Report About: How Is Text Organized in Academic Writing?
Report About: How Is Text Organized in Academic Writing?
Report About: How Is Text Organized in Academic Writing?
Prepered by :
Khajo Boko
Mazin Khalaf
Najwa Haji
Kavi Sadq
Bushra Alias
Sawsan Hassan
Table of Contents
1.Introduction .
7.Conclusion .
8. References .
What is organization in writing?
How to Organize texts in academic writing ?
What are the key principles of organization in English?
Front-weighting can be done in various ways Like:
1. Reflection: This element involves reflecting on the topic or issue
being discussed, often by asking questions or making connections
to personal experiences. It can help to provide a deeper
understanding of the topic and generate new ideas.
3. Analysis: This element involves breaking down the topic into its
component parts and examining each part in detail. This can involve
comparing and contrasting different aspects of the topic or
identifying patterns and themes.
There are many ways of organizing a texts
Example: First, Rhett was late getting to school. Then, he lost his
homework. A few minutes later, the teacher asked him to clean out
his desk. Now Rhett thinks it will be a bad day.
Example: The best time to visit the Rocky Mountains is early fall. The
weather is cooler in the fall than in the summer. You will see fewer
people and more animals. The fall dolors are more beautiful.
Cause/Effect :The text shows that one event causes another thing to
happen. Look for words like "because," "then," "since," and "as a
Example: It rained for the first few days of the camping trip. As a
result, most of the campers were restless and wanted to go home.
When you understand how the writer has organized information, you
will understand and remember the text better. Writers organize text
in several different ways to fit their purposes.
Problem/Solution :The text is split into two parts: One part presents
a problem, and the other part gives the solution to the problem. Look
for words like "problem," "solution," "solve," and "plan."
Example: The city of Taylor has fifteen public swimming pools. In the
past, plenty of lifeguards
have been available for staffing the pools throughout the summer.
Most of the lifeguards were teenagers out of school for the summer.
This year, however, not enough lifeguards have signed up to work.
The city has started asking healthy, retired people to be lifeguards.
They will be trained by the city for free if they will agree to work 10
hours per week at a city pool. They will be paid $8 an hour for their
The problem: Taylor doesn't have enough lifeguards to staff its city
swimming pools. The solution: Encourage retired people to become
certified lifeguards and work at the pools
Example :My boat runs very well. It would be the perfect boat for a
weekend with the family, and/or water sports. The open bow makes
it ideal for bringing some extra people and catching some nice sun.
The boat has two covers, a V8 OMC engine, depth finder, Four Winns
trailer, open bow, and extras such as vest, fire extinguisher, and
uniforms? I believe they should not. First, clothing is a very
important way that kids express themselves . .
Example: You are writing a paper about the food pyramid. One
paragraph is devoted to the benefits of fruits and vegetables. One
paragraph is devoted to the benefits of breads and carbohydrates,
and so forth.
The text defines a difficult term or idea. The definition is stated and
expanded with examples and restatements. Look for bold or italic
words to emphasise new vocabulary.
Example: The pharaoh was the ruler of ancient Egypt. The pharaoh
was believed to have been the human form taken by the gods. One
of the best known pharaohs is Tutankhamen, who ruled during the
18th dynasty.
The text has details about people and events that tell a story.
Example: Allison looked at the ocean waves from the comfort of the
ship. She could stare at the waves for hours because they never
came back the same way; they were always changing. They were
nothing like the humdrum life on the ship, which consisted of short,
repetitive conversations and reading. There was nothing else to do.
Allison couldn't wait for the next stop.
Why Organizing texts is important in academic writing ?
When you’re preparing long form text, your goal is to make that
text as easy for your reader to absorb as possible. If the reader
has to double back to make sense of your article, or if it’s
presented in a babbling stream of consciousness from which
the reader must fish for your main points, your article will have
less impact.
Organization is the internal structure or design of a piece of
writing. It gives ideas direction, purpose, and momentum,
guiding the reader skillfully from point to point. Good
organizatior, holds a piece of writing together, making it easy to
see the big picture - much the way puzzle pieces fit to create a
recognizable image. It also makes the reading easier. Readers
can follow the writer's thinking easily when they have a pattern
to help them.
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