Bro Split 2 PDF

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Who is this program for? I see that pull-ups and chin-ups are included in the
This 4-week sample program is for YOU! If you ve been lifting on a
program... What if rm unable to perform these lifts?
traditional body-part split without a structured progression, this is a No problem! Feel free to sub in the lat-pull down
chance for you to dip your toes into a program focused on progressive counterparts (overhand/wide-grip on Day 4, and
overload. This program can also be used by powerlifters who are in an underhand/close-grip on Day 5). That said, total rep targets
off-season or hypertrophy block of training (12+ weeks out from for pull-ups/chin-ups is a great opportunity to build up your
competition) looking to focus on building muscle, increasing their work work capacity!
capacity, avoid burnout or injury from limited variations, and build up
some weaknesses. Note: Still looking to get your first pull-up? Find our
12-week extended pull-up guide here!
What is an SRM or 12RM?
Your BRM and 12RM stand for your 8-rep max and 12-rep max, which Why is week 4 so easy?
represents a weight you could challengingly complete for 8- and Week 4 is a planned deload. We tend to program in deloads
12-repetitions, respectively. When selecting weights, it is advised to err after every 3-6 weeks of challenging training. For this
on the conservative side if in doubt. It is more valuable to pick a weight particular deload, we prescribe consistent intensities with the
that you can hit for 8 reps today (even if you may feel like you have one first three weeks while moderating training volume.
repetition left in the tank upon completion) rather than an all-time PR Remember, it's better to take a planned deload, rather than
that may be out of reach at this point in time. waiting for a forced deload.

What are your favorite finishers? How would I go about adding cardio to this type of split?
This is your chance to be a bodybuilder for a day (or at least for a Cardio can be added at the end of your training sessions as
handful of sets)! During this section, feel free to pick whatever isolation desired. As this plan is relatively demanding, I recommend
movements you think will best complement the targeted muscle groups low intensity steady state cardio as opposed to other, more
trained that day. The recommended set/rep scheme is 3 sets of 12-20+ taxing variants.
reps per movement, but this is also an opportunity to use more
advanced bodybuilding techniques, for those more experienced lifters. Can this program be performed on a cut / bulk?
This includes drop sets, burnouts, super-sets, etc. For best results, this hypertrophy-oriented program should
be run while eating at a caloric surplus or maintenance. This
program can also be run while on a caloric deficit to best


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