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he Trollan started appearing in cities all over
Albion around thirty years or so ago.
None know from whence they came and
even fewer care for the Trollan lead a squalid
life, hiding underground or in tips, sewers or
abandoned buildings, existing on the fringe of
They can often be seen in the dead of night pushing carts
around... tis best not to look too closely what's in the cart
though for the Trollan are scavengers and who knows what
could be under the tarpaulin.

“Who knows what lies beneath that mask? Who has the
answers to their purpose, what they collect in their carts, and
what they are doing here? I don’t, all I want is for them to be as
far away from me as possible” — Anon

Small & Secretive

The Trollan are diminutive in stature, only a few feet tall, but
can bob along 1 to 3ft from the floor, their feet always hidden
under long robes. This often gives them the appearance of
being taller than they actually are. In reality their legs are Hoarders of Tat
short and stunted, with over long arms and fingers and a faint Trollan have no understanding of money, riches or wealth.
gleam to their eye. Coinage is simply a very shiny item that forms important
Trollan take great pains to hide their faces and bodies with parts of their hoards.
scarves, robes and masks... only revealing their true nature to The line between stealing and scavenging is very blurred to
the ones they love. the Trollans, however as they often seek to “scavenge” items
Townsfolk would often refer to Trollan as “invisible” but in that are appealing to them rather than what would be
truth, its likely they have never noticed them lurking. Most valuable, the items that have been “scavenged” are often
Trollan will be very unobtrusive - not 'good' or 'shy'... people assumed to be a mislaid pair of glasses, or a handkerchief
just don't seem to notice them for some reason. lost to the breeze.
The Trollan Society Trollan Racial Traits
Trollan Collective Ability Score Increase
Quiet and secretive, the Trollan are actually part of a hive Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
consciousness... distantly aware of others of their race. Age
It is not known how long they live, but the eldest are
They can communicate telepathically with each other over around 30 winters old. They reach adulthood at the age of 3.
short distances and grow uncomfortable when out on their Size
Trollans are about 2 feet tall and weigh about 40
own... always preferring the comfort of groups, and if no pounds. Your size is Small.
groups available - then the shadows are preferable. Speed
Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Even though
Whilst each Trollan is 'independent' they do sometimes they float, they can still take fall damage as well as requiring
suffer with a herd mentality, going along with the consensus. to climb.
Telepathic Feat You awaken the ability to mentally connect
with others, granting you the following benefits:
Small World View your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score by 1, to a
The oldest Trollans are around 30 years old, and appear to be maximum of 20.
the first of their kind, with no recollection of where they were You can speak telepathically to any creature in your line of
born, who their parents were or even if they were just created sight within 30 feet of you.
by someone. Your telepathic utterances are in a language you know, and
As their species is so new, thrust into a world without any the creature understands you only if it knows that language.
explanation, they have very very little understanding of the Your communication doesn’t give the creature the ability to
world above them, no politics, no racial dislikes etc - they are respond to you telepathically.
fresh to this world. Darkvision
Darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
As such, they can come across naive, but they are by their Languages
You can speak, read, and write Common and
own nature, very suspicious. Undercommon. Whilst the Trollan nearly always
It is likely the only Trollans you would likely meet would be communicate telepathically, it has been known that their are
very unusual/odd in comparison to the rest of their race, able to make verbal utterances in rare occasions.
being that they are seeking out communication with other

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