Epcar 2024 - Review 4 Past Epcar Exams (2014-2018)

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EPCAR 2024 – REVIEW 4 01.

According to the text,

a) French people don’t know English language
very well.
b) South Koreans understood perfectly the
PAST EPCAR EXAMS (2014-2018) company’s language.
c) the British company did not speak an easy
2014: understanding English.
d) flight simulators are designed in many different
Directions: Answer questions 01 to 08 according to TEXT I.
02. We can say that Headway (line22) is a
Offshore English is a term used by many people for
international English (I). It is the English spoken and
written by non-native speakers in international a) coursebook.
communication (II). Many in business are starting to
worry that native speakers are actually at a b) successful course.
disadvantage in international communication. A good
example of this situation was when a company tried to c) dominant examination.
sell flight simulators to South Korea, where a French
company won the contract because the buyers found it d) program.
easier to understand the English that the French people
spoke than the English spoken by the British company. 03. After reading the text, we conclude that
Many native English speakers feel little necessity to a) learners think that it is more difficult to learn
learn foreign languages, so they often don’t understand English than French.
the difficulties and problems learners have. b) non-native speakers use less idioms, synonyms,
They also don’t see (1) the need to modify their etc to talk to native ones.
language for a foreign audience, so they use (2) c) English companies are not so famous as British
idioms, synonyms, colloquialisms, phrasal verbs, etc, ones.
and don’t think (3) of the impact this has (4) on a d) it’s easier to understand the type of English the
foreign businessperson. non- native speakers communicate.
The English studied by non-native speakers 20 tends to
use a more simple vocabulary, and considering the 04. The pronoun that best substitutes the
similarities in courses in many parts of the world, underlined words in the sentence _ “the buyers
emphasized by a small number of course books found it easier_” (line 9) is
(Headway Series) and the domination of a few a) you b) he c) they d) we
examinations, for example TOEFL, etc. This means
that non-native speakers from different countries and 05. The underlined word in the sentence “_ native
cultures sometimes understand each other more easily speakers to train them to speak _” refers to
than the native speaker. Few native speakers outside a) native speakers.
the world of ESL (English as a Second language) b) courses in Offshore English.
teaching have much idea of what non-native learners c) the kind of English.
assimilate, and think that as their English is native d) Offshore English.
speaker level, they speak it better than their non-native
counterparts. Because of this, companies are offering 06. “Native speakers are at a disadvantage in
courses in Offshore English to native speakers to train international communication”. The negative
them to speak the type of English that will make it form of this sentence is “Native speakers …….
easier for non-native speakers to understand. So, they at a disadvantage in international
will gain more contracts. communication”.
Adapted from http://www.usingenglish.com/articles/what-offshore-
a) not are b) isn’t c) do not are d) aren’t

Foreign: estrangeiro
Businessperson: homem/ mulher de negócios Counterpart: seu
To win: ganhar, vencer 07. Consider the underlined verbs (1 to 4) in the
Disadvantage: desvantagem text. Mark the alternative in which they are
Outside: do lado de fora changed into the Simple Past Tense. They are,
Level: nível respectively,
a) did not see / use / did not thought / had. 09. Choose the option that completes the blank in
b) not saw / did use / not thought / did had. the text.
c) did not saw / used / did think / have. a) is using
d) didn’t see / used / didn’t think / had. b) are socializing
c) uses
08. Select the question(s) below that have (has) d) socializes
answer(s) in the sentences I and II (lines 1 - 4).
How does the speaker use Offshore English? 10. According to the text,
Who speaks Offshore English? a) more and more people are communicating on
What is the term Offshore English? the net in English.
Why is Offshore English spoken and written? b) the Internet language is really difficult to
Mark the right option. understand.
a) Only II and III. c) linguists say that many languages will dominate
b) Only I. the net.
c) Only IV. d) people speak languages in a very fast way.
d) Only I, II and IV.
11. The text says that
Directions: Answer questions 09 to 16 according to TEXT II. a) grammar and spelling are important when
TEXT II talking on the net.
LEARN ENGLISH ONLINE: HOW THE INTERNET b) words like skunk, squash are very old in
IS CHANGING LANGUAGE English language.
Online, English is now a common language for users c) the Webster’s changed as much as the English
from around the world. In the process, the language language did.
itself is changing. Noah Webster thought that a d) the English language is creating more native
common language brings people together and helps speakers.
create a new identity.
Webster’s dictionary, now is in its 11th edition, 12. In the Webster’s dictionary, the words theatre,
adopted the Americanized orthography familiar today colour and traveller
“–er” in place of “–re” in theatre, not using the “u” a) are now written the same way.
from colour, losing one “l” in traveller, and listed new b) changed their orthography to one more
words for example, skunk and squash. common in Britain.
The Internet is creating a similar language c) don’t exist anymore.
evolution, but at a much faster velocity. Some linguists d) were adapted to American orthography.
anticipate that in 10 years English will dominate the
Internet, but in very different forms. That’s because 13. Read the word in italics in the text. The
people who speak English as a second language are expression “Englishes” (line 22) is related to
more in number than native speakers. And they use it a) the second language that users of Facebook
to communicate with other non-native speakers, speak.
particularly on the Internet where people don’t pay so b) the kinds of English speakers around the world
much attention to grammar and orthography and users use.
don’t have to preoccupy about their way of speaking. c) the different languages people speak in many
Users of Facebook, for example, ____________ cultures.
in a number of different “Englishes” including Indian d) the English speakers study to chat on the
English, or Hinglish, Spanglish (Spanish English) and Internet.
Konglish (Korean English). For a long time, these
variations existed in individual cultures, but now they 14. “Webster’s dictionary is now in its 11th
are expanding and becoming popular online. “On the edition.” The full form of the underlined item
Internet all that is important is that people can is
communicate – nobody has a right to tell them what a) eleven.
the language has to be,” says Baron. b) eleventy.
The intensification of the use of the Internet in c) eleventh.
everyday life means that language online is not a zero d) elevent.
result game. On the contrary, it permits multiple
languages to show up and they are mixing into English 15. The comparative form of the underlined word
that is becoming the world’s lingua franca. in the sentence “Webster’s dictionary [_]
Adapted from http://www.bbc.cokh/news/magazine-20332763
Acessado em 25/03/2013
adopted the American orthography familiar
Glossary: today” (lines 6 and 7) is
To lose: perder, retirar a) most familiar.
Lingua franca: idioma usado globalmente para a comunicação b) more familiar than.
c) the most familiar.
d) the more familiar. 02. According to the chart, mark the correct
16. The Mark the option in which only one a) Rhythmical dance burns more calories than
question is grammatically correct. aerobic dance.
a) Did English became the world’s lingua franca? b) Vigorous dance isn't good to burn calories.
(lines 33 and 34) c) The calories burned per hour depend on the
b) Is multiple languages mixing into English? type of dance.
(lines 32 and 33) d) An eighty-kilo man can lose more weight if he
c) Do they use it to communicate with other non- does rhythmical dance.
native speakers? (lines 16 and 17)
d) They are expanding and becoming popular 03. In the sentence “Studies show that dancing can
online? (lines 26 and 27) improve your heart health [R]” (lines 6 and 7)
the verb can express
2015: a) ability.
b) possibility.
Directions: Answer questions 01 to 15 according to TEXT I. c) permission.
TEXT I d) capacity.
These days, people love to watch other people dance. 04. Mark the correct question to the sentence
Competitive dance shows, like “So you think you can below. “Dance training helps you to lose
dance” and “Dancing with the stars”, are dominating weight.”
the world of reality television. So, if you get off the a) When do you lose weight?
sofa and dance, you can keep your body and mind b) What does dance training do?
healthy. Studies show that dancing can improve your c) How does dance training help you to lose
heart health, helps you lose weight and stay flexible, weight?
reduces stress and can also help you get old in a d) Who helps you to lose weight?
pleasant way.
Dancing, as an aerobic exercise, can reduce the risk of 05. Mark the alternative that completes the
heart problems and high blood pressure. You can learn sentence.
ballroom dancing, participate in a dance-fitness class Some dance shows on TV are dominating the
or dance with a video in your house. There are many world because
ways to enjoy dancing and get a good aerobic exercise a) these days people like to see other people
at the same time. dance.
Dance training helps you to lose weight. The number b) people are interested in dancers' life.
of calories burned per hour depends on the type of c) they keep people's mind healthy.
dance and the weight of the dancer. Observe the chart d) they substitute dance-fitness class.
Type of dance Calories / hour Weight
Rhythmical 260 80 kg
Vigorous 500 80 kg
06. Mark the alternative that DOESN’T complete
Aerobic 442 80 kg the sentence below.
590 100 kg To improve your heart health, you can
Another good effect is that dancing works on the part a) watch people dance.
of the brain that controls memory – hippocampus. So, b) get off the sofa and dance.
what are you waiting for? Let's dance! c) do aerobic dance as an exercise.
(Adapted from www.everydayhealth.com and www.livestrong.com) d) do dance training to lose weight.
health - “saúde” 07. Read the sentences and mark the correct
ballroom dancing - “dança de salão”
to lose weight - “perder peso”
to improve - “melhorar” I. Dancing is only good for people's mental health.
calories burned – “calorias queimadas” II. Regular dancing practice can reduce the risk of
01. Mark the INCORRECT option. problems.
a) People can choose different types of dance to III. People who dance don't have high blood
lose weight. pressure.
b) Dancing helps your brain control your memory. The only correct sentence(s) is(are)
c) People who don't dance are stressed. a) I and II.
d) There are many good effects on your body b) III.
when you dance. c) II.
d) I and III.
08. Mark the correct alternative to complete the 12. In the 2nd paragraph, the word it (line 18)
sentence. According to the text, dancing refers to
a) makes people get old fast. a) button. b) art. c) mistakes. d) ability.
b) doesn’t improve heart condition.
c) doesn’t contribute to flexibility. 13. The opposite of never (line9) is
d) improves memory. a) seldom.
b) always.
Directions: Answer questions 09 to 15 according c) usually.
to TEXTII. d) often.
“When I studied Interior Design, I took several 14. Yuuki considers (that)
drawing classes. I was terrified when the instructor a) art is only real paintings or traditional art type.
used my drawings as an example in front of the b) in tradition alart, we never correct mistakes.
class. Most of my drawings were marked with c) digital art isn’t important.
dirty and greasy because of my sweaty hands. d) the digital method has no limits.
Nowadays, any artwork I do is in a digital method,
and I am happy I don't have to worry about my 15. It is correct to affirm that
sweaty palms marking the paper anymore.” (Julia) a) we can’t correct our mistakes in a painting.
“In the future, digital art and real art will never be b) you can’t use your ability in digital art.
different. I use both, and digital art is completely c) photoshop is a traditional art style.
related to the real drawing talent because they are d) people can see mistakes in traditional art.
connected and take the art style. This digital
method has no limits. Paint is limited but we can
fix our mistakes and it takes much more time. If 2016:
you are good at creating digital art, you can use
your ability in photoshop, for example, to make Directions: Answer questions 01 to 16 according to the text.
your art look real painting or any other traditional TEXT
art type. Also, in digital art you can easily click a CYBERBULLYING ON THE RISE
button to cancel it. It's not an option in traditional Bullying among children and teenagers is not
art as the mistakes are there for all to see.” something new but it is getting more and more
(Yuuki) common by modern methods of communication.
(Adapted from www.graphicssoft.about.com) Cyberbullying happens when an adolescent is put in
danger by another child or teenager by photos or text
drawing - “desenho” greasy - “engordurado(a)” sweaty - messages sent to cell phones or posted on social
“suado(a)” networks. Sometimes cyberbullies send mails with
fix - “consertar” sexual comments or take passwords of other teenagers
easily - “facilmente” and log on to websites with false identities. Children
also play Internet games and make fun of each other in
09. In the underlined sentences (lines1,2and3),
many ways.
there are ____ verbs used in the past tense.
A study by a Canadian University shows that
a) six b) five c) four d) three
half of the young people interviewed said that they
suffer bullying. One of the reasons is the great use of
10. Julia was uncomfortable because her
cell phones over the past years. Today’s children are
a) teacher criticized her sweaty hands.
connected with each other electronically. They call
b) hands were always dirty.
friends every time they want or communicate with
c) classmates' drawings were digital ones.
them on Facebook.
d) greasy drawings were used as an example in
Cyberbullying is getting extremely popular
because teens can stay anonymous. Many adolescents
act this way because they feel frustrated or angry and
11. Read the sentence.
want to punish somebody for something that happened
“This digital method has no limits.” (line 12
to them. At other times they do it just for fun or
and 13)
because have nothing else to do. Parents usually don’t
All the sentences below express a similar idea,
know their
child is a cyberbully. They perceive it just when the
victim or the victim’s parents contact them.
a) There aren't limits to this digital method.
This kind of bullying is not as inoffensive as many
b) This digital method doesn't have limits.
people think. In some cases, it can lead to suicide.
c) This digital method is unlimited.
Many countries have organized campaigns to inform
d) The limits of this digital method are real.
adults and children of its dangers.
There are a few ways to prevent cyberbullying.
First, it is important to show children that they have to c)prohibition.
respect others and they are responsible for what they d)permission.
do. For victims it is important not to play the bully’s
game or answer their emails and text messages. It is 08. “Many adolescents act this way because they
also important to get help from parents and teachers. feel frustrated or angry (b)” (lines 20-21). The
Often schools get involved. They bring together the comparative form of the underlined word is
parents of victims and cyberbullies and talk with them. a) more angry.
Cyberbullying does not always end at school. b) angrier than.
Often, parents go to the police and accuse the bullies. c) more angrier.
(Adapted from http://www.english-online.at/society/ d) more angry than.

09. “At other times they do it just for fun or

01. Cyberbullying is a/an
because have nothing else to do.” (lines 23-
a) way to use technology for fun.
24). Mark the option that substitutes the
b) inoffensive kind of bullying at schools.
underlined sentence correctly.
c) popular way to communicate with teenagers.
a) have anything else to do.
d) offensive use of technology to make someone
b) have something else to do.
angry or unhappy.
c) don’t have anything else to do.
d) don’t have something else to do.
02. Victims of cyber bullying
a) don’t respect other teenagers.
10. Choose the option that has the same meaning
b) suffer bullying for different reasons.
of “Parents usually don’t know their child is a
c) are very popular adolescents at school.
cyberbully.” (lines 24-25).
d) are irresponsible and frustrated children.
a) Parents’ child usually don’t know he is a
03. “(b) half of the young people interviewed said
b) Parents child’s usually don’t know he is a
that they suffer bullying” (lines 13-14), the
underlined expression represents
c) Child parents’ usually don’t know he is a
a) twenty-five percent of.
b) a hundred percent of.
d) Child’s parents usually don’t know he is a
c) ten percent of.
d) fifty percent of.
11. “They perceive it (b)” (line25). The underlined
04. Mark the option that is the correct question for
pronoun refers to
the sentence “One of the reasons is the great
a) victims.
use of cell phones (b)” (lines 14-15)
b) children.
a) When do children practice cyberbullying?
b) What kind of children practice cyberbullying?
d) cyberbullies.
c) Why do children often practice cyberbullying?
d) How often do children practice cyberbullying?
12. In the sentence, “Many countries have
organized campaigns to make adults and
05. Bullies are
children informed of its dangers.” (lines 29-
a) victims of physical attacks at school.
30), the underlined expressions can be
b) teenagers and children who are afraid of
substituted for
a) it–they.
c) adolescents who treat others very badly on
b) they–it.
social networks.
c) they–them.
d) teenagers with an aggressive attitude with their
d) them–they.
parents and teachers.
13. “There are a few ways to prevent
06. Bullying on social networks is popular because
cyberbullying” (line 31) is the same as
a) the bullies don't show themselves.
a) There are some ways to prevent cyberbullying.
b) the victims ‘parents use cellphones.
b) There are many ways to prevent cyberbullying.
c) some teens want to punish themselves.
c) There are lots of ways to prevent cyberbullying.
d) teenagers like to make fun of themselves.
d) There are no ways to prevent cyberbullying.
07. “Cyberbullying is getting extremely popular
14. The text shows that schools
because teens can stay anonymous” (lines 19-
a) never get involved with bullying.
20). The underlined verb expresses
b) can help the victims and the cyberbullies.
a) possibility.
c) often go to the police and accuse the bullies.
b) obligation.
d) make the parentes and the bullies become providing excellent living quarters for the lost Viking
friends. colonies of Greenland and the Nazis, while "aliens" are
in fact just visitors from the subterranean areas.
15. The sixth paragraph Siri Can Predict The Apocalypse
a) explains why cyberbullying is so common. Amazing as it may seem, given that it can't do
b) gives some ideas to reduce cyberbullying. anything else you actually ask it to do, Siri can predict
c) shows the importance of answering the bully’s 40 the apocalypse. When asked "What day is 27th July
emails. 2014?", Apple's assistant replied, "The opening of the
d) says that parents and teachers are responsible gate of Hades", aka9 The End Of The World. That date
for the bully’s games. has now passed without issue10. Say what you like
about the maligned MS Office paperclip, but at least he
16. The Mark the option to complete the sentence didn't scaremonger that the end was near.
with the correct tag question form. “They We All Live In The Matrix And Billionaires Want To
bring together the parents of victims, Break Us Out Of It
________” (lines 37-38) The New Yorker’s Tad Friend claims that many
a) do they? people in Silicone Valley are obsessed with the idea
b) are they? that we're all living in a Matrix-like simulation, and
c) don't they? some are taking that obsession a stage further: “Two
d) aren’t they? tech billionaires have gone so far as to secretly engage
scientists to work on breaking us out of the simulation.
2017: ”Here’s hoping Mark Zuckerberg is 'The One', yeah?
Hitler Is Still Alive
Directions: Read the text below and answer questions 01 to 16 "Hitler is still alive" rumours have circulated since
according to it. the 1970s, fuelled by the fact that his crony Josef
Mengele hid in South America. Stories like this one,
however, speculate the 125-year-old Hitler has been
responsible for various world disasters, including 9/11
Michael Jackson Is Still Alive
and the 2010 Gulf oil spill, which happened on his
The advent of the internet hasn't just cooked up
birthday. Other theories say he died in 1984 in Brazil,
new conspiracy theories, it's also accelerated existing
aged 94. Or in Argentina, aged 73.
ones. If you refuse to believe that it was the Iranians (Adapted from http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/20-of-the-internets-
that killed him, perhaps you'll be convinced that MJ is craziest- conspiracy-theories/Acesso em: 14 de fev 2017)
actually still alive. Proof? His own daughter Paris
Jackson took a photo of him. Seriously. What do you Glossary:
1 - cook up – to invent a story, a plan, etc. 2 - stacked – covered
mean you don't see him? He's right there in the back with things
seat, stacked2 under that pile of clothes wearing his 3 - hence – the reason, the explanation for 4 - lookalikes – similar
iconic hat. Believe, in appearance
man. Thriller Vol.2 to drop next year. 5 - stuffed – filled with something
6- dig–to make a hole in the ground
The Moon Doesn't Exist 7 - hollow – a hole or empty space
It's no good looking at it, night after night. The moon 8 - quarter – a place to live
doesn't exist. It's a hologram, put there by persons 9 - aka – abbreviation for also known as
unknown. Of course, serial conspiracy theorist David 10- issue–problem
Icke has a theory. There are also countless YouTubers 11 - scaremonger – a person that creates stories that cause public
keeping an eye out, one of whom has gone as far as
"looking at it regularly for a year".
1. We can deduce from the first paragraph that
Jay Z Is A Time-Travelling Vampire
a) the new conspiracy theories were created to
There are vast regions of the internet devoted to
reinforce the advent of the internet.
explaining why Jay Z is part of the Illuminati. Hence
b) conspiracy theories are reliable speculations.
when this photo, which was taken in New York in
c) technology spread the existence of conspiracy
1939, appeared last year, he was accused of being a
time- traveller. And a vampire. This video lists other
d) the internet convinced people to be against
old-time celebrity lookalikes, as well as suggesting that
conspiracy theories.
Hollywood stars don't age because they're the immortal
bloodsucking undead. Not because they're stuffed with
botox, then?
2. “The advent of the internet hasn't [Q] cooked
The Earth Is Hollow
up new conspiracy theories” (lines 2 and 3).
Don't give up, readers. We're halfway through
Mark the correct option to make the sentence
this list. We can make it to the end. Dig deep. Well,
above interrogative.
not too deep. You see, the Earth is hollow and
accessible via portals at the north and south poles.
Luckily though, it's quite habitable down there,
a) Doesn’t the advent of the internet cook up new 10. Complete the fragment below with the
conspiracy theories? grammatically correct verb tense.
According to paragraph four, if the earth is hollow,
b) Hasn’t the advent of the internet cooked up you ________ it via portals at the north and south
new conspiracy theories? poles.
a) accessed
c) Didn’t the advent of the internet cook up new b) have entered
conspiracy theories? c) will reach
d) stays
d) Haven’t the advent of the internet cook up new
conspiracy theories? 11. Mark the alternative that can answer the
question below according to the text.
3. “His own daughter Paris Jackson took a photo Why can Siri predict the apocalypse? Because
of him” (lines 6 and 7). a) it mentions a date that has a specific meaning.
Mark the correct masculine type of the highlighted b) the tool opened the gate of Hades.
word. c) it is responsible for the end of the world.
a) Niece. b) Sister. c) Brother. d) Son. d) the tool created a new conspiracy theory.

4. Mark the option that shows the appropriate 12. Mark the option that can replace the sentence
question tag for the sentence. below without changing its meaning.
“He's right there in the back seat”, ____? (line 8) “It can't do anything else” (lines 38 and 39).
a) isn't he a) It cannot do nothing else.
b) hasn't he b) It can do nothing else.
c) isn't there c) It can't do something else.
d) is he d) It can do anything else.

5. According to the second paragraph, the moon 13. “We all live in the matrix and billionaires want
a) Is not real. to break us out of it” (lines 46 and 47) is
b) was created by YouTubers. a) an important governmental action to set us free.
c) is just one among countless moons. b) the new version of the movie Matrix starring
d) is a hologram created by David Icke. Mark
6. “Hollywood stars don't age” (line25). It means c) another conspiracy theory.
that d) the slogan of the new Matrix-like simulation.
a) famous actors don't celebrate their birth.
b) stars’ age is not countable. 14. The expression “further” (line51) introduces
c) these people don't look older. an idea of
d) some stars never die. a) exemplification.
b) contrast.
7. According to paragraph 3, conspiracy theories c) conclusion.
DON’T consider that d) comparison.
a) Jay Z is a member of the Illuminati.
b) Hollywood stars are vampires. 15. The sentence “Hitler is still alive rumours have
c) The singer was alive in 1939. circulated since the 1970s” (line 57 and 58)
d) Hollywood stars don't age because of botox. means that
a) some people still consider this hypothesis.
8. The sentence “Don't give up” (line29) in the b) it’s an old belief that is not accepted anymore.
affirmative form is c) it was a rumour that occurred in 1970.
a) giving up. d) Hitler has been alive since 1970.
b) I give up.
c) I gave up. 16. The main purpose of the text is to
d) give up. a) alert people to the possibility of unexpected
9. Mark the alternative that CANNOT replace the b) inform about conspiracy theories.
word “too” (line 31) in the text. c) justify how dangerous conspiracy theories are.
a) Extremely. d) make people believe in true facts.
b) Also.
c) Very.
d) So. 2018:
Directions: Read the text below and answer questions 01 to 16 child is exploited for someone else’s gain. It
according to it. can include child trafficking, child soldiers,
TEXT child marriage and child domestic slavery.
WHAT IS MODERN SLAVERY?  Forced and early marriage – when someone is
Slavery did not end with abolition in the 19th century. married against their will and cannot leave the
Slavery continues today and harms people in every marriage. Most child marriages can be
country in the world. considered slavery.
Women forced into prostitution. People forced to work Many forms of slavery have more than one element
in agriculture, domestic work and factories. Children listed above. For example, human trafficking often
in sweatshops1 producing goods sold globally. Entire involves advance payment for travel and a job abroad,
families forced to work for nothing to pay off using money often borrowed from the traffickers.
generational debts. Girls forced to marry older men. Then, the debt contributes to control of the victims.
There are estimated 40.3 million people in modern Once they arrive, victims cannot leave until they pay
slavery around the world, including: off their debt. Many people think that slavery happens
• 10 million children only overseas, in developing countries. In fact, no
 24.9 million people in forced labour
country is free from modern slavery, even Britain. The
 15.4 million people in forced marriage
Government estimates that there are tens of thousands
 4.8 million people in forced sexual
people in modern slavery in the UK.
exploitation Modern slavery can affect people of any age, gender or
Someone is in slavery if they are: race. However, contrary to a common misconception6
 forced to work – through coercion, or mental
that everyone can be a victim of slavery, some groups
or physical threat; of people are much more
 owned or controlled by an ’employer’, through
vulnerable to slavery than others.
mental or physical abuse or the threat of abuse; People who live in poverty and have limited
 dehumanised, treated as a commodity or
opportunities for decent work are more vulnerable to
bought and sold as ‘property’; accepting deceptive job offers that can turn
• physically constrained or have restrictions exploitative. People who are discriminated against on
placed on their freedom of movement. the basis of race, caste, or gender are also more likely
Slavery has been a disgraceful aspect of human to be enslaved. Slavery is also more likely to occur
society for most of human history. However, Anti- where the rule of law is weaker, and corruption is rife.
Slavery International has refused to accept that this Anti-Slavery International believes that we have to
bloody status quo should be allowed to persist (Aidan tackle the root causes of slavery in order to end
McQuade, former director). slavery for good. That’s why we published our Anti-
Forms of modern slavery Slavery Charter, listing comprehensive measures that
Purposes of exploitation can range from forced need to be taken to end slavery across the world.
prostitution and forced labour to forced marriage and (Adapted from https://www.antislavery.org/slavery-today/modern-slavery/)
forced organ removal. Here are the most common Glossary:
forms of modern slavery. 1. sweatshop – a factory where workers are paid very little
and work many hours in very bad conditions
 Forced labour – any work or services which 2. exploitation – abuse, manipulation
people are forced to do against their will3 3. will – wish, desire
under the threat of some form of punishment. 4. whilst – while
 Debt bondage or bonded labour – the world’s 5. to hinder – obstruct, stop
6. misconception – wrong idea/ impression
most widespread form of slavery, when people 7. poverty – the condition of being extremely poor
borrow money they cannot repay and are 8. to tackle – attack
required to work to pay off the debt, then
losing control over the conditions of both their 1. The concept of slavery worked in the text is
employment and the debt. a) a very hard work for which people are paid very
 Human trafficking– involves transporting, little.
recruiting or harbouring people for the purpose b) about slaves who hardly work.
of exploitation, using violence, threats or c) about something that is legally owned by
coercion. someone else.
 Descent-based slavery – where people are born d) the activity of having slaves.
into slavery because their ancestors were
captured and enslaved; they remain in slavery 2. Mark the alternative in which the verb “to
by descent. continue” (line2) is applied in the sentence
 Child slavery – many people often confuse correctly.
child slavery with child labour, but it is much a) Slavery continues to exist today, affecting
worse. Whilst4 child labour is harmful for continents and countries.
children and hinders5 their education and b) Today, new forms of slavery continue being
development, child slavery occurs when a tragic.
c) Poverty continues afflicting vast number of 10. Mark the sentence from the text that is an
people. example of comparative form.
d) New forms of slavery is continuing to come a) Owned or controlled by an ‘employer’. (line
from poverty. 18)
b) Most child marriages can be considered
3. “Slavery continues today and harms people in slavery. (lines 58 and 59)
every country in the world” (lines 2 and 3). c) [\] people are much more vulnerable to slavery
The highlighted words can be substituted for [\] (lines 74 and 75)
_____. d) [\] that need to be taken to end slavery across
a) them b) theirs c) their d) they the world. (lines 86 and 87)

4. The word “goods” (line6) means in the text 11. Mark the option that replaces the underlined
a) nice, pleasant. words, respectively, keeping the same
b) items for sale. meaning.
c) purchase. “[E] many people often confuse child slavery with
d) trade. child labour [E]” (lines 48 and 49)
a) a lot.
5. Mark the INCORRECT statement according to b) very.
the text. c) much.
a) Slavery still exits worldwide. d) a lot of.
b) The modern forms of slavery are encouraging
helpless people. 12. In the topic “Forced and early marriage” (line
c) The issue of modern slavery hasn’t finished yet. 56), the modal verb can be replaced by ____
d) Slavery has continued until now. without changing the meaning.
a) mustn’t
6. One of the statements below is according to b) shouldn’t
the text. Mark it. c) doesn’t have to
a) Modern slavery is never considered a crime. d) doesn’t need to
b) Modern slavery does not concern authorities.
c) Slavery today looks exactly the same as it was 13. Mark the option with the suitable question to
in the 19th century. answer the fragment below.
d) Measures are necessary to stop modern slavery. “When someone is married against their will”.
(lines 56 and 57)
7. Mark the option that is NOT mentioned by the a) When does anyone get married?
author (lines 15 to 23). b) When are women married?
a) Work against people’s will. c) When does it happen?
b) Abusive control over workers. d) When is anyone getting married?
c) Expensive properties that are bought and sold.
d) Disrespect for human rights 14. The author concludes that Anti-Slavery
International believes
8. Considering the use of possessive adjectives, a) we need new laws in order to combat slavery.
mark the alternative that completes the b) it’s important to attack the origin of slavery to
sentence below correctly extinguish
Modern slavery includes it forever.
a) an employee who has its work abused. c) slavery is growing faster and faster.
b) children who have his lives affected. d) there’s no way to end slavery across the world.
c) a girl who has her marriage forced.
d) people who have your freedom restricted. 15. The Anti-Slavery International
a) persuades us to tolerate the new forms of
9. Mark the INCORRECT statement, considering slavery.
the content of the text. b) defends human rights.
a) If intimidated people don’t do the forced c) can afford slaves’ working hours.
labour, they’re going to suffer afterwards. d) stops people from being killed.
b) If people cannot pay what they borrowed,
they’ll have to work to pay off the debt.
c) Employers will threat explored people if they
don’t do what they want to.
d) If children don’t receive education, their
owners will punish them.

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