Exercises Skimming and Scanning Fund 2

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Rio de Janeiro, ________ de _____________________________ de 2021.


1. Imagine que você encontrou o texto abaixo em um website. Observe o título, o vocabulário
que conhece e palavras que se repetem. A partir disso, responda: qual é o assunto tratado pelo

a) A língua inglesa e sua presença na internet.

b) A importância da língua inglesa em diversos contextos.

c) A utilização da língua inglesa, que se restringe a contextos específicos.

d) A importância de conhecer outras línguas, além do inglês, no mundo atual.

The importance of the English language in today's world

There are several factors that make the English language essential to communication in our current time.
First of all, it is the most common foreign language. This means that [...] speaking it will help you
communicate with people from countries all over the world, not just English-speaking ones. [...] On the
Internet, the majority of websites are written and created in English. [...] It's the primary language of the
press: more newspapers and books are written in English than in any other language [...] English is also
essential to the field of education. [...] Because it is the dominant language in the sciences, most of the
research and studies you find in any given scientific field will be written in it as well. […] English skills will
also help you in any business venture you choose to follow. If you visit some offices, companies,
governmental organizations, or even math or engineering companies, you will see the importance of


Business:negócio venture: empreendimento;
current:atual time: época
field: área;campo
foreign: estrangeira
majority: maioria

primary:principal language: língua
research: pesquisa
several: diversos
skills: habilidades
the press: imprensa; mídia

2. Read the first paragraph of the text again and choose the sentence that summarizes it.

a) English is important today, but in the past it wasn’t a popular language.

b) There is only one factor that makes the English language essential to communication.
c) Communicating with people from other countries is not necessary in our current time.

d) Communicating with people from other countries is one of the factors that make English an important

3. According to the text, in which contexts is the English language used? Check all possible

a) ( ) It is used in traffic laws around the world.

b) ( ) It is used as the main language on the internet.

c) ( ) It is used for education, in research and studies.

d) ( ) It is used for communicating with people from all over the world.

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