Intervention Material May 2 5

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Intervention Material in English 10

May 2-5, 2023

Ligao National High School

May 2, 2023:

Task: Circle the pronoun that correctly completes each sentence. Also, underline the
antecedent(s) of the pronoun.

1) When the team scored a touchdown, the crowd threw (its, their) hats in the air.

2) Neither Carmen nor her sisters have bought a gift for (her, their) brother.

3) Scuba divers are taught that (you, they) should check (your, their) equipment.

4) Patrick and Warren will present (his, their) routine before the other gymnasts do.

5) Not one hiker would set out without (his or her, their) compass.

6) Sal and Marcus shop for clothes here because (you, they) can find good bargains.

7) Either Debbie or Melinda will bring (her, their) ice skates.

8) Anyone who wants a job should bring (his or her, their) application to me.

9) Arctic explorers discover that (you, they) cannot expose skin to the icy air.

10) I told everyone in the boys’ choir that (you, he) had to bring a boxed lunch.

May 3-4, 2023

Task: Proofreading for Pronoun/Antecedent Errors

Directions: Edit the following paragraph. When you find an error involving a pronoun and its agreement
with its antecedent, cross the pronoun out. Then write the correct pronoun or pronouns above it. If
necessary, mark any verb that must agree with the changed pronoun to be changed, also.

One of the most popular sports worldwide holds their events in stadiums, on city streets, and on
mountain roads. That sport is auto racing. Many of the drivers are professionals who earn his or her living
from competing. Tens of thousands more, however, are amateurs who participate at their own expense.
There are many kinds of auto races, and almost anyone can test their abilities in one of them. For
example, some of the drivers in kart races have only celebrated his or her eighth birthday. However, most
of the people interested in racing get their pleasure from watching others race. Almost everybody in the
United States has heard of drag racing, even if they haven’t seen it. Several of the other well known races
are known by its French name, Grand Prix, which means “large prize.” All of these races draw hundreds
of thousands of spectators to its course on roads in Canada, the United States, Monaco, and other

May 5, 2023

Writing Thesis Statements

A thesis statement is one sentence that establishes the focus of your essay. In an essay for
English class, your thesis should always appear at the end of your introduction and it should be restated
(worded in a new way) in your conclusion.
Directions: Create a thesis statement based on the following information.

Topic 1: Education is important to have.


It could enable one to get a better paying job.

It makes a person a more interesting individual.

It makes a person a more informed citizen.

Thesis Statement:

Topic 2: Bowling is a sport for everyone.


It is not limited to any age group.

It can be played at any time.

It does not require any expensive equipment.

Thesis Statement:

Topic 3: Young children require a lot of care.


You must provide for their physical needs.

You must provide for their emotional needs.

You must help them grow mentally.

Thesis Statement:
Prepared by:




Department Head

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