Ammonia, Sulfur, Air N Water - 1

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Practice Test 6. The diagrams show the growth of four plants.

Nitrogen, Sulfur & their compounds, Air and Water

Student’s Name; _____________________________
1. To grow tomatoes, a fertiliser containing nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium is needed. For a good yield,
the fertiliser should contain a high percentage of
Which fertiliser is best for tomatoes?

2. Which place on the map is most likely to be producing

large quantities of sulphur dioxide?

Which element is acting as a fertiliser?

7. The diagrams show three experiments.

3. Which two other compounds should be added to

ammonium sulphate to make a complete NPK fertiliser?
C NaCl, Ca3(PO4)2 D NH4Cl, Na2HPO4
In which experiments is ammonia formed?
4. A student heats a mixture of ammonium chloride and A 1 only B 2 only C 3 only D 1, 2 and 3
calcium hydroxide. She tests the gas given off with damp
8. Which statements are correct?
red litmus paper.
1 Carbon monoxide is responsible for the production of
What is the name of the gas and the final colour of the
‘acid rain’.
litmus paper?
2 Oxides of nitrogen are present in car exhausts.
3 Sulfur dioxide can be produced by the combustion of
fossil fuels.
A 1 and 2 only B 1 and 3 only
C 2 and 3 only D 1, 2 and 3
9. Which statement describes a test for carbon dioxide
5. A new planet has been discovered and its atmosphere gas?
has been analysed. A It bleaches damp litmus paper.
B It relights a glowing splint.
C It turns cobalt(II) chloride paper pink.
D It turns limewater cloudy.
10. Water must be purified before it is suitable for use in
The table shows the composition of the atmosphere. the home.
Which processes are used to remove solid impurities and

Which gases are present in the atmosphere of the planet in

a higher percentage than they are in the Earth’s
A carbon dioxide and oxygen B carbon dioxide only (Compiled By: Bilal)
C nitrogen and oxygen D nitrogen only
11. (a) Sulfuric acid is made by the Contact process. ..............................................................................................
2SO2 + O2 2SO3
This is carried out in the presence of a catalyst at 450 °C ..............................................................................................
and 2 atmospheres pressure.
(i) Sulfur dioxide is made by burning sulfur. Name a source ......................................................................................... [2]
of sulfur.
(d) Fertilisers such as ammonium nitrate and ammonium
……………………………………………………………….[1] phosphate are solids.
They can get into lakes and cause excessive growth of
(ii) Give another use of sulfur dioxide.
(i) Explain how these fertilisers get into lakes.
(iii) Name the catalyst used. ..............................................................................................

………………………………………………………………..[1] ..............................................................................................
(iv) If the temperature is decreased to 300 °C, the yield of
sulfur trioxide increases. ......................................................................................... [2]
Explain why this lower temperature is not used.
(ii) What name is given to the enrichment of lakes with
………………………………………………………………..[1] nitrates and phosphates which leads to the death of plant
and animal life in the lakes?
(v) Sulfur trioxide is dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid.
This is added to water to make more sulfuric acid. Why is ........................................................................................ [1]
sulfur trioxide not added directly to water?
12. Clean air contains a number of different gases.
………………………………………………………………...[1] (a) State the names of the two gases which make up most
of the air.

…………………………….………………………………… [2]

(b) A sample of air is drawn through the apparatus shown

Structure A is sulphur. Explain why burning fossil fuels
containing sulphur is harmful to the environment.


………………………………………………………………. [2]

11. Ammonia is made by the Haber process.

(a) (i) Write an equation for the formation of ammonia in
the Haber process. (i) When the air is drawn through the apparatus, the lime
water turns milky. Which gas turns lime water milky?
......................................................................................... [1]
(ii) State the essential conditions for the Haber process.
(ii) The white (anhydrous) copper sulphate turns blue.
.............................................................................................. State the name of the substance which turns white copper
sulphate blue.
......................................................................................... [3]
(b) Ammonia is used to make fertilisers. (iii) Oxygen is removed from the air by passing it over
Explain why farmers use fertilisers. heated copper. Complete the equation for this reaction.
2Cu +…………. → …… CuO
......................................................................................... [1] [2]

(c) Many fertilisers are ammonium salts.

Explain why adding calcium hydroxide to the soil can
cause the loss of nitrogen from the ammonium salts added
as fertilisers.
(Compiled By: Bilal)

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