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AGES SET-2 (Eng)

Dear Friends, this is the Special Paid Ultimate Bundle PDF Course 2022 which was made
possible because of the Hard work of Our Experts Team. This PDF Course consists of High-
Standard Questions on Reasoning, Quants, English, General Awareness exactly on Exam
Level. Total 80,000+ Questions are provided and this PDF course consists of Five

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AGES SET-2 (Eng)

Quantitative Aptitude

1) Average present ages of A, B and C is 25 4) 8 years ago, A’s age is three times of B’s age
years. The ratio of the present ages of B and C at that time. A’s age after 4 years is twice of B’s
is 4:5. After 6 years, the ratio will be B and C is age after 6 years. What is the sum of the
5:6, then what is the present age of A? present ages of A and B?
A.21 years A.40 years
B.23 years B.60 years
C.24 years C.80 years
D.18 years D.100 years
E. None of these E. None of these

2) If the ratio of the ages of A and B is x:y and 5) The average age of A, B, C is 34 years. The
the ratio of A’s age after 4 years to B’s age after ratio of age of A to the age of B is 7:6, and the
2 years is 6:5. If the sum of the ages of A and B ratio of age of B to age of C is 3:2. Find the age
is 104 years, then find the value of x:y? of C.
A.5:4 A.32 years
B.6:5 B.18 years
C.7:6 C.20 years
D. Cannot be determined D.28 years
E. None of these E.24 years

3) The ratio of ages of A, 6 years ago to the age 6) Ratio of the present ages of A and B is 3: 7
of B, 4 years hence is 1: 2. If their average and after 12 years, the ratio of A and B
present age is 28, age of A is what percentage becomes 9: 17. If C’s age is half of B’s age,
of age of B? then what is the sum of the ages of A and C?
A.25% A.48 years
B.75% B.52 years
C.50% C.56 years
D.60% D.60 years
E. None of these E. None of these

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AGES SET-2 (Eng)

7) Before 6 years, the ratio of the ages of Shon 9) The ratio of the ages of A and B is 3:2 and
and Sania is 4:5 and after 12 years, the ratio of after 8 years, the ratio will be 13:10. If the
the age of Shon to Sania will be 7:8. What is the average ages of A, B and C is 18 years, what is
ratio of the present age of Shon to Sania? C’s age after 6 years?
A.5:6 A.32 years
B.6:7 B.30 years
C.7:8 C.36 years
D.4:5 D.40 years
E. None of these E. None of these

8) Ratio of the ages of A and B is 4: 5 and after 10) 6 years ago, the ratio of ages of A and B is
4 years, the ratio of the ages of B and C is 3:4. 2: 3. After 6 years, the ratio of ages of A and B
If the sum of the ages of A, B and C is 64 years, is 3: 4. Find the sum of the present ages of A
what is the present age of B? and B?
A.18 years A.64 years
B.20 years B.72 years
C.24 years C.68 years
D.28 years D.66 years
E. None of these E. None of these

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Answer Key with Explanation

1. Answer: A A+B+C=75 years

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AGES SET-2 (Eng)

(4x+6)/(5x+6)=5/6 A – 8=3B – 24
24x+36=25x+30 A – 3B + 16=0 -----------(1)
x=6 years (A + 4)=2(B + 6)
B=4x=24 years A + 4=2B + 12
C=5x=30 years A – 2B – 8=0 --------(2)
A=75-30-24=21 years (1) – ( 2)
-B + 24=0
2. Answer: C B=24 years
x+y=104----(1) From (2),
(x+4)/(y+2)=6/5 A – (2 * 24) – 8=0
5x+20=6y+12 A=56 years
5x-6y=-8-------(2) Sum of present ages of A and B=56 + 24=80
(1)*5-(2) years
y=48 5. Answer: E
x=56 Ratio of age of A:B:C = 7:6:4
x:y=56:48=7:6 Ages of A, B, C is 7x, 6x, 4x respectively.
7x+6x+4x = 34 * 3
3. Answer: B 17x = 102
Let the present age of A and B be a and b x=6
Then Age of C = 4 * 6 = 24 years
(a - 6)/(b + 4) = ½
2a – 12 = b + 4 6. Answer: B
2a – b = 16 ----- (1) (3x + 12)/(7x + 12) = 9/17
a + b = 56 ----- (2) 63x + 108 = 51x + 204
Solving (1) & (2) 12x = 96
a = 24 x=8
b = 32 A’s age = 3 * 8 = 24
Required % = 24/32 * 100 = 75% B’s age = 7 * 8 = 56
C’s age = 56/2 = 28
4. Answer: C Sum of A and C = 24 + 28 = 52
(A – 8)=3( B – 8)

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AGES SET-2 (Eng)

7. Answer: A
(4x + 6 + 12)/(5x + 6 + 12) = 7/8 9. Answer: B
(4x + 18) * 8 = (5x + 18) * 7 (3x + 8)/(2x + 8) = 13/10
32x + 144 = 35x + 126 26x + 104 = 30x + 80
3x = 18 4x = 24
x = 6 years x = 6 years
Preset age ratio of Shon to Sania= (4 * 6 + 6):(5 A’s age = 6 * 3 = 18 years
* 6 + 6) B’s age = 6 * 2 = 12 years
= 30:36 A + B + C = 18 * 3 = 54
=5:6 C = 54 – 18 – 12 = 24
C’s age after 6 years = 24 + 6 = 30 years
8. Answer: B
A + B + C = 64 10. Answer: B
A/B = 4/5 6 years ago, the ratio of ages of A and B = 2: 3
A = 4/5 B (2x, 3x)
(B + 4)/(C + 4) = ¾ Present ages of A and B = 2x + 6, 3x + 6
3C + 12 = 4B + 16 After 6 years, the ratio of ages of A and B = 3: 4
3C – 4B = 4 According to the question,
3C = 4B + 4 (2x + 12)/(3x + 12) = (3/4)
A + B + C = 64 8x + 48 = 9x + 36
4/5 B + B + (4B + 4)/3 = 64 x = 12
12B + 15B + 20B + 20 = 64 * 15 Sum of the present ages of A and B = 2x + 3x +
47B = 940 12 = 72 years
B = 20

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AGES SET-2 (Eng)

Dear Friends, this is the Special Paid Ultimate Bundle PDF Course 2022 which was made
possible because of the Hard work of Our Experts Team. This PDF Course consists of High-
Standard Questions on Reasoning, Quants, English, General Awareness exactly on Exam
Level. Total 80,000+ Questions are provided and this PDF course consists of Five

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 Exam-wise Bundle PDF Course (Total: 45,000+ Ques)

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