Module 5 and 6
Module 5 and 6
Module 5 and 6
Recidivism Rate (12 month follow-up)
Prison 36 months Prison 12 months Effect size
= -.05
o Longitudinal type of research
• An aside: What is a meta-analysis?
o A meta-analysis is a statistical technique that allows researchers to aggregate
the results of a number of pre-existing ‘like-minded studies into one common
statistical metric known as an effect size’
o Meta-analyses in criminal behavior usually summarize treatment outcome
studies or studies examining the correlates and/or predictors of crime
o Meta-analyses also examine moderators that may influence the average effect
size (e.g., age, sex)
• Does punishment reduce future crime? A meta-analysis says…
Does punishment reduce future
crime? A meta-analysis says…
Type of Sanction (k) N r 95% CI
# of program hours
• Need principle
o To reduce recidivism, treatment services must target criminogenic needs
(dynamic risk factors)- can change
o Criminogenic needs are a subset of an offender’s risk level. They are dynamic
attributes of the offender that when changed, are associated with changes in
o Excludes non-criminogenic needs (depression, anxiety)
o The central eight
Criminal history -- static
Criminal personality
Criminal associates
Criminal attitudes
Substance misuse/abuse
Marital/family deficits
Education/employment deficits
Unstructured leisure time
• The responsivity principle
o General responsivity
Optimal treatment response will be achieved when structured behavioral
interventions (e.g., cognitive behavior therapy) are offered in a warm
and empathic manner using a firm but fair approach
o Specific responsivity
Are case-specific factors that either hinder (e.g., post-traumatic stress) or
facilitate (e.g., strengths) treatment program
o The black box of responsivity
Skills based
Standardized ‘off-the shelf’ program content
Grounded in social learning theory
• Role playing, homework, reinforcement, build self-efficacy
Cognitive behaviorism (alter thinking)
Delivered in firm, fair and empathic manner
Adapt program delivery style to individual needs and group
characteristics (gender, culture)
• Core correctional practices
o Empathic (reflect concern for others)
o Directive (leads discussions, sets goals)
o Fair
o Respectful (don’t talk down to offenders)
o Reinforcement
o Good communicator
o Motivational interviewing*
• Meta-analytic support for RNR
Psychotherapy .32
Source: Marshall & McGuire 2003
• Summary
o Punishment does not reduce crime
o Restorative justice may not impact crime but it enhances victim and offender
satisfaction and restitution compliance
o Offender rehabilitation has evolved considerably in the last 30 years thanks to
Canadian researchers
o RNR is the best empirically based model of offender rehabilitation
Module 6: Adolescent Offenders
Lecture 1: Nature of Youth Crime
• Case Study: “typical” adolescent offender
o Greg started hanging out with a bad crowd
o One night during a party, Greg and his buddies ran out of alcohol. Someone
suggested they ‘hit’ the local corner store
o Greg was hesitant but he was intoxicated (hence easily persuaded) and didn’t
want to look like a wimp in front of his new friends
o The next thing he knew he was in the back of a police cruiser (they got away with
• Youth charge rate in Canada
0 Propertyê 74%
98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 (since 1998)
19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 14.9
10 8.5
2.8 4.5
Probation Custody Community Fine Defered Other
Service Order Custody and
*percentages represents most serious sentence
• The message
o Despite what the media implies
Youth crime (violent and non-violent) is steadily declining
Most youth crime is not serious, consequently probation and very short
custodial sentences are the norm
Lecture 2: Theories of Adolescent Offending
• Generalist theories vs adolescent specific theories
life course
theory of criminal
• Youthful offender typology example (Moffitt, 1993)
o Adolescent limited
Late onset – post puberty
Majority of youth
Rebellious/minor crimes
Restricted to adolescence
Has prosocial skills (education) to achieve goals (respect etc)
o Life Course Persistent
Early on set (pre-puberty)
Small minority of youth
Serious & varied acts
Persists into adulthood
Lack skills to adopt prosocial alternatives to gain goals (respect, control,
material things)
• Causes and outcomes: life course persistent (LCP) Offender
o Cause
Interaction between vulnerable predisposition and criminogenic
o Maintenance
Cumulative developmental forces account for continuity from childhood
to adulthood
o Prognosis
Poor, likely to maintain criminal lifestyle well into adult hood
o Domine/snowball effect
• Causes and Outcomes: Adolescent Limited
o Causes
Maturation gap results in desire to have what the life course persistent
offender has (respect, independence, material things)
o Maintenance:
Exposure to life course offenders & the nature of adolescence
o Prognosis
Excellent, will grow out of eventually
Lecture 3: Understanding Strengths
• What are strengths?
o Positive aspects of a persons’ life (internal or external)
o Has the capacity to reduce risk for criminal involvement (i.e., promotive factors)
o Has the capacity to be particularly effective at buffering likelihood of recidivism
in an otherwise high-risk group (i.e., protective factors)
• Traditional risk assessment approach
o The commonly adopted risk/need model of assessment is deficit-based
o Focuses on identifying and targeting criminogenic needs
o Despite empirical support for this model, it provides an incomplete picture, BUT
need more research to fully understand potential contributions of strengths
Lecture 4: Adolescent Offender Assessment
• Adolescent offender assessment
o Assessing problem behavior
Self-report, testing + collateral
Internalizing (suicide, anxiety)
Externalizing (aggression, anger)
o Risk assessment
Interview + collateral
Youth level of service / case management Inventory (YLS/CMI 2.0, Hoge &
Andrews, 2011)
• Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument-Version 2 (MAYSI-2, GRISSON & BARNUM,
o 15-minute 54 item, self-report tools (y/n)
Suicide ideation
Traumatic experiences
Somatic complaints
Thought disturbances
• YLS/CMI 2.0 (Hoge & Andrews, 2011)
o 42 item risk/need tool
o Assesses central eight
o Strengths captured
o Responsivity factors captures
o Renders a total risk/need score (0 to 42)
• Now what?
o Categorize youth into one of 5 risk/need levels
o Custodial male
Low (0-19)
Moderate (20-29)