DLL - April 24-28, 2023

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Teacher ELMA M. HONRADE Learning Area TLE 7
Teaching Dates April 24-28, 2023 Quarter THIRD


Time and Sections Bluebell 9:45 – 10:45 Rosal 8:30 – 9:30 Rosal 8:30 – 9:30 Rosal 8:30 – 9:30 Rosal 8:30 – 9:30
Daisy 10:45 – 11:45 Daisy 10:45 – 11:45 Bluebell 9:45 – 10:45 Bluebell 9:45-10:45 Bluebell 9:45-10:45
Cattleya 12:25 – 1:25 Cattleya 12:25 -1:25 Daisy 10:45 – 11:45 Cattleya 12:25 – 1:25 Daisy 10:45 – 11:45
Cattleya 12:25 – 1:25
A. Grade Level
A. Content The learners independently learn about preparing, sanitizing, calibrating, and recognizing the importance of
Standards equipment, tools, materials, and utensils in food processing.
The learners demonstrate how to prepare equipment and tools for curing and smoking in accordance with
B. Performance
manufacturer’s specifications; and check, sanitize and calibrate equipment for the above food processing
methods in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications.
1. Finish the cured materials.
C. food (Most
1.1 Wash and drain cured food materials from the solution, in accordance with standard operating
1.2 Boil and dip in grana solution salted eggs according to approved specifications.
1.3 Transfer the cooked products to containers and cool according to specifications.
D. Learning/
/Objectives (LC

B. CONTENT Curing Ingredients Finishing Cured Finishing Cured Eggs Finishing Cured Finishing Cured
Fish Meat Meat
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the
lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-
based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s DepEd LR Portal DepEd LR Portal DepEd LR Portal DepEd LR Portal DepEd LR Portal
Food Processing for Food Processing for Food Processing for Food Processing for Food Processing for
Guide pages Salting, Curing and Salting, Curing and Salting, Curing and Salting, Curing and Salting, Curing and
Smoking 2016 Smoking 2016 Smoking 2016 Smoking 2016 Smoking 2016
TLE (Food TLE (Food TLE (Food TLE (Food TLE (Food
Processing) Grade Processing) Grade Processing) Grade Processing) Grade Processing) Grade
2. Learner’s 7/8 PIVOT IV-A 7/8 PIVOT IV-A 7/8 PIVOT IV-A 7/8 PIVOT IV-A 7/8 PIVOT IV-A
Learner’s Material Learner’s Material Learner’s Material Learner’s Material Learner’s Material
First Edition, 2020 First Edition, 2020 First Edition, 2020 First Edition, 2020 First Edition, 2020
3. Textbook
K to 12 Basic K to 12 Basic K to 12 Basic K to 12 Basic K to 12 Basic
4. Additional Education Education Education Education Education
Materials from Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum
Learning Technology and Technology and Technology and Technology and Technology and
Resources Portal Livelihood Livelihood Livelihood Education Livelihood Livelihood
Education Education Education Education
Video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBX9dVhlem4
B. Other Learning http://www.foodproccessing.com/
Resources www.kennethcobonpue.com/profile,www.youtube.com/watch?v=aACh74rv7Mw
Power point presentation
A. Reviewing Approach: Approach: Approach: Approach: Approach:
previous lesson or Constructivist Constructivist Constructivist Constructivist Constructivist
presenting the Approach Approach Approach Approach Approach
new lesson Strategy: Strategy: Strategy: Strategy: Strategy:
“Sharing and “Show me” “Grading of Eggs” “Guess the picture” “Guess the picture”
The learners show Identify the Identify the
Importance of the different different curing different curing
salt in kench pictures of curing ingredients for ingredients for
salting. ingredients for fish. meat. meat.
Fish are usually
left in the kench
pile for 24 to 48
hours after which it
is dried. However,
the salt may not
have completely The learners
penetrated the fish present the eggs and
during this time, show how to grade
and penetration the eggs using
may continue candling method.
during drying.

B. Establishing a Approach: Approach: Approach: Approach: Approach:

purpose for the Constructivist Reflective approach Constructivist Reflective approach Reflective approach
lesson approach Strategy: Visual approach Strategy: Strategy:
Strategy: presentation Strategy: “Watch and Learn” “Watch and Learn”
“Watch and Learn” “Video ko Present “Video ko Present ko” The video
ko” The video different of making
The learners different of making processed food such
Video presentation present their video in processed food such
as longganisa, ham
of student’s activity making salted eggs. as longganisa, ham
in curing of fish. tocino and tapa. tocino and tapa.
Video presentation
about different  What is the
types of curing video all
ingredients about?
https://  What are the
www.youtube.com/ different
watch? types of
v=eBX9dVhlem4 curing of
 What is the  Why salt is
video all important in
about? curing?
 What is the
of curing?
 What are the

Presenting Approach: Approach: Approach: Reflective Approach: Approach:

examples/ Reflective approach Reflective approach approach Reflective approach Reflective approach
instances of new Strategy: Visual Strategy: Strategy: Visual Strategy: Visual Strategy: Visual
lesson presentation presentation presentation presentation
Presentation of
Actual recipe of tinapa and The learners Presentation of Presentation of
presentation of its packaging. remove the salted packaging and label packaging and label
different types of eggs from the brine of different of different
curing ingredients. solution and cook for processed food. processed food.
20-30 minutes.

Sugar 1 kilo mackerel
¾ cup soy sauce
½ cup lemon juice
¼ cup vegetable oil
2 tbsp hickory
liquid smoke
salt (to rub on the
Rub fish with salt.
Nitrate In a mixing bowl,
combine oil and
Combine soy sauce,
lemon juice,
achuete oil, and
Monosodium liquid smoke. Pour
glutamate the mixture into the
the container with
the fish and cover
with lid. Make sure
the the fishes are
coated. Brine
overnight or up to 3
Pre heat oven 176°C
/ 350°F. Bake the
fishes for 25
C. Discussing new Approach: Approach: Approach: Reflective Approach: Approach:
concepts and Reflective approach Reflective approach approach Integrative Integrative
practicing new Strategy: Strategy Strategy: approach approach
skills #1 “Question and “Question and Strategy: Strategy:
Answer” Answer” While cooking the “Question and “Question and
eggs the teacher Answer” Answer”
discusses the
importance of salted
 What is other eggs packaging.
 How can you
term for
control the Beyond preventing
smoke fish?
growth of the shells from  Why is it  Why is it
 After the
bacteria in cracking, packaging important to important to
curing period
meat? of tinapa, is also crucial in be creative in be creative in
 What is the why is it preventing eggs from packaging packaging
role of necessary to tainting, being processed processed
ascorbic acid remove in exposed to harsh food? food?
incurring of brine temperatures, and  How logo in  How logo in
meat? solution? losing moisture. As a processed processed
 What are the  How many result, packaging food attract food attract
different hours need must be sturdy the the
spices used to drain the before all else costumer? costumer?
in curing? large fish?  What is your  What is your
 What is favorite favorite
TVP? How it processed processed
helps in foof? Why? foof? Why?
curing of
D. Discussing new Approach: Approach: Approach: Reflective Approach: Approach:
concepts and Reflective approach Reflective approach approach Reflective approach Reflective approach
practicing new Strategy: Strategy: Visual Strategy: Strategy: Strategy:
skills #2 “Actual presentation
Presentation” Presentation of Importance of Importance of
Importance of creative packaging packaging in packaging in
Tips in curing of packaging for for salted eggs. processed food. processed food.
meat tinapa. Food packaging is Food packaging is
1. Cure in enclosing food to enclosing food to
container of Proper packaging protect it from protect it from
convenient size. or vacuum sealing tampering or tampering or
2. Cover to prevent is always important contamination from contamination from
oxidation and when storing physical, chemical, physical, chemical,
contamination. processed fish. Not and biological and biological
3. Cure to required only does it sources, with active sources, with active
number of days. preserve the packaging being the packaging being the
4. Curing quality, but it also most common most common
temperature is helps prolong its packaging system packaging system
from 36⁰F to 40⁰F. shelf life. Tinapa used for preserving used for preserving
5. Monitor the and daing, when food products. food products.
curing temperature vacuum sealed, can
from time to time. last a week or so in
6. Inspect regularly your fridge or about
for early detection 3 months at least in
of spoilage. your freezers.
7. Overhaul the
product to facilitate
distribution of
8. After curing,
smoke if necessary.
9. Pack properly
and store in a
Approach: Approach: Approach: Approach: Approach:
Collaborative Integrative Integrative approach Collaborative Integrative
approach approach Strategy: approach approach
Strategy: Group Strategy: “Actual Strategy: Strategy:
Activity “Actual Demonstration” “Actual “Actual
“Actual Demonstration” Demonstration” Demonstration”
Demonstration” Making of label and
Making of label packing of salted The learners The learners
E. Developing The learners and packing of eggs. make a packaging make a packaging
Mastery show the curing of tinapa. and logo for and logo for
meat using processed food. processed food.
different types of
curing recipe.
Group 1- tocino
Group 2- tapa
Group 3 -
Approach: Approach: Approach: Reflective Approach: Approach:
Reflective approach Reflective approach approach Reflective approach Reflective approach
Strategy: Mental Strategy: Mental Strategy: Mental Strategy: Mental Strategy: Mental
modelling modelling modelling modelling modelling
F. Finding practical
application of Can you make If you will be Why is it important How can you How can you
concepts and curing of meat at given a chance to be to pack the salted make an attractive make an attractive
skills in daily home? an entrepreneur in eggs creatively? logo and packaging? logo and
living How can you selling tinapa, how packaging?
identify the curing ca you attract the
ingredients at costumer?
Curing can Vacuum Packing eggs with Food packaging Food packaging
significantly extend packaging materials clean and odourless not just secures the not just secures the
the life of meat could improve some rice husks, wheat food against food against
before it spoils, by quality aspects and chaff or chopped external impacts, it external impacts, it
making it increase the shelf- straw in a firm walled also ensures that also ensures that
G. Making inhospitable to the life. Hence, it is basket or crate the items do not get the items do not get
generalizations growth of spoilage recommended that greatly decreases the crushed, flattened, crushed, flattened,
and abstractions microbes. smoked products risk of shell damage or punctured. Food or punctured. Food
about the lesson should be packed in products pass products pass
vacuum packaging through multiple through multiple
materials. procedures before procedures before
getting to their getting to their
destination. destination.
Performance Performance Performance Criteria: Performance Performance
H. Evaluating Criteria: Criteria: Criteria: Criteria:
learning Finish at a given time
Finish at a given Finish at a given – 20 Finish at a given Finish at a given
time – 20 time – 20 Proper use of tools – time – 20 time – 20
Proper use of tools Proper use of tools – 20 Proper use of tools – Proper use of tools –
– 20 20 Follow the procedure 20 20
Follow the recipe – Follow the – 30 Follow the Follow the
20 procedure – 30 Creativity - 30 procedure – 30 procedure – 30
Measure the Creativity - 30 Creativity - 30 Creativity - 30
accurately – 20
Creative design in
packaging –
Try to collect a To improve The learners will For additional
pictures of different knowledge in practice making label activity the learners
I. Additional
curing ingredients packaging, view at home. will collect and file a
activities for
different style and different picture of
application or
label of packaging label and packaging
in processed food. for processed food.
This lesson will be This lesson will be This lesson will be
E. REMARKS delivered to Rosal delivered to bluebell delivered to Daisy
on Tuesday on Wednesday on Friday
Bluebell- Rosal- Rosal- Rosal- Rosal –
A. No. of learners who Daisy- Bluebell-
Daisy- Daisy- Bluebell-
earned 80% in the Cattleya-
Cattleya- Cattleya- Cattleya- Daisy -
Bluebell- Rosal- Rosal- Rosal- Rosal –
B. No. of learners who Daisy- Daisy- Bluebell- Bluebell- Bluebell-
acquire additional
activities for Daisy -
Cattleya- Cattleya- Daisy- Cattleya-

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did this work?

F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Checked by: Verified by:


Teacher III Head Teacher II Principal IV

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