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Jaen National High School

February 20- May 8, 2023

Prepared by :
Practice Teacher
I would like to express my whole heartedly thanks to the
following - people who were able to give their willingness to
help, for their unwavering and undying support,
encouragement, financial assistance and precious time for
the accomplishment of my Teaching Internship as a practice

My heartfelt gratitude to College of Education of Nueva

Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST)
Sumacab Campus for the school deployment of Teaching
Internship. I am especially grateful to our very supportive
Supervisor in this Teaching Internship course, Dr. Andrea P.
Adigue, Ph.D for her guidance and contribution to
accomplished all of the requirements needed and also for
her moral support and encouragement to the whole
studentry . Also, I would like to thank Dr. Angelica O. Cortez,
Ed.D, Dean of College of Education, for her vision and
mission of attaining more quality and relevant education in
this College and to allowing us to participate and cooperate
in this field of teaching and also for putting her feet in
students shoes, full consideration and understanding our
I would like to express my whole heartedly thanks to Mr.
Jhovern L. Jimenez, my cooperating Teacher, for his untiring
supervision, concern, support, encouragement, understanding,
patience and giving hints and ideas on how I will execute every
topics properly. He always at my side through hard and good
times and always encouraged me. You entrusted me your
students and make me feel that I can be a real teacher someday.
Thanks for training me to become an effective teacher someday.

My gratefulness also to Mr. Bartolome M. Galindo Jr.,

Principal of Jaen National High School, Jaen, Nueva Ecija for
allowing us to conduct our Teaching Internship in the said
school. Also, thanks for the guidance and compliments which
makes me stronger and effective teacher someday. To Mrs.
Lorenz Sheila Javate, Department Head in Filipino of Jaen NHS
and Mrs. Emelita B. Francisco , Master teacher in Filipino of
Jaen NHS for their untiring guidance, concern, support,
encouragement, and most of all for their love that they gave to
all of the practice teacher's in Filipino. I would like to extend
my gratitude to all the Faculty members and staff of Jaen
National High School, for their warm welcome to us and for
their guidance ,support and making us feel that we are a part
of the institution while we are staying there for our internship
and also for encouraging us to have a new opportunity that
molds us to become a better future educator.
I would also like to thanks to all of the Students of Jaen National High
School, for their kindness, cooperation and respect that I gain from them
and to inspire me to continue my chosen career. Especially to the pencils
who let me sharpened their minds. To all my grade-7 students ( Grade 7-
Simplicity, Grade 7- Honesty, Grade 7- Love, Grade 7- Compassion) that I
handled, for making me feel valued, for their cooperation and for being
not only a student but a " Friends and Family" that is always been there in
my side . Thank you for sharing me the stories of your life and trusting me
your problems that challenging my personality as a teacher. Thanks for
the bondings, cards, portrait, letters, and all of the remembrance. This
serves as my bonus to all memorable experiences with you. There will
never be sharpeners if there are no pencils.

To my sharpeners, I want to thank my family, who taught me how to

be patient and optimistic. If I don't possess those virtues, I had probably
quitted this course and hadn't reach this far. Thanks to my mother and
brother for every support they have given me.

To my co-trainee sharpeners, Leo, Carlo and Mara . In one way or

another, they had supported me in completing this internship notably.
Thanks for every help and support . You just don't know how much I
value your opinions.

And to the greatest Sharpener of all. To our Lord, whose patient and
love enabled me to complete this work.

TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................5
CURRICULUM VITAE............................................9
MY COOPERATING SCHOOL...........................11
MY COOPERATING TEACHER..........................14
WEEKLY JOURNAL.............................................15
TEACHING PHILOSOPHY.................................30
Welcome to my Portfolio!
My Teaching internship experience helps me
a lot to better understand and appreciate the
course that I have chosen. Being a teacher is not
an easy job; it requires you to be determined and
passionate. A teacher should be a role model and
the one who molds and develops the student's
character and values. In teaching profession, I
realized that it takes a significant amount of time
and effort, and I also realized that I needed to
develop more of my knowledge and skills to
become an effective teacher for my future

This portfolio was created to share my learning

experiences from my teaching internship journey. It
also includes everything I learned as a teacher intern
and everything I learned while teaching.
Last February 15, 2023, the Bachelor of Secondary
Education Major in Filipino Class of 4-J from Nueva
Ecija University of Science and Technology was
deployed to one of the designated schools. Jaen
National High School (JNHS) is one of such recognized
institutions. The aforementioned institution is one of
Nueva Ecija's most competitive schools. The school
received four (4) Filipino majors. Three of the College
of Education teachers, Ms. Mariel Tapadera, Mrs.
Lodievina Angeles and Mr. Luijim Jose endorsed the
students. The students are required to complete a
Teaching Internship, which involves teaching, guiding,
and experiencing the teaching-learning activities that
taking place in their designated classes.
Experiences gained through Teaching Internship
foster critical thinking, long-term memory,
transferability, positive attitudes toward Filipino, a love
of culture and Language, and a piqued interest in the
subject matter of Filipino. The Student Teaching
Internship represents the capstone or culminating
experience at Jaen NHS in the preparation of
prospective teachers as knowledgeable, reflective
practitioners and emerging leaders who conduct
themselves ethically and professionally.
Giving the student the best possible introduction to
the teaching profession is the aim of student teaching.
In order to guide the student through a range of
experiences, from fundamental teaching techniques to
classroom management, the cooperating teacher
should set reasonable and specific objectives. The
student should also learn more about the neighborhood
where they will be teaching. To better understand the
students being taught, the Education Department
advises—but does not require—that the student live in
the neighborhood while they are student teaching. The
student should be aware of advice from the cooperating
teacher and college supervisor regarding these issues.
Throughout the internship, student teachers combine
theory and practice and start to apply what they've
learned about recent studies on teaching and learning.
Perhaps most importantly, the internship will give
student teachers the chance to practice critical
reflection as they attempt to find their own voices and
identities as teachers while making sense of their
experiences. It takes time and development to become a
master teacher. The foundation required for ongoing
professional development and growth is given to
student teachers during this internship.
JaenNational High School
Brief History

Before there were only two public high schools in the town of
Jaen, Putlod San Jose National High School and Lambakin
National High School, respectively.

Both schools were apparently far from the town proper.

Students from Barangay Langla, San Roque, Apo Esquivel
(Imelda,Poblacion), Gaudencio Antonino, Dampulan, Niyugan,
San Josef and Sapang who can’t afford to go to private schools
nearby had no choice but to go to public schools in the
neighborhood town. With this situation, the community
persistently requested to have a school at the town proper so as
to accommodate the high school students.

Not too long, through the initiative of our kind-hearted

Honorable Mayor Santiago R. Austria, together with the
Sangguniang Bayan of 2008, Mr. Jose KJ Dario former Municipal
Administrator, the District Supervisor, Mrs. Paula Panggalangan
(Principal of Putlod-San Jose National High School, Mrs. Nancy A.
Ramos (Head Teacher III of Putlod - San Jose National High
School) Mr. Fortunato J. Reyes, (Principal of Jaen West
elementary School) and other people who believe in education
joined together to push the project of having a high school
department to answer theneeds of the community.
National High School
Brief History

July 2008 - Putlod - San Jose National High School - Annex was
opened at the heart of the town proper located beside Jaen West
Elementary School at Barangay Dampulan, Jaen.Nueva Ecija. The lot
and classrooms are part of Jaen West Elementary School which was
unselfishly given by Mr. Fortunato J. Reyes, the principal of the said

The enrollment increased in SY 2013 - 2014 to 953. There were 32

permanent teachers already. Another building which is a 2-storey
four classrooms were built donated by the Australian Government.
In the same school year on August 6, 2014, Mrs. Alvior was
transferred to Maligaya National High School and a new principal
was appointed in the person of Mr. Enrique A.Parungao.

The school had its additional improvement under the

administration of Mr. Parungao. In his time another new building was
constructed (3P's 2-storey classroom building) and fortunately,
Senior High School Program was already implemented until the
retirement of Mr. Parungao last July 2018.
After Mr. Enrique Parungao, we had Mrs. Erlinda Del Rosario Mactal
who served as our principal for only less than 2 years, also due to
her retirement, and was succeeded by Ma’am Rodalyn Jane M.
Escano, both have done great improvements for the school.
National High School
Brief History

At present, the school has one thousand and one hundred

thirty nine (1,139) Junior High School students and three
hundred. seventy-five (375) Senior High School students.

Likewise, the school has: forty-nine (49) JHS teachers, ten

(10) of which are redeployed to other schools; ten (10) SHS
teachers, one (1) of which is a PLSB teacher; two (2) head
teachers; three (3) non-teaching personnel and six (6)
contractual employees who are working hand-in-hand,to
continuously attain the Deped and the school’s Mission and
Vission, being led by a very hardworking and supportive
principal, Mr. BARTOLOME M. GALINDO, JR.
My Cooperating Teacher
It takes a lot of patience, devotion, and hard work to get into
a field, and it's even more difficult to keep that employment.
Jhovern L. Jimenez was born in 1991 in Gen.Tinio, Nueva Ecija.
From 2007 to 2011, he formally studied Bachelor of Secondary
Education at Eduardo L. Joson Memorial College. Consider
Jhovern L. Jimenez, who has been teaching for nearly ten years.

He attended Sto.Tomas North Elementary School during

elementary school. His parents enrolled him in the school
where his aunt works as a teacher at that time. His aunt is
an elementary school teacher, which could have
contributed to or pushed Mr.Jimenez towards this role.

His mother also pursued a Bachelor

of Education, but she did not
complete it since he became
pregnant while she was in her third
year of college. He attended the
Montessori School of Jaen during his
high school years. Even though he
attended a private school, he sells
guavas and yema to make ends
meet, which is why he pursues BsEd
despite his dislike for the teaching

My Weekly Experiences


February 15, 2023 - May 8, 2023

(February 15-16, 2023)

Today marks the remarkable start of our

deployment. We were assigned to Jaen National
High School in Jaen, Nueva Ecija for our teaching
internship. Our supervisors accompanied us to
introduce to school. The head teacher welcomed
us kindly as soon as we came and said hello. After
a brief conference with our supervisors and the
head teachers of Jaen National High School, the
head teacher allocated us to our individual
cooperating teachers. And then after I introduced
myself to my CT, I walked all throughout the
school to be familiarize in the surroundings and to
see how the students, teachers, and other non-
teaching personnel. It's such a great day.

(February 20-23,2023)

We are seeing the hoisting of the flag at Jaen
National High School for the first time. I saw that
things are different now than they were when I was in
high school. I visited my cooperating teacher after
the Flag Raising. Sir Jhovern Jimenez is the
cooperating teacher I have been assigned. I was
given a tour of his whole Grade 7 class by him. After
that he assigning me to teach all sections of grade-7.
The entire subject for the third grading period was
given to me by Sir Jhovern. He gave me a book as
well, which I used as a reference so I could align my
teaching strategies systematically.
(February 27-March 2, 2023)

I was advised by my cooperating teacher to take a

lecture first to a class of seventh graders and to
observe them while they taking lecture. Since I am
going to check each lesson individually, I make sure
that everyone is writing. My cooperating teacher is
inside the room to observe me for the first time . And
also this week happened my first discussion for third
grading period which the topic is "Kahalagahan ng
Paggamit ng Ponemang Suprasegmental."
So, I give my best because people tend to hold on
to their first impressions – that's why those first
descriptions can be so important. You don't even
necessarily look at people that carefully after a while;
you just hold on to that early impression. So first
impression for me is so important. I can say that my
First discussion is very successful.

(March 6-9, 2023)


I started this week with a

lecture since I had completed
my discussion of Module 1.
And also students take their
first quiz of the third quarter to
test their knowledge about our
topic and my effectiveness as
their teacher.

The next day, we practice an

earthquake drill in which all of the
students and us, as teacher interns,
must move to an open area and do the
duck, cover, and hold maneuver. I
explained to my students the
significance of these drills and how vital
it is to provide staff and students with
the skills they would need to respond
quickly and responsibly in the event of
an earthquake. Although earthquakes
are short-lived, usually not lasting more
than a minute, they can leave behind
incredible damage. Earthquakes strike
suddenly, violently and without
warning, but identifying potential
hazards and planning can reduce the
threat of damage, injuries and loss of
WEEK 5 #BusyWeek
(March 13-16,2023)

This week, we have a short

program to celebrate
International Women's Day to
honor and celebrate the hard
work and sacrifices that the
female teachers and staffs at
Jaen National High School . I
was the one who taking in-
charge for this program. This
2023 National Women's Month
Celebration marks a juncture in
the advancement of women's
rights as it launches a new
recurring theme from this year :
WE for gender equality and
inclusive society.

We have also regional mid-year

assessment exam the next day, and I am
the one who administers, facilitates, and
keeps an eye out for them during the test.
I learned that RMYA is one of the priority
strategies included in the Regional
Learning Recovery Plan to strengthen
large-scale, classroom assessment
practices (formative and summative) and
work-based assessment of practical skills
to identify learning gaps.It can be used to
evaluate the output of an education
system through instruments that provide
evidence about the levels of student
achievement in specific learning domains.
(March 20-23, 2023)

This month is Fire Prevention Month
so we have a seminar this week regarding
fire drills. In order to teach students and
instructors how to protect themselves in
the event of a fire emergency by adopting
certain precautions or actions that won't
hurt them. I participated in this activity as
as a model of how to put out a fire. As a
model we should know exactly how to use
a fire extinguisher in the event a fire
develops and you feel you are safely able
to fight it. Before you are faced with the
need to use one, be sure you have the
right type of fire extinguisher on hand. It
is recommended that only those trained
in the proper use of fire extinguishers
consider using them when
appropriate.There are four (4) basic steps
for using modern portable fire
extinguishers. The acronym PASS is used
to describe these four basic steps: Pull
(Pin) , Aim, Squeeze, and Sweep.Through
the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) who
visited Jaen NHS this drill was
successfully done.
(March 27- 30, 2023)

After a very busy weeks, this week my class

schedule is stable. I finished discussed the two (2)
topics and we take our 3rd quiz for 3rd Quarter.
This week, I also had the feeling that I am an
overly exceptional teacher since one of my students
provided me a portrait that served as the basis for the
artwork. He said that he did it because he thought I was
a capable teacher. I had no idea that after only a few
weeks of attending school, I had already received
praise encouragement from someone, and an
inspiration to someone.

(April 3-5, 2023)

Due to Holy Week, there are few students in attendance in

each class on Monday. Through that, I made the decision to take
an attendance for the students who were there that day and
award them extra points for our next quiz. Since we don't have
any classes the next day, I check and record all of my students'
quizzes, assignments, and other output. And also, I talked to my
co- teacher intern to have collaborative activity between our
subjects which is Math and Filipino to have an activity that can
serves as advantage of students who played. In this activity, I
looked at ways to make learning fun, accessible, and meaningful
in the classroom. Thenceforth, I realized that each week, I make
sure that I will present a fun and engaging activity that focuses
on one domain of language learning: listening, speaking,
reading, or writing.

(April 10-13,2023)

This week, we simply completed
performance tasks where I evaluated
and discovered how a student may
use what he had learnt from me
through a role play. As they learn to
navigate group dynamics, students
will sharpen their social skills.
Through role play, they may learn
how to cooperate and make
concessions to others, acknowledge
and respond to others' emotions,
share, be affectionate, and settle
disputes. And also unexpectedly, my
students suddenly reminded me
once more how important I am to
them and how much they care about
me. This week is also the week I take
pictures for my graduation pictures.
They noticed it since I shared it on
Facebook, and the following day I
was shocked to get a graduation cap
and guest necklace . Through this
efforts it clearly took a lot of
thought. Again, I had a felt that I am
so special.
( April 17-20, 2023)

The third periodical test will take place the
following week, so this week is my final
discussion for the current period. I remind my
students to finish any assignments, quizzes, and
other tasks that are still unfinished. Our
Cooperating Teacher gave us the privileged to
created an exam for this third grading period.
For me, creating an periodical exam is a
privileged because the design of exams is an
essential component in evaluating students'
comprehension of the course material and their
degree of proficiency in applying what they
have learned. Careful planning can help provide
more calibrated outcomes.

This week also have a surprise Fire drill to

remind staffs and students of the sound and/or
sight of fire alarms, the location of emergency
routes, the assembly point, and any specific fire
safety procedures.
( April 24-27, 2023)
We monitored and recorded all of the student's
activity, quizzes, and output while they were taking
their test. This week is also the week that we have
our final demonstration teaching, so all of us
teacher interns are really busy making our last
lesson plans, our presentations, our teaching
materials, and other things we're needed. Aside
from being teacher intern, I also a assigned for
being a Team leader for Sumacab Campus Teacher
Intern so I also busy for the preparation of
observation. I really really manage my time this
week to handled everything that I need to
After all of the effort and cost. All of us
successfully completed our last demonstration
teaching, which has made everyone really happy
since it proved that their efforts and sacrifices were
worthwhile. The majority of us received excellent
scores on our final test, so we are extremely
appreciative of all of our resource teachers' support
and advice.I thought I had given everything I had to
finish the demonstration teaching well. However, I
also thought that if it were just me, things would not
be successful. Thanks to my cooperating teacher's
assistance, I was able to complete these challenges.
He was a big assistance to me as I developed.
Additionally, my students' collaboration was a
major factor in how smoothly everything went.
Mostly as a result of the Almighty God.

( May 2-4, 2023)

The culmination activity is this
week.. Due to the numerous activities
we engage in, the Jaen National High
School is highly active. In a street
dancing competition, we are tasked
with providing assistance. As a result of
the competition, we won the
Championship, so it was worthwhile.

The unexpected birthday party for

our beloved Principal, Sir Bart, took
place this week as well. One of the
interns in charge of organizing this
party is myself. In order to make him
proud and happy, we organize an early
lunch and, of course, an intermission
number. At the end of the day, the
surprised birthday celebration were
( May 8-9 2023)

My internship as a practice teacher ends today. I can tell you that it's
a bittersweet sensation. Although it is pleasant to know that I won't have to
complete any additional tasks outside of the classroom, I will miss the
workplace and the people. During my time here, I've discovered a lot about
who I am and the goals I want to pursue. I've forced myself to do things I
don't want to do and have learned things I didn't realize I needed to know.
My knowledge has grown, and I now feel more certain about my abilities.
I frequently felt humbled by the outstanding staffs here and was
showered with numerous favors. I came to the conclusion that I was never
proactive. I didn't search for methods to assist coworkers or get to know
someone a bit better whenever I had free time. I put more of my attention
into improving myself or my studies. Now I see that every assignment, no
matter how trivial it may have seemed, resulted in me learning something.
The work wasn't just my manager's method of giving me something
unimportant to do. It was an important, fundamental procedure that was
necessary in the overall scheme of things. I was assisting with laying the
( May 8-9 2023)

Regardless of what you may think, I've realized that I should

keep asking for responsibility. Our CT's will be more confident in us
and we may be able to tackle more challenging, abstract duties if you
can complete all the tasks they assign you. The fact that I didn't
challenge myself and only accomplished the bare minimum is my
biggest regret. I'm grateful for this experience since it allowed me to
identify one of my many faults that I had been putting up with. I've
made mistakes here, but I can learn from them and ensure that I
don't repeat them at my future job. Furthermore, I discovered how
to express gratitude for all of the effort that is done. Be grateful for
every encounter and instruction. A simple gift or pleasant words
might be used to express thanks. More often than not, those you
interact with will be kind back, and you'll always exude positivity.
People around you will make you feel happier, and the reverse will
also be true.
An internship might benefit you in ways you never
thought and the contacts you build there can be quite
beneficial. I will always be appreciative of everyone here for
giving me the opportunity to have these memories and
experiences. Jaen National High School: Until next time.




A good teacher must be knowledgeable in the material

Formal education teaches how to stand, but to they are teaching as well as how to help students learn it. I
see the rainbow you must come out and walk am aware that a successful teacher must possess a
many steps on your own. profound understanding of the way in which the
A strong sense of optimism is, in my opinion, discipline's knowledge is produced, organized, and
the foundation of a good teacher. I understand connected to other disciplines. I encourage my students
that I might never see the results of my efforts as to analyze, apply, synthesize, and evaluate everything they
a teacher, just like the forester who plants an oak read and hear by utilizing my expertise in the subject to
introduce them to critical thinking techniques. I enjoy
seedling but is aware that he or she will never see
what I teach and am skilled at bringing my pupils' interest
the tree in all its beauty. My vocation is to sow
in the material. Without being a learner first, a good
and tend seeds that will develop and mold the teacher cannot start or maintain the inspiration for
future. learning. A good teacher must continuously stay up to
An excellent teacher has a thorough. date on new developments in their field. In fact, a skilled
understanding of pupils' growth and learning instructor frequently contributes to the development of
processes. I am aware that students actively new information. I have to constantly reevaluate and
create and alter their own knowledge using develop my teaching strategies if I want to carry out this
existing knowledge and experiences. I am aware idea. I must be a student of society and the dynamic
environments in which students live if I are to stay in touch
that not every kid learns at the same pace or in
with them, their lives, and the institutions where they will
the same method. Being an adept diagnostician
pursue their careers. As my pupils learn with me, I
of students' interests, aptitudes, and prior enthusiastically and readily absorb their knowledge.
knowledge, in my opinion, is my duty as a
teacher. The next step is for me to design
instructional activities that will push each
student intellectually and allow them to

I think a good teacher also needs to be

aware of students' motivations and how peer
interactions affect learning. I avoid
classifying and placing my pupils in
competition with one another because I want
them to all accomplish at high levels. Since I
am aware that social interaction is the
primary means of learning, I design my
lessons to encourage students to work
cooperatively and successfully with one
another for the majority of the class period.
"Teacher is Born to Teach"
The most effective role model, in my opinion, is a teacher. Being
obligated to "walk my talk" with my pupils is a wonderful responsibility
that I am always conscious of. I have to live my ideals and beliefs if I
expect them to do the same. I typically receive what I expect to because
I always strive for excellence in both myself and others. All people
should be treated with respect and dignity, and I strive to model that
for my kids as well. Even though I've written a teaching philosophy, I
truly like to think about learning and how I may help others learn. Giving
information is only the beginning of teaching, and certainly only a small
portion of learning, in my opinion. However, I believe that this is a
working definition that many of us have come to accept. It is quite
simple to link learning with memorizing knowledge when it is presented.
Learning does not always involve memorization because it also involves
thinking. I'm starting to realize that a teacher's greatest contribution to
a student's education is to inspire the student to think critically and
aspire to learn more.
I firmly believe in the ability of questions and questioning techniques
to elicit thought. I make it a point to ask questions that have no
definitive "correct" answer. The most effective tool a teacher has to aid
in student learning is the use of questions, so I'm always striving to
improve as a "questioner."
And finally, I think a teacher is born to teach. A teacher is committed
to education, to their field, to their pupils, and to creating the best
future it is possible for all of us to live in. These are the difficulties I
chose to face when I decided to become a teacher. I'm still devoted to

February 15, 2023 - May 8, 2023

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