Tutorial Questions Weeks 1-10 PDF

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CHM104 Tute 1 problems

Dimensional Analysis

An old unit of measuring land is the rod. A plot of land is 205 rods on a side. How many meters
long is a side of this plot? (4 rods = 1 chain; 1 chain = 66 feet, 1 foot = 12 inches, 1 inch = 2.54 cm)

One of the fastest cars produced in America was the 1963-64 Studebaker Avanti, with a top speed
of 180 miles per hour; how fast is this in meters per second? (1 mile = 5280 feet; 12 inches = 1 foot,
2.54 cm = 1 inch).

Percent composition/empirical/molecular formula

A copper ore has the formula Cu5FeS8. Determine the percent copper in the ore.

What is the percentage of nitrogen in nicotine, C10H14N2?

A hydrocarbon found in fuel contains 85.6%C and 14.4% H. What is the empirical formula of this

A compound is composed of 40.0% carbon, 6.66% hydrogen, and the remainder oxygen; it has a
molecular weight of about 92. Determine the molecular formula of the compound.

How many grams of water (M.W. = 18 g/mole) could be produced from the combustion of 1.0 mole
of octane, C8H18 (M.W. = 114g/mole).
2 C8H18 + 25 O2  16 CO2 + 18 H2O

Calculate the maximum amount of gold that can be dissolved from gold ore by 200.0g of NaCN
(F.W. = 49g/mole)according to the following reaction:
4 Au + 8 NaCN + O2 + 2 H2O  4 NaAu(CN)2 + 4 NaOH

SF6 can be formed by the following reaction:

S8 + 24 F2  8 SF6
How many grams of SF6 (M.W. = 146g/mole) can be produced from 10.0g of S8 and 30.0g of F2?
(M.W. S8 = 256g/mole; F2 = 38g/mole)

Given the following reaction:

2 S2Cl2 + 2 H2O  SO2 + 4 HCl + 2 S
How many grams of SO2 could be formed from 67.5g of S2Cl2 and 10.0g of H2O? (M.W. S2Cl2 =
135g/mole, H2O = 18g/mole, SO2 = 64g/mole)
Activity 7.4


1. Fill in the orbital diagrams by writing the electron configurations for the following neutral atoms in their
ground states. Use  to represent a single electron and  to represent a pair of electrons.

1s 2s

a. H

b. He


c. Li

d. Be

e. B

f. C

g. N

h. O

i. F

j. Ne

3s 3p

k. Na [Ne]

l. Mg [Ne]
3s 3p

m. Al [Ne]

n. Si [Ne]

o. P [Ne]

p. S [Ne]

q. Cl[Ne]

r. Ar [Ne]

3d 4s 4p

s. K [Ar]

t. Ca [Ar]

u. Sc [Ar]

2. Indicate in the blank periodic table below which orbitals are being filled in which regions.

3. Write electron configurations for the following ions:

a. N3-

b. Na+
c. Cl-

d. Mg2+

e. Fe2+

f. Fe3+

g. Sn2+

h. Sn4+
Name_____________________ CSUID#__________ Name_____________________CSUID#__________
Name_____________________ CSUID#__________ Name_____________________CSUID#__________

Lewis Model of Electronic Structure

The Lewis model of molecular electronic structure describes how atoms bond to each other to form
molecules. It determines the number of bonds formed between pairs of atoms in a molecule and the
number of electrons that exist as lone or nonbonding pairs. This information makes it possible for you
to predict the geometry of molecules (e.g., CO2 is linear but SO2 and H2O are bent) and relative bond
strengths and bond lengths.

• Understand how to draw Lewis structures and interpret them in terms of molecular properties.

• Construct realistic Lewis structures.
• Identify relative bond strengths and lengths from Lewis structures.

Molecules exist because they are more stable than the separate atoms. By “more stable,” we mean that
they have lower energy in the same way that a skateboarder at the bottom of a hill has less energy or is
more stable than one at the top. G.N. Lewis recognized, from the very low chemical reactivity of the
noble gases, that a configuration with eight electrons in a shell produces a very stable situation. He
therefore proposed that molecules form so that atoms can transfer or share electrons and produce this
very stable octet structure.

Lewis structures are used to model how the electrons are arranged to produce these stable eight-
electron configurations. In these diagrams, dots are used to represent electrons; a line between atoms
represents a single covalent bond formed by a pair of electrons; other dots represent nonbonding
electrons; and charges are written to identify a formal distribution of charge.

The bonds show how the atoms in a molecule re connected to each other. A Lewis diagram does not
show bond lengths, bond angles, the arrangement of atoms in three-dimensional space, or the actual
charges on atoms. Some molecules require more than one Lewis structure to describe them. These
multiple structures are called resonance structures. In some situations, atoms in periods 3 and higher
have more than 8 electrons.

Some atoms (e.g., C, N, O, and S) form double bonds, which are represented by double lines. Some
atoms (e.g., C and N) form triple bonds, which are represented by triple lines. A double bond is
stronger and shorter than single bond, and a triple bond is strongest and shortest of the three.

How does one determine and draw a Lewis structure? First determine whether the molecule is ionic or
covalent. If it is ionic, draw each ion separately. For covalent molecules and polyatomic ions, follow
the methodology given below.

W4#1 From Hanson ‘Foundations of Chemistry ’ Pacific Crest 22



Methodology Example: Single Bond

Step 1: Count the valence electrons from all the atoms. Add For hydrochloric acid, H has 1 and
electrons for negative ions, subtract electrons for positive Cl has 7 for a total of a valence
ions. The number of valence electrons can be determined electrons
from the atom’s position in the Periodic Table.
Step 2: Assemble the bonding framework. Decide which
atoms are connected to each other and use a pair of electrons,
represented by a line, to form a bond between each pair of H Cl
atoms that are bonded together.
Step 3: Arrange the remaining electrons so that each atom has
8 electrons around it (the octet rule). If necessary, place
additional pairs of electrons between the atoms to form H Cl
additional bonds.
Step 4: Check for exceptions to the octet rule. For H only 2
electrons are needed (the duet rule). Be and B are often
electron deficient and may have only 4 or 6 electrons. Atoms Cl satisfies the octet rule.
in the second period cannot have more than 8 electrons. The
third and higher period elements sometimes have more than 8 H satisfies the duet rule.
Step 5: Determine the formal charges (FC) on the atoms.
FC = number of atomic valence electrons
- number of lone pair electrons
- 0.5(number of shared electrons). FC(H) = 1 – 0 – 0.5(2) = 0
Evaluate whether the formal charges (FC) on the atoms are
reasonable. The structure is reasonable if the charges are zero FC(Cl) = 7 – 6 – 0.5(2) = 0
or small, and the negative charges reside on the most
electronegative atoms. Other structures with large formal Reasonable because
charges are higher energy and not representative of the lowest FC is zero.
energy structure of the molecule.
Step 6: Draw resonance structures. None in this case

1. How can you determine the number of valence electrons that an atom has?

2. a)How many valence electrons does H have and how many more does it need to fill the first

b)How many valence electrons does Cl have and how many more does it need to fill a shell?

W4#1 From Hanson ‘Foundations of Chemistry ’ Pacific Crest 22 2

3. From the Lewis perspective, why do hydrogen and chlorine combine to form the HCl molecule?

4. How is formal charge determined?

5. How is formal charge used to identify unreasonable Lewis structures?


1. Write the number of valence electrons for H and for F. Draw the Lewis structure for HF.

2. Write the number of valence electrons for C. Determine how many more electrons C needs to
form a molecule, and draw the Lewis structure for a molecule composed of C and H.

3. Write the number of valence electrons for S. Determine how many more electrons S needs to
form a molecule, and draw the Lewis structure for a molecule composed of S and H.

4. Draw Lewis structures for H2O, NH3, PCl3, C2 H6 , and NaCl. (NaCl is ionic, so draw the two
ions separately with no line connecting them).

CO2 – Need for Double Bonds

Methodology Example: Multiple Bonds

For carbon dioxide, C has 4 valence
Step 1: Count the number of valence electrons from all electrons and O has 6 valence electrons
the atoms. for a total of 16 valence electrons.

Step 2: Assemble the bonding framework. O C O

Step 3: Arrange the remaining electrons so that each

atom has 8 electrons around it (the octet rule). If
necessary, place additional pairs of electrons between
the atoms to form additional bonds to satisfy the octet

Step 4: Check for exceptions to the octet rule No exceptions present.

Step 5: Evaluate whether the formal charges on the FC(C) = 4 - 0- 0.5(8) = 0

atoms are reasonable. FC (O) = 6 – 4 – 0.5(4) = 0
Reasonable because FC is zero.

Step 6: Draw resonance structures. None in this case.

W4#1 From Hanson ‘Foundations of Chemistry ’ Pacific Crest 22 3


6. How many valence electrons are there in the carbon dioxide molecule?

7. Why is it sometimes necessary in constructing Lewis structures to put double or even triple
bonds between atoms?

5. Draw the Lewis structures for O2, N2, C2H4, and C2H2.

ICI4- - Exception to the Octet Rule

Methodology Example:
Third Period Element
Step 1: Count the number of valence electrons from all For ICI4-, there are 35 valence
the atoms, and, because it is a -1 anion, add one. Electrons (5 x 7 +1).

Step 2: Assemble the bonding framework. Cl Cl

Cl Cl

Cl Cl
Step 3: Arrange the remaining electrons so that each I
atom has 8 electrons around it. Cl Cl

Cl Cl
Step 4: Check for exceptions to the octet rule. After

satisfying the octet rule for each atom, 4 electrons
remain. These are placed as nonbonding electrons on the
fifth period element, iodine. Cl Cl

Step 5: Evaluate whether the formal charges on the FC(l) = 7 – 8 = -1

atoms are reasonable.
FC(Cl) = 7 – 7 = 0

Step 6: Draw resonance structures. None in this case

8. How does the example of ICI4- differ from the examples of HCl and CO2?

W2#2 From Moog/Farrell ‘chemistry: a guided enquiry’ Wiley 42


9. Draw the Lewis structure for PCl5.

NO2- - The Need for Multiple Lewis Structures

Methodology Example: Resonance

Step 1: Count the number of valence electrons from all For NO2- there are 18 valence
the atoms, and, because it is a -1 ion, add one. electrons (5 = (2 x 6) = 1)

Step 2: Assemble the bonding framework. O N O

Step 3: Arrange the remaining electrons so that each
atom has 8 electrons around it.

Step 4: Check for exceptions to the octet rule. None

Step 5: Evaluate whether the formal charges on the FC(N) = 5 – 5 = 0

atoms are reasonable. FC(01) = 6 – 7 = -1
FC(02) = 6 – 6 = 0

Step 6: Experimental measurements of the bond lengths
show that both N-O bonds are the same; therefore a
second structure is needed. Draw the resonance
structure to show that both bonds are between a single
and a double bond.

9. Why is it not possible to describe NO2- by a single Lewis structure?

7. Draw the Lewis structure for ozone O3.

W2#2 From Moog/Farrell ‘chemistry: a guided enquiry’ Wiley 42

Model 2: Bond Strengths and Lengths
Bond Average Dissociation Average Length in pm
Energy in kJ/mole
C-C 345 154
C=C 615 133

CC 835 120


10. The energy it takes to dissociate or break a bond is a measure of the bond strength. In view
of the data in Model 2, how does the Lewis structure help you identify the strongest bonds
in a molecule?

11. In view of the data in Model 2, how does the Lewis structure help you identify the shortest
bonds in a molecule?

8. Identify which C-O bond in acetic acid is the shortest and strongest.


MODEL 3: Which Lewis Structure is Better?

The two structures below represent the thiocyanate ion. Which one has a lower energy and is
therefore the better description of the lowest energy state of this ion?



12. What are the formal charges on the atoms in the thiocyanate ion in Model 3?

13. How do the formal charges help you identify the lower energy and better structure?

14. Which structure in Model 3 has the lower energy and is therefore the better description of
the lowest energy state of this ion?

W2#2 From Moog/Farrell ‘chemistry: a guided enquiry’ Wiley 42


9. In view of the formal charges, why is O = C = O a better representation of carbon dioxide

than O – C  O?

In assembling the bonding framework of a molecule, you may find it difficult to
Identify which atoms are bonded to each other. Sometimes this information cannot be
deduced from first principles: you simply need to know the molecular structure. But here are
some guidelines that are often helpful. It is useful to think in terms of outer atoms and inner
atoms. An outer atom bonds to only one other atom while an inner atom bonds to more than
one other atom.

Hydrogen atoms are outer atoms because they can form only one bond.

Outer atoms other than hydrogen are usually the ones with the highest electronegativities.

The bonding framework is often indicated by the order in which the atoms are written in a
molecular formula. For example, in OCS the carbon atom is the inner atom.

Parentheses often are used in a molecular formula to indicate the bonding framework. For
example in (CH3)2CO, the hydrogen atoms are bonded to carbon to form two methyl
radicals, and oxygen is an outer atom bonded to an inner carbon atom.

Multiple atoms of the same element are usually the outer atoms around a single atom of
another element. For example, in PF6 phosphorous is the inner atom.

Sometimes it is helpful to know the chemical properties of a molecular formula. For

example, in HNO3 the hydrogen atom might be bonded to the nitrogen or to oxygen. If you
know that nitric acid is an oxyacid, you can locate the hydrogen as bonded to an oxygen

Finally, the most likely structure is the one which has the most reasonable formal charges on
the atoms. By “reasonable,” we mean that the formal charges should be small or zero, and
the negative charges should be located on the most electronegative atoms.

10. Draw Lewis structures for the following molecules. A Lewis structure includes the formal
charge on each atom if it differs from zero and any resonance structures that are significant.
To be significant, a resonance structure does not increase the formal charge on any of the

SiCl4 SeF2 OCS I3- HNO3

W2#2 From Moog/Farrell ‘chemistry: a guided enquiry’ Wiley 42

11. Use Lewis structures to arrange the following compounds in order of increasing carbon-
carbon bond strength. Explain.

C2H6 C2H4 C2H2

12. Use Lewis structures to arrange the following compounds in order of increasing carbon-
carbon bond length. Explain.

C2H6 C2H4 C2H2

13. Explain which N-N bond is more stable, the one in nitrogen N2 or the one in hydrazine

14. Explain which C-O bond is shortest, the one in methanol CH3OH or the one in
formaldehyde CH2O.

1. Use Lewis structures to identify which of the following compounds you would most likely
by successful at synthesizing: SiF4, OF4, SF6, or OF6. Explain.

2. Two Lewis structures are needed to describe the bonding in formamide, HCONH2. Write
these two resonance structures. One should have no formal charges on the atoms, and the
other will have a formal charge of +1 on N and -1 on O. Which structure that you have
drawn do you expect to be the better description of formamide?

3. For the two resonance structures of formamide in Problem 2, explain why each of the
following statement is either correct or incorrect.

a) The molecule is not oscillating back-and-forth between the two structures, rather the
molecule is an average or superposition of the two structures

b) The expected CO bond length is between that for a normal CO double bond and that
for a normal CO single bond.

c) The nitrogen in the molecule has a lower electron density associated with it than is
found for the free nitrogen atom.

d) Both resonance structures have the same energy.

W2#2 From Moog/Farrell ‘chemistry: a guided enquiry’ Wiley 42

Develop a check list that you can use to assure that you have written a correct Lewis structure..

W2#2 From Moog/Farrell ‘chemistry: a guided enquiry’ Wiley 42

CHM 113 -- Fall 2000 D. Bedgood Quiz # 7 October 15, 2001

Last First M.I S.S. #

Answer each question clearly/legibly in the blank provided. Show all work for any calculation, on back of
page if necessary.
Be sure to Box or underline your answer so it is obvious which number is your intended answer!!!
1. Circle the member of the following pairs which would be expected to have the larger radius:

Na or Mg Mg or Mg+2 Se or Se-2

As or P Ca or Br Sr+2 or Br-

2. List the following elements in order of decreasing ionization energy;:

Kr Se N Sr

low IE < < < high IE

3. What is the electron configuration of the following atoms and ions?

Al N+2

P-3 Na+

Fe Ni+2

4. Draw the box orbital diagram for the outer subshell electrons for the following atoms and ions, and
determine the number of unpaired electrons.

Cl N

Al Cr+

As-3 Sr+2
CHM 113 -- Fall 2000 D. Bedgood Quiz # 8 October 17, 2001

Last First M.I S.S. #

Answer each question clearly/legibly in the blank provided. Show all work for any calculation, on back of
page if necessary.
Be sure to Box or underline your answer so it is obvious which number is your intended answer!!!
1. Draw the Lewis structure for the following compounds; what is the shape of the molecule (atoms!),
does the compound have resonance structures, and indicate whether or not the molecule is

PO3-3 SO3-2

I3-1 COBr2

SnCl3-1 BrCN (C central atom)


IF5 TeF6
2. Draw the Lewis structure for anthocyanadin, a type of bioflavenoid that is of interest for its
antioxidant properties in food. The skeleton structure is given; a carbon atom is at each of the
vertices of the structure. Fill in the missing electrons, remembering the octet rule! How many
sigma and pi bonds are in the compound?

3. What is the hybridization around each of the carbons?
CHM 102 -- D. Bedgood Tute week 10 2017

1. A coffee cup calorimeter contains 150.g of water at 22.5C. A 110.g block of gold metal is
heated to 100.0C and placed in the water in the calorimeter. What is the final
temperature of the gold, assuming no energy loss to the calorimeter or surroundings?

2. Using the following data, calculate Hrxn for the reaction:

CH4(g) + 4 Cl2(g)  CCl4(g) + 4 HCl(g)
Hf CH4(g) = -74.9kJ/mole; Hf CCl4(g) = -139kJ/mole; Hf HCl = -92.3kJ/mole

3. If 3400kJ of energy is given off in the following reaction, what mass of glucose (C6H12O6)
was consumed?
C6H12O6(aq) + 6 O2(g)  6 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(l) H= -2820kJ/mole

4. 400.g of Br2(l) at 25C is heated to its boiling point at 59C, boiled, and then the Br2(g) is
heated to 100C. What is the heat change for this process? (C(liquid) = 0.474J/g C;
C(gas) = 0.260J/g C; Hvap = 187.J/g)

5. Indicate if each of the following processes is spontaneous or non-spontaneous?

a) a cube of sugar dissolves in a cup of hot tea
b) a rusty shovel becomes shiny
c) propane from a bar-b-cue burns in air (once ignited)
d) a stopped clock pendulum begins swinging

6. Predict the sign of the entropy change for each of the following processes:
a) a drop of food coloring difuses throughout a glass of water
b) a tree drops its leaves in the fall
c) a lake freezes over in the winter
d) rainwater on the sidewalk evaporates

7. Predict the sign of Ssys for the following processes:

a) CH4(g) + 2 O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2 H2O(l)
b) NaCl(s)  NaCl(aq)
c) 2 C(s) + O2(g)  2 CO(g)

8. Calculate Ssys for the following processes (remember to balance the equations!):
a) Na (s) + Cl2(g)  NaCl(s)

b) CH3OH(l) + O2(g)  CO2(g) + H2O(g)

113, 115 Summer 2000

9. Notice that the entropy of graphite (5.74J/Kmol) is higher than that of diamond (2.38J/Kmol) at
25C. Explain how this may or may not present a problem for owners of diamond jewelry.

10. Use H and S to calculate Hrxn and Srxn at 25C, and use these values to calculate Grxn
for the following:
4 HCN(l) + 5 O2(g)  2 H2O(g) + 4 CO2(g) + 2 N2(g)

11. Calculate Grxn for the following reaction using Gf values, and determine the value of the
equilibrium constant for the reaction.

CO(g) + 2 H2(g)  CH3OH(g)

113, 115 Summer 2000

Tute week 9 A/B equilibrium, buffers

1. Calculate the [H3O+], the pH and the % ionization for a 0.50 mol/L HCN solution.
Ka = 6.2 x 10-10

2. What is the pH of household bleach, which is 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, NaClO, by

weight? The Ka of hypochlorous acid is 3.0x10-8.

3. Benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) has a carboxyl group substituted onto a benzene ring.
Write the equation for the ionization of benzoic acid in water, and use the I.C.E.
method to find the pH of a 0.0237M C6H5COOH solution. (Ka=6.28 x 10-5 at 25ºC)

4. Methylamine (CH3NH2) is a derivative of the weak base ammonia. Write the equation for
the ionization of methylamine in water, and use the I.C.E. method to find the pH of a 3.75 M
CH3NH2 solution. (Kb = 4.37 x 10-4 at 25ºC)

5. 25.mL of a 2.5M solution of the base methylamine (CH3NH2) is reacted with 25.mL of
1.5M HCl. Write the equation for the reaction. Determine the concentration of all species.
Now, do the equilibrium problem for the buffer that was formed and determine the pH of the
solution. (Kb = 4.37 x 10-4 at 25ºC.
Practice questions

Q1) A solution of HF (Ka = 6.6 x 10-4) has a pH of 2.5. What was the initial concentration of HF ?

Q2) Calculate the pH of a 0.10 M solution of NaCN; Ka for HCN is 4.9 × 10-10.

Q3) What is the pH of a solution containing 100 mL of 0.200 M HOCl (Ka = 3.5 × 10-8) after the
addition of a) 100 mL & b) 80 mL of 0.100 M NaOH solution?

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