Songalia - Navigate 12.2

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by Angela Songalia

12.1 Navigate
Explain the influence of Social Media or Social Networking Sites (SNS)
01 in government decisions or policy making. Provide one example of an
SNS that gave influence in a certain government decision or during the
decision-making process of government.

Social networking sites and the social media can influence the public and
government policy making as it can organize people's opinion about a certain
issue and exert pressure on government in policy making. The social media
can organize people quickly as the communication is fast and simple and it
reaches to a huge group of people in a limited time. Social media has invoked
many policy initiative and it has even initiated democratic revolutions in the
world like the 2011 Egyptian uprising. How the use of two social media
platforms, namely Facebook and Twitter contributed to a discrete
mobilizational outcome: the staging of the a successful first protest in a
revolutionary cascade, referred to here as 'first-mover mobilization'.

As a Social Networking Site (SNS) user, what should be the right

02 attitude or approach in using Social Media in influencing government in
its decision-making process?

Most social media is the liked method in sharing the bulletin related to politics.
An important level of social, economic and political activity is popular on the
internet. As individuals buy and sell goods, search for the information, peruse
the web and share their happenings with colleagues, friends and family through
social networks, they build a vast amount of data. The data is used to develop
an insights. In the private sector it is being utilized to improve decision making,
understand customer behavior, enhance operational efficiency and recognize
new markets. The facts also compels the government to evolve new capacity to
know the information accessible. Partake in the summons in accepting the
digital age is that, in the amidst of fast changes, it’s quite difficult to know
where to place. What affects the society from social media is still unknown. It
definitely will not be there in a cure-well for standing the social problems; but it
can also add further extent to our knowledge of them. Social media in the
government is a game changer for decision making. Above all, not a lot of items
have altered the way the public links with the govts more than social media. On
social media, individual can grab direct conversation with the politicians, civic
officials, and even entire government firms. It also gives them a chance to grab
(1) Crisis Communication- The spread of COVID-19 is unrivalled in every facet

02 for the public sector, inclusive of communications. Public facts are asked to
give regular updates in unsettled times to an anxious public.
(2) Citizen management- Government can engage the population and make
them understand the policy through there social media.
(3) Trust is build- Social media gives an way to be much transparent. And
politicians open themselves up, the public will trust you more. Social media
gives a way to showcase the people that they exist.
(4) Save money- Traditional public outreach is quite expensive. In actual fact,
integrated agencies in the United States of America thrifts approx. $1.5 billion
per year on public relations and advertising only. Allow reactive public service
delivery that is sensitive to the needs of users, specifically at a local level.
Produce warning signs of public service delivery failure, specifically in the fields
of health, social care, law enforcement and transport. Social media can provide
as a critic outside the organization when the traditional warning signs have
failed. With social media in hand to all, the information and the news, is clear
and crisp, which disallows the government to perform any kind of corruption in
the system. If the politicians are doing any kind of wrong they have to be
presented as guilty in front of the world; where they have to stand answerable.

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