Review Test in ORMA

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

SY 2022-2023
Name: ____________________________________ Score: ____________________
Section: __________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the best answer that suits each statement on the space before
each number.

_____1. Which of the following Management Philosophies focuses on the satisfaction of customer’s need
and expectation?
 a. Deming Principle  b. Management c. Product d. Total Quality Management
_____ 2. Which nature of management is being described when there is a harmonious, integrated action of
the various parts and processes of an organization?
a. Coordination  b. Efficiency  c. Effectiveness  d. Staffing
_____ 3. How does management analysis help an organization?
a. It helps everyone to do the task easily.
. b. It provides additional task among managers.
c. It makes managerial knowledge more understandable.
d. It gives pressure to the manager in attaining their aims.  
_____ 4. In what order do managers typically perform the managerial functions?
a. organizing, planning, controlling, leading
b. organizing, leading, planning, controlling
c. planning, organizing, leading, controlling
d. planning, organizing, controlling, leading
_____ 5. Daniel manages a team that has missed their production goals for the past three months. After
reviewing each employee's performance record, Daniel adjusted the sales goal to take additional
quality control measures into consideration. Why is this an example of controlling?
a. Because Daniel is micromanaging his employees.
b. Because somebody will likely get fired because of this analysis.
c. Because Daniel acted as a leader and took responsibility for the project.
d. Because Daniel looked at team results and took appropriate corrective action.
_____ 6. Who is the “father” of Classical Management Theory?
a. Elton Mayo b. Frederick Taylor c. Henri Fayol d. W. Edwards Deming
_____ 7. When Mark, the manager, communicates his department's resource needs to company
headquarters, which interpersonal role is he fulfilling?
a. Disseminator  b. Figurehead c. Leader  d. Liaison
_____ 8. Sylvia is a manager at an accounting services firm. She is designing a long-term organizational
plan that will help in the development of all the projects in current progress. What managerial
level does Sylvia belong to?
a. Functional managers c. Middle level managers
b. Lower-level managers d. Top level managers
_____ 9. Sara’s Hair Palace is a small, locally owned beauty salon in Sterling. This represents what type of
a. Cooperative b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Sole Proprietorship
_____ 10. Which of the following is a n advantage of sole proprietorship?
a. Dual taxation
b. Limited liability
c. Quick decision making
d. Unlimited financial power
_____ 11. Two local business owners want to reduce competition, so they decide to form one organization
from the two companies. Which example it is?
a. hostile takeover b. merger c. Monopoly d. trading bloc
_____ 12. Dan has Php5,000. He wants to invest his money in the type of business that has
the least amount of liability. This is an example of what type of business process?
a. Cooperative b. Corporation c. Partnership d. Sole Proprietorship
_____ 13. Which will be affected if a company postpone expansion plans because of a very high bank loan
a. Demographic situations c. Sociocultural situations 
b. Economic situations d. Sociocultural situations
_____ 14. Which of the following statement is not a strength of McDonald’s? 
a. due to its variety of products 
b. due to its brand recognition
c. due to its strong organizational culture
d. due to its delivery system and drive- through
_____ 15. The Food and Drug Administration pressure some department store to stop selling of beauty
products containing lead is an example of what environmental forces?
a. Individual pressure  c. Pressure Group
b. Managerial decisions d. Technological situations 
_____ 16. Which of the following statements is a function of MDGs (Millenium Development Goals)?
  a. Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty  c. in Pursuit of Inclusive Growth
b. Good Governance and the Rule of Law d. Social Development
_____ 17. Which refers to the continuous collection of data on a broad range of environmental factors?
a. Ad- hoc environmental scanning c. Discontinuous scanning
b. Continuous scanning d. Regular scanning
_____ 18. Which of the following is the best practice to adapt to environmental uncertainties?
a. Develop a competitive mindset.
b. You must consider future business scenarios.
c. Predict how variables in the environment will alter future business.
d. Observe best practices of said leaders to identify areas for improvement.
_____19. External business environment is divided into two components: general and specific. Which of
the following statements is part of the general business environment?
a. Pressure groups are special interest groups.
b. Stakeholders are parties likely to be affected by the activities of the organizations.
c. Inflation, rates of interest, changing options in stock markets, and people’s spending habits
are some examples of factors/elements of economic situations.
d. Suppliers are those who ensure the organization’s continuous flow of needed and
reasonably priced inputs or materials.
_____ 20. What type of plan are you going to use in order to achieve the organization’s overall goals?
a. Directional plans b. Operational plans c. Specific plans d. Strategic plans
_____ 21. Which of the following statements best show the benefits of planning?
a. Promotes team building and a spirit of cooperation.
b. To allocate resources in a way that will enable the organization to reach its objectives.
c. Setting goals that challenge everyone in the organization to strive for better
d. Unforeseen events occur that must be dealt with quickly before negative financial
consequences from these events become severe.
_____ 22. What are the steps in planning?
A. Analyze and chose among action alternatives.
B. Implement the plan and evaluate results.
C. Define your goals by identifying desired outcomes in very specific ways.
D. Determine where you stand in relation to set goals.
E. Develop premises regarding future conditions.
_____ 23. What will you apply if you need to think of alternative courses of action when unexpected
happen or when things go wrong?
a. Contingency plans c. Scheduling
b. Decision Making d. Scenario planning
_____ 24. During the planning process, what planning tool should be applied if there is the plan phase for
project planning and scheduling?
a. Budget b. Gantt chart c. Task list d. Work breakdown structure
_____ 25. If you are going to put-up a new business, which of the following options must you consider to
ensure that you will never go wrong, and the business will surely succeed?
A. Do Benchmarking.
B. Use staff planners.
C. Employ Contingency plan.
D. Make sure to do Forecasting.
E. Prepare SWOT and PEST analysis.
a. ACE b. BDE c. ABC d. BCD
_____ 26. What is a characteristic of organizations where authority is recognized?
a. division of labor b. coordination c. command goal d. command level
_____ 27. Daniel works in an organization where coordination across organizational units is poor and the
units perceived themselves to be in competition with one another for organizational resources?
These characteristics are consistent with which of the following structures?
a.  A matrix structure   c. A simple structure
b.  A divisional structure  d. A functional structure
_____ 28. Mr. Roberto Garcia and his wife Melinda started an interior design business five years ago. At first,
it was just Roberto taking care of the business side of things while Melinda focused on the design,
but as the business grew, they hired people to help. Now they have a team of 20 organized into the
following areas: designers, operations and finance, sales, and marketing, and purchasing. Which
structure have they implemented in their business?
a. Customer structure.
b. Functional structure.
c. Matrix structure.
d. Product structure. 
_____ 29. Which of the following is a modern organizational design?
a. Divisional b. Functional c. Matrix-Project d. Simple
_____ 30. Which of the following shows weakness of a simple organizational design?
a. Flexible
b. Focus on result
c. Clear accountability
d. Fast decision-making result
_____ 31. Which of the following statement is a direct example of a divisional organization?
a. Most executives may have just a bit more authority than employees.
b. A staff director often supervises all departments and reports to the CEO.
c. A food conglomerate may operate having each line or product has its own commanding
d. The role of a staff director instead falls to each department head, in other words, each
department has its own staff director.
_____ 32. How do you apply classical organization theory to make our business management effective?
a. Business leaders may implement systems and strategies to improve the interpersonal skills of
their employees and facilitate meaningful professional connections through motivation
counseling and communication.
b. Create the most beneficial structures within a company that can then help the organization
accomplish its goals.
c. Management is responsible for analyzing business situations and then acting accordingly to
address any issues or challenges.
d. Professional leaders may use statistical and mathematical information to make business
decisions while also considering the satisfaction and happiness of their employees.

Prepared by:

Teacher III

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