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A Detailed Lesson Plan In Math Grade 7 ( 1

I. Objectives
At the end of this period the , the pupils should be able to
A. Describe and Illustrate the Subsets of Real Numbers
B. Describe , represent and Compare the different subsets of Real numbers
C. Encourage students to converse and cooperate for better interactions
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Subsets of Real Numbers
Reference: Curriculum Guide (K to 12 BEC Learning Resources for Grade 7)
Bernabe, Julieta G. et al Elementary Algebra for 1
Year Revised Edition ,
SD Publishing
Dilao, Soledad Jose et al Intermediate Algebra Reprint Edition , SD
Skills: Identifying , Analyzing, Comparing
Values: Cooperativeness, Creativity, Determination, Patience
Materials: Worksheets, Demonstration Materials such as Visual Aids
III. Procedure:
Teachers Activity
Everybody stand
Let us Pray
Karen take in charge.

Good morning class
Before you sit down ; arranged your chairs in its proper
Students Activity

In the name of the
Father and of the
good morning miss
alignment; pick up the pieces of paper and occupy
the vacant sit in front;
Here is your attendance sheet ;affix your signature with
respect for todays date if you are present ;just pass it to
your classmates

Also I am reminding you that no one is allowed to go
outside right now without any valid reasons and put off your
cell phones in a silent mode, fix yourselves, empty your
minds and feel comfortable.

He who has an ear let him hear , he who as an eye let
him see.
is it clear?

Previously in our lesson we
discussed about what?

yes, Cathy

very good
How many set of operation of integers we had all in all?
yes Mara
Thats right
what are those four set of integers then?

yes maam

Set of operations of
integers and number line

four maam

yes Kenny

Okay let us see if you really understand our previous

I have here examples of the set of integers and you need to
answer it immediately.

1. 3+6= ?
2. 25-(+20)=?
3. -5x5=?
4. 20 : (-4)=?

Mavel answer number 1
very good
write the answer
then Lhady ; which set of integer this 1
very good
in number 2; who can answer?
yes Nora
then why is the correct answer is 5? Who can show to the
board the whole computation for this 2
yes Shalav
why 5? Why not 45
yes Raul

exactly; remember class that when we subtract integers
multiplication and addition

9 maam

addition maam

5 maam

25+ (-20)=5

It is 5 because we
change the sign of the
subtrahend and we
proceed to the rule of
addition maam

;we first change the sign of the subtrahend and proceed to
addition afterwards.
do you understand?

In the 3
example; Meriluz answer it.
very good

which set of operation did we use?
yes Grace
very good
why is the answer is equal to 25?
yes Alvin
then what happened if they have different signs?
yes Igloria

If I will change the signs to all positive ;would the answer
still be -25?
yes Ramie
okay; why?

very good
remember class that as the rule of multiplication states ;
the result of multiplying two the same signs is positive while
the result of multiplying two different signs is negative;
Is It clear?

for the last example; Catherine what is the answer

yes maam

-25 maam

multiplication maam

because they have
different signs maam

The result will be
negative maam

no maam
because if we multiply
integers with the same
signs the result will be
positive maam

yes maam

-5 maam

then which set of operation of integer this one belongs?

yes Julie
why is the answer is equal to -5?

what if I will make the signs into positive all ; is the answer
still -5? Class?

remember that division is the inverse of multiplication;
where if we will divide numbers with the same signs the
result will be positive but if we divide numbers with different
signs the result will be negative

Since you got it all right lets answer this quickly. I have
here flashcards and as soon as I call your name ; stand and
answer it immediately. Okay are you ready?

-20 : 4=
what about this
this one
10 + 12=

division maam

because they got
different signs maam

no maam

yes maam

-5 maam

-11 maam

20 maam

22 maam
Last one
Very good.
For the number line; locate here in the number line the ff.
1. 3/4
2. -1 1/2
3. 2
4. 11
5. -2.66

Now Id like you all to stand.
do you know the game GROUP YOURSELVES?
we will play that game right now and for those who did not
know the game here is how it plays;
You need to get yourself be in a group according to what Ill
say; if I tell you to group yourselves into 4; you must have a
member of four ;if Ill say 8 then you must got 8 members in
a group; else if Ill say group yourself according to the color
of anything you wear ; you will follow what I told you then..
Is it clear?

-6 maam

yes maam

yes maam

lets begin:
Group yourself into 6
Group yourself into 3
Group yourself into 11
Group yourself according to the color of your shirts/dress
Group yourself according to your height.

Lesson Proper
I. Subsets of real numbers

Okay you sit down now.

Then what can you say about the things we did?
what else?
So class; what do you observed during the play?

Exactly; you group yourself ..
Now for our lesson; grouping thing is connected to our topic
for today. I have here an activity and I want you to answer it
but before anything else let us read the objectives first.

Glen read the objectives loud and clear for your

you know class; it is very difficult for us to realize that were
no numbers and symbols a long time ago; in early days
primitive man showed how many animals he had by simply

very funny maam
we enjoyed it maam

we group ourselves
maam according to what
you commanded us

At the end of the period
the students

putting a pile of stones in a pile or a stick on a row. Truly
our number system evolved over a hundred of years.

in what way do you think did primitive man need to use

why do you think he needed names or symbols to tell how

is necessity led a man to invent numbers?

Look at this WORD PUZZLE in the front.
How many words in the
puzzle are familiar to you?
Come in front and locate it.

to tell how many

to show ownership

yes maam


What else?
What words have you encountered in your early years?

yes Marlo
what about you Alvin?

What words are still strange to you?

All of this word numbers in here class are real numbers;
they are real because we used them in all areas of all life;

non integer
whole number




Determine what numbers/set of numbers will represent the
following situations:
1. Finding out how many cows are in a barn
2. Corresponds to no more apples inside the basket
3. Describing the temperature in the North Pole.
4. Representing the amount of money each member gets
when P200 prize is
divided among 3 members
5. Finding the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a
circle, denoted as
(read pi)

Consider the different terms you encountered now and
together let us determine the various subsets of real

let us go back from where we first met the subsets of real
1. What subset of real numbers do children learn at an
early stage when they were just starting to talk? Give

One subset is the counting (or natural) numbers. This
subset includes all the numbers we use to count starting
with "1" and so on. The subset would look like this: {1, 2, 3,
4, 5...}

Counting Numbers.
Negative Number
Fraction, Decimal

Irrational Number

Counting Numbers or
Natural Numbers

Whole Numbers

2. What do you call the subset of real numbers that includes
zero (the number that represents nothing) and is combined
with the subset of real numbers
learned in the early years? Give examples

Another subset is the whole numbers. This subset is exactly
like the subset of counting numbers, with the addition of
one extra number. This extra number is "0". The subset
would look like this:{0, 1, 2, 3, 4...}

3. What do you call the subset of real numbers that includes
negative numbers
(that came from the concept of opposites and specifically
used in describing debt or below zero temperature) and is
united with the whole numbers? Give examples.

A third subset is the integers. This subset includes all the
whole numbers and their
opposites. The subset would look like this: {... -4, -3, -2, -
1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4...}

4. What do you call the subset of real numbers that includes
integers and non integers and are useful in representing
concepts like half a gallon of milk?


Rational Numbers

Give examples

The next subset is the rational numbers. This subset
includes all numbers that
"come to an end" or numbers that repeat and have a
pattern. Examples of rational
numbers are: 5.34, 0.131313..., , , 9

5. What do you call the subset of real numbers that is not a
rational number but
are physically represented like the diagonal of a square?
Lastly we have the set of irrational numbers. This subset
includes numbers that
cannot be exactly written as a decimal or fraction. Irrational
numbers cannot be
expressed as a ratio of two integers. Examples of irrational
numbers are:
2 , 101 3 , and

Then let us familiarize the subsets of real numbers
For Counting Numbers..
Read the definition Felix .
Second one is Whole Number..
Karen open the definition and read it in the class.
we also have..
Raul open it for us and read it aloud too.
the fourth subsets of Real Numbers is ?

Irrational Numbers

Counting numbers

Whole Number


Rational number.

Arjay May its your turn
The last subset of Real number is.
Alvin , work for it.

Now let us know more the relationship of subsets of real
By the use of venn diagram ; show the relationship
among the subsets of real numbers.



Drills and Practices

Activity Sheet
Subsets of Real Numbers

I. Objective

a. Describe and represent the different subsets
of real numbers
b. Encourage students to converse and
cooperate for better interactions.

II. Procedure

a. Read and identify the following subsets of
real numbers.
b. Select from the box the correct answer.
c. Based on your answer, carry out the task
being asked in the analysis question
d. Write your answers on the sheet provided.
e. Post your answers in front after answering.
f. Select one member coming from your group
to defend your answer.

a. Also called natural numbers and look like
1, 2, 3,
b. Union of rational and irrational numbers
c. 0,1,2,3,4..
d. Consist of natural numbers and zero
e. Union of whole number and negative
f. -5,-4,-3,2,1,0,1,2,3,4,5
g. Set that includes fractions and decimals.
h. Represented by a decimal that neither
repeats nor terminates
i. 10/5,5.34,9
j. Shows the relationship of the whole real
k. ,
l. Line extended on both directions .

m. 15%,109%
Direction: Select from the box above that best describes
and represents the given subsets of real numbers. Write
the letter of the correct answer before each number.
Answers can be more than one.

1. Rational Numbers

2. Whole Numbers

3. Irrational Numbers

4. Counting Numbers


III. Analysis Question:

1. Are all real numbers rational? Prove your answer.



1. Read carefully the instruction given.
2. Answer only for 5 minutes.

Determine the subsets of real numbers. Choose the letter of
the correct answer. Write it on a one fourth sheet of paper.

1. -86
2. 34.74
3. 4/7
4. 64
5. 11

a. Integers
b. Rational
c. Whole numbers
d. Counting numbers
e. irrational
Note: Answers can be more than one letter.

For your assignment;
1. read pages 134-135 of your math book
2. answer exercises 1 and 2
3. write your answers on a 1 whole sheet of paper.

Thats all for today goodbye class

Goodbye and thank you
miss Galvez

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