 2 h Keywords
under an Ar atmosphere.
3D interconnected paper, electrospinning, lithium storage, N-doped
Materials Characterization: The phase characterization of
carbon, silicon
the materials was measured by X-ray diffraction (XRD, Bruker
D8 ADVANCE) between 10° and 80° with Cu Kα radiation
Received: February 10, 2021
(λ = 0.15 418 nm). The morphologies and crystal structure of materials
Revised: March 16, 2021
were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Hitachi
Published online: June 17, 2021
SU8010, accelerating voltage: 30  kV) and transmission electron
microscopy (TEM, Talos F200X). Raman spectra were characterized
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