1-Ratio Problems With Answers PDF Notes For Entry Tests

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
Ratio and Proportion for SSC CGL/CHSL Tier I Exams

1) Find the mean proportion of 81 and 9 d) None of the above

a) 18 4) Income of A is 40% less than the income of B and

expenditure of A is 40% of B’s expenditure. If income
b) 17
of A is 70% of expenditure of B then find the ratio
c) 23 between the saving of A and B.

d) 27 a) 8 : 15

2) If x+2, x – 1, 4 and 3 are in proportion then find b) 9 : 5

the mean proportional to x and 4x2
c) 9 : 25
a) 15
d) 7 : 13
b) 20
5) Some amount Rs. x was divided among A, B, C and
c) 10 D in the ratio 1/5 : ½ : 1/3 : 1/4. If the difference
between the shares of A and C is Rs.560 then find the
d) 12
total amount x (in rupees)
3) The ratio of men and women in a group is 5:2.If 6
a) 6000
men and 6 women left the group then the ratio
becomes 8:3.Find the total number of people in the b) 5480
group initially?
c) 5390
a) 220
d) 5400
b) 230

c) 210

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
6) Three numbers are in ratio 2 : 3 : 5. If the sum of d) 14
the squares of those three numbers is 342 then find
9) If the ratio of three sides of a triangle is 3 : 4 : 5
the sum of the three numbers
then find the difference between the smallest and
a) 50 largest angle. (in degrees)

b) 40 a) 30°

c) 30S b) 15°

d) 60 c) 45°

7) If A : B = 4 : 5 and C : B = 7 : 6 then find the ratio d) 50°

between A : B : C
10) If 4A = 5B = 6C then find the ratio of A : B : C
a) 24 : 5 : 30
a) 12 : 15 : 10
b) 24 : 30 : 35
b) 10 : 12 : 15
c) 24 : 35 : 30
c) 15 : 10 : 12
d) 30 : 35 : 24
d) 15 : 12 : 10
8) The total number of 3 different colored pens in a
11) If A is twice of B and C is twice of B then find the
box is 91. If the ratio between red colored and green
ratio of A:B:C is:
colored pen is 5 : 2 and the number of green pen is 33
1/3% of blue pens then find the difference between a) 1 : 2 : 2
the red colored and green colored pen.
b) 2 : 1: 2
a) 28
c) 2 : 3 : 4
b) 35
d) 1: 2 : 3
c) 21

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
12) If A : B = 5 : 4 and A is 19 more than B then find c) 63 : 54 : 52
the sum of A and B.
d) None of the above
a) 175
15) The ratio of number of boys and girls in a school
b) 171 is 2 : 3. If 30% of girls is 6 more than the 30% of boys
then find the total number of students in the school.
c) 185
a) 80
d) 186
b) 60S
13) The ratio of marks obtained by Suresh in half
yearly examination to Annual examination is 9/10. If c) 70
he got 50 marks more in half yearly examination then
d) 100
the ratio would have been become 1 : 1. Find the total
marks for which he wrote the half yearly exam if the 16) A bag contains 25 P coins 50 P coins and 1 rupee
mark obtained in the same exam is 45% of the total coins in the ratio 10: 5: 2, amounting to Rs. 112. Find
the total number of coins in the bag.
a) 242
a) 600
b) 172
b) 750 c) 272

c) 1000 d) 232

d) 950 17) Find the third proportion to 16,64

14) If A : B = 5 : 4 and C : B = 8 : 7 then find the a) 246

value of A + B : B + C : C + A b) 236

a) 63 : 60 : 67
c) 256

b) 60 : 51 : 53
d) 634

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
18) If a/(b + c) = 1 : 2 then find the ratio between a/(a 21) The ratio between the valid and invalid vote is 4 :
+ b + c) 1. If 70% of valid vote is equal to 6300 then find the
difference between the valid and invalid votes.
a) 2/3
a) 7450
b) 3/4
b) 7250
c) 5/6
c) 6650
d) 1/3
d) 6750
19) If a/(b – c) = 3 : 2 then find the value of (a – b +
c)/(a + b – c) 22) The ratio between the prices of two articles is 5:6.
If the price of first article is increased by 20% and the
a) 1/5
price of second by 33 1/3% then find the new ratio.
b) 2/5
a) 3:4
c) 5/1
b) 4:3
d) 5/7
c) 2:3
20) The ratio between the passed to fail student in an
d) 3:2
exam is 3:4.If 10 more students passed the ratio
would have been 23:19.Out of the students passed 23) Find the ratio of A, B and C if A is 30% more
1/3 are boys then find the total number of girls who than B and B is 20% more than C.
passed in exam.
a) 39 : 34 : 25
a) 44
b) 39 : 30 : 25
b) 56
c) 29 : 30 : 25
c) 36
d) 39 : 30 : 28
d) 24
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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
24) The number of people in a village is 6400. If the 27) Three persons A, B and C went to hotel and paid
ratio between then male to female population is (x + the bill amount of Rs. 600 in the following way. A
2) : (x + 4) then find the value of x paid half of the amount paid by both B and C , B paid
1/5th of the amount paid by both A and C then find
a) 3199
the amount paid by C.
b) 3201
a) 200
c) 3197
b) 300
d) 3204
c) 100
25) If the ratio between A, B and C is 5 : 7 : 9 then
d) 400
find the ratio between 1/A, 1/B and 1/C.
28) The ratio between the number of pen and pencils
a) 63 : 47 : 35
is 5 : 6 and the ratio of cost of per pen and pencil is 4 :
b) 63 : 45 : 37 3 then find the percentage by which total cost of pen
is greater than the total cost of pencil.
c) 63 : 45 : 35
a) 12.23%
d) 64 : 45 : 35
b) 11.11%
26) If a/7 = b/3 = c/5 then find the ratio between a,b
and c c) 13.15%

a) 3 : 4 : 5 d) 14.56%

b) 3 : 6 : 7 29) If A : B + C = 2 : 5, B : A + C = 1 : 2 then find C :

A + B?
c) 7 : 3 : 5
a) 8 : 13
d) 5 : 7 : 3
b) 5 : 13

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
c) 13 : 8 b) 280

d) 13 : 5 c) 320

30) Total income of A and B is Rs.5000 if A save 20% d) 480

and B saves 30% and their savings are in the ratio
33) The ratio between cost of two idly and one dosa is
4:9. Find their individual income.
2 : 5 and the ratio between cost of one idly and two
a) 1500, 3500 dosa is 1 : 10 then find the ratio between three idly
and two dosa.
b) 1700, 3300
a) 2 : 15
c) 1000, 4000
b) 3 : 10
d) 2000, 3000
c) 3 : 20
31) Ravi’s expenditure and savings is in the ratio 3 : 1
if the income increases by 50% and expenses d) 4 : 13
increases by 20% then find the percentage increase in
34) Some amount was divided among A, B and C in
the ratio 4 : 6 : 9. If the share of A is 50 less than
a) 75% share of C then find the 1/5th of total amount (in Rs).

b) 50% a) 48

c) 100% b) 38

d) 125% c) 45

32) If A and B is in the ratio 3:2 and the difference d) 35

between them is 8 then find the difference between
35) Income of A and B is in the ratio 6 : 7, their
their squares
expenses is in the ratio 4 : 3 if their savings are
a) 160

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
Rs.2000 and Rs.4000 then find the sum of their 38) The ratio of number of hen to goat is 2 : 3 and the
incomes (in Rs.) ratio of number of legs of hen and goat is 1 : 3. If the
difference between the total legs of hen and total legs
a) 12000
of goat is 80 then find the total number of hens.
b) 14000
a) 30
c) 13000
b) 12
d) 13500
c) 20
2 2
36) If the ratio of income of Raj and Raghu is y /x
d) 24
and the ratio of their saving is y/x then find the ratio
of expenditures 39) If the ratio between the squares of A and B is 9 :
25 if the difference between their squares is 144 then
a) y(y – 1)/x(x + 1)
find the value of A3.
b) y(1 – y)/x(1 – x)
a) 64
c) y(y + 1)/x(x + 1)
b) 729
d) y(y + 1)/x(x – 1)
c) 1000
37) Rs. 1500 was divided among A and B such that if
d) 512
Rs.50 and Rs.25 is deducted from the shares of A and
B respectively then the ratio becomes 34:23. Find the 40) The ratio of marks obtained by Ram and Raghu
difference between their shares in an entrance examination is 4 : 5. Raghu score is 5
more than the cut off score and Ram score is 3 less
a) 350
than the cut off score then find the cutoff score.
b) 450
a) 32
c) 300
b) 34
d) 900
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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
c) 35 the valid votes if A got 20% of vote more than B then
find the fraction of vote got by A out of total
d) 38
votes(including invalid votes)
41) Sita and Geetha had some number of stones
a) 5/11
initially in the ratio 9 : 11. Sita gave some number of
stones to Geetha then the ratio becomes 7 : 13 then b) 4/11
find what fraction of stones are given to Geetha by
c) 36/77
Sita against her initial value.
d) 37/77
a) 6/7
44) If the area of rectangle is 168 sq units and ratio
b) 8/9
between the length and breadth is in the ratio 14 : 3
c) 2/9 then find the difference between the length and
d) 3/5
a) 24
42) A and B contest in an election, if the ratio between
the valid votes and the vote got by A is 5:3 and the b) 22
ratio of invalid votes and vote got by B is 1:2 and the
c) 14
ratio between the valid and invalid votes is 5:1 then
find the ratio between the votes got by A and B. d) 16

a) 2:3 45) If A : B : C : D = 4 : 6 : 7 : 9 and A + C = 3454

then find the sum of A and B.
b) 2:1
a) 3250
c) 3:2
b) 3140
d) 1:2
c) 3540
43) A and B participated in an election. If the ratio
between the valid and invalid votes is 6 : 1 and out of d) 3658
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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
46) If A : B = 4 : 5 , B : C = 8 : 9 and C : D = 6 : 7 d) 1
then find the value of A : B : C : D
49) The ratio of number of students in class A,B and
a) 64 : 80 : 90 : 107 C is 7:9:11.If the students increased by 10%,15% and
25% respectively in classes A,B and C then find the
b) 65 : 80 : 90 : 105
new ratio of students after increment.
c) 64 : 80 : 90 : 105
a) 144:207:275
d) 64 : 81 : 90 : 105
b) 154:217:275
47) Find the fourth proportion of 14, 18, 28
c) 154:207:275
a) 26
d) 154:207:276
b) 24
50) If the ratio between A and B is 7 : 13 and A
c) 36 increased by 24% and B decreased by 25% then find
the revised ratio
d) 38
a) 168 : 329
48) x varies inversely as square of y and given that
y=4 for x=4.Find the value of x for y=8 b) 168 : 325

a) 4 c) 168 : 345

b) 6 d) 168 : 327

c) 2


1) Answer: D Mean proportion of 81 and 9 =√(81*9)=27

Solution: 2) Answer: B

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
Solution: Then total number of people in the group initially = 5x +
2x = 7x = 7(30) = 210
(x + 2)/(x – 1) = 4/3
4) Answer: B
3x + 6 = 4x – 4
X = 10
Let income of B is 100x
Mean proportional to x and 4x=√x*4x =2x
Then income of A is 60x
=2(10) = 20
Let expenditure of B is 100y
3) Answer: C
Then expenditure of A is 40y
Given, income of A is 70% of expenditure of B
Initially, M : W = 5x : 2x
60x = (70/100)100y
After some people left then the ratio of M : W = 8y : 3y
6x = 7y
5x – 6 = 8y ---- (1)
Saving of A/Saving of B = (60x – 40y)/(100x – 100y)
2x – 6 = 3y --- (2)
Put the value of x in above
Solving (1) and (2) x = 30
= (70y – 40y)/((700y/6) – 100y)
Then total number of people in the group initially = 5x +
2x = 7x = 7(30) = 210 =30y/(100y/6)

Alternative Method =9/5 = 9 : 5

5x – 6 /2x – 6 = 8/3 5) Answer: C

X=30 Solution:

A:B:C:D=(1/5)y :(1/2)y:(1/3)y:(1/4)y

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
Let consider y=60 which is least common multiple of all Since B is common in both ratio, multiply A : B with 6
denominators and B : C with 4

A : B : C : D = 12 : 30 : 20 : 15 Then, A : B = 24 : 30

A – C = 20y – 12y = 8y B : C = 30 : 35

8y = 560 Combining the above two ratios

Y = 70 A : B: C = 24 : 30 : 35

Total amount = 12y + 30y + 20y + 15y = 77y = 77(70) = 8) Answer: C

6) Answer: C
R: G =5x : 2x
G=33 1/3% of B
A : B : C = 2x : 3x : 5x
2x = 33 1/3% of B
A2 + B2 + C2 = 4x2 + 9x2 + 25x2 = 38x2
2x = (100/3)/100 of B
38x2 = 342
B = 2x(300/100)
B = 6x
A + B + C=2x + 3x + 5x = 10x = 30
R : G : B = 5x : 2x : 6x
7) Answer: B
R + G + B = 91
13x = 91
R – G = 5x - 2x = 3x = 3(7) =21

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
9) Answer: A A:B=2:1

Solution: C = 2B

Ratio of three sides = 3x : 4x : 5x C:B=2:1

Sum of three sides = 3x + 4x + 5x = 180° B:C=1:2

12x = 180° A:B:C=2:1:2

X = 15° 12) Answer: B

Difference between smallest and largest angle = 5x – 3x Solution:

= 2x
=2(15) = 30°
Let x be the common multiplier then
10) Answer: D
A : B = 5x : 4x
A = B + 19
Consider 4A = 5B = 6C = k
5x = 4x + 19
A = k/4, B = k/5, C = k/6
X = 19
A : B : C = k/4 : k/5 : k/6
A + B = 5x + 4x = 9x
LCM of 4, 5 and 6 is 60.Consider this as k
=9(19) = 171
A : B : C = 60/4 : 60/5 : 60/6 =15 : 12 : 10
13) Answer: C
11) Answer: B
H : A = 9 : 10
A = 2B
10H = 9A ------- (1)
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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
(H + 50) : A = 1 : 1 B : G = 2x : 3x

H + 50 = A --–-- (2) 30% of G = (30% of B) + 6

Put the value of A in (2) 30% of 3x = (30% of 2x) + 6

H + 50 = 10H/9 9x/10 = 6x/10 + 6

9H + 450 = 10H X = 20

H = 450 B + G = 2x + 3x = 5(20) = 100

Half yearly marks = 45% of total marks

16) Answer: C
450 = 45% of Total
Let ratio be x.
Total marks 100% = 100*450/45 = 1000
Hence no. of coins be 10x ,5x , 2x respectively
14) Answer: A
Now given total amount = Rs.112
=> (10x)/4 + (5x)/2 +(2x) = 112
We get x = 16
The total number of coins=10*16+5*16+2*16=272
A : B : C = 35 : 28 : 32

The terms are: A = 35x, B = 28x, C = 32x 17) Answer: C

A + B : B + C : C + A = 63x : 60x : 67x Solution:

A + B : B + C : C+ A = 63 : 60 : 67 16:64::64:x

15) Answer: D Third proportion to 16 and 64 is given by = 64*64/16

Solution: =256

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
18) Answer: D P = 3F/4

Solution: 10 more students passed the exam

a/(b + c) = 1 : 2 ---(1) Then the ratio becomes,

By componendo method (P + 10) : (F – 10) = 23 : 19

(a + b + c)/(b + c) = (1 + 2)/2 = 3/2 ------- (2) 19P + 190 = 23F – 230

(1) ÷ by (2) 23F – 19P = 420 –----- (1)

a/(a + b + c) = 1/(1 + 2) = 1/3 Put the value of P in (1)

19) Answer: A 23F – 19(3F/4) = 420

Solution: 23F – 57F/4 = 420

a: (b – c) = 3 : 2 (92F – 57F)/4 = 420

By componendo method 35F = 420*4

(a + b – c)/(b – c) = 5/2 ---(1) F = 48

By dividendo method P = 3(48)/4 = 36

(a – b + c)/(b – c) = 1/2 ---(2) (1/3)P = Boys who passed

(2) ÷ (1)=> (a – b + c)/(a + b – c) = 1/5 Boys who passed = 12

20) Answer: D Girls who passed = Total passed – Boys who passed

Solution: = 36 – 12 = 24

Let P and F be the pass and failed students respectively 21) Answer: D

P:F=3:4 Solution:
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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
Valid : Invalid = 4 : 1 B = 120% of C

70% of valid vote = 6300 B/C = 6/5

100% = 100*6300/70 = 9000 A : B = 13 : 10

Valid – Invalid votes = 4x – x = 3x B:C=6:5

Since 4x = 9000 A : B : C = 78 : 60 : 50

X=9000/4 = 39 : 30 : 25

3x = 3*9000/4 =3*2250=6750 24) Answer: C

Difference between the valid and invalid votes = 6750 Solution:

22) Answer: A Male : female = (x + 2) : (x + 4)

Solution: Total population = 6400

Article 1: Article 2 = 5 : 6 X + 2 + x + 4 = 6400

120% of article 1 : 133 1/3% of article 2 = 120%(5) : 133 2x + 6 = 6400

X + 3 = 3200
= (6/5)(5) : (4/3)(6)
X = 3197
25) Answer: C
23) Answer: B
A = 130% of B
1/A : 1/B : 1/C = 1/5 : 1/7 : 1/9
A/B = 13/10
= 63 : 45 : 35
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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
26) Answer: C Solution:

Solution: Number => Pen : Pencil = 5x : 6x

Let a/7 = b/3 = c/5 = k Cost => Pen : pencil = 4y : 3y

A = 7k, b = 3k, c = 5k Total cost => Pen : Pencil = 20xy : 18xy

a : b : c = 7k : 3k : 5k % greater= (20xy-18xy)*100/18xy

=7:3:5 = 100/9 = 11.11%

27) Answer: B 29) Answer: A

Solution: Solution:

Total bill amount: 600 A : (B + C) = 2 : 5 (Total 7) ------ (1)

A : (B + C) = 1/2 B : (A + C) = 1 : 2 (Total 3) ----- (2)

A + B + C = 600 As both sums should be same, multiply (1) by 3 and (2)

by 7
3A = 600
(1) => A : (B + C) = 6 : 15
A = 200
(2)=> B : (A + C) = 7 : 14
B : (A + C) = 1/5
Since B = 7units, C = 15 – 7 = 8 units
A + B + C = 600
C/(A+B) = 8/(6+7)
6B = 600
= 8 : 13
B = 100
30) Answer: D
C = 600 – 200 – 100 = 300
28) Answer: B
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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
Let the income of A and B is x and y = 6 – 18/5 = 12/5

X + y = 5000 -------- (1) Revised

20%x : 30%y = 4 : 9 Expenditure : Saving = 18/5:12/5

x/5 : 3y/10 = 4 : 9 = 3 : 2 –----- (2)

2x : 3y = 4 : 9 On comparing (1) and (2)

x/y = 2/3 Saving is incremented by 1 unit which is equivalent to

Put the value of x in (1)
32) Answer: C
2y/3 + y = 5000
5y/3 = 5000
Y = 3000
X = 5000 – 3000 = 2000
3 – 2 units = 8
31) Answer: C
1 unit = 8
A + B = 3 + 2 = 5 units
Expenditure : Saving = 3 : 1 ------- (1)
A + B = 40
Income = 3 + 1 = 4 units
A2-B2 = (A + B)(A – B)
Income increases by 50% = 150% of 4 units =6 units
= 40*8 = 320
Expenditure increases by 20% = 120% of 3 units = 18/5
units Alternative method

Savings = Income – Expenditure A:B=3:2

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
a-b=8 A : B : C = 4x : 6x : 9x

3x-2x=8 A = C – 50

X=8 4x = 9x – 50

A2-B2=(3x)2-(2x)2 X = 10

=9x2-4x2=9*64-4*64 A + B + C = 4x + 6x + 9x

=64*5=320 = 19x = 19*10 = 190

33) Answer: B 1/5th of (A + B + C) = 190/5

Solution: = 38

Let the I and D be the Idly and Dosa respectively 35) Answer: C

2I : D = 2 : 5 ------- (1) Solution:

I : 2D = 1 : 10 –---- (2) Income A : B = 6x : 7x

Comparing (1) and (2) Expenses A : B = 4y : 3y

Savings = 2000 : 4000

Income of A=> 6x = 4y + 2000
So price of one idly is 1unit and one dosa is 5 unit
6x – 4y = 2000 –----- (1)
3I : 2D = 3(1) : 2(5)
Income of B=>7x = 3y + 4000

= 3 : 10 7x – 3y = 4000 ------ (2)

34) Answer: B Solving (1) and (2)

Solution: X = 1000

A:B:C=4:6:9 Sum of the incomes = 6x + 7x = 13x

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
=13(1000) = 13000 A – B = 900 – 600 = 300

36) Answer: B 38) Answer: C

Solution: Solution:

Ratio of income Raj : Raghu = y2/x2 Number=> Hen : Goat = 2 : 3

Ratio of savings Raj : Raghu =y/x Number of legs=> Hen : Goat = 1 : 3

Ratio of expenditures = (y2-y)/(x2-x) Let hen be H and goat be G

= y(y-1)/x(x-1) Then H : G = 2 : 3

= (-y)(1-y)/(-x)(1-x) 2H : 4G = 1 : 3 {legs count}

= y(1-y)/x(1-x) H : 2G = 1 : 3

37) Answer: C Difference between the legs = 2 parts = 80

Solution: Then, 1 part = 40

Let the shares be A and B Since H = 1 part then Total number of hens leg = 40

(A – 50) : (B – 25) = 34 : 23 Number of hens = 40/2 =20 (As, 2 for 2 legs/hen)

23(A – 50) = 34(B – 25) 39) Answer: B

23A – 1150 = 34B – 850 Solution:

23A – 34B = 300 --------- (1) A2 : B2 = 9 : 25

A + B =1500 ------------- (2) B2 – A2 = 144 (Since B>A)

Solving (1) and (2) Put the value of B2 in the above expression

A = 900 and B = 600 25A2/9 – A2 = 144

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
16A2/9 = 144 Z = 32 + 3 = 35

A2 = 144*9/16 41) Answer: C

A = 12*3/4 = 9 Solution:

A3 = 729 Initially S : G = 9x : 11x(Total 20x units)

40) Answer: C After exchange S : G = 7y : 13y (Total 20y uints)

Solution: Irrespective of the exchange total units is same (i.e.) 20x

= 20y
Let marks obtained by Ram and Raghu is x and y
respectively. The above expression is equal only when x = y

X:y=4:5 So, fraction of stones given by Sita to Geetha against her

original = (9x – 7y)/9x
Let cut off score is z then
Since x = y, put y = x in above expression,
X = z – 3 and y = z + 5
= (9x – 7x)/9x
Equating the above two expression for z then
=2x/9x = 2 : 9
42) Answer: C
Put the value of y = 5x/4 in above expression then
Let A, B, V and IV be the votes got by A,B and valid and
X – 5x/4 = - 8
invalid votes respectively.
-x/4 = - 8
V : A = 5 : 3 ----- (1)
X = 32
IV : B = 1 : 2 ---- (2)
Since cut off score z = x + 3
V : IV = 5 : 1 ---- (3)
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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
On comparing (2) and (3) Let the length and breadth be l and b respectively

V : IV : B = 5 : 1 : 2 ----- (4) L : b = 14 : 3

On comparing (4) and (1) l*b = 168 --------- (1)

V : IV : A : B = 5 : 1 : 3 : 2 Put the value of b in the above expression then

From the above, 3l/14 *l = 168

A:B=3:2 l2 = 56*14

43) Answer: C l = 28

Solution: Put l = 28 in (1) then b = 6

Valid : Invalid = 6x : 1x Difference l – b = 28 – 6 = 22

A : B = 6y : 5y (Since A = 120% of B) 45) Answer: B

Since total votes =7x Solution:

Votes got by A = 6y A:B:C:D=4:6:7:9

Votes got by A = (total valid votes*A’s part)/(Total parts A + C = 4x + 7x = 11x

of A and B)
3454 = 11x
= (6x*6)/11 = 6y (Votes got by A)
X = 3454/11
Votes by A: total votes = 6y : 7x
= 314
= ((6x*6)/11)/7x = 36/77
A + B = 4x + 6x = 10x
44) Answer: B
= 10(314)
= 3140
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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
46) Answer: C Since the given number are in proportion then,

Solution: 14/18 = 28/x

A : B = 4 : 5 -------- (1) X = 28*18/14

B : C = 8 : 9 -------- (2) X = 36

C : D = 6 : 7 ------– (3) 48) Answer: D

From (1) and (2) Solution:

Multiply (1) by 8 and (2) by 5 X = k/y2 (K is proportionality constant) –----------- (1)

Then, (1)=>A : B = 32 : 40 Put the values of x and y

(2)=> B : C = 40 : 45 4 = k/16

Therefore K = 64

A : B : C = 32 : 40 : 45 -------- (4) Put the value of y and k in (1)

From (4) and (3) From equation (1)

Multiply (4) by 2 and (3) by 15 x = 64/82 = 1

Then(3) => C:D=90:105 49) Answer: C

(4)=>A : B : C = 64 : 80 : 90 Solution:

Therefore, A : B : C = 7 : 9 : 11

A : B : C : D = 64 : 80 : 90 : 105 After increment,

47) Answer: C A : B : C = 110(7)/100 : 115(9)/100 : 125(11)/100

Solution: = 77/10 : 207/20 : 55/4

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Ratio and Proportion for SSC Exams
= 154 : 207 : 275 A : B = (24/100)(7) : (25/100)(13)

50) Answer: B = (6/25)(7) : (13/4)

Solution: = 42/25 : 13/4

A : B = 7 : 13 = 168 : 325

After respective increment and decrement

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